the silly N64 vs Saturn debate prompted a nice night of NiGHTs and practicing XvSF infinites. DoDonpachi and Last Bronx are in the mail (yes, I didn't have LB yet!). what have you guys been playing?
This post encouraged me to break out the Saturn and play Elevator Action Returns.the silly N64 vs Saturn debate prompted a nice night of NiGHTs and practicing XvSF infinites. DoDonpachi and Last Bronx are in the mail (yes, I didn't have LB yet!). what have you guys been playing?
what have you guys been playing?
You can now live out your fantasies of beating up Pepsi.Elevator Action Returns, everyday. broken up by some Chase HQ but not much else at the moment...i did just win Fighting Vipers (JP) for $5 off an ebay bundle a friend wanted in on, so i've that to look forward to!
Thunderforce cinco. It's really ugly!
Virtua Fighter 2 battle of the ports:
You can now live out your fantasies of beating up Pepsi.
Thunder Force V is great. It's just hideous. Thunder Force IV on PS2, now that's forgettable.was TF V really that bad? it'd been on my list based on prior awesomeness from the series
Why don't you use the original Japanese covers?
Because I don't own the Japanese versions.
was TF V really that bad? it'd been on my list based on prior awesomeness from the series
heh i wont lie, it's one of the few besides Last Bronx that ive seen the US version on the cheap, but a) ive built up a fine JP fighter collection and b) pepsiman really sealed that deal!
was TF V really that bad? it'd been on my list based on prior awesomeness from the series
Wtf is this shit. I ordered Sega Rally from Amazon and instead I get this Atari 2600 game made by Sega complete in box which is most likely worth more. I don't even have an Atari damn it. I'd be pissed if I paid tons for it but oh well. pictures?
Wait, so the Amazon page advertised Sega Rally, the invoice said Star Wars Arcade 32X and you received Star Trek 2600? Man, the only thing these three have in common is they all start with an S lol. [edit] Oh, and they are all ports of an arcade game.
Well you almost had it right. It didn't mention 32X anywhere. Still pretty much sums it up. I guess this is what I deserve paying 2 dollars for it.
Star Wars Arcade is arcade and 32X only
There are several versions for Atari systems.
There are several versions for Atari systems.
Oh shit, yeah. That was me. I can put something together either tonight or tomorrow if there's still interest.
Edit: It was specifically the Marvel fighters this month, right?
After all these months finally Elevator Action Returns is mine!
Very pleased by the "near mint" condition.
After all these months finally Elevator Action Returns is mine!
Very pleased by the "near mint" condition.
No, I'm not on instagram.Great game and cool pic. By the way are you on instagram?
No, I'm not on instagram.
The momentum and physics are completely different and alien for someone who grew up with Mario... I should know.
Once you get used to it the games are amazing, though.
I can't stand it when people say the Genesis Sonics have bad control. That is such a dumb thing to say.
Im not even frenchthere's a IGer that shoots games on a similar surface, lol
Thought it was you for a second
After all these months finally Elevator Action Returns is mine!
Very pleased by the "near mint" condition.
Beautiful thread.
I don't have much to contribute as my only foray into Sega Saturn emulation was limited to running my original Christmas NiGHTS disk on an emulator a few years ago, but I look forward to contributions, configs and screenshots.
Given that most of the Saturn's incredible lineup has never been rereleased and is only remembered by a select few, I support any (legal) methods than allow gamers a chance to play on them.
Hey everyone, I bought a "defective" Saturn for $5 yesterday in hopes of fixing it (the store doesn't know what's wrong with the consoles, just that they don't work.
So It's actually a nicely kept console. It wasn't dirty on the inside or out. I cleaned the lens and blew out the inside even though it didn't really even need it. It was almost new.
So it had the no spinning disc problem. I took off the top, took off the black laser cover. Checked to see if I was getting a red glow while the laser tried to read a disc. It glowed fine so it isn't a dead laser. I put a game in and sure enough it spun up and the game played great! The console works perfectly. I probably didn't even need to adjust the intensity pot.
SO THE PROBLEM. When I put the laser cover back on, it made a weird clicking noise while a disc was running. Kind of like something being rubbed on a little. I checked around and for the life of me couldn't see anything catching. Everything has enough of a gap at least around the middle part and under the disc. When I turn the console off I noticed the disc spun down really fast as opposed to how they normally take a long time to spin down. So since it still was working I put the top cover back on and tested it one more time.
Now it doesn't spin at all! The disc only wants to spin with the laser cover off! Has anyone ran into this problem before? I'd sand off an edge if I could figure out where the hell it's rubbing but I can't.
Can anyone help me out here? I'm tempted to just leave the laser cover off and put the top back on but I'm sure that cover's there to protect against something important.
After all these months finally Elevator Action Returns is mine!
Very pleased by the "near mint" condition.
I should really buy a copy of this...
... looks at eBay...
What's wrong with the Taito Legends 2 version?
virtua fighter 2I just unearthed my Saturn and my only game - Nights. Looking into tracking down the two Panzer shooters.
What are some other solid exclusives that can be had for cheap?