Was there ever a fan-translation of the Saturn version? That one looks absolutely beautiful.
*edit: just found an old micro SD that i'm gonna format (FAT-16! *nods to peagles) in anticipation of my Mega Everdrive....it's 8GB, is that too large? should i hunt down a 2 gig or is that just the max it'll read? all i gotta do now is find some unwanted shells...
Was there ever a fan-translation of the Saturn version? That one looks absolutely beautiful.
Here's some pics of the box.
2GB is too small for holding everything Megadrive (nor Master System and 32x). You want 4GB minimum (the total file size is about 2.5GB. Mega Everdrive, nor any other Everdrives iirc doesn't have any limitation regarding formatting and card size anymore. You can use any SD, SDHC, SDXC as long as they are formatted in a FAT filesystem (FAT32 is the way to go).
The previous owner actually cut-out and mailed in the proof of purchase. Who does that?
okay, so i should be golden with this micro then, awesome! also you sure it's 32, i thought flashcards fancied FAT16?
^nice box!
okay, so i should be golden with this micro then, awesome! also you sure it's 32, i thought flashcards fancied FAT16?
this is me with flashcarts
Or is it more
Glad to see you got in on that. If I see something like that come up again il try to throw it in this thread to let people know.Seriously. it gets forgotten a lot.
group buy for Mega Everdrive that i'm hoping to catch in on last minute has the naked PCB for $115 shipped, and from what i've seen, i can't beat that with a bat. i go through with this, i just need what, a cart i don't want, and to have someone more talented cut/dremel/whatever a hole for the SD & SMS pause buttons, yeah? i know i've seen a good cart label for it, where would i go to print it on nice adhesive paper, anyone done this before?
Glad to see you got in on that. If I see something like that come up again il try to throw it in this thread to let people know.
And let me know how that works. Right now I just went with the Everdrive 64 since I want to put my games back in there boxes and put them in box protectors. Will probably do the Mega Everdrive next time, since it looks like October he might try to do another group buy.
will do man! i'm looking through my torn label C-tier carts for donors & selecting a label (still gotta sort that out), got everything else lined up i believe. if i can get some more overtime/justify the expense i'd love to get another one in the next go - was looking into it and for the cost of a SD2SNES, i could get a Super Everdrive + Turbo Everdrive and still have $ left over...since i have most of the games the Super doesn't play, really leaning towards that direction. prolly should've done this years ago, heh.
Needs an "Epic Fail" caption
Took me a minute, but I see what they did there. The voice clips in the "original" sound kinda choppy - like it's taking an intermittent pause every few milliseconds. The "improved" section doesn't have those pauses, so it sounds a lot smoother.Someone made an improved sound patch for SF2CE for some reason
hey there's a guy on the CGR forums saying Mega-CD & 32X in euro land can cost up to 500 euro...there's no way that's possible, right?!
Took me a minute, but I see what they did there. The voice clips in the "original" sound kinda choppy - like it's taking an intermittent pause every few milliseconds. The "improved" section doesn't have those pauses, so it sounds a lot smoother.
Have you seen the arcade original? It's so much more cheery and cute. I wonder why they went all grimdark on the home conversion? Maybe it wasn't successful in the arcade.Insector-X: i like this one's style! mean though, totally does the R-type thing where you feel boned if you die & lose your weapon. gonna spend some time with this one.
Willie Beamish - from that sierra era of everything-equals-game-over, haha...had to replace my boxed copy when i had the chance, but there's no way i can see myself finishing this one again. i was always curious to see if i could actually win at the frog race though.
Have you seen the arcade original? It's so much more cheery and cute. I wonder why they went all grimdark on the home conversion? Maybe it wasn't successful in the arcade.
The arcade version was originally pitched to Taito as a sister series of Darius with insects instead of fish, but Taito had them change the visual style halfway through development for whatever reason. The MD version doesn't actually use the original assets but it was designed to reflect their original proposal.
Opinions on how X-Men 2: Clone Wars and Ristar hold up?
Opinions on how X-Men 2: Clone Wars and Ristar hold up?
And everybody stays suspiciously silent about X-Men 2.
X-Men 2 has a cold opener. That's something at least.