No problem!
Look what I found in EGM #28 - Nov. 1991:
I never knew the Galaxy Force ship could appear!
No problem!
Look what I found in EGM #28 - Nov. 1991:
The ability to choose instrumental BGM was Sonic R's one saving grace.
I never knew the Galaxy Force ship could appear!
Generation 16 - Episode 015 is now live! Hope you all check it out and enjoy.
Generation 16 - Episode 015 is now live! Hope you all check it out and enjoy.
Generation 16 - Episode 015 is now live! Hope you all check it out and enjoy.
Pier Solar ready to ship, and the OST back on sale! More money to spend!
I hope I did the order combination checkout with address thingy correctly...
Edit: Actually, now that I re-read that email, I suppose it doesn't say that the game is ready to ship, just that "one or more pre-orders" are ready to ship, and I did have the strategy guide on order as well.
Does anyone know if it's finally time?
Pier Solar ready to ship, and the OST back on sale! More money to spend!
I'm torn on that OST. I want the special disc to play in the Mega CD, and having it pressed with a box is cool, but on the other hand it's $35! and it comes with three other discs which I don't care for at all. Decisions, decisions...
So uh, I've been reading through this thread and discovered this thing called EVERDRIVE. I purchased a Japanese Mega Drive recently, and I'm not sure if there were incompatibilities between regions when it comes to cartridge shape.
If I get one of these things, should I look for an specific Japanese compatible cartridge our something like that?
Also, best place to buy it?
I can't believe we're so close to getting our reprints of Pier Solar.
And I totally splurged on the other game and the OST.
Stone Age cartridges have a region-free shape, but their store is just really expensive imo. But they do make good looking products.
It's the same price for board only as anywhere else right? You only pay the premium if you want custom work done?
Guess I should get the soundtrack. Was planinig on just burning the enhanced music CD since when I originally ordered it was out of print, but whatever.Should be free with how long the wait has been imo...
Also to people wanting a discount on their order, there is a coupon code for 5% off that you can find just by googling it. I kinda wish I didn't blow a ton of money on amiibo this month or I would get more copies of this game. I'm sure it's something that will sell for a lot in the future, but I'm no scalper.
Shiiit I really needed this but I already ordered.
Yeah, I wasn't about to cancel my entire order and redo it for the discount. Even though they still have the game in stock for preorder. Thought about it, but not worth me messing it up after waiting this long for the game. Still took off a dollar or so from the soundtrack price that I just ordered.
I got a nice deal on ebay Feb of last year
50+15 shipping Model 2 S-Video & Stereo jack Mod with hookups and 2 controllers.
Oh I mean I added some OSTs and the other game so it could have given me a good discount, but ah well.
Generation 16 - Episode 015 is now live! Hope you all check it out and enjoy.
Can't believe I missed this post. Nice long episode too.
You ever think about how long it is going to take to get through them all, and how mad we will be if you don't finish? >:c
I'll be about 90 if and when I ever finish.
Excellent work on the series, Greg. I've been following it since Episode 1.
Of course, if someone with a lot of money wants to donate $3k an episode I'll retire now and do this full time![]()
Streets of Rage 1 did have the best boss theme in the whole series, also, stages 3, 7 and 8 are really good in that I the only one who loved part 1 soundtrack?
and that stage boss theme...
Yep, greatest ending music ever, makes you feel triumph, definitely when you beat it on Mania.
So, the Sega CD has some really interesting sports titles on it. I had no idea NBA Hangtime 95 was:
A. Not anything like Midway's NBA Hangtime and
B. Exclusive to the Sega CD. It looks pretty impressive for the time too.
Also NFL Trivia may be one of the worst things i've played in my life.
I'm getting a Mega EverDrive v2, any tips or tricks somebody here can suggest?