ugh guess I better pull the trigger soon then.Is it just me, or has Battle Garegga started really creeping up in price?
having fun with DoDonpachi.
ugh guess I better pull the trigger soon then.Is it just me, or has Battle Garegga started really creeping up in price?
Is it just me, or has Battle Garegga started really creeping up in price?
So just beat RE1 for the first time... and i'm confused. Ended up fighting 2 Tyrants in the lab with Wesker, rescued Jill, and then just escaped.
No final boss battle or anything.
EDIT: Wait, have to save Rebecca again at some point? No wonder she never ran into the Plant 42 room...
That seems odd to not have an actual final Tyrant battle just because of that.
On the bright side, i've beaten REmake before as Chris, so I know what to have expected (rocket launchers, self destruct sequences, etc).
You deserve worse for not rescuing Rebecca >=[
Is it just me, or has Battle Garegga started really creeping up in price?
Yeah it really seems so. Was going for $80-$90 a couple years ago but now it's nearing RSG / Hyper Duel territory.
Good good, won two other Saturn games.
Cannot wait for them, especially one of them for sentimental reason lol
However to play I think I need a memory card (I don't keep the Saturn plugged into the power after I'm done playing) so it's time to buy an AR4+.
Any reliable place where it is sold at a cheap price?
Hey guys, I'm loving my new Saturn and the cartridge slot DOES work with my 4-in-1 action replay, but I also have a Sega BackUp Cartridge that doesn't seem to be detected by the saturn. Any ideas?
Hey guys, I'm loving my new Saturn and the cartridge slot DOES work with my 4-in-1 action replay, but I also have a Sega BackUp Cartridge that doesn't seem to be detected by the saturn. Any ideas?
now that I'm back home I can take a group photo.
It's available fulfilled by Amazon as well :
Play Asia is like $10 cheaper, though.
Some questions about Dynamite Deka:
Is it true that I need to play the mini-game to gain extra credits?
Can I pick the other character somehow in single player?
How does everyone think this compares to Streets of Rage? Me, I think SoR flows better and has better music, but I like the weapons, humour and bosses here. QTEs annoy me but at least they don't seem to switch them around when you replay the game. I was surprised that it doesn't make use of all the buttons to make moves easier to pull off.
So, what are you guys' thoughts on Shinobi Legions?
So, what are you guys' thoughts on Shinobi Legions?
^it's Bubble Bobble, i can't imagine it's not fun co-op.
I really enjoy it personally. Super cheesy cutscenes intercut between a good shinobi title. Not as fun as 2 or 3, but its better than people would have you believe. I think Europe actually got a better soundtrack though.
So just beat RE1 for the first time... and i'm confused. Ended up fighting 2 Tyrants in the lab with Wesker, rescued Jill, and then just escaped.
No final boss battle or anything.
EDIT: Wait, have to save Rebecca again at some point? No wonder she never ran into the Plant 42 room...
That seems odd to not have an actual final Tyrant battle just because of that.
On the bright side, i've beaten REmake before as Chris, so I know what to have expected (rocket launchers, self destruct sequences, etc).
I still want Burning Rangers.
So, what are you guys' thoughts on Shinobi Legions?
Not really sure where else to put this - which of the M2 digital compilations is the best get?
Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World (2012)
Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co. (2012)
Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe (2012)
Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage (2012)
Sega Vintage Collection: ToeJam & Earl (2012)
So, what are you guys' thoughts on Shinobi Legions?
I paid like half that for a sealed copy 5 years ago.
In about to be every other persons best friend here soon aren't i?
The Japan-only PS2 version of Virtual On is good.
I like it. It ain't ainywhere near as tight as the Genesis games, but it's decent fun and the decoupling of cut and shuriken commands cannot be understated.
In about to be every other persons best friend here soon aren't i?
I don't want to be an asshole, but I hope people are being cautious about a new member showing up handing out so many games for such apparently good prices.My last statement I was wrong. It seems I WILL be best friends with every other member here. Ahh, back to the pms.
The Japan-only PS2 version of Virtual On is good.
This version really is great. I wish the 360/PS3 releases were as feature-packed. They look better, but being more straight ports it's a toss-up.
Solo Crisis
Solo Crisis is the first and last game directly published by legendary Quintet (ActRaiser, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma).
It is a strategy game with RPG elements that reminds sometime ActRaiser (except no 2D action sections and a more deep strategic part) also because the project began as an ActRaiser remake (ActRaiser Gaiden/3) and only later morphed into a self standing game.
Solo Crisis is also the first and last Quintet game post-SNES to be characterized by the duality theme ("good" and "evil" being faces of the same coin) for which the team lead by Tomoyoshi Miyazaki was famous.
In fact the 3D map hosts in one surface the humans ("good") and in the other one the demons ("evil") and both side are interconnected (for example there is a spell to change the terrain which has the opposite effect on the other side).
I don't think Solo Crisis sold that well probably because it was released in 1998 when the Saturn was dying in Japan (was dead everywhere else) and it is likely the developer's demise began with this game.
After a few months Quintet released Code R ,always for Saturn, and began a few minor collaborations until the company disappeared mysteriously in early 2000.
New to Saturn (just bought my system three weeks ago), but this is needed to play import titles, correct?It's available fulfilled by Amazon as well :
New to Saturn (just bought my system three weeks ago), but this is needed to play import titles, correct?
Sounds liek a neat game. I had never heard of it.
Yeah, Solo Crisis is a rather obscure Sega Saturn import.yeah, i'm interested now too! shame it's not popular enough for a fan translation though