one of my fav pic ever!!
this was taken 2 days ago i think?
Cascades or Olympics?
Yeah, Midwest, we got two equidistant soaring mountain ranges framed by lake or sound.
one of my fav pic ever!!
this was taken 2 days ago i think?
Cascades or Olympics?
Yeah, Midwest, we got two equidistant soaring mountain ranges framed by lake or sound.
Looks like it was taken from the visitor center.Weird angle. Looks like it was taken pretty high up.shit looks like Mount Doomfrom Seattle.
Incredible. And lightning is pretty uncommon here.Looks like it was taken from the visitor center.
Amazing picture by the way.
:-(its fake.
its fake.
what is?
haha!I can't find the original video in English, but Homer laughing about existing places always kills me:
Die Simpsons - Seattle
Yoo will be in sea aug 4th. Let's do things
Or I could stalk vein again :0
My GF and I are visiting Seattle for the first time in about 2 weeks.
Where's the best place to get a hotel that's close to record shops and artsy and cool bars/cafes/stores?
Not so much tourists, but it's not really worth checking out if you ask me.We might rent bikes (assuming there's places we could do that?) but I'm also down with walking and I also have a zipcar membership (in Toronto, but apparently it transfers over to the US cities as well).
It sounds like Capitol Hill is where we'll end up to start. Is the University District filled with douches/tourists or is it worth checking out too?
We might rent bikes (assuming there's places we could do that?) but I'm also down with walking and I also have a zipcar membership (in Toronto, but apparently it transfers over to the US cities as well).
It sounds like Capitol Hill is where we'll end up to start. Is the University District filled with douches/tourists or is it worth checking out too?
If you're north of the ship canal, Seattle is very walkable/bike friendly. Just hop on the Burke Gilman and you can get to U-District, Fremont, Ballard, etc.
Yeah, don't bother with the U District. My wife and I have lived here for almost a year and have been meaning to get out there for a while. We finally did a few weeks ago and weren't all that interested in much once we got there.
It's official! My move to Redmond happens August 27th. Going to DigiPen for their new Engineering and Sound Design program.
It's official! My move to Redmond happens August 27th. Going to DigiPen for their new Engineering and Sound Design program. It seems I'll be one of very few in it. Maybe it'll prove useful as something that's rare. No clue how needed that kind of thing is in the industry, but that's what I want to do. I know 343 has hired at least one person from the school.
I'm sorry.
Redmond is a snooze fest, but there are worse places in WA. I've lived in most of them.Why?
I'm coming from Florida. Don't tell me there's something worse in this country.
Redmond is a snooze fest, but there are worse places in WA. I've lived in most of them.
Can't wait to stalk you <3
But I hear digipen isnt easy to get into. Congrats.
I would be down for this. Any takers on a casual meetup sometime soon? If not now then PAX for sure.I think it's about time we get some drank in with some GAF peeps, eh? Heard anything about the PAX meetup for next month? If not, I'll likely host that again.
But I'm a snoozefest, you know that. It'll fit me perfectly.
It's a beautiful area in general geography wise. Very near the mountains. You'll get used to Seattlites panning the "East Side" (Redmond is basically the East of the Eastside), but don't take it too seriously. It's considered a nice place to live by many of it's residents. I'm not particularly a fan but I do think where it's situated is a pretty cool area. I like the plethora of rivers and streams and it's generally a heavily wooded area.
hah i dont have a pass either, just seems like a convenient time to pull off a meet of sorts.I would have loved to go but I didn't even know I was moving until long after passes were sold out. Oh well. All I have to get around is a bike anyway.
But I'm a snoozefest, you know that. It'll fit me perfectly.
Oh and thanks. The University of Florida left me feeling... unfulfilled. I can't be happy unless I'm doing what I love and chasing the dream. We'd probably get along in person.
It's a beautiful area in general geography wise. Very near the mountains. You'll get used to Seattlites panning the "East Side" (Redmond is basically the East of the Eastside), but don't take it too seriously. It's considered a nice place to live by many of it's residents. I'm not particularly a fan but I do think where it's situated is a pretty cool area. I like the plethora of rivers and streams and it's generally a heavily wooded area.
hah i dont have a pass either, just seems like a convenient time to pull off a meet of sorts.
Well what I'm looking for is a drastic change from the infinite, flat suburbs of south Florida. I've spent my entire life in a place I can only describe as street house street house street house highway house street house, with almost zero foliage and no variation in altitude. I think I'll be quite happy there.
We are staying at the Sheraton. Is it a pretty decent stay?
Is it the downtown Sheraton?
Solid hotel (I think, I'm judging mostly from the lobby), great location.1400 6th Avenue?
Solid hotel (I think, I'm judging mostly from the lobby), great location.