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Sega Dreamcast - Appreciation and Emulation Thread

Doesn't that page linked a few posts up specifically cite compatibility with those 15khz games?

You can trick the game to boot in 15kHz and then switch over to VGA mode, but unfortunately these specific games, along with JoJos and Gunbird 2, result in some glitched graphics, so it's not 100%


You can trick the game to boot in 15kHz and then switch over to VGA mode, but unfortunately these specific games, along with JoJos and Gunbird 2, result in some glitched graphics, so it's not 100%

Glitched graphics - ain't that an understatement. When I tried this method for Bangai-O it went all disco-seizure on me haha

I have some awesome games I haven't even played because after playing in vga going back to composite is just too painful...


I was interested in an Hanzo, but thanks to my love for Mars Matrix and Bangai-O (which are VGA incompatible), I think I'll go SCART RGB.

fuck, just picked up Mars this morning, too...how exactly are you gonna go SCART RGB m'man? please let me know, i'd prefer that over this VGA to HDMI setup anyway.


I was interested in an Hanzo, but thanks to my love for Mars Matrix and Bangai-O (which are VGA incompatible), I think I'll go SCART RGB.

According to the Retro RGB site:

Original Sega Dreamcast "VGA boxes" have gotten quite expensive, however you can find basic Dreamcast VGA cables (links on the right) very cheap. Personally, I prefer using a $60 adapter called the Hanzo: It outputs both RGB and VGA, as well as adds scanlines, which is really cool if you're playing it on a flat-screen TV:


The Hanzo works exactly as expected: If I turn on my Dreamcast with the switch in the VGA position, everything boots directly to 480p. If I turn it on in RGB, it boots to 480i and switches to 240p for compatible games.

and from what I've heard, some Dreamcast games don't support RGB. I don't think you can just pick one over the other.


According to the Retro RGB site:

and from what I've heard, some Dreamcast games don't support RGB. I don't think you can just pick one over the other.

the Hanzo has a switch for RGB & VGA? because it doesnt say so in the OP from what i'm seeing. it'd be a great option if it did, and why wouldn't you be able to just pick one or the other? if i'm understanding right, that's exactly what the last sentence of your quote says.

even if it did work that way though, i'd still have to find a better way to hook it up than this HDMI converter.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I suck so badly at Mars Matrix. So badly. ;_;

I've invested nowhere near enough time into Mars Matrix, but I do remember it being really cool when I bought it a few years back. But it plays sooooo differently from most shmups that I'm just like "WTF am I doiiiinnnnggg?"


it'd be a great option if it did, and why wouldn't you be able to just pick one or the other? if i'm understanding right, that's exactly what the last sentence of your quote says

Yeah, he says that but I went on to say:

Me said:
some Dreamcast games don't support RGB. I don't think you can just pick one over the other.

I looked into it a tiny bit. Couldn't find a solid list but these games don't have RGB support:

Giga Wing (US/JPN. PAL has RGB Support)
Skies of Arcadia/Eternal Arcadia (US/JPN. PAL supports RGB but loses VGA support and doesn't have a 60hz mode)
Street Fighter Alpha/Zero 3 (US/JPN. PAL version and JPN Matching Service version support RGB)
Super Street Fighter 2 X: Grandmaster Challenge for Matching Service (JPN)
Touken Retsuden 4 (JPN)
Vampire Chronicle for Matching Service (JPN)

To clarify, you can pick one or the other if you prefer certain games and are sure you will never play others or you can just switch to an s-video CRT or whatever. It seems like not every game plays VGA and not every game plays RGB, you need to cover both if you really want whatever game you're playing to look its best.


damn, them's some deal breakers. i'd need a PAL giga wing & alpha 3, make peace with my GC copy of Skies...well, shit.

again one thing that really confuses me to this day is that i seem to have no issue playing Mars Matrix or Bangi-O currently, at least the backups of them anyway...this HDMI converter, as i understand it, should just be a sort've pass through for the VGA signal, so i've never been clear why they work.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Currently copying Skies of Arcadia DLC to my VMU via homebrew.

Going for that full treasure hunter experience.


Like the lollipop and fish weapons? I remember it was just like a basic website that would let you download a couple of tiny unlock files on a dial-up goddamn modem.

My 4x card still has all the extra songs for Samba.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Anyone know how good of a port King of Fighters 99 Evolution is? I know the US version is censored, so I'd be buying the JP one. But I'm looking into it because it has a bunch of extra strikers, a couple new stages, and that soundtrack is incredible.

But I don't want it if it's a bum port. AFAIK, 99 Evo was the best KOF port of the bunch.
VGA dreamcast is the dogs, well worth spending £30 on a good vga converter.

I actually ordered a vga to hdmi this weekend so I can grab footage with my hdmi capture card, and to make it easier to use on my hd tv's

^I'm curious about this as well.

I have ones from Naki, SEGA, and Performance. The only physical difference between the three is that the Performance adapter has a pass through for a VGA signal, so you can hook your computer up to the monitor, as well as the Dreamcast. It was a fairly useful feature back in the day. But as far as the quality for sending a VGA signal from the Dreamcast, are there any differences?

Some super cheap made vga units can give you weird rainbow stripes over the screen, the vga box I own (grey square looking unofficial box) did such a thing however after about 2 months it suddenly cleared up, so maybe it was a loose connection or a vga cable itself causing it.
But I don't want it if it's a bum port. AFAIK, 99 Evo was the best KOF port of the bunch.
It's widely considered the best version of the game, even better than the original Neo Geo version. It's fantastic!

It is not considered the best King of Fighters game ever, though. That usually goes to '98 (Dream Match 1999), 2002, and recently, XIII. The former two are also available on the Dreamcast.

'99 does have the most stellar port, though. Lot's of enhancements over the original. I think the only difference between the U.S. and Japanese release is lack of blood and Whip missing one largely useless pistol attack. I think both have English, Spanish, and Japanese language options.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
It's widely considered the best version of the game, even better than the original Neo Geo version. It's fantastic!

It is not considered the best King of Fighters game ever, though. That usually goes to '98 (Dream Match 1999), 2002, and recently, XIII. The former two are also available on the Dreamcast.

'99 does have the most stellar port, though. Lot's of enhancements over the original. I think the only difference between the U.S. and Japanese release is lack of blood and Whip missing one largely useless pistol attack. I think both have English, Spanish, and Japanese language options.

Cool, that's what I want to hear. I'll pick up the DC version.

As far as how it ranks in the KOF series, I've always really liked 99 and 2000. I like the Striker system, and the pacing. That, and the aesthetics are worlds beyond all the games prior. While I have much more of an appreciation for KOF 98 now, 99 and 2000 were the first ones that really got me into the series, and I was surprised because I kinda hated it up until that point.

My favorite in the series will always be XI, though. Sooooo good.
Yeah, '99 and 2000 are great. I enjoyed the striker system. I never got the hate. I think '99 might be my most played game in the series. I played that non-stop for months when I got it sometime around 2000/2001. It might be my favorite, or at least real close. But I like them all. Well, maybe not 2001, mainly because of the abysmal presentation. Hah. It plays well enough, though, if you can get past that. Oh, and XI is amazing. I should really play it more. I really enjoyed tagging in that and 2003.

Anyway, here are the differences I can remember between the Dreamcast and Neo Geo versions of the games.

KOF '98/Dream Match 1999: Dreamcast version replaced all of the original 2D stages with polygonal versions, replaced the original soundtrack with an arranged version, and added some gallery features that made use of the Neo Geo Pocket link cable to help unlock preview images of '99, among other things.
The Dreamcast version unfortunately stops and restarts the music every time a new character enters a team match, which was not something that happened in the Neo Geo original, though it does not affect single character mode play.

KOF '99 Evolution: All stages were replaced with polygonal versions like in the previous game, but these are highly animated and constantly change during matches, so you'll see thing such airplanes land and depart as you fight. There are also a few new stages, I think. All are much better executed than in former game.
More strikers (such as alternate version of characters, Vanessa and Seth from 2000, and Fio from Metal Slug) were also added under an Extra Striker option. The original soundtrack was also replaced with an arranged version.

KOF 2000: Added an arranged soundtrack (the original might be selectable, but I'm not sure at the moment), tons of extra alternate strikers (one for each character, I think?), and classic stages and music from other Neo Geo games in versus mode. A sliding art puzzle mode was also added into the Gallery Mode.

KOF 2001: Added a versus puzzle mode, and I think a Gallery Mode. I don't recall any other changes at the moment.

KOF 2002: Added a Shingo and King as playable characters, and I think it added a Gallery Mode. I can't recall any other changes right now.

For '98, I'd also recommend the PlayStation 2 Ultimate Match version, which includes the new version of the game with tons of new features, and also includes a perfect port/emulation of the Neo Geo original. There's also an Xbox 360 version, but that version lacks the new stages, the Neo Geo version, and is also only in Japanese, for some reason.

For 2002, I'd recommend people just get either PlayStation 2 or Xbox version (which includes 2003, not available on Dreamcast), or the Unlimited Match version for PlayStation 2 (Japan-only) or Xbox 360. Both have more characters and other extras than the Dreamcast version.
There's also a Japan-only The Kings of Fighters NESTS Hen compilation that ported both the Neo Geo and Dreamcast versions of '99, 2000, and 2001 to PlayStation 2. 2000 and 2001 also had their own unique PlayStation 2 ports that were bundled together in the U.S., which are different from the Dreamcast versions.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Lotta detail there.

My thinking is that this is how I'll approach KOF:

94-97: Fuck those

98: I'll probably just grab the Neo version.

99: Dreamcast

2000: Probably Neo. I've heard there's some slowdown in the Dreamcast version, but again, I don't know what the accuracy is actually like. It does have the AST, though.

2001: Don't want it

2002: PS2 Tougeki version. Original 2002 has the most boring-ass everything outside of the gameplay. 360 port took out some of the features from the PS2 version and has ass netplay anyway.

2003: Xbox version is best

Neowave: Had fun with it at the time, but not worth owning

XI: Japanese PS2 version is best, because it has 480p whereas the US version doesn't.

XII: Sucks

XIII: Steam
Out of those, the only ones I don't have are NeoWave (which I meant to get, but never did), and XII (which is the only one I may never get). I did play NeoWave at a Chuck E. Cheese's once, though, but the controls were all busted up. Heh.

Anyway, since we're already on the subject of King of Fighters games, here's my current collection of the series:



^ So glad to see KoFEX2: Howling Blood! That's my absolute favorite handheld fighter (well, pretty close with Match of the Millennium). It's so good, I don't feel like I'm playing a scaled down game at all. Love it!

(And I'm more of a Capcom guy, but Howling Blood is still my go-to for portable fighting.)
^ So glad to see KoFEX2: Howling Blood! That's my absolute favorite handheld fighter (well, pretty close with Match of the Millennium). It's so good, I don't feel like I'm playing a scaled down game at all. Love it!

Hell yeah! I used to play it on the bus to and from school everyday. So damn good.

The first one sucks, though. Hah.


I have a crappy old VGA box knockoff I got from Racketboy probably 7 years ago and it works fine. It lacks any kind of s-video capability, which is a huge bummer because my CRT doesn't have VGA, just component and s-video.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Out of those, the only ones I don't have are NeoWave (which I meant to get, but never did), and XII (which is the only one I may never get). I did play NeoWave at a Chuck E. Cheese's once, though, but the controls were all busted up. Heh.

Anyway, since we're already on the subject of King of Fighters games, here's my current collection of the series:

See, this raises why the Dreamcast was such a great thing. The Dreamcast was really the first system that was capable of consistently arcade perfect ports. It was fantastic. It finally gave us the arcade experience without requiring us to go to Chuck E. Cheese's.

Because you have to understand, that was the only real place I could go to play arcade games, and I was old enough when the Dreamcast was out that I couldn't really go there anymore (a 6th grader at Chuck E. Cheese's? Puhleeeze.) And now, I'd look like a straight up pedophile hitting up those places. The point is, the Dreamcast came around at just the right time for me, and it introduced us to better-than-the-arcade releases.

Which, clearly, we didn't learn from, because Tekken 6, Tekken Tag 2, Virtua Fighter 5: FS, etc. etc.

I was like...20 when I played that at Chuck E. Cheese's. Hah. I think that's also the only time I ever went to one. It was a friend of mine's birthday, and we were all watching a movie, and she wanted to go there afterwards to play some games since it was right next to the theater, so we did. So there was a large group of young adults playing games at a Chuck E. Cheese's. Hah.

I grew up playing at a bunch of actual arcades. There were tons of them everywhere when I was younger. There were Stop N Play and Time Out arcade chains in every mall.

But, yeah, finally having arcade quality ports at home on the Dreamcast was fantastic.


Some super cheap made vga units can give you weird rainbow stripes over the screen, the vga box I own (grey square looking unofficial box) did such a thing however after about 2 months it suddenly cleared up, so maybe it was a loose connection or a vga cable itself causing it.
Hmm, haven't experienced the rainbow effect with my cables. Think I'm good.

A few other favorites of mine over VGA (aside from Soul Calibur) are Dead or Alive 2 and Phantasy Star Online. Everything's crystal clear, and the colors just pop, they're so bright and vivid.


So a year later I got another copy of this classic. This time it's all CIB and box and disc are in great quality. Hope this time it works.

Edit: And it does not.

Seems no matter what boot disc you use it simply won't boot. This is the only Japanese Dreamcast game I've ever had issue with as no other I own fails to boot with DC-X

Edit2: I love my ability to troubleshoot. Fixed the issue, had to use an RF cable instead of my amazing scart. So now the game runs just not with the same picture quality but at least it runs. Observed a pattern using the DC-X special menu and it seems I was right.

Fox Mulder

Super Runabout is such a hidden gem it's ridiculous. The reviews weren't very good when the game came out but man it is awesome. One of my most played DC game.

I love that game. I played the shit out a demo for it from the Dreamcast magazine back in the day.


been on a DC binge, mostly from forum stuff this last week: bought back -

Sword of the Berserk
Space Channel 5
Zombie Revenge
Chu Chu Rocket
Mars Matrix
Dino Crisis
Phantasy Star Online
Crazy Taxi 1 & 2
Toy Commander
Smash Pack
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Maken X
Confidential Mission
Time Stalkers (i was sold on the Yogurt cameo)
Unreal Tournament
NBA 2k
WWF Attitude
and a freebie Browser

still trying to find good prices on:

Sonic Adventure 1 & 2
Jet Grind Radioooooo
Samba de Amigo
Seaman (with mic)
Soul Calibur
Power Stone 2
Dynamite Cop
Cannon Spike
Giga Wing 1/2
Resident Evil: CV
Record of Lodoss War
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike (as well as Alpha 3)
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Cosmic Smash
Virtua Tennis 2 (didn't this come out here? cant seem to find it)

obviously it's gonna be slow going on stuff like Stone 2, Cosmic Smash, Cannon Spike, Rez etc but i'm hoping the rest won't hurt too much. oddities like Illbleed went up too high for my liking.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Jeez, dude, you ain't playin' around. I have a mint copy of Jet Grind Radio that I might be getting rid of at some point in the future. If I decide to part with it, I'll probably just give you the game next time I'm down in Florida, in exchange for an afternoon of drinking.

Anyway, I'm going through the list of things I wanna get for the Dreamcast, and holy hell. There's a lot. I don't even know where to start.
So a year later I got another copy of this classic. This time it's all CIB and box and disc are in great quality. Hope this time it works.

Edit: And it does not.

Seems no matter what boot disc you use it simply won't boot. This is the only Japanese Dreamcast game I've ever had issue with as no other I own fails to boot with DC-X

Edit2: I love my ability to troubleshoot. Fixed the issue, had to use an RF cable instead of my amazing scart. So now the game runs just not with the same picture quality but at least it runs. Observed a pattern using the DC-X special menu and it seems I was right.

It's a pretty good game, and I'm glad your copy runs, but it's odd that it doesn't work well instantly. I've had a copy via ebay for many years that worked just fine with either Utopia or a GS-X.


^you're a champ! gonna hold you to that man, even if JGR isn't involved, heh.

it's honestly not a bad time for common DC stuff either, outside of sturmwind (30) and Mars Matrix (30) none of that cost me more than $10 each, numerous ones were more like $5 in a lot, which i thought was great for CIB...even if the cases are dinged up, they can be switched out.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
It's nice that prices are still cheap on some of the stuff I need, but unfortunately, there's some really expensive shit I still have to pick up, too. I wanted Power Stone 2 back in 7th grade, but I said to myself "no, I don't really need to get that." Goddammit, self, what the fuck?


At least I had the sense to buy Project Justice and Shenmue II and all those.

And I have Border Down and Under Defeat, both of which I really need to play again. Some of the best shooters ever.

I figured out what the first thing I wanna nab is, though. Heavy Metal Geomatrix. A hidden gem if there ever was one. It's an arena fighter like Spawn: In the Demon's Hand, but it's really polished, has an awesome soundtrack, and is just ridiculously fun. I never actually played Spawn, so I dunno how favorably it actually compares.


Heavy Metal Geomatrix. A hidden gem if there ever was one. It's an arena fighter like Spawn: In the Demon's Hand, but it's really polished, has an awesome soundtrack, and is just ridiculously fun. I never actually played Spawn, so I dunno how favorably it actually compares.

okay, that does look cool - the protag even looks like Hetfield, haha. would've been great if it had online like i hear Outtrigger did.

Spawn is an arcade type of game that is way better than you'd expect based on the generic SNES beat-em-up and terrible PSX game, i don't even recall getting terribly far but every time i'd boot it up i'd be like "man this is way more fun that a Spawn game should be."

that's literally the extent of my review. it's as you said - arena shooter, interesting OST but not as polished, i wanna say?

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
okay, that does look cool - the protag even looks like Hetfield, haha. would've been great if it had online like i hear Outtrigger did.

Spawn is an arcade type of game that is way better than you'd expect based on the generic SNES beat-em-up and terrible PSX game, i don't even recall getting terribly far but every time i'd boot it up i'd be like "man this is way more fun that a Spawn game should be."

that's literally the extent of my review. it's as you said - arena shooter, interesting OST but not as polished, i wanna say?

I remember the game getting panned for the camera, but I could've sworn they improved it for the US release or something like that. I can't remember. I've always wanted to try it out, though.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Question: How was Record of Lodoss War? I know it was pretty similar to Diablo, but did it put its own unique spin on that formula, and is it still worth playing?

That's another one of those games I really wanted but never bothered to actually buy. Sigh.


^i still don't get the Hanzo - so you can switch between RGB & VGA, but that won't get you around every game or something? and that adapter to SCART that this page is talking about is stupid expensive too, there's gotta be a better way to hook it straight into the XRGB.

i havne't played Lodoss War much but the time i spent with it made me want more...it's been praised here recently too, said to hold up well.
I know im ill probably be in the minority, but I like RoLW more than Diablo 2. Might be the fact that I played Lodoss War first. Very lenghty with tons of loot and extra dungeons. You also get plenty of space to put you stuff in unlike Diablo.

It does have an interesting leveling systen, where you dont pick a class or skill points, but instead inscribe runes onto your gear that permenantly raise skills.

One thing from this game what I wish more games had are the display cases in your base. Love seeing my hard earned gear on display.

The same Developer also made Shining Force Neo and Shining Force EXA, both of wish play similarly and are also excellent
^i still don't get the Hanzo - so you can switch between RGB & VGA, but that won't get you around every game or something? and that adapter to SCART that this page is talking about is stupid expensive too, there's gotta be a better way to hook it straight into the XRGB.

i havne't played Lodoss War much but the time i spent with it made me want more...it's been praised here recently too, said to hold up well.

I remember hearing complaints about lodoss war's footstep sound effects. od complaint but let us know how you feel about them.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Skies of Arcadia gets checked off the list after a thorough ~60 hour investment. Glad I dusted it off, although now I'm more determined than ever to not buy another RPG until I get through what I already have.

Between the fiery boomerang-wielding multi-target female co-star, generic magic + character-specific skills, the Hunters Sailors Guild, and first bosses reappearing as random encounters in the very short and final dungeon passageway, there were more than a few echoes of PSIV to go around, which hits just the right notes for me.

Didn't even mind that airship battles consisted >50% of obnoxiously long idle animations if it means I get to listen to that battle theme on loop the whole time.


Place nearby has Tech Romancer for about 50 bucks iirc... May have to go in and trade some of my stuff that I haven't been able to sell...
I missed out on Tech Romancer. It seems like something I would dig.

I had always assumed the JP version used licensed mecha while the American one replaced them with generic stand-ins, but that doesn't seem to be the case. They were always original mechs based on mecha anime tropes.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I missed out on Tech Romancer. It seems like something I would dig.

I had always assumed the JP version used licensed mecha while the American one replaced them with generic stand-ins, but that doesn't seem to be the case. They were always original mechs based on mecha anime tropes.

Yeah, Tech Romancer was cool. Very different, too. The most apt comparison is probably Cyberbots, just in terms of how weird the mechs' fighting styles are, but it's even weirder than that game was.


Place nearby has Tech Romancer for about 50 bucks iirc... May have to go in and trade some of my stuff that I haven't been able to sell...

Good God. I remember when Tech Romancer was a joke constantly on clearance, even after most DC games were out of retail. Has the DC used market really gotten that silly?
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