tied up Albert Odyssey last night! went back in, and damn....the encounter rates in those towers are rough, but that S&M chick fight is brutal. also, 3 forms of a final boss with no break to heal is a total crapshot...it looks & sounds great by me, but it's still in the "good for a b-tier RPG" category. fun game, and in that pre/just post FF VII window of people playing stuff like Wild ARMs/etc, i would've been all over it - but those looking to pay $100+ for it in 2k16, i hope you've already exhausted Saga/Dragon Force/better stuff, is all. not to disparage it, but it's not at the top of the pile, you know?
gonna see if i can run through Burning Rangers before 4 in februrary runs out, then it's either tie up the PSX RPGs i got far in (Grandia, Arc) or maybe MKR here, not sure yet!