Lmao at the prices of Elevator Action Returns. What game will rise to insane prices next? Galaxy Fight? Cyberbots? Golden Axe The Duel?
It doesn't pause before projectile attacks like in II, right? If so, it's at least a better port than that. II was also missing a lot of voice clips...and sometimes the ones there didn't play.
I still played the shit out of it, though.
Note: The projectile pause only happens the first time they're used in a match.
No, it's smooth all the way through, there is just a slight pause when Shang Tsung morphs and that same slight pause with fatalities. The PC version suffers the same.
I should have specified Japanese games. I've had Virtual-On since it came out (love it), though I dont own Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, despite loving the arcade version. I think it was like $35 or something, not sure.
It doesn't pause before projectile attacks like in II, right? If so, it's at least a better port than that. II was also missing a lot of voice clips...and sometimes the ones there didn't play.
I still played the shit out of it, though.
Note: The projectile pause only happens the first time they're used in a match.
Go to '98 edition which has national and team league, probably it's the best football/soccer game for the SS
It's always difficult for me to honestly recommend Legends... I mean, I watch someone playing and it looks really good, it genuinely conveys that DBZ 'feel'. But then I start playing it myself and damn, it just feels like a clunky mess. My favourite DBZ on the Saturn (and one of my favourites in general) still remains Shin Butoden.Any of this worth getting? How's Dragon Ball Z Legends?
I've been to cons that had a bunch. The thing is most places think Saturn collectors will automatically pay top dollar regardless of the quality of the game, and there is a lot of junk out there.
Hell I see more Sega CD and Sega 32X games in some places and not a single Saturn game in any store nowadays.
Wow, out of nowhere - to me at least - that The House of the Dead (I assume it's the US version) went so much higher in price.
I figured as much. Thanks.
Love Saturn Memories channel.
(Going to order a JP version and put it in that case since these huge ones are flimsy as hell.)
It's fairly silly and hilariously broken from what I've played of it so far.
Oh yeah almost forgot this too!
It's fairly silly and hilariously broken from what I've played of it so far.
Got this from JonathanNemo the other day!
I've been playing it on and off at their place when I visited every once and a while and have had fun so far. I didn't know where Camelot originated from before playing this and talking with Jon.
That info mostly stemmed from me saying "This is Golden Sun." a short bit into the game. (Going to order a JP version and put it in that case since these huge ones are flimsy as hell.)
Great game, I expect it to get pretty valuable in a few years if it isn't already.
Got this from JonathanNemo the other day!
I've been playing it on and off at their place when I visited every once and a while and have had fun so far. I didn't know where Camelot originated from before playing this and talking with Jon.
That info mostly stemmed from me saying "This is Golden Sun." a short bit into the game. (Going to order a JP version and put it in that case since these huge ones are flimsy as hell.)
Oh yeah almost forgot this too!
It's fairly silly and hilariously broken from what I've played of it so far.
I'm actually playing through this right now. I believe I'm a little more than halfway through. Theres little to no grinding involved and the bosses I have encountered have the right amount of difficulty, nothing cheap. I love the particle effects and the use of Pixies is really cool. And the music that is played in the Armory at Enrich is amazing. I've gone in there, put the controller down so I could listen to it longer. Great game so far, good pickup.
Edit: I would post a link to the music, but I can only find it in a Lets Play and the guy playing won't shut up so it's hard to hear.
I grind out of habit from other RPGs. The game's pretty hard without a guide though. Can't miss any of those pixies!
I'm planning on getting that one next.Finally got to play Golden Axe: The Duel. Not as bad as I thought it would be. I actually kinda dug it.
I do wish we got Revenge of Death Adder ported as well. Oh well.
Could have been a nice launch title.
Speaking of beat 'em ups, been playing Die Hard Arcade. Kinda wanna rewatch the film now lol.
I recall there was a period where Tryrush Deppy wasn't all that pricey, and it was only a few years ago?
It's the right time of year for that, certainly.
It's been on the expensive side for quite a while. Pretty sure I got my copy around 2008 for $90.
My Japanese copies of Fighter's Mega Mix and X-Men Children of the Atom came in the mail today!
I kinda want X-Men as its one of the only straight up X-Men fighters. No crossovers or anything. Also Omega Red has the best theme.
Akuma's in it.