It's not spectacular or anything but try Power Rangers the Movie if you like the license.
So does Gunstar Heroes. It's a far cry from a beat-em-up.It has progression indicator too. That means beat em up.
It's not spectacular or anything but try Power Rangers the Movie if you like the license.
It's a shoot em up.I thought about that, but it's not an endless run to the end like Contra or Gunstar. Several stages are broken up to where you have to clear guys out to progress. It has progression indicator too. That means beat em up.
It's decent.It's not spectacular or anything but try Power Rangers the Movie if you like the license.
I gave reasons why I thought it was a beat me up, Game FAQ even has it listed under that category as well. Care to explain why you think that other than just telling me it a shoot me up?It's a shoot em up.
9.5 is way too high, agreed
So beat em ups. I know about Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Splatterhouse, Two Crude Dudes...Alien Storm and Hyperstone...but are there any other good beat em ups out there (NA or JP releases) i'm missing out on / unaware of?
Because you shoot batarangs for like 100% of the game, also, trying to play this game as a beat em up(using high and low kicks and punches only) won't get you far into this game, in fact, various bosses will end up hurting you if you use melee attacks so it's best to shoot everything. Fighting the giant gnome with melee for example isn't even possible without getting hurt and dying a lot. There are some bosses you can't even hit with melee attacks at all. A true beat em up would let you use melee attacks on all enemies without getting yourself hurt hitting them.I gave reasons why I thought it was a beat me up, Game FAQ even has it listed under that category as well. Care to explain why you think that other than just telling me it a shoot me up?
Havent played it myself, but isn't The Punisher supposed to be good? (Well its expensive, anyway)
Havent played it myself, but isn't The Punisher supposed to be good? (Well its expensive, anyway)
pls continue.
Havent played it myself, but isn't The Punisher supposed to be good? (Well its expensive, anyway)
It's a great game... in the arcade. The Genny port is garbage.
I enjoyed it when I played it decades ago. Doesn't hold hold up next to the arcade version but it's still the only home conversion available IIRC.
this is hyperbole!
I'm still mad it never made it to a console, would buy in a heartbeat!!!you know how much i'dve paid for an Alien vs Predator port nearly that good? i'm talkin to a crazy person here
That's awful. I have the better SNES version(cost me around 70 for that).Sunset Riders is now going for over 50 bucks loose
horrible port
i knew a dude who thought SF II WW on SNES and CE on Genesis were "shit" ports too, there's nowhere to go from there except force him to play Captain America & the Avengers.
From a technical and aesthetic standpoint, Capcom's porting efforts were not really that great. But their game design was always rock solid which compensated for that.
well...i mean, gimme some specifics, if you don't mind. cause sure the graphics & sound take an expected hit, but the moves & characters are there, controls are responsive, speed feels good, etc. on the technical end, what did you feel was lacking? cause again, there's far worse tradeoffs in other ports, i think. most capcom beat-em-ups of that gen (later SNES ones too, post final fight) felt solid, i thought.
huh, didn't know any of that..i don't profess to know nearly enough on that level but yeah, anything done to make the SNES run even slower is not a great idea.
i still remember booting WW that summer and thinking it was an incredible port - backgrounds moving, characters are big & look great, everything was there that needed to be. the Genesis one too, but again taking the larger spectrum into account - stuff like Pit Fighter really reinforced what the bottom could look like
You missed the 2nd best version!!!I love the Mega Drive Sunset Riders. It's the one I played as a kid and to me there was/is nothing wrong with it. Should point out though I never had the luxury of playing the Snes version
literally the only way that nearly fits "atrocity" is if you didn't play many arcade ports in the 16-bit era, the comparison only made it look more faithful a port than usual
you know how much i'dve paid for an Alien vs Predator port nearly that good? i'm talkin to a crazy person here
Oh, you think thats technically inferior port?
You missed the 2nd best version!!!
On the Genesis? Booooring.How is Growl?
Sunsetriders Genesis is almost a totally different game. I dont think it would really count as a port?
if you can't contemporize with an era where arcades literally set the bar & the better ports reached as far as they could - trading off effects, # of enemies, etc in hopes of not dropping entire levels/characters - then why are you in a 16-bit thread?
Come on, the spectrum? Like I said, crappier ports don't make a less crappy port any less crap. Btw, that (if I squint hard enough) looks like Final Fight, right?
disappointing sequel is disappointing! maybe if it wasnt called Chrono it'dve been better?
I played a lot of ports that are actually very faithful - Golden Axe, Strider and Daimakaimura spring to mind. To say that it's not crap because there were a lot of crappier ports is some strange logic.
Just pick up the PCBs for both of those games and play them properly - then you won't need to pay for bad ports unless that's your thing.
You're taking it too far here, I just have problems with the few titles that really are inferior on Genesis(on a gameplay level, I don't care if technically another port has more colors or a better resolution) to the point where I wouldn't see myself owning them.
Cross is the best game in the Chrono line. Some just can't come to terms with it, and that's sad. :C
and understanding the hardware/median of ports of the time does rather help prevent statements like calling good ports "crap", for one.
It's a bad port. The fact that you're even debating this is... wow.
Play the arcade version in Taito Legends 2 on PS2 (or import EU Xbox, or those Japanese PS2 Taito collections, I presume it's in one of them).How is Growl?
The Genesis game is alright, it's a perfectly decent game, but the arcade/SNES game is a lot better.I love the Mega Drive Sunset Riders. It's the one I played as a kid and to me there was/is nothing wrong with it. Should point out though I never had the luxury of playing the Snes version
Arcade version is the best.The Genesis game is alright, it's a perfectly decent game, but the arcade/SNES game is a lot better.
and you continue repeating that mantra without any specifics whatsoever, even after posting a video showing how faithful it was
Arcade version is the best.
If you think that video supported your position, then you really have no idea what you're talking about.
Exactly.Sure, but the SNES version is great and also a very good game. The four player mode does put the arcade version over the top as best, though.