Greetings MD GAF. I'm looking for recommendations on action/platforming games!
What I've played so far:
Shinobi 3- Amazing, a bit too easy
Sonic 2- Great
Castlevania Bloodlines- Outstanding, definitely my favorite on the system
Rolling Thunder 2- Really good, this series is fairy unique
Rolling Thunder 3- OK, definitely too easy and not as good as 2
Marvel Land- Good
Gunstar Heroes- Great, too easy
El Viento- Good, and one of the best Genny soundtracks I've heard so far
Earnest Evans- Kind of shit, but at least it has oldschool Sakuraba tunes too
Alisia Dragoon- Seems decent, haven't beaten this one yet
Contra and Rocket Knight are already on my list, pretty obvious choices. I'm not looking for adventure/non-linear games. I generally dislike when the character sprites are massive and/or you can jump the entire distance of the screen, but if it's good I'll play it. Japan only games are fine too.
2nd the recommendation for Ristar. Amazing platformer, it's a crime it didn't become a franchise. More recs:
Adventures of Batman and Robin. Very underrated game, a lot of dudes are not aware that the Genesis version is radically different from the SNES. Damn good Run 'N Gun title.
Alien Soldier. If you liked Gunstar Heroes then you need to play this now.
Golden Axe 1 and 2. Legendary Beat 'em Up games. The 3rd game is not as good but it's not bad either.
Alien Storm. Another Beat 'em Up made by the team behind Golden Axe.
Streets of Rage Trilogy. Nuff said.
Blades of Vengeance. Pretty obscure little action title that becomes a very difficult dungeon crawler half way through.
Comix Zone. A fucking masterpiece. One of the must play Genesis titles.
Elemental Master. A Shmup but a pretty unique one. Probably my favorite Shmup of all time.
Thunder Force titles for more Shmup goodness.
Dynamite Headdy. Another Treasure title. Starts out very strong but kinda' overstays it's welcome.
Ghostbusters. One of the very few good Ghostbusters titles and a genuinely good Run 'n Gunner.
Pulseman J. Gamefreak makes a Mega Man-inspired action platformer. Worth checking out.
Ren & Stimpy: Stimpy's Invention. Another really good licensed game. If you're a Ren & Stimpy fan it's highly recommended. Even if you're not it's still a very good platformer (with a piss-easy final boss).
Skeleton Krew. A late gen Genesis title. A little monotonous but worth checking out I think.
The Ooze. The 2nd game by the team who made Comix Zone. Great soundtrack and concept but it's hard as fuck and there's no passwords or saving. One of the few Genesis titles where the difficulty is just too much.
Splatterhouse 2 and 3. Horror classics.
X-Men 2: Clone Wars. Great game.
Sunset Riders. Great port of an arcade game.
Robocop Versus the Terminator. Very good Run 'N Gun that gets better the further you get into it. Easily the best Robocop/Terminator title on the consoles (not counting the Robocop arcade games).