The biggest difference to some other wrestling games is that there's no button mashing, it's all about timing. From the guide:
It has its charms. Great music, too.
My favorite line:
"By the way, what the heck are you doing in my house?"
WD are definitely the pioneers. Without them, the likes of Atlus and NIS wouldn't exist.
Took both versions of Silhouette Mirage to Irishninja's place last night.
The changes were worse than I remembered =[
I appreciate WD for pioneering weeb game localization, but sometimes they went off the rails. I guess the industry was small enough at that point that they could get away with it.
I mean, go back a read an old RPG guidebook from the mid 90s. Some of the captions and text get straight-up surreal. Its amazing what people do when they think no one is watching.
Their Albert Odyssey "translation" is a bajillion times more entertaining than the actual game script though, real talk. That game's battle system is paced so slow. The only reason I got through it is because it made me laugh.
I recently picked up Exile and Cosmic Fantasy 2. Both are fairly tame so far. I'm curious as to when WD translations took such a turn for the hiliarious.
Is Exile considered to be a pretty awful translation?
I'm pretty sure WD often "interpreted" the original text. Sometimes just making shit up that fits the pictures.
That's what a lot of Lunar for the Sega CD and Albert are essentially.
Cadash is fine, maybe even dry. Hard to imagine. Parasol Stars is just Parasol Stars. I don't remember Exile being wacky and I haven't yet played Cosmic Fantasy 2, but that's kind of a wacky game anyway. Never played Wicked Phenomenon or Vasteel so I can't comment on those.
By Lunar on SCD it was grating on me.
Their Albert Odyssey "translation" is a bajillion times more entertaining than the actual game script though, real talk. That game's battle system is paced so slow. The only reason I got through it is because it made me laugh.
Apparently WD accidentally made Wicked Phenomenon impossible. Something about the enemy hit counter having some crazy mistake.
IIRC, they multiplied something when they meant to add instead, so something got exponentially more difficult than it should have been.Apparently WD accidentally made Wicked Phenomenon impossible. Something about the enemy hit counter having some crazy mistake.
I don't get why everybody shit on Street Fighter: The movie: The Game. It has all the moves from regular Street Fighter 2? I think the addition of digitised fighters is hilarious, doesn't detract from the still solid gameplay and adds a cool twist when playing with friends.Playing Blanka gives you a massive advantage in multiplayer. So distracting
whats the distraction? I barely remember this game.
I seemed to remember the gameplay was changed a bit. Jumps were more floaty?
I'm hungry for more news on Saroo, the Saturn flashcart. I hope they pull it off.
I never knew about that...
lol I remember years ago hearing about a homebrew version of Panel de Pon for Saturn. How's the homebrew scene for this console anyway?
I don't get why everybody shit on Street Fighter: The movie: The Game. It has all the moves from regular Street Fighter 2? I think the addition of digitised fighters is hilarious, doesn't detract from the still solid gameplay and adds a cool twist when playing with friends.Playing Blanka gives you a massive advantage in multiplayer. So distracting
IIRC the arcade version of SF The Movie: The Game is very different, and had MK-tyle command inputs. I could be wrong, but that's what I remember.
Guys, I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but is there any way to limit framerate on SSF? I can't seem to find it. Virtua Fighter 2 runs too fast on my rig. Every other dump I tried runs normally, just as fast as a real Saturn.
anyone have impressions for dark savior?
anyone have impressions for dark savior?
iirc the options to drop frames and limit them are bundled in the same button, the frame limiter either drops frames if you experience slowdowns and limit them if you compute too fast. Can't remember how it's called though.
You can defeat the last boss before the end of the prologue, and still have a game to play and an accordingly interesting story. That's how deep it is.
Saroo and PSIO are gonna rule if they deliver what they aim to.
IIRC the arcade version of SF The Movie: The Game is very different, and had MK-tyle command inputs. I could be wrong, but that's what I remember.
It does both of those but go RGB for best picture quality.Also, what types of output can it do? RGB native? S-Video? etc.
Model 1s (oval buttons) are apparently easier to do a disc swap trick on. Model 2s (circle buttons) are easier to modchip. For perfectly legal game-playing, though, the differences are by-and-large inconsequential. Model 2s tend to have better controllers, though (based on the Japanese design), while Model 1s often have this really bulky thing that looks like a half-circle.
Region lock is really easy: get an Action Replay 4-in-1. The downside is that it doesn't support direct saving and apparently can lose your saves (I've not seen it happen, or even really heard of it happening, but I know at least one guy who's ultra paranoid about it - shame I can't remember who it is). The upside is that it also doubles as an expansion RAM cart for the games that need it - very few games that need said expansion RAM cart don't work with it.
Video outputs are RF, Composite, S-Video and native RGB.
Awesome. Thanks. Any picks of the "good" vs. "bad" North American controllers?
I assume this is the "bad" one?
The Analog controller is also well supported and comfortable and worth picking up.
Model 1s (oval buttons) are apparently easier to do a disc swap trick on. Model 2s (circle buttons) are easier to modchip. For perfectly legal game-playing, though, the differences are by-and-large inconsequential. Model 2s tend to have better controllers, though (based on the Japanese design), while Model 1s often have this really bulky thing that looks like a half-circle.
Region lock is really easy: get an Action Replay 4-in-1. The downside is that it doesn't support direct saving and apparently can lose your saves (I've not seen it happen, or even really heard of it happening, but I know at least one guy who's ultra paranoid about it - shame I can't remember who it is). The upside is that it also doubles as an expansion RAM cart for the games that need it - very few games that need said expansion RAM cart don't work with it.
Video outputs are RF, Composite, S-Video and native RGB.
Both are equally easy to mod chip, the V3 can be installed on both with minimal skill. A few years ago it was a real pain to find a mod chip for Model1/21pin-cable, but not anymore. I haven't heard anything about differences in disc-swapping. They both involve blocking the CD door and the timing is probably very similar.
New, mod-less solutions are being devised to play back-ups discs. One of them is showing good progress and involves flashing an Action Replay cartridge, the other uses a similar entry point and a not-yet-manufactured card to be put in the expansion slot.
It all goes down to which you think looks better. I have some fondness for the model1 and the oval buttons, and it has an access led which I think is cool.
Besides playing back-ups, an action replay is the only thing you need. You can play imports, and it doubles as every other cartridge ever released (except King of Fighter 95 and that other japanese exclusive game) so you won't ever need to take it out of its slot, which is good because apparently Saturn cartridge slots aren't very reliable. The one inconvenient thing is the memory part can't be accessed ingame, unlike a regular save cartridge: some save files are bigger than the console internal memory, so you won't be able to save them ever. Luckily these saves are very rare and only concern racing games where you can save your replays as a separate file (Sega Rally, Daytona USA, probably the other Sega racers like ManxTT and Touring Car).if you don't live in PAL-land, else you want a 60Hz switch
Oh, and backup regularly your internal saves onto your Action Replay or Memory cartridge! You never know when the battery will die but it will probably be sooner rather than later. And you will get no warning, some day you will just be greeted by the date setup at boot, with all internal memory wiped out.
Thank you for the tips. How delicate is the laser? Do they wear out cheaply like model 1 Sega CD systems?
Er, not to, like, promote piracy or anything, but since you said you tried multiple copies of the game, I assume you mean you've downloaded multiple rips, not that you actually have multiple discs. In which case... why not just play the CPS2 version instead?
You don't have to own multiple copies to download various rips from different sources.
That's illegal. You're supposed to make rips from your own copy.
1) these games are nearly decades old
2) many are stupid expensive second hand now
3) no one cares