No, for throwing around fragile Saturn games like they're junk.
Not to mention the general douchebaggery of making a brag video.
No, for throwing around fragile Saturn games like they're junk.
I really wish Hyper Duel was cheaper. It looks badass.
I picked up Kingdom Grandprix. Not really sure I like it really, was intrigued by the concept but the game is almost too fast for me.
I never understood how it was supposed to be used in a car.
A nice pic of the Hi-Saturn GPS from twitter:
It looks like a redesign done by the guys that made the US SNES.
So, Panzer Dragoon Saga with everything but manual: $260 a good price?
at this point prolly yeah but id be tempted to talk em down to $250
manual's gonna be tricky though, at least until 3D printing takes off
at this point prolly yeah but id be tempted to talk em down to $250
manual's gonna be tricky though, at least until 3D printing takes off
Pretty sure one can 2D print a manual
I tried to lol, that was the first offer I sent, but he countered with 260.
How do 4 disc Saturn cases work anyway?
It's has cd jackets with notches on the sides that fit into the middle of the case. I keep mine in separated jewel cases though.
Commision an original work by oneida's SO instead.can you though? ill pay you bruh...shits tricky
I believe it's Hikaru, but Vic might have said they're equal?
And if so, why do you hate yourself
Do you have Panzer Dragoon Mini on the Game Gear?
Anything under 400 bucks(usual used price) is a fantastic price for that game.So, Panzer Dragoon Saga with everything but manual: $260 a good price?
So what is 'the' JRPG to play on the saturn... can or should this particular JRPG be neglected? or is it a must play for any JRPG fan.
Lol.=ppeople celebrating paying less than $400 for video games
Ok...some people don't even know it exists. That's why I was asking.
people celebrating paying less than $400 for video games
No i dont have it, but I do know of it. But with Saga being pretty pricey, and already having the other 3, i'm content for now. I like the universe, but I think those are the only necessary ones for the story?
What are your thoughts about Albert Odyssey?
What are your thoughts about Albert Odyssey?
I've been hunting for a copy for about a year, knowing ebay prices from JP would run me $165-$180 without shipping. I didn't need the version with the 4MB ram cart, which would save a few bucks. Long story short is I saw a copy on a site I've been a fan of for years, marked at $139 and complete -- including shipping. While this sure isn't cheap, its a crazy good price considering current market value. I ordered it sight unseen, crossing my fingers.
I was shocked to find that the copy I got is easily a 9.5/10. No scratches, manual is pristine and the spincard looks like new. Can't wait to give it a whirl on my BVM-20F1U via RGB this weekend!!!!
You should check out Orta.
I played it back in the day - seriously, I should have held on to my copy from back in the late '90s - and it was utterly charming. Think SNES RPG with a really fun translation thanks to WD.
Is it worth $200 today? Not by any stretch, except for collecting purposes. But if you can find it cheap, enjoy the clean, beautiful 2D art and fun dialogue.
people celebrating paying less than $400 for video games
anyone can do everything he wants with his own money, and if you save some money from a purchase is anyway good, so I don't understand your sarcasm
Saga for sure. Shining the Holy Arc too.So what is 'the' JRPG to play on the saturn... can or should this particular JRPG be neglected? or is it a must play for any JRPG fan.
What are your thoughts about Albert Odyssey?
Panzer Dragoon Saga is done! beautiful game, think i'll add to the LTTP thread soon.
Congrats on the pickup and super jealous so dont take this as a negative but what advantage would this version have over playing the alpha collection on ps2 over rgb or component?
I've just hit disc 3, how much more game time do I have to expect? Enjoying it thus far as it's my first play through.
it's quite old skool,I think at the time of it's western release it was dwarfed by FFVII. Another one of those games I used to own but I sold after completing it.
It's got a great soundtrack and there are some great spell effects in there. I think the game has a knack for crashing randomly but if I can recall it's very few and far between. Plus it's around 30 hour mark before completion jrpg game.
So what is 'the' JRPG to play on the saturn... can or should this particular JRPG be neglected? or is it a must play for any JRPG fan.
From cheapest to most expensive:
Shining the Holy Ark
Dragon Force
Shining Force 3
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Albert Odyssey is decent but it's the kind of game I'd recommend picking up from a bargain bin when you were done with everything else, not for the $70-$100 that it goes for these days. Pretty standard 2D RPG with decent 16-bit presentation values, typical Working Designs humor, average gameplay, and somewhat long load times.
I've just hit disc 3, how much more game time do I have to expect? Enjoying it thus far as it's my first play through.
I finished the game right around 13 hours. Disc 3 and 4 aren't very long.
New to the Saturn, are Enemy Zero and D worth grabbing. They seem quite pricey. Also is Krazy Ivan worth picking up I always fancied it back in the day but not sure if it was good or not.