Are the Dreamcast ports of the Resident Evils better than the PSX originals in some way?
They are basically the PC versions. Way better than the PS1 versions.
Are the Dreamcast ports of the Resident Evils better than the PSX originals in some way?
why not just get a new battery? aren't they like $3 at any CVS?Dumb question here:
I'm putting a dreamcast in a New Net City cabinet with controls through the jamma. It looks great, but since the battery is dead I have to set the date/time every power up. I can't seem to make it past that screen. What button do I hit once "select" is highlighted? I though I remembered it being A but I could be wrong.
I've heard that the controller will not initialize properly if there's something wrong with it also. So I may have to connect the 6th button to the cabinet, since the jamma board only goes 5 buttons.
Hey DCgaf I was wondering on what you guys think of maken X. I bought the game new off amazon and started playing it about a month ago. First few levels were fun but I have yet to return to it since(I got stuck on this one level, very annoying) . Was wondering if it's worth continueing.
30lb box, wasn't expecting it to be so heavy.
Brand new, official, Dreamcast Race Controller.
Space Channel 5, of course.
Yep, that's 50 sealed copies of MSR. Including 40 sealed in an original shipping box.
So...yeah, got some stuff in today, all the way from Germany.
So...yeah, got some stuff in today, all the way from Germany.
Any idea if the MSR versions are first print? the first run of the game had some big glitches in it including the driver missing his arms randomly when loading a race and that even if you lost a tournament at the end of a chapter you still won and progressed, sega allowed people to send in their copy to exchange it for free with an updated build, bet that cost them some money.
I sadly have two early revisions.
It wasn't a commercially successful console.How come there's A LOT of sealed Dreamcast games kicking around?
Just opened one and it's revision:
Which apparently is the final revision. Is this version rarer, or?
How come there's A LOT of sealed Dreamcast games kicking around? Were they all retrieved from some abondoned warehouse or something? Was looking for a copy of Jet Set Radio online and almost decided on picking up a fresh sealed copy for only a couple of £ higher than a used copy but I couldn't bring myself to break the seal when it arrives as I really want to play the game![]()
I agree. It's hard to resist when it's only slightly cheaper though. I get sick pleasure from opening a brand new Dreamcast game.If you intend on buying a game to play, might as well go for a good used copy, leave the sealed copies for the collectors who are going for a full sealed collection, which is a silly thing to do IMO.
If you intend on buying a game to play, might as well go for a good used copy, leave the sealed copies for the collectors who are going for a full sealed collection, which is a silly thing to do IMO.
Yup. I agree. Don't usually go for sealed games and don't understand people who pay crazy money and collect them. But like emb stated, it was only a few quid more than a used copy and at least it gaurantees that it'll be a decent, clean working copy (assuming it isn't a faulty copy) of the game but I couldn't bring myself to break the sealManaged to get a used copy with the manual and all the leaflets for around £4 anyway so I'm happy
So one day i found my dreamcast in the dost. i order a new gamespad 2 vibration packs memory unit and cabels to only find out my dreamcast is somehow not working like it jused to. It jumps to the dash when it feels like iti did clean the leaver clutch and stuff but didn't help
now i can't enjoy it as much as i did back in the days.
Who has used the SD card backup thing?
Why?I do. Never use it.
I haven't used it myself, but I've heard the access speeds are slower than off a GD-ROM. To the point games will experience slowdown trying to read data.
That's super duper lameThe port the SD adapter plugs into is slow compared to the GD-ROM reader so it does lag and struggle to load games. Some games do run fine though after you get them running.
You shouldn't have any issues, but if you're really concerned about it, Some VGA adapters have RCA audio output:
Gunbird 2 is pretty good. I'm not a huge Psikyo fan but I got enjoyment out of it.
Who has used the SD card backup thing?
Hero you're killing it lately man, that's about the price i see DC's for on craigslist but the controllers & VMU price is solid, fast finds too! Soul Reaver's great but spoiler: the ending is terrible, haha
Soul Reaver... as I recall, that game was actually better on Dreamcast than it was on PC. The DC had higher poly models and some other stuff, I think.
I really should pick it up sometime. I've never actually played a game in that series.
I played Rayman 2 for a couple of hours this week.
Still love it, I think it's one of the finest 3D platformers from this era to me. Dreamcast version is the shit, not that I have anything against Revolution but I prefer the OG version.
Are the Dreamcast ports of the Resident Evils better than the PSX originals in some way?
Dc version of 2 is better than the gc one(more content, better visuals). The button mapping is screwed up in the dc version of 3 so I stick to the gc version despite the DC's exclusive costume.
I don't play CV so I wouldn't know. I assume the button layout is better on the gc since the DC version's is screwed up.
The game is higher res but the backgrounds still seem to be PSX resolution for RE2, but anything polygon based is in 620x480 now.
button map sucks on re3 I spent a few minutes in order to find a descent button layout and it seems ther's no 60hz optionand the VMU do not diplay ammo ...