Yep, you can.Can I claim Fighters Megamix then?![]()
Yep, you can.Can I claim Fighters Megamix then?![]()
So I tried Nekketsu Oyako tonight, and I was not prepared!
I thought, sure, a little crazy. Look, quirky enemy design, I think I get it.
Then stage 1 ends and the transition into stage 2 blew my mind! Completely unpredictable!
Fantastic first impression, from this little first taste. I like that it's full of arcadey animations & sprite effects. There's even a Saturn item pickup! I presume this is a PlayStation in that version...
Loving it so far!![]()
Yep, you can.
I think your RBS video looks fantastic, whereas I spot a little bit of blurriness in your previous ones at 720p - i.e. your Fatal Fury/Fatal Fury Special playthroughs - which I believe is deliberate? Never used a Framemeister, and I'm a CRT freak, for anything until the original XBOX.Are you impressed by the quality of my videos?=O Ha, funny how we both ordered from the same seller.
I had to use cysnc or else GBS 8200 will hate it.=O
Yeah, that's true! I can play In the Hunt just fine with my unit too, yet I still have to catch a safe copy of Out Run.You guys might still have slight system differences even if they're both white Japanese Saturns. I think this model was around long enough to exist with more than one BIOS version, for example.
Random sad fact: I thought I had a defective copy of In The Hunt, only to find out it simply wouldn't work on my model 1 grey HST-3210 Saturn. Worked perfectly on a white model 2 Saturn. And all this time it's Outrun I was watching out for!
Ouch, sounds like another game I criminally overlooked until today. And another wallet-hitter to add to my - well long already - wishlist.So I tried Nekketsu Oyako tonight, and I was not prepared!
I thought, sure, a little crazy. Look, quirky enemy design, I think I get it.
Then stage 1 ends and the transition into stage 2 blew my mind! Completely unpredictable!
Fantastic first impression, from this little first taste. I like that it's full of arcadey animations & sprite effects. There's even a Saturn item pickup! I presume this is a PlayStation in that version...
Loving it so far!![]()
"Silhouette Mirage was initially released on the Saturn, but was ported to the PlayStation shortly thereafter. The differences between the versions are minimal - the Saturn version has extra background layers and various other details in certain stages that are missing from the PlayStation version, but that's about the only major change. To make up for this, there's an extra boss fight - the Reaper - at the end, as well as an additional ending for beating it. Considering how badly a lot of other ports got butchered back in the 32-bit era - especially 2D games for the PlayStation - Silhouette Mirage turned out pretty damn well.
However, when it was localized into English, there were a number of gameplay changes implemented by Working Designs, the American publisher. Working Designs was known to tinker with gameplay elements, usually to make them more difficult, but they really went overboard with this one.
The very essence of the power draining mechanics have changed. Previously, you could use any of the weapons as much as you wanted - now, all weapons drain spirit power as you use them. To make up for this, when you attack enemies with the same class, you'll replenish your own Spirit meter in addition to depleting theirs. This is actually really useful in certain boss battles when your spirit is depleted, since you can just suck the strength back out of them. Additionally, some of the weapons in the Japanese version were pretty unbalanced, and this seems to be a way to keep players from abusing the more powerful attacks.
Ultimately, however, the changes do more harm than good. Most of the weapons drain way too much power to be useful. It also pretty much forces you to drain every enemy before killing them, and potentially you can expend more energy than you replenish. It also forces you to use the weakest weapons in most cases, since that usually expends the least amount of Spirit. Quite simply, the game is already complicated enough trying to deal with the different classes - keeping track of ammo conservation just isn't fun.
Furthermore, Working Designs upped the difficulty by increasing the damage inflicted by enemies, as well as making all of the items in the shops more expensive. The latter solves nothing - having to stop and cash bash enemies to be able afford upgraded weapons and health replenishments was already somewhat tedious in the Japanese release, but this just makes everything worse."
PS1 version more challenging confirmed!
To be fair they did that because of the return market at the time. But I think Vic has admitted they did to much but I can't remember.This makes me so mad to read, of course the PS1-version is the affordable one (and thus the one I have). That Working Design-magic indeed.
To be fair they did that because of the return market at the time. But I think Vic has admitted they did to much but I can't remember.
EAR is a worthy choice.kinda wanna claim EAR here
This makes me so mad to read, of course the PS1-version is the affordable one (and thus the one I have). That Working Design-magic indeed.
The rental market (they didn't want people renting a game and beating it over a weekend) and to give "value" for money. Both lame excuses since WD aren't game designers so they had no idea what they were doing.
Secret best dev.EAR is a worthy choice.
So is Bubble Symphony. <3 Taito
EAR is a worthy choice.
So is Bubble Symphony. <3 Taito
No I believe at the time it was more that you could purchase a game and return it for a full refund. They made many of the changes to increase game length and difficulty to counteract this. I can't find the post now but I believe that was his defense of the changes.
Secret best dev.
The blurriness is due to youtube compressing at 720p which uses lower bitrate, if I had used the 1440p option they would look crisp like Real Bout Fatal Fury Special.I think your RBS video looks fantastic, whereas I spot a little bit of blurriness in your previous ones at 720p - i.e. your Fatal Fury/Fatal Fury Special playthroughs - which I believe is deliberate? Never used a Framemeister, and I'm a CRT freak, for anything until the original XBOX.![]()
But Panda-chan is made of nerf...Panda-chan too OP please nerf.
Is it? Yes, its the best Real Time SRPG ever. I'm surprised CJ hasnt shown up yet, since he does no matter where Dragon Force is mentioned.
Poor Goldark. He's just misunderstood.
Somepics of my collection.shitty
Somepics of my collection.shitty
Just need Alpha 3 to get the whole trilogy.
It's really expensive though
I've been spending so much on my Saturn collection last year it's not even funny.
Alpha 3 got lucky in where none of its ports are bad, but ironically the Saturn version still reigns supreme anyway.
What are some good beat em ups besides Guardian Heroes and Die Hard Arcade?
NooooooooooooopeYup, Zero 3 goes for a pretty penny. Best of the series though. I might bite on it.
Nooooooooooooope.In my [double spoiler]correct[/double spoiler]opinion. Zero 3 is a flashy, nice looking, cool characters... busy, noisy mess far too influenced by the vs series. Far worse music, worse announcer, worse stages, much worse gameplay. And I have the Saturn version
Zero 2 fo life yo. Second best Street Fighter game after 3rd Strike.
I'd recommend getting Three Dirty Dwarves while it's affordable. The Saturn's library of beat-'em-ups is very small, and this is one of the few good ones that can still be had at an affordable price.
I agree, it's a fun game, certainly unique premise. Hard to believe that this is considered affordable, but I haven't bought a Saturn game in a long, long time. Damn....
edit: I guess some completed auctions aren't terrible, particularly disc only, but what's available to buy right now isn't all that cheap.
Will check it out.
I can't seem to find any sources that say VF2 Arcade ran at 57fps and Saturn at 60fps. Could you link me? The only one I found was Sega Retro, but I that's a wiki.
I have Guardian Heroes, Die Hard Arcade and 3 Dirty dwarves and I honestly can't imagine needing anything else on beat-em-up front. Maybe the aforementioned Nekketsu oyako?
Don't have an official source, and I'm not sure where I heard it first. I think it's pretty well known though. The Saturn version and XBLA/PSN versions do run at 60fps, dunno about the PS2 version.
Didnt know the PS360 version ran at 60 too.
The Saturn version looks worse to the arcade one but Im so used to the Saturn version it just feels more natural to me.
Will check it out.
I can't seem to find any sources that say VF2 Arcade ran at 57fps and Saturn at 60fps. Could you link me? The only one I found was Sega Retro, but I that's a wiki.
So I tried Nekketsu Oyako tonight, and I was not prepared!
I thought, sure, a little crazy. Look, quirky enemy design, I think I get it.
Then stage 1 ends and the transition into stage 2 blew my mind! Completely unpredictable!
Fantastic first impression, from this little first taste. I like that it's full of arcadey animations & sprite effects. There's even a Saturn item pickup! I presume this is a PlayStation in that version...
Loving it so far!![]()
dungeons and dragons collection
or maybe this.....?? Crows
or maybe this.....?? Crows