NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Sega Financial Report Reveals Interest in Rebooting Dormant IPs
A financial report from Sega Sammy reveals that the company has interest in potentially rebooting or remaking dormant IPs like Jet Set Radio.

A recent financial report from Sega revealed that the company will be reevaluating its current list of IPs to determine which properties could potentially see a remake, remaster, or even a reboot. The report reveals the full list of active and dormant IPs, which Sega is currently holding under examination.
The current list of active IPs include Sonic, Yakuza, Phantasy Star, Total War, Persona, and Megami Tensei. A recent interview with Sega Vice President Shuji Utsumi revealed the company’s hopes for a potential new Sonic game. However, the list of dormant IPs are more expansive and feature franchises that have not received new titles for more than a handful of years. The titles on the list include:
- Crazy Taxi
- Jet Set Radio
- Space Channel 5
- Rez
- Panzer Dragoon
- Shinobi
- Virtua Fighter
- Altered Beast
- House of the Dead
- Soul Hackers