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Sega Dreamcast - Appreciation and Emulation Thread


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Gaf, what's your favorite DC game that hasn't been ported to other systems?
Hard mode: game itself is not a port from arcade.

That's an easy one: Shenmue Ecco the Dolphin would be my second choice.

My favorite non-Sega DC game that qualifies? Probably Toy Commander, or maybe Armada. I had a lot more fun with Armada than I ever thought I would.
Maybe I'm old-fashioned but emulation as a substitute to purchasing a game will always rub me the wrong way.

Unless you already own Shenmue and that's not what you were suggesting at all

I just prefer emulation for preservation of the original media (as tons of people have noted broken/not working discs) and for convenience. Admittedly since I've never played the originals I also don't have the same kind of real hardware nostalgia as some.


Gaf, what's your favorite DC game that hasn't been ported to other systems?
Hard mode: game itself is not a port from arcade.

Outside of Shenmue the ones that come to mind are:
Seventh Cross Evolution
Treasure Strike

I'd have to go with D2 or Seventh Cross Evolution.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Leaving the Dreamcast on while i use my computer is like having an aquarium on my desk. The soothing sounds of the fan droning~


Christ, I missed out on a fantastic dreamcast bundle last week by like 5 quid. Had a dreamcast with shenmue and shenmue 2 and 8 other games. Sold for £90 last Friday. Since e3 the shenmue prices have gone mental. I'm kicking myself when harder now then when I lost the auction.


Gaf, what's your favorite DC game that hasn't been ported to other systems?
Hard mode: game itself is not a port from arcade.

Damn... I always play in hard mode... so this is a tough question for me.

Bangai-O technically fits. The game itself is an enhanced port from N64.


Something about racing through the empty streets of London at night was so absorbing. Good times.
I like how you think. Personally, I prefer Tokyo and San Francisco, but all three towns are great.

The radio is great, down to the details like loosing signal when in tunnels.


Quick question.

I have a PAL DC and an RGB cable, this is my best option on an unmodded console right?
Buy a VGA box. Also be aware that PAL had an ever so slightly lower amount of VGA compatible games so the RGB cable helps there. What you might be interested in though is that the VGA functionality is set via bootflag and some bootdisks can allow you to bypass it.



I just got my new copy of Sturmwind in the mail, and I can't get it to play. I have 3 Dreamcast systems and none will play it.

The systems can all play the audio files on the main menu just fine. I have tried both VGA and component video out. The disc will boot, go to the epileptic seizure warning screen, and then say it has detected a VMU in slot 1 of the controller. The screen goes black and nothing happens. No sound. No picture. During this process, all 3 Dreamcast's CD-ROM drive will wind up and wind down a few times. The VMU also displays "Sturmwind" on its screen.



Just tried again with the VMU removed and the game finally booted! How odd... I will try it on all 3 systems and on VGA too.

***EDIT 2***

Other systems can play it too with VMU removed from controller and with VGA output.
Buy a VGA box. Also be aware that PAL had an ever so slightly lower amount of VGA compatible games so the RGB cable helps there. What you might be interested in though is that the VGA functionality is set via bootflag and some bootdisks can allow you to bypass it.

I'll look into that, thanks a lot!

edit: What you mean is that even the non-VGA compatible games can be forced into that mode right? Just burn a bootdisk and then swap my DC game on the console?


Quick one from me, too (not sure if the guy above is asking the same question), and didn't want to create a new topic for this.

I want to play my DC on my HDTV, and have been hearing lots of people say to buy a VGA "box." My HDTV has a VGA/PC port on the back, so do I still need to buy a box, or is a random third party VGA cable perfectly fine on its own (e.g. like this one)?

And yeah, I'm PAL.

Many thanks!

Edit: ordered a VGA cable, so will see how it turns out.
I'm sitting here, looking at my PAL version of Rez, rather wanting to give it a go after all these years. My Dreamcast however is 10,000 miles away. I thought I'd give emulation a try, but my PC isn't able to read the GD-ROM sadly.

Is my only option to purchase a local DC and boot disk? Or is there anyway to use the disk with my PC?

Edit: I think I'll go purchase a local DC



roommate bishopcruz was playing Shenmue, and my dumb kitten jumped on the cable & pulled the system down from the shelf...it was upside-down & still running. we thought it might be okay, but it locked when we tried to reach the next area...now it won't finish booting any discs, just keeps loading forever. =/

this is the one i had region & CD-R modded, so it sucks...we're guessing the disc drive is out of alignment or something. any ideas?


I like how you think. Personally, I prefer Tokyo and San Francisco, but all three towns are great.

The radio is great, down to the details like loosing signal when in tunnels.

I think being English I liked the familiarity of the roads and street furniture. All the cities were good. San Francisco's roads were fun, it is car-chase city after all.

I don't know why I didn't enjoy PGR quite as much, objectively it's probably the better game. It just didn't have the same atmosphere for me. Or maybe I'd just moved on by that point.

Finally ordered a VGA adaptor for my DC. Can't wait to start my replay of Shenmue I & II.

The Dreamcast looks great over VGA, even on an LCD display. Better than the other pre HD consoles IMO, even though they're more powerful. I always favoured the colours and crispness of the DC anyway.


this is the one i had region & CD-R modded, so it sucks...we're guessing the disc drive is out of alignment or something. any ideas?

Weird, as CD-Rs don't need a mod and region free gaming can be enabled through a boot disc. A boot disc you could even burn, on a CD-R no less.


Have there been any recent improvements on the Dreamcast emulation front? A friend wants me to stream Shenmue 1 & 2 for himi, but whenever I've tried I always have issues with shadows and some other weird graphical glitches. Turning off the options that enable character shadows fixes the biggest problem, but it would be nice to be able to play it with everything working. I skimmed the last few pages and didn't see anything so I'm assuming not, but thought I'd ask anyway.

Alternatively is there a recommended vga to hdmi converter box to stream from my Dreamcast? I'd kind of prefer to emulate it since my Dreamcast has disc reading issues even after adjusting the potentiometer, but I think I can make it through if I play with my DC upside down.


Loves Robotech S1
i haven't actually used my dc in a few months, and i just realized that while i have a vga box that also outputs s-video, my new tv doesn't actually support either vga or s-video! _| ̄|○

gaf, what do?
i haven't actually used my dc in a few months, and i just realized that while i have a vga box that also outputs s-video, my new tv doesn't actually support either vga or s-video! _| ̄|○

gaf, what do?

You could get a vga to hdmi adapter. Not that expensive and works pretty good provided it's not some chinese 2 bucks knock-off.


Loves Robotech S1
You could get a vga to hdmi adapter. Not that expensive and works pretty good provided it's not some chinese 2 bucks knock-off.

yeah, that is the most obvious choice, even though i was hoping to possibly avoid adding yet more conversion boxes to the pile.

does anyone have any adapter recommendations based on personal experience?


Found my Dreamcast at my dad's house today. The controller+memory card and the power adapter were there. Missing the video cable, but I'll just order one off of ebay.

I couldn't find Shenmue though. No idea what happened to it.

When I got home I opened the Dreamcast and there was Disc 2 of Shenmue. :( Such a damn tease.

Looks like I'm spending 70+ bucks on a copy come pay day. Sigh.


let me guess.

you were playing this session


You should have given it that dried fish you bought from Tomato.

...walked right into this

Weird, as CD-Rs don't need a mod and region free gaming can be enabled through a boot disc. A boot disc you could even burn, on a CD-R no less.

yeah, everyone knows this - i don't like using boot discs if i can avoid it, so the mod chip's helpful with that. there's also stuff that can't be played otherwise without said modding, but that's neither here nor there.

for real, anyone have any experience opening up a DC & realigning the drive/etc?


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
does the dreamcast version of shenmue 2 use bloom lighting in night cutscenes? been a long time since I played DC ver, playing through on XB now and it looks really nice.
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