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Searching for a specific Final Fantasy VII site...


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Quite a while ago there was a discussion about FFVII and the story, probably sparked by some stuff in Advent Children. Someone posted a link to a website with some interesting articles and theories about FFVII's story. I remember it had a white background/layout, but I can't seem to find it :/

I know there are a lot of articles like these in the Gamefaqs database, but the one's at Gamefaqs aren't as well-written and clear as the ones I read on that website once (in my recollection). If this does sound familiar for somebody, please let me know :).
I'm not sure if it's the same site, but back when FF7 was still really popular there used to be a site that fleshed out the story of FF7 with some nice theories. It was a very plain website, white background and black text. I'd love to read that again. :/
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