Street of Rage 1/2 was better than Final Fight. Seriously.
Street of Rage 1/2 was better than Final Fight. Seriously.
That's always the argument people have used for PS1 v. N64 -- that the N64 has the best games, but the PS1 has a lot more games. And it's very true. There are many times more PS1 games than N64 games, but as I said, the N64's Nintendo-published titles particularly are overall better compared one-on-one in most cases. In terms of quantity vs. quality, I think I'll still stick with quality, as I always have. Sometimes one system has both quantity AND quality, like the NES versus the 7800 and SMS, but when it's divided, as with the N64... quality matters.They are great, but i don't think half of the games they made aged well, though i don't think a lot of stuff aged that well. Also, the volume of good games outweighs that on the N64. None of the ports are the best, so any multi-platform was almost always better on PS1. JRPG stuff i have to disagree, stuff like FFIX is better then Paper Mario, though TTYD is really the best, but that isn't N64.
I think it deserves that place, though. My next favorite Zelda games after OoT are LA, TP, and OoA. (Zelda is my favorite console-game series.)Also, OOT is not the greatest Zelda game ever, let alone the greatest game ever. That argument needs to fall of a cliff and die.
Ehh, I know that hating on the 5th generation because of its very rough early 3d is popular, and understandable, but maybe because I did play lots of PC and N64 games in the '90s, I like that era in gaming. I like the 5th gen more than the 3rd, overall, myself; I know most people love the NES, but I like all three major 4th gen consoles (SNES, Genesis, TG16) more, and the N64 as well. Of Nintendo's TV consoles the NES is probably better than the Wii U is so far, but I'm not sure what else... but as you say, this is all opinion. When you're comparing consoles that are so different, from different console generations, it's probably next to impossible to make an objective comparison.Though, since this is all opinions, its mute. I don't wanna clog a Sega Genesis thread with discussions of what was the best during arguably the worst console generation currently. Well, besides Atari, but that's like picking on your grandpa. That's just mean.
As far as favorite systems, for the 4th gen ones, ever since I started playing games for both systems (first in emulators, then with the actual systems when I got them in '05-'06), I've kind of cheated and been unable to choose whether I like the SNES or Genesis+Sega CD+32X more. so I just call it a tie. The TG16 is also great but slightly behind them, partially because of its lacking platformer library.Nah, not really favorite systems. If it was, the SNES would be right there square at the top with the Genesis. But the thing is, what I loved in the SNES lends very poorly to the pick up and play style of how I game right now. The massive RPGs are tricky to fit into my schedule, so that list is more geared to having singular arcade experiences.
Racing games are one of the N64's primary strengths, so I think it makes sense to break the genre up into subgenres on the platform. Plus I like arcade-style racing games a lot, and kart racers, futuristic racers, snowboarding games, and water racing games are all quite different!Damn,you gotta highlight snow and water sports to cobble that view together.
I separated 2d and 3d platformers for a reason. In 3d platformers, it's absolutely no contest, the N64 crushes the PS1 and Saturn. But in 2d/2.5d ones, the PS1 and Saturn have far more of them. I personally would weight the N64's great 3d platformers above those, though; sure, the N64, PS1 and Saturn have plenty of good 2d and 2.5d platformers, but for 2d platformers the 4th gen consoles, SNES and Genesis particularly, are when the genre was at its peak, not the 5th generation.Platformers - Tomba, NiGHTS, Silhouette Mirage, countless others. Mario 64 is amazing but not nearly the only title.
"Action" is an extremely broad genre that includes platformers, shmups, run & guns, and more. What do you mean here?Action - no contest, PSX with many greats on Saturn
:lol:Arcade / SHMUP / Run n Gun etc - Saturn town. I don't fault ABF for not knowing these scenes; he only rocks games with easy mode huge life meters & infinite continues
It's also a fact that the N64 has more racing games than the Saturn does, while the PS1 has far more than either one of them. So is the PS1 the best racing platform of the generation, just because of its overwhelming numbers? I think not! Quantity does not overwhelm quality, and Nintendo has the highest quality racing games in the 5th generation. Its fantastic racing game library is one of the N64's greatest strengths! The relatively few Saturn racing games are often great too, of course. It's hard to choose between Saturn and PS1 for racing games, because the PS1 has far more while the Saturn has a few games I like more than most any on the PS1 (Daytona...), but it's close.Racing - Daytona, Wipeout XL & Sega Rally happened,plus AGES ports of OutRun. These are facts.
I haven't played Quest 64 before, myself. I do like Aidyn Chronicles, though (though that's Western, and not Japanese). Anyway, I said that Paper Mario is my favorite JRPG of the generation, not that the N64 has that genre in quantity. Of course the N64 has very few others, though there are a few in Japan -- Shiren the Wanderer 2 looks pretty good, for example.RPG - paper mario is a clasic, but square PSX + WD Saturn kinda demolish this. Let's not acknowledge Quest 64.
For 3d fighting games, the N64 is just as good as the PS1 or Saturn. It really is. I think that 3d fighters have probably aged worse that generation than almost any other genre, though, so that's limited praise. For 2d, of course it's not even close, but there are only three or five 2d/2.5d fighters on the N64, so it's not a particularly fair comparison. Still though... Super Smash Bros. is pretty great.Fighting - oh my god its not even close
List wars are kind of pointless, but entertaining!Etc etc...like what you like but for real,this argument is like me as a kid saying WELL NES LACKS RASTAN AND GOLVELLIUS SO ITS OBVIOUSLY WEAK
Damn, not Bloodlines?
Im playing through the Castlevania console games in release order, and Rondo released before Bloodlines...right?
For 3d fighting games, the N64 is just as good as the PS1 or Saturn. It really is. I think that 3d fighters have probably aged worse that generation than almost any other genre, though, so that's limited praise. For 2d, of course it's not even close, but there are only three or five 2d/2.5d fighters on the N64, so it's not a particularly fair comparison. Still though... Super Smash Bros. is pretty great.
Pretty sure ABF doesn't "get" fighting games in general.Please say that is a joke.
This game is basically 99% grind and 1% grind, and I get bored of it after a little while. It's technically good, but far too repetitive. Also, I like ingame maps, having to draw one myself or print one from the internet is annoying.Wanted to draw some maps, so started Shining in the Darkness again. That game doesn't start out that easy, but is pretty good. Really enjoying it again, and for some reason, forgot that Dark Sol is right in the beginning of the game. For some reason, I remember finding out about him at the end of the game and being surprised that it was 'linked' with Shining Force (the first in the series I played, and still my favorite SRPG)
There's one good thing about Cliffhanger -- the Sega CD-exclusive scaler-style snowboarding levels are pretty cool! ABSURDLY hard, but very cool. This is one of only a couple of Genesis ports with added scaler sections -- Hook and Batman Returns are the other major ones. Batman Returns is the best of the three, gameplay-wise, but the Cliffhanger ones are pretty cool. I only wish that they were spread out through the game, as the Batman Returns driving levels are; you have to play all of them at once in Cliffhanger, and it's brutally hard. Also there's no saving, of course. Still, it's a nice addition. The game has lots of video clips from the movie, too.Found a couple copies of cheap Sega CD games at a local thrift store and picked them up for the cases. Hate trying to track them down. Games were garbage (Cliffhanger and Dracula) but the cases were in pretty good shape.
I dislike both Tekken and Virtua Fighter. Virtua Fighter is better than Tekken, but I don't like either series. At least Virtua Fighter gets better later on, though (the third game and beyond, I mean, after the 5th generation)... I still have never played a Tekken game I actually liked. It's just one of those things where I don't get the attraction much at all. As for 5th gen 3d fighters, though, for me, my favorite PS1 fighting game is Evil Zone, followed by Dead or Alive. On Saturn, Dead or Alive, Fighters Megamix, and Fighting Vipers are the best ones. And on N64, it's Fighters Destiny 1 and 2, SD Hiryu no Ken (Flying Dragon's better Japan-only sequel), and Mace: The Dark Age.Please say that is a joke. There is no way you will say that there is anything on the N64 that is as good as Tekken 1-3 and VF1/2. If so, really curious what you have. I mean, there is War Gods (hahahahaha) and Mortal Kombat 4 (at least Quan Chi has a fun fatality) but what else would you point to? Dual Heroes? BIO Freaks? PS1 would probably take 3D fighters, but I could see Saturn getting it since I love Virtua Fighter.
... Guardian Heroes isn't a fighting game. It's a beat 'em up. Entirely different genre. Sure, I don't find Guardian Heroes very fun, and don't like the plane-switching system much, but that's got nothing to do with fighting games. Anyway, it's not about me "not getting" anything -- I get the idea, I just don't like it!Pretty sure ABF doesn't "get" fighting games in general.
He slagged on Guardian Heroes' plane-switching system, somehow not really getting that that game is designed the way it is so that it can fit traditional fighting game controls and movesets into a scrolling beat-em-up.
It's pretty good from what I remember.On topic: Thoughts on Alien Storm?
This is a Genesis thread. Why y'all talking about N Shitty Four?
On topic: Thoughts on Alien Storm?
On topic: Thoughts on Alien Storm?
I truly feel the 3DO has more titles that interest me than the PS1.
again i recognize this belongs in another thread, but
how much time did you spend with the PSX's library? you've kinda named the top 10 sellers/IGN list titles, is the thing
Big fan of Alien Storm myself. Basically Golden Axe with crazy alien designs and a couple of neat first person shooting gallery levels thrown in. I always loved the little intros before the stages...If I recall, one had an alien humping a mailbox.
Great stuff!![]()
I mean, fair enough, I've only played like 15-20ish titles for the thing, but when only 1 of them actually impresses me, that doesn't bode well for my overall impression of the system especially considering many of them are supposed to be some of the best on the system. I've also played Clock Tower which was decent, but not as good as the Super Famicom predessecor. I've also played Discworld 2, and that's a brilliant point and click adventure, but it's also a PC and Saturn game.
Twisted Metal was not for me. I played it late so maybe it's just aged poorly. Oh Mickey Mania is fun! but again it's not an exclusive and was only released in PAL territories on the PS1, it's also possible nostalgia is clouding my memory on this one, because I often went over to a friend's to play it and it's the PS1 game I was most attached to as a kid. Vib Ribbon was a neat little rhythm game for sure, but even though you can use your own tracks, it felt short and got repetitive really quickly.
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment is ass. It's a product of it's time, for sure, but I really can't stand most RPGs of the PS1 era due to their loading times, high random encounter rates, ugly graphics and just generally overly obtuse mechanics. I liked innocent sin somewhat, but that's because the PSP remake made so many great quality of life changes. FF Tactics also bored me, don't get the hype for it at all (I played the PSP version.) Alundra was decent, but I didn't finish it because I guess I lost interest in it after like 10 hours. Might go back to it at some point. Uh, the other game I played that I can think of was Castlevania Chronicles? Pretty bad remake if you ask me. Rayman 2 is obselete in the face of all the other, far better ports of it. Rayman 1 is a good 2D platformer, but that's also on every console under the sun.
So I've played a fair amount of games. Yes there are many more but I've played most of the ones that interested me the most. And the comparison with the 3DO really isn't as much of a bash as you make think, I really do like the 3DO quite a lot.
It's 3DO not 3D0
Jesus Christ show some respect people.
It's 3DO not 3D0
Jesus Christ show some respect people.
Damn Paperboy is doa, first time I've ever had a cartridge just not work. Tried cleaning it with a q-tip and it wasn't even that dirty.
On topic: Thoughts on Alien Storm?
Thanks, I'm glad NeoGAF is a place for quality discussion. I am sorry to anyone though if you feel I insulted your favourite console, it was not my intention. I don't hate the PS1, I just find my tastes are not in line with most of its games and obviously understand that people love it. Also after this I'll stop posting in the Genesis thread, I don't want to clog it up anymore and just felt like backing up ABF's debate.I have literally never heard that before, someone honestly liking 3D0 better then the PS1. (Not trying to start a fight. If you like it, you like it...just a bit stunned).
I'd ask what sorts of games you like on 3D0.
Some kind of line has been crossed here today. Suddenly claiming that the N64 was the best in its generation isn't so bad.
EDIT: I'm going to start drawing a hardline stance on the Jaguar being the best system of all time. I will write text walls on the subject.
Thanks, I'm glad NeoGAF is a place for quality discussion. I am sorry to anyone though if you feel I insulted your favourite console, it was not my intention. I don't hate the PS1, I just find my tastes are not in line with most of its games and obviously understand that people love it. Also after this I'll stop posting in the Genesis thread, I don't want to clog it up anymore and just felt like backing up ABF's debate.
Ok! I can answer this!
Lucienne's Quest - I mentioned I don't really like RPGs of the era, but it should be pointed out that one of the main reasons I don't like the PS1 FF's (actually all FFs 4-9) is because I strongly dislike the battle system. Lucienne's quest isn't the best RPG ever, but it's fairly enjoyable. It plays more like a low framerate SNES RPG than a PS1 RPG.
Another World - The best way to play this off a physical copy (There was an HD remake of this recently wasn't there? Still I need my physical copies.) A really good action platformer, not exclusive but still best played on 3DO.
Super Wing Commander - The version of Wing Commander! I wasn't expecting to like Wing Commander at all but I found myself upset that the series had died. Wing Commander 3 is also worth noting, but I actually preferred the first one.
Star Control II - The best game on the 3DO. The space exploration and battles are amazing and just. It's worth getting a 3DO just for star control II, I love it.
Night Trap - aha, well I know a lot of people don't like FMV games but I have fond experiences with this one. This game is another which has it's best version on 3DO. When I got it me and my girlfriend would take turns trying to beat it and slowly getting further each time. Perhaps I'm more fond of these memories, but nonetheless I actually enjoyed the cheesy acting and such.
Guardian War - It's not a bad game as far at Strategy RPGs go. I had some fun with this one, but there are better titles on the 3DO. The soundtrack is definitely this game's defining moment.
Alone in the Dark - This one is more interesting to me from a gaming historical perspective than just to play. Perhaps it's unfair to put it on this list because of that, but I enjoyed my time with it, even though it never really scared me.
Incredible Machine - One game that I played on the PC a lot as a kid actually got a console port! Like Mickey Mania though, I may just enjoy this game because I have some nostalgic attachment to it. Still...it's a really good "puzzle" game, one of my favorites I'd say.
Road Rash and Need For Speed - EA actually had a pair of quality titles on the 3DO. Road Rash 3DO is the best Road Rash out there IMO and I prefer the more "realistic" Need for speed to it's PS1 and Saturn ports.
Flashback - Like another world, I think the best physical version of this action platformer is on the 3DO.
Crash 'n Burn - Not the greatest racing game. Um. Probably not worth putting on this list.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Slayer - I got my enjoyment out of the randomly generated maps and it's certainly worth checking out but there are better games on the console.
Killing Time - I'm very able to cope with low framerates I guess, because I've heard this game makes people feel sick. Either way this is one of my top games on the system. I really like the way the story unfolds and the shooting action is really good for the time and feels good enough today too.
I'm probably still missing a few. Sorry again for clogging the thread, this'll be my last post on the subject in here.
It's nothing new for Treasure garbage to be grossly overvalued.
I take you cannot stand Gunstar Heroes either? Treasure IMO is one of the most overrated devs in history.
I cannot name a single game of theirs that I enjoyed....outside maybe Astroboy on GBA.
Bububu n64 got the best version of Shadow Man
I hate this thread now. 4 posts in a row of dissing golden-age Treasure, this is blasphemy. I mean, if we are gonna hate on Treasure, at least make it the actual Treasure garbage like Light Crusader and Strech Panic, not their top-tier shit like Gunstar and Astro Boy.
I'm mad.
I hate this thread now. 4 posts in a row of dissing golden-age Treasure, this is blasphemy. I mean, if we are gonna hate on Treasure, at least make it the actual Treasure garbage like Light Crusader and Strech Panic, not their top-tier shit like Gunstar and Astro Boy.
I'm mad.
It's nothing new for Treasure garbage to be grossly overvalued.