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I'm not a crazy germaphobe by any means but from the images of it, that would make me feel ill just standing next to or being near it. it amuses me how some people will latch on the craziest things like this and say we should keep it, when it's just in my own opinion just disgusting and tacky.

It doesn't bother me at all. /shrug
Same here, the only time I ever go to Downtown a lot of the time is to bus transfer when I'm going to an event or meeting up with people. I don't find much interest in being downtown unless I have to.

My wife works downtown, so I'll sometimes pick her up after work. And other than the random event at Showbow or an M's/Sounders game I just avoid downtown and hang out in the neighborhoods.

It's mostly due to parking being a pain down there. Once light rail is up and running by my house, I might actually think about going there more.

Speaking of downtown, my wife's sister and our niece were in town from DC the other weekend. Took them down to Pike Place and rode the giant wheel. It was actually pretty cool. My daughter was super happy to finally ride it after driving by it all the time.


My wife works downtown, so I'll sometimes pick her up after work. And other than the random event at Showbow or an M's/Sounders game I just avoid downtown and hang out in the neighborhoods.

It's mostly due to parking being a pain down there. Once light rail is up and running by my house, I might actually think about going there more.

Speaking of downtown, my wife's sister and our niece were in town from DC the other weekend. Took them down to Pike Place and rode the giant wheel. It was actually pretty cool. My daughter was super happy to finally ride it after driving by it all the time.

I still haven't gotten on it. Would like to at some point.

I only bus/Uber/Lyft into downtown. Fuck finding parking, especially in Capitol Hill on Friday or Saturday night. Absolute nightmare.


I still haven't gotten on it. Would like to at some point.

I only bus/Uber/Lyft into downtown. Fuck finding parking, especially in Capitol Hill on Friday or Saturday night. Absolute nightmare.

I'm fortunate in that I live here and have never had to try. I *have* tried to park downtown and that's just a wretched experience.
I'm fortunate in that I live here and have never had to try. I *have* tried to park downtown and that's just a wretched experience.

I haven't had a problem parking in Capitol Hill, but we normally show up around 6 or 7 on a Friday/Saturday.

Downtown sucks other than a couple secret spots I always try first.
Is it as expensive as people say it is? Some people make it sound like San Francisco Jr.
- Yes, housing cost depends on where you want to live though. Some neighborhoods are more expensive than others.

Is the cost of living still rising or is it starting to lower (I heard the $15/hour wage is trying to counter the cost of living)?
- Still rising, property taxes may rise more after tomorrow as well (no on prop 1!). My property tax has gone up about 30% in the six years I have owned a home. It hits renters too, landlords will raise rent when their taxes increase.

Is the city very diverse?
- Yes

How is the city's nightlife?
- I'm too old to comment but from what I hear it is still very active (Belltown, Ballard, Capitol Hill, Pioneer Square, etc)

  • Is it as expensive as people say it is? Some people make it sound like San Francisco Jr.

    Less expensive than Southern California was when I was there. More expensive than Vegas.
  • Is the cost of living still rising or is it starting to lower (I heard the $15/hour wage is trying to counter the cost of living)?

    I feel like this is a difficult question to answer for me personally due to how much both my income and expenses have changed lately. Between babymaking, house buying, work promotion/bonus, house basement repair, 2 cars dying and needing replaced... I dunno.
  • Is the city very diverse?

    Yeah, for sure.
  • How is the city's nightlife?

    When people say "nightlife", I think "da clubs", which sounds like hell to me. We probably have some, and they are probably hell. On a less hellish note, we have a great music scene, a ton of breweries/distilleries, great restaurants and bars.

Thanks. I think I'll try diving in Seattle next year.


And Tim Eyeman and everyone who doesn't live in Seattle metro are continuing to do their best to gut those resources and cause budget woes for the State.


I still haven't gotten on it. Would like to at some point.

I only bus/Uber/Lyft into downtown. Fuck finding parking, especially in Capitol Hill on Friday or Saturday night. Absolute nightmare.

likewise, it's not fun driving around and around just to be disappointed


I go downtown to eat all the time; I don't really have trouble parking. There's plenty of spots if you are willing to pay.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Belltown and Pioneer Square are low on my list of places to go and getting lower all the time. PS, Seattle PD, there are criminals standing around doing crimes with absolute comical impunity in both those places all the time. Maybe you didn't notice.


Belltown and Pioneer Square are low on my list of places to go and getting lower all the time. PS, Seattle PD, there are criminals standing around doing crimes with absolute comical impunity in both those places all the time. Maybe you didn't notice.

I work in Belltown and live in Cap Hill and honestly, it's worse in Cap Hill right now. At least we have better restaurants, I guess.


Well they've tried a lot of tactics with the crack / meth / H dealers downtown.

Including having town hall meetings where they gave dealers immunity to come talk to the Police.

Problem is the cartels; they ship in new blood if you arrest their foot soldiers. And if you crack down in one hood in downtown all it really does is move the problem elsewhere. Or the Police resources eventually have to disperse and the dealers move right back in.


It's all rather fruitless; Seattle has crack epedemic that people barely talk about. My brother and my best friend were both addicts at one point or another; the stories they told about how prevelant crack dealing is in Seatle were disheartening. Not just downtown; U-District / Lake City are both loaded with crack dealers for instance.

As my brother would say.. "See a black guy with clean tennis shoes standing around, he will sell you crack. See a black guy with dirty tennis shoes on, he can point you towards a crack dealer." He doesn't mean that to sound racist or to sterotype; it's just a sad truth.


It's all rather fruitless; Seattle has crack epedemic that people barely talk about. My brother and my best friend were both addicts at one point or another; the stories they told about how prevelant crack dealing is in Seatle were disheartening. Not just downtown; U-District / Lake City are both loaded with crack dealers for instance.

As my brother would say.. "See a black guy with clean tennis shoes standing around, he will sell you crack. See a black guy with dirty tennis shoes on, he can point you towards a crack dealer." He doesn't mean that to sound racist or to sterotype; it's just a sad truth.

That's deep, hope your brother and best friend are doing better.. part of me was hoping you were making up these stories to scare off outsiders from moving to Seattle. :(


I'm hard pressed to think of a tax increase Seattle voters have ever turned down.
Besides the aforementioned 1098, I can't think of any either.

I'm ok with paying a higher property tax if it results in improved services.
I'm ok with it as well. I just question if I will benefit from said improved services (specifcally referring to Lets Move Seattle levy). Some will benefit for sure but I don't think I will. Public transit doesn't work for my work hours or outside of work hours for that matter. I generally have the dog in tow on the weekends and she's not going on the bus, lol. It's not the easiest or most convenient with a 2 year old either and I don't ride a bike. I would love sidewalks in NE Seattle, however!
Besides the aforementioned 1098, I can't think of any either.

I'm ok with it as well. I just question if I will benefit from said improved services (specifcally referring to Lets Move Seattle levy). Some will benefit for sure but I don't think I will. Public transit doesn't work for my work hours or outside of work hours for that matter. I generally have the dog in tow on the weekends and she's not going on the bus, lol. It's not the easiest or most convenient with a 2 year old either and I don't ride a bike. I would love sidewalks in NE Seattle, however!

I don't care if it benefits me directly. All about the greater good.

The greater good...


I don't care if it benefits me directly. All about the greater good.

The greater good...

I respect that opinion and I think it is one shared by the majority of Seattleites. However it's not my opinion. If I am being asked to pay more for services I would like to see some use out of it. It just passed and it's for nine years so there is a lot of time left to see how it pans out.

edit, I'm not really against the tax per se either, more the perception the pompous city officials put out, "Hey, you live in a nice city where people want to live, we need to improve transportation (definitely agree) so give us your money because we have some things we'd like to fix." Ok, so what exactly? The flier/website has a list of possibilities but what exactly? If I had expectations of what to expect I would be more for it. I think I have too high of expectations of government accountability.


I respect that opinion and I think it is one shared by the majority of Seattleites. However it's not my opinion. If I am being asked to pay more for services I would like to see some use out of it.

There may be other ways you can use public transit outside of getting to work. I think at this point, everyone agrees that we have a serious traffic problem and anything that can help work on that is something I'm going to vote for.
Apparently KPLU is being sold to KUOW? That sucks, I never listened to KUOW but I loved KPLU's output. I hope they can maintain that quality going forward.


Nope. They're turning it into a Jazz-only station. As a PLU alum, I'm very sad that KUOW is killing off their competition by buying them out.

That's pretty lame. Kind of assumed as a non profit/public radio station KPOW wouldn't feel the need to do something like that on purpose I guess.


On the subject of price I think the city's pretty darn expensive. My job right now is entry level which has kind of ruined my enjoyment of the city altogether. Looking for a place new place to move to has been pretty dang annoying too.

I hate these apodment propoe. They clutter up craigslist and have insane non refundable deposits. They also hire people that can even properly explain what the purpose for the deposit is.


The driving seems even worse than your typical beginning of the rainy season; guess it was that hot/mild first 11 months of the year.

Drove to JBLM and back twice yesterday (from North Seattle/Shoreline) and must have seen 20 vehicles in accidents. I'm probably under-estimating since in 1 instance I saw 9 cars on the side of the road by Northgate.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Someone just told us there's a crane a few blocks from the bakery here in Belltown that's just swinging around in the wind. Apparently it's owned by some Chinese developer that went bankrupt so there's no one keeping an eye on anything currently? Uhh... Glad my apartment isn't anywhere near that!

Those people have far more faith in the competency of WSDOT than I do.
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