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Sega Saturn turned 29 today


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Still the best layout for fighting games. Wish I could have a saturn controller for my Xbox, Id be unstoppable on my fighting games! the D pad was perfect for precise moves in fighting games. having all six buttons on the face makes doing combos less cumbersome too.
This ain't bad. Although obviously it ain't this which unfortunately isn't compatible with Xbox and MS killed the adapters that made it possible.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Has anyone used the Retro Bit Saturn controllers? Was thinking of ordering one, but wanted to get some feedback first.
I got two of the first models (black boxes), one felt mushy, the other's d-pad broke with little use. I was nagging them for months for replacement parts as it was a widespread issue quietly fixed to no avail. After 4 years I re-nagged on some new product news and they finally sent me 2 new pads. So far the one I unboxed is great. They're nice cheap pads as long as they don't break but so far so good. The main difference to the original is the shoulder buttons don't have micro switches but somehow on this version I've got atm they made them have a pretty decent click that feels good to press.

The one I unboxed has a nice see through shell. Though there's not much to see underneath (no rumble etc.) it's more visible than on the box there, I didn't even notice it until I got it out. Now in combination with my DualShock 4 (and mkb) I have something for every type of game. Granted the years they had me on ignore I also bought a Fighting Commander (PS3/PS4 version, similar to their current Switch model, no stick) for the 6 face buttons (which may be more comfortable than Saturn's as they're all full size but whatever) and it was pretty awesome too, even with the cross d-pad (changed again in new models). So I have a backup if these prove fragile (plus it has 4 shoulder buttons and Select so you could use it for emulation of PS etc. without a weird layout). If (when) my old DS4 dies and these prove sturdy I may go for their upcoming Saturn Pro twin stick pad as a catch all deal.
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Be sure to use the latest version of Retroarch to use the Retrobit Saturn controllers.

The dpad will not work on older versions.

I ran into that today.

Use the nightly version.

Also, just use the latest version of Bizhawk. The nightly version is broken with Saturn controllers.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Be sure to use the latest version of Retroarch to use the Retrobit Saturn controllers.

The dpad will not work on older versions.

I ran into that today.

Use the nightly version.
It just mistakenly thinks the d-pad is an analog stick in RA 1.16.0 so just for the Beetle Saturn core (maybe others too?) you can easily solve it by enabling the analog to digital switch, setting it to the left stick. Idk, that's the first thing I tried when it didn't work and it worked. Other cores don't need it.
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It just mistakenly thinks the d-pad is an analog stick in RA 1.16.0 so just for the Beetle Saturn core (maybe others too?) you can easily solve it by enabling the analog to digital switch, setting it to the left stick. Idk, that's the first thing I tried when it didn't work and it worked. Other cores don't need it.
Yeah. The new one detects it right and sets it up right too. They must have added it to their database.
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Naked Lunch

I finally took the leap and installed a Fenrir Duo in my Saturn this year. Worth every penny.

Silhouette Mirage (finally) got an English patch.
and dont forget the incredible Bulk Slash and Tactics Ogre translations earlier this year as well.
Sakura Wars english patch is in the works.

The Saturn might be my favorite console of all time.
The shmup and fighting game libraries are just too good - timeless. Radiant Silvergun might be on Steam and other consoles now - but the modern ports pale in comparison to the Saturn original.
Dragon Force, Shining Force III, Panzer Dragoon series, and Sega Rally just seal the deal.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Yeah. The new one detects it right and sets it up right too. They must have added it to their database.
Ah well, that's cool, I'm used to configuring controls in RA so it's no biggie to remap it, the analog to digital thing was the first thing I thought to try when the d-pad didn't work. In FBN I have a scheme for the Capcom fighting games, another for SNK's, set the DualShock 4 as player 1 instead of the Retro-bit pad for games that use analog like Space Harrier, same for Saturn games that support the 3D Control Pad (or Virtual On for both Saturn and Dreamcast with a twin stick scheme), set the DS4 as default for Dreamcast but also set the Saturn pad for its 2D fighting games, have a scheme for lightgun games in various cores using the Wii zapper, etc., it's worth learning RA's control configuration since it's universal (except the MAME cores using its own interface, hence why I prefer using FBN even if it supports way less arcade boards as that's still more games than you can ever play).

Mind you can also make the Saturn pad use xinput like Xbox pads instead of dinput by holding Start and B for 5 seconds but that will probably mess up all the configurations I've done so far (and Idk if you have to do it every PC boot, that'd be more annoying so sticking with its default dinput mode). It might be needed for games that only support xinput though (unless you have Steam Input take care of that). Also you can hold Start and one of four primary d-pad directions to change between 4 different button/stick/d-pad layouts if that suits certain games/defaults better.
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I have not tried the 8bitDo Neo Geo pads yet with Retroarch. I will try it tomorrow. Hopefully, they auto setup.


Reverse groomer.
YOU really dont know what you are talking about. Ill admit the PS1 and N64 were morse sensible choices. and were must haves of the era.

...but the saturn was special. It was the machine for capcom arcade games ( if you never played xmen Vs street fighter with the RAM cart then you simply never understood the appeal) . I was a fighting game addict who also spent a lot of my youth at the local sega world... a lot of us practiced KOF 96 at home then went there or to goodge street arcade.

if you were an arcade guy in the 90s the saturn was your machine. sure, I bought a PS1 for the namco stuff (ridge racer and tekken were must haves! wipeout was pure 90s vibes ..and of course colin mcrae rally!... and other stuff like bloody roar and GT). sure I grabbed the N64 for mario 64 (fealt like walking on the moon for the first time...real 3D movement!) , golden eye mario kart, F-zero (these three were multiplayer mainstays in my house in the 90s...could play them for hours with friends and pizza) and zelda (its a toss up between Panzer dragoon: saga and zelda: OOT for my fave game of that era) .....

.....but the panzer dragoon series....virtua fighter.. virtua cop..last bronx, fighters megamix sega rally.... burning rangers.... the first dead or alive, the capcom fighting games..the SNK fighting games.. in fact...fighting games in general. radiant silver gun..sillhouete mirage, guardian heroes ..thunderforce 5 the grandia games!...jeez! duke nukem and quake were ports that were not supposed to be possible on that hardware but there good for what they were. that machine was fucking awesome....if you never had one and experienced those games at the time you did really miss out. Ill always associate it with the 90s..the twilight of my youth/childhood...the twilight of segas hardware years and the arcades in general....what an era....It just sounds like you missed out...the more I remember it. there was sometjing very cool about segas 32-bit underdog...and it constantly surprised. I spent hours perfecting my fighting game skills against friends and I could make a pound coin go a very long way on a fighting game as a result, of that console. it was special. I loved all my consoles of that era for different reasons. but anybody who owned all three will tell you saturn was a special peice of kit..espcielly if you were importing games for it ( anybody else here used to go CEX on tottenham court rd, back in the 90s?....went to trhe arcades near by?.....you probably ran into me once or twice! lol... really was a golden era for gaming ...even though it was painful segas home console division...they were leading the way with gaming graphics with their Model series arcade boards.....who knows what could have been had they went with the lockheed designed chipset instead of the complicated mess of hardware they actually released...... I still think they would have lost, but buy would those arcade ports have been better and maybe more 3D games would have had their first on the saturn. ...all the same...I love it for what it is, and the games that pushed it were spectacular.
you are defending the console that put Sega out of the console business and prevented them from making more superior machines like the Genesis and Dreamcast. Which on many parts of the web were beloved more than the Saturn by far.

For that alone the Saturn was objectively a piece of shit system.
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you are defending the console that put Sega out of the console business and prevented them from making more superior machines like the Genesis and Dreamcast. Which on many parts of the web were beloved more than the Saturn by far.

For that alone the Saturn was objectively a piece of shit system.
It is the Dreamcast that put them out of business though.


Reverse groomer.
It is the Dreamcast that put them out of business though.
The Saturn was the catalyst. If it never existed, or was executed better, Sega's reputation would be much better and they wouldn't be nearing bankruptcy by the time the Dreamcast arrived

Dreamcast was actually selling really well. It's just that those levels of success compared to the PS2 were nothing.


The Saturn was the catalyst. If it never existed, or was executed better, Sega's reputation would be much better and they wouldn't be nearing bankruptcy by the time the Dreamcast arrived

Dreamcast was actually selling really well. It's just that those levels of success compared to the PS2 were nothing.
It is the Dreamcast that was the console where they invested all of their money in absurd projects and sold the console at a price that was basically killing them with each unit sold. Not the Saturn.


The issue were the years before the release of the Saturn. A flurry of bad decisions that reduced Sega's ability to compete.
The release of the MegaCD and 32X, split developers time and reduced consumer trust in the company.
The internal fighting between Sega Japan and Sega US.
The advancement of the Saturn's launch, that pissed of retailers and third party developers alike. And meant there were fewer games at launch.
The lack of sports games from Sega. And the breaking up of relations between Sega and EA.
The release of bad ports at the launch of the Saturn, like Virtua Fighter 1.
The focus on arcade, short experiences, instead of longer, more complex games for a home console market.

By the time the Dreamcast released, the company was already in a downward spiral. Consumers didn't trust Sega anymore, and most were just waiting for the PS2.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Neither S/Mega CD nor 32X sold enough units to consider some huge disgruntled SEGA fanbase (or gamer audience) refused to look at the Saturn over their lack of support (not that anyone expected add ons to perform better). The main issue was the constant blitz of paid off media bashing its 3D ability and games which weren't far removed from (if not better than on many occasions) PS in their early years and without which it would be the most powerful 3D console (and 2D too as it was but again dishonest media bashed 2D games just because Sony pushed 3D as if 2D was outdated and nothing to care about when, newsflash, 30 years later we're still getting awesome new 2D games) by a wide margin and until the N64's launch, reviewers unfairly bashing its games (or ignoring their existence) and elevating PS games with stupid excuses like "blue shadows" for near arcade perfect ports compared to cut down PS versions or the likes of Toshinden URA getting bad ratings when Toshinden 2 was better received despite being the worse game (they're all mediocre but we're talking early years) and the constantly regurgitated false perception that Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA was the best it'd ever do when SEGA quickly proved otherwise (and VF wasn't even a bad port, it's the core game that was outdated by then, still it was a milestone arcade release that had a certain symbolism to have at home - all but lost for western media - and clearly the Saturn could do a lot better, like have actual textures as in all its other games and soon after in VF Remix too - not in polygon pushing mind, Model 1 arcade was still a beast, Virtua Fighter's models may be crude due to a lack of technical know how but still have tons of polygons the PlayStation couldn't push either, with individual fingers and toes for the fighters). Mind it still sold numbers similar to the Dreamcast and got way more games (in Japan) so Idk how anyone can elevate that over it (or vice versa, both are excellent with loads of Sega and 2nd and 3rd party gems, though yes, Saturn has more and had it lived longer would have Shenmue too, I'd love to live in that parallel world where the original released on Saturn and we got an even better from the ground up sequel for Dreamcast, with different chapter separation of course as Shenmue II events would be included in the first game). Facts.​
Geometric-Crusher said:
I do not agree with any statement or conclusion made above
Anyone alive in the '90s can attest to these facts (with small variations per region, here even TV gaming shows supposedly by a general gaming outlet only advertised PlayStation games/versions veiling it as presentations/reviews, clearly paid off to do so and pretend other systems don't even exist, with the print media not much better either, but I was buying foreign mags (and their local editions) as well and it was all the same so that even as a former owner, when I finally got my first PC and access to the internet around 2000 long after Saturn was put to rest and Dreamcast was about to I could finally see everything I was missing out on, I probably wouldn't have sold my systems if I had seen all the other games I could get) unlike all your childish posts about hardware, software, Saturn mini, boycotts and general Sega opinions. At least agree with yourself, stick to your word.​
Geometric-Crusher said:
I end my participation in the thread
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Man, I had a bitch of a time installing that English patch. I needed the Desktop version of .NET 5.0.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Huh, MechWarrior 2 might actually be a hidden gem on the console (and on the PS too I guess). It was quite panned back in the day vs the superior PC game and also looks quite crude (technically it's not so bad with the VDP2 ground and sky and everything but the mech models are certainly not on par with something like Gungriffon). I had also briefly tried it before and didn't enjoy it myself, but revisiting it while going through all the cockpit/simy Saturn games again (of which there are quite a few awesome ones actually) there are alternative control schemes that make it play more like good ol MechWarrior where you lock your throttle and twist your mech's torso/turret to strafe enemies as God intended. I'll have to play more of it to see if the campaigns and all are decent enough but from a couple missions and messing around in the training it just feels right. It's kinda nuts only setup 6, 7 and 8 in the options give these additional controls. By default, I guess because they wanted to keep it simple, you can't rotate your torso/turret at all which obviously limits gameplay. I'm probably not the only one who missed it by scrolling through the first few settings only and seeing it just shifts around the button placement and assuming that's all there is. Anyway, for now this plays great on the standard Sega Saturn control scheme (I think it also supported the Mission Stick but I can't get that to work right in emulation atm) and feels better than it has any right to. The controls are now better than Gungriffon's if you ask me, its turret/strafing wasn't done quite right (at least until the sequel with the Twin Stick support) though the game is probably still better than MechWarrior 2 overall (it's one of my favorites). Prettier and smoother for sure.
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"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
Neither S/Mega CD nor 32X sold enough units to consider some huge disgruntled SEGA fanbase refused to look at the Saturn over their lack of support (not that anyone expected add ons to perform better).​
This concept of fanbase did not exist, perhaps Nintendo's side because in the West Nintendo had a generation advantage over SEGA. Consoles were toys bought by parents. Playstation and Sega Saturn ushered in the generation of adult gamers, those consoles would cost $700 today.

The 32x hurt Sega more in terms of mobilizing resources and teams, who would otherwise have been working on SS

The main issue was the constant blitz of paid off media bashing its 3D ability and games which weren't far removed from (if not better than on many occasions) PS in their early years and without which it would be the most powerful 3D console (and 2D too as it was but again dishonest media bashed 2D games just because Sony pushed 3D as if 2D was outdated and nothing to care about when, newsflash, 30 years later we're still getting awesome new 2D games) by a wide margin and until the N64's launch, reviewers unfairly bashing its games and elevating PS games with stupid excuses like "blue shadows" for near arcade perfect ports compared to cut down PS versions or the likes of Toshinden URA getting bad ratings when Toshinden 2 was better received despite being the worse game (yes they're all mediocre but we're talking early years) and overall the constantly regurgitated false perception that Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA was the best it can ever do when SEGA quickly proved otherwise (and VF wasn't even such a bad port, it's the core game that was simply outdated by then, still it was a milestone arcade release that had a certain symbolism to have at home - all but lost for western media - and clearly the Saturn could do a lot better, like have actual textures as in all its other games and soon after in VF Remix too - not in polygon pushing mind, Model 1 arcade was still a beast, Virtua Fighter's models may be crude due to a lack of technical know how but still have tons of polygons the PlayStation couldn't push either with individual fingers and toes for the fighters).​
I'm a fan too. But I do not agree with any statement or conclusion made above

Mind it still sold numbers similar to the Dreamcast and got way more games (in Japan) so Idk how anyone can elevate that over it (or vice versa, both are excellent with loads of Sega and 2nd and 3rd party gems, though yes, Saturn has more and had it lived longer would have Shenmue too, I'd love to live in that parallel world where the original released on Saturn and we got an even better from the ground up sequel for Dreamcast, with different chapter separation of course as Shenmue II events would be part of the first game instead and we'd see more)...​

the Dreamcast had more public appeal. Saturn had more games, a full cycle in Japan and a half cycle in the West. The fact is that the Dreamcast had half a cycle globally, yet sold comparable numbers. But I prefer Sega Saturn honestly.
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The Saturn was the catalyst. If it never existed, or was executed better, Sega's reputation would be much better and they wouldn't be nearing bankruptcy by the time the Dreamcast arrived

Dreamcast was actually selling really well. It's just that those levels of success compared to the PS2 were nothing.

First of all, Sega had a ton of other things that did them in (infighting, too many projects at once such as them parks).

Second of all, again, Saturn was actually successful aside from a few stupid errors (putting someone in charge who wanted to Osborne the thing).

Also, regardless of how you feel, do the Genesis or Dreamcast have the following:

Saturn Bomberman
Panzer Dragoon series
Radiant Silvergun
near-arcade perfect Capcom ports on the regular

Answer, is no.

Also, this is the post you liked, citing a large number of 3d games that aged like warm milk in a sauna:

If that's the hill you want the die on, sure.

But again, between selling millions but amounting to little more than a fart in the wind in the bigger scope (even some of those classics were rendered utterly superfluous), and selling far less but aging far better, I'm going with the latter.
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you are defending the console that put Sega out of the console business and prevented them from making more superior machines like the Genesis and Dreamcast. Which on many parts of the web were beloved more than the Saturn by far.

For that alone the Saturn was objectively a piece of shit system.
None of what you said changes the fact that quality games like panzer dragoon, sega rally and the many arcade perfect ports of capcom and snk fighting games and many more existed and were great games though….. does it?


"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
For some reason, the Saturn could do more parallax than the PlayStation. They had to take off a layer on the PlayStation.
Vram. the Saturn has 0.5mb more vram than the Playstation which can be mapped into 2D sprite-based games or 3D games like Virtua Fighter 2.


Reverse groomer.
None of what you said changes the fact that quality games like panzer dragoon, sega rally and the many arcade perfect ports of capcom and snk fighting games and many more existed and were great games though….. does it?
Yeah but the Saturn is the reason, or one of the biggest reasons, why we never got a Saturn/Dreamcast 2 and Sega are now just a third party.

A system like that no matter how great its library is can't be redeemed.

Also, this is the post you liked, citing a large number of 3d games that aged like warm milk in a sauna:
Konami just put out one of the shittiest collections ever made and people sprung to give them their money just because they wanted to play Metal Gear Solid 1 again.
Nintendo put 3 3D Mario games on their Switch, nothing more, and somehow managed to make bank off of making it a timed buy because people wanted Mario 64 on their Switch.
They got people to subscribe to a subpar online service just to get Mario 64 and all those "aged like warm milk" Nintendo 64 games on the Switch.
Banjo Kazooie has people begging and begging Microsoft to get Rare to make a new entry.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is one of the most anticipated titles of next year.

You are absolutely insane to imply that any of these titles aged like warm milk in a sauna when even 25 years later they are some of the most recognizable and beloved video game properties in existence.


Yeah but the Saturn is the reason, or one of the biggest reasons, why we never got a Saturn/Dreamcast 2 and Sega are now just a third party.

A system like that no matter how great its library is can't be redeemed.

Konami just put out one of the shittiest collections ever made and people sprung to give them their money just because they wanted to play Metal Gear Solid 1 again.
Nintendo put 3 3D Mario games on their Switch, nothing more, and somehow managed to make bank off of making it a timed buy because people wanted Mario 64 on their Switch.
They got people to subscribe to a subpar online service just to get Mario 64 and all those "aged like warm milk" Nintendo 64 games on the Switch.
Banjo Kazooie has people begging and begging Microsoft to get Rare to make a new entry.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is one of the most anticipated titles of next year.

You are absolutely insane to imply that any of these titles aged like warm milk in a sauna when even 25 years later they are some of the most recognizable and beloved video game properties in existence.

I don’t think it needs “redeeming”…. Just going by how things went games alone could not have saved sega in the console space.

I think they was always gonna be the casualty of industry Change.

But for that brief period in the 90s….. they were special. I think some of you are so caught up on their failure that you discard what that era meant to sega fans. To people who kind of was on that line between the arcades and consoles in the 90s. Some of us knew it was the last years, and that kind of made it more special. It was the last years of the arcades. The last years where importing rare quality Japanese games was a thing.

Even when I look back it’s a stark contrast to my modern gamepass/Xbox approach to gaming. I’m all for digital but in the 90s…. I was that kid that went to and got the import versions of these crazy Saturn games and my friends who were mostly PS and N64 owners were indeed blown away by those arcade ports. We poured countless hours into clean bs street fighter and start fighter alpha 2…. And that’s at a time when I had a pSX with GT and N46 with golden eye and f zero carts ready to play. Them Saturn fitting games weee something……and I can’t forget the endless BBQ base pizzas and late 90s hip hop we used to pay in the back ground…. Though when nobody was around I so would soak in those awesome capcom 90s sound tracks. Sure it’s part rose tinted glasses about the 90s as a whole but it was very real. The games were that good. Music was that cool. And the Saturn was this cool, niche pocket of gaming few got into but those who did probably became pretty bad ass at king of fighters and other fighting games in the process. And that’s what it was all about in the 90s. Beating the shot out of your friends on forgoing games… before the days of always online games and FPS dominating. Your dismissiveness of the Saturn just tells me you missed out on something very cool.

Sega was never gonna last as a console manufacturer. And that’s ok. What matters is from the master system to the DV we got some awesome memories out for them… my master system that I got for Xmas a year before the NES…… seeing revenge of Shinobi running on mega drive at a booth at dixons and instantly wanting one so bad it hurt…. Then getting one for Xmas in 1989. Being heart broken by that Daytona conversion on Saturn…. Yet utterly in love with that sega rally and VF2 conversion…. Even though the arcade version constantly reminded me how far behind console were to model 2 or even model 3……. That was ever sega owners pain….. but then that over complicated box pumps out gems like the games I mentioned in this thread.

I loved my PS for GT, ridge racer, tekken and a bunch more.

I lived my N65 for being that machine that gave us legit leaps and bounds in 3D gaming. Mario64 and Zelda remain some of my fave games of all time…..

However…… in them brief moments during the mid to late 90s…. When we got sega rally… VF2, fighter mega mix…. Panzer dragoon saga… grandia…… maaaaaaaan. I put golden eye, GT1/2 rage racer, tekken 3, Mario kart on hold for them fighting game sessions at my house.

There’s a charm to the Saturn that inspire of all its flaws just makes me love it all the same. The DC was always gonna be segas last console. And given how times changed. Maybe that’s for the best. Sega never had the financial clout of a song or even Nintendo…. But they made up for it in other areas, particularly how far they pushed 3D graphic during the era in the arcades. I don’t think anybody else could have gotten the results they got out of the Saturn except for lobotomy and they gave us better be displayed of duke Nukem and quake than even PS1.

And for sure. It’s 2D games look better in 2023 than any of the PS1 3D games. No 3D pS1 games of that era have ages well except maybe GT, RR-Type 4 and wipeout( due to its art style; being a snap shot of the 90s). Saturn 2D games still have a beautiful animation. Gameplay is fluid, as opposed to the sub 25FPS and short draw distances of 3D many console games of many consoles games of the era.

I think somebody else said it here…. The Saturn was a bubble of 90s Japanese gaming……. I’ll add that It was the arcade goers console of choice, because of those fitting games. It had these weird and awesome games.


Yeah but the Saturn is the reason, or one of the biggest reasons, why we never got a Saturn/Dreamcast 2 and Sega are now just a third party.

A system like that no matter how great its library is can't be redeemed.

Konami just put out one of the shittiest collections ever made and people sprung to give them their money just because they wanted to play Metal Gear Solid 1 again.
Nintendo put 3 3D Mario games on their Switch, nothing more, and somehow managed to make bank off of making it a timed buy because people wanted Mario 64 on their Switch.
They got people to subscribe to a subpar online service just to get Mario 64 and all those "aged like warm milk" Nintendo 64 games on the Switch.
Banjo Kazooie has people begging and begging Microsoft to get Rare to make a new entry.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is one of the most anticipated titles of next year.

You are absolutely insane to imply that any of these titles aged like warm milk in a sauna when even 25 years later they are some of the most recognizable and beloved video game properties in existence.
One thing that is barely, if ever, mentioned, is that Sega did a lot of bad business decisions outside of the Saturn that were mostly to their amusement side such as Sega World arcade centers which many were closed in the late 90s to 2000, and GameWorks parks not being profitable enough in a short term. It was also made it even worse with the arcade ressurgence dying out by 99, as games were becoming longer and more complex than it would be feasible to be played in the arcades, and the fact that they were no longer the top of the technological chain thanks to the very Dreamcast being the reference hardware for NAOMI.


Yeah, Sega was way too late to gradually divert their resources away from the arcade industry as general interest in these types of games dwindled. There were signs of the arcade industry losing a lot of steam during the mid 1990s, and it seemed Sega went full steam ahead and doubled down on producing their output in this area. I had been a big time arcade gamer since the mid 1980s, and found myself enjoying Sega arcade games the most overall by far. But I also knew at this point that there wasn't much of a future for these types of games thriving moving forward past the Model 3 era.

Anyway, the first time I saw and played Ferrari F355 Challenge was in a Sega Gameworks venue. Sadly, this place last only about two years before it was closed down permanently.

As for the Saturn... I thought it was a decent console. Just having a platform to practice certain things on Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Cop 1 & 2, Sega Rally Championship, Sega Touring Car Championship, and Manx TT Superbike at home made it a successful system for me. It was a bonus to also have the Panzer Dragoon games, Saturn Bomberman (probably the best party game I've ever played! It was THAT great!!), Die Hard Arcade, Burning Rangers, and NiGHTs among a few other games.

Also at this time I remembered being so upset that Thunder Force V wasn't distributed in the US for the Saturn when it came out. (Yeah, I know Thunder Force V was immediately available as an import, but ordering import games at this time was much more difficult to do than it is today.) I understood the decision to not bring Radiant Silvergun out to the US since this game didn't have a presence outside of Japan. However, the Thunder Force series has already proven to be an established success on the Genesis console, so why not have the current edition of this series carry over to the Saturn? This decision still baffles me to this day.
Smoke some herb and zone out to this w/ headphones.

Noticed that Layer Section has the entire OST on disc, I programmed my favorite tracks and cranked the 'surround sound' option in the music player, neat reverb effect or something. This OST is so damn good.

For science.
you are defending the console that put Sega out of the console business and prevented them from making more superior machines like the Genesis and Dreamcast. Which on many parts of the web were beloved more than the Saturn by far.

For that alone the Saturn was objectively a piece of shit system.
The Saturn rules and has a better 3D controller than the DC.

ps4 GIF

Edit: People these days hate on the Saturn more than people did when it was in stores. It wasn't bad-mouthed at my local game shop, nor at school. Everyone knew it was an arcade powerhouse but the N64 and PSX had such appeal and the PSX library was such a juggernaut back then. It was incredibly easy to overlook the Saturn.

I went the N64, Saturn, PSX route. I didn't get a PSX until 1998. I loved the Saturn, my brother and I had fighting games, Daytona, Albert Odyssey, Shining Force 3, Shining Wisdom, Die Hard Arcade. The controller was comfy as hell and the system felt really elegant with the built in memory and music visualizer.

PSX won me over in a big way but my brother and I and our friends always had fun playing the Saturn. In a competition of 3, someone has to lose in a big way and Sega kept losing in big ways unfortunately.
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Yeah but the Saturn is the reason, or one of the biggest reasons, why we never got a Saturn/Dreamcast 2 and Sega are now just a third party.

A system like that no matter how great its library is can't be redeemed.

Konami just put out one of the shittiest collections ever made and people sprung to give them their money just because they wanted to play Metal Gear Solid 1 again.
Nintendo put 3 3D Mario games on their Switch, nothing more, and somehow managed to make bank off of making it a timed buy because people wanted Mario 64 on their Switch.
They got people to subscribe to a subpar online service just to get Mario 64 and all those "aged like warm milk" Nintendo 64 games on the Switch.
Banjo Kazooie has people begging and begging Microsoft to get Rare to make a new entry.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is one of the most anticipated titles of next year.

You are absolutely insane to imply that any of these titles aged like warm milk in a sauna when even 25 years later they are some of the most recognizable and beloved video game properties in existence.

When I talk about "aged like warm milk" I'm talking about the 32 bit games (N64/PS1/SAT gen). They may have gotten the ball rolling on franchises, and in cases may have great gameplay, but that doesn't change how much the tech was holding them back in 3d. The gulf between that gen and the following one was huge. Cases where the games from that gen still stood out compared to later gens were few and far between. Mario 64 and MGS 1 are still great, but they're exceptions to the rule, and have follow-ups that are at least arguably superior on the whole.

Banjo Kazooie? Eh, old-school Rare nostalgia.

A lot of people want FF7 Rebirth because they've been chomping at the bit for FF7 as a whole to be remade.

Which in a nutshell explains practically a lot of early 3d games for a lot of fans: remakes, please! Even those who love the games want them remastered at the very least.
I finally took the leap and installed a Fenrir Duo in my Saturn this year. Worth every penny.

Silhouette Mirage (finally) got an English patch.
and dont forget the incredible Bulk Slash and Tactics Ogre translations earlier this year as well.
Sakura Wars english patch is in the works.

The Saturn might be my favorite console of all time.
The shmup and fighting game libraries are just too good - timeless. Radiant Silvergun might be on Steam and other consoles now - but the modern ports pale in comparison to the Saturn original.
Dragon Force, Shining Force III, Panzer Dragoon series, and Sega Rally just seal the deal.
Don't forget about the English translation for Grandia. I've been casually playing through it the last two weeks. It's freaking stunning, the level of detail and overall polish is truly remarkable. Legit one of the best looking games I've ever seen.

Naked Lunch

Don't forget about the English translation for Grandia. I've been casually playing through it the last two weeks. It's freaking stunning, the level of detail and overall polish is truly remarkable. Legit one of the best looking games I've ever seen.
Thanks. Ill have to give it a shot. I know there are entire youtube vids comparing how much better the Saturn port is over the PS1 version.
Thanks. Ill have to give it a shot. I know there are entire youtube vids comparing how much better the Saturn port is over the PS1 version.
Yea, it's been so cool to experience it on actual hardware. The Saturn has many great examples of what a 32-bit transition of SNES/Genesis games could have been and Grandia is hands down the best example of this, as least to me.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Since this is the closest thing to a general Saturn thread, I’ve got a question.

Is Super Tempo any good? I have an irrational fondness for Tempo on the 32x and have always wanted to try the Saturn game but have never had the chance (and sadly it’s not working on MiSTer).


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
What are the games that were on other systems, including arcade but people prefer the Saturn versions for good reasons (other than not having to insert coins, though saving/unlocks is a legit reason if it's meaningful)? I'd say that Vampire Savior/Darkstalkers 3 qualifies given it's essentially arcade perfect, loads very fast despite the slow CD drives of the era and has more characters removed from the previous game in the arcade version (and re-arranged in Hunter 2/Savior 2). The PS version has them as well and is the best Capcom port on it but is still very cut down, loads slow etc.

Other than the big known stuff like Grandia, Thunder Force V and Mass Destruction where Saturn famously beats the PlayStation versions and it does the same with all the SNK and Capcom fighting games, how many of those are (or were contemporarily back then) as above best on Sega Saturn?​
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Guardian Force is a usually overlooked awesome little shmup that was gonna be a Saturn exclusive but also released for arcade thanks to the STV board. Fun, pretty and unique in wholly different ways to Radiant Silvergun. And to most other shmups as well as the primary scrolling direction and with it your primary fire direction changes throughtout the levels and on top of that you also have a turret gun to rotate at will and various weapons to choose to pick up and upgrade. It doesn't use polygons so its wow factor isn't as immediate but it's really polished and has next to no slowdown too.

There are a few more cool STV + Saturn shmups on top of the more known Cotton cute em ups too. Soukyugurentai does use polygons a little bit and a lot of sprite scaling and stuff and has the lock on weapon system thingie a la Gunlock/RayForce/Layer Section. Shienryu looks very Raiden-like.
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Don’t care what the nostalgic rose-tinted fanboys say, but that console was garbage.

PS1 and N64 were better consoles in every aspect.
You're like those isolated Japanese soldiers that didn't know the war was over. Also, just factually wrong. There's no accounting for taste though, so I guess if you love 3D collect-a-thon platformers or hate arcade and arcade informed games, you'll find the Saturn wanting.


Guardian Force is a usually overlooked awesome little shmup that was gonna be a Saturn exclusive but also released for arcade thanks to the STV board. Fun, pretty and unique in wholly different ways to Radiant Silvergun. And to most other shmups as well as the primary scrolling direction and with it your primary fire direction changes throughtout the levels and on top of that you also have a turret gun to rotate at will and various weapons to choose to pick up and upgrade. It doesn't use polygons so its wow factor isn't as immediate but it's really polished and has next to no slowdown too.

There are a few more cool STV + Saturn shmups on top of the more known Cotton cute em ups too. Soukyugurentai does use polygons a little bit and a lot of sprite scaling and stuff and has the lock on weapon system thingie a la Gunlock/RayForce/Layer Section. Shienryu looks very Raiden-like.

Soukyugurentai is wild... just played a few credits recently and it feels so fresh! I really want to dig into that bad boy in the near future. I'll have to check out Guardian Force sometime soon!


When I think about the Sega Saturn, I think about Dark Savior. Something so unique, unlike anything else at the time and, simply nothing like it since, from it's looping story structure, unique fighting game style boss fights, and gorgeous building of a hand-drawn world in three dimensions, with 3D gameplay.
I think gaming is poorer for the experimentation done on that machine being made into a dead branch of gaming evolution. History is written by the winners, so our USA "nostalgia" is NES, SNES, and PS1. Elsewhere you'll see love for the Mega Drive (Brazil), Amiga (Europe), and PC Engine (doujin circles in Japan), but rarely is there Saturn. It's like too advance to be considered comfortably "retro" in the modern indie re-interpretation.
What is dead may never die!! Happy 29th anniversary Saturn!!


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Dark Savior can look pretty damn spectacular but I just never quite liked how it actually plays with all that platforming and real time action stuff in this very rigid tile based movement (if only it controlled more freeform 360 degrees like say, Grandia/Xenogears or something). Still it's pretty unique.
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Since this is the closest thing to a general Saturn thread, I’ve got a question.

Is Super Tempo any good? I have an irrational fondness for Tempo on the 32x and have always wanted to try the Saturn game but have never had the chance (and sadly it’s not working on MiSTer).
I have it on my Satiator but have yet to play it. I know people speak highly of it though.
When I think about the Sega Saturn, I think about Dark Savior. Something so unique, unlike anything else at the time and, simply nothing like it since, from it's looping story structure, unique fighting game style boss fights, and gorgeous building of a hand-drawn world in three dimensions, with 3D gameplay.
I think gaming is poorer for the experimentation done on that machine being made into a dead branch of gaming evolution. History is written by the winners, so our USA "nostalgia" is NES, SNES, and PS1. Elsewhere you'll see love for the Mega Drive (Brazil), Amiga (Europe), and PC Engine (doujin circles in Japan), but rarely is there Saturn. It's like too advance to be considered comfortably "retro" in the modern indie re-interpretation.
What is dead may never die!! Happy 29th anniversary Saturn!!

Every time I play that game I get to the first true platforming section in the ship, I jump and miss, fall down a floor, get back to the platform, jump and miss. At that point I start playing a different game, I just can't take the isometric platforming, same thing with Landstalker when I was a kid. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Since this is the closest thing to a general Saturn thread, I’ve got a question.

Is Super Tempo any good? I have an irrational fondness for Tempo on the 32x and have always wanted to try the Saturn game but have never had the chance (and sadly it’s not working on MiSTer).
You inspired me to boot it up. Fun game so far, seems like you can't save your progress though? Platforming mechanics don't feel too great but the game also isn't much of a platformer, at least the first 3 levels aren't. Such a bizarre game, keep an eye out for the kids pissing in the first level :messenger_tears_of_joy:



No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
You inspired me to boot it up. Fun game so far, seems like you can't save your progress though? Platforming mechanics don't feel too great but the game also isn't much of a platformer, at least the first 3 levels aren't. Such a bizarre game, keep an eye out for the kids pissing in the first level :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Sounds about right lol. I loved the style, animation, and music of the 32x game, but the actual gameplay wasn’t all that great. I hate having to double-tap a direction in order to start running, did they keep that in Super Tempo?
Other than the big known stuff like Grandia, Thunder Force V and Mass Destruction where Saturn famously beats the PlayStation versions and it does the same with all the SNK and Capcom fighting games, how many of those are (or were contemporarily back then) as above best on Sega Saturn?

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