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Sega Saturn turned 29 today

Sounds about right lol. I loved the style, animation, and music of the 32x game, but the actual gameplay wasn’t all that great. I hate having to double-tap a direction in order to start running, did they keep that in Super Tempo?
Double tapping seemed to be a shuffle step, I never felt like I wasn't moving fast enough so didn't give it much thought to see if there is a speedier mechanic.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Folks are getting the Retro-bit Saturn Pro controller in their hands. It looks like almost my ideal controller that can do any game, old, new, retro, emulated, fighting, 2D, 3D, with one exception I was hoping they'd change before the final versions but they didn't after all, as it doesn't have any analog triggers, just digital buttons. It's still cool but I'm covered for now between my standard no analog Sega Saturn pads (and ace 6 face button Fighting Commander if those die) and my Dual Shock 4 for everything else. I'll be keeping an eye out for future revisions of that when I need a new gamepad.
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Folks are getting the Retro-bit Saturn Pro controller in their hands. It looks like almost my ideal controller that can do any game, old, new, retro, emulated, fighting, 2D, 3D, with one exception I was hoping they'd change before the final versions but they didn't after all, as it doesn't have any analog triggers, just digital buttons. It's still cool but I'm covered for now between my standard no analog Sega Saturn pads (and ace 6 face button Fighting Commander if those die) and my Dual Shock 4 for everything else. I'll be keeping an eye out for future revisions of that when I need a new gamepad.

There's an issue too with Nights, when you're in analog mode the triggers don't work (air brakes). Dave from SegaSaturnShiro notified Retrobit. They work in digital but Nights is meant for analog.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Don't really want it for use with original hardware anyway, their coming Dreamcast controller might be more suitable for that since it has analog triggers, Saturn d-pad and 6 face buttons so it's basically a Saturn 3D Pad for Dreamcast, but yeah they should fix that and probably/hopefully will/can.

Will definitely be a missed opportunity if it doesn't work with Saturn too.
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Treated myself to a gift. I thought the only thing I lacked were the Twin Sticks but I learned about the mouse peripheral the other day and I couldn't resist once I saw the compatibility list.

I can now properly play the 8 disc fan translated version of Phantasmagoria. Discworld, Policenauts, Cyberia, all the light gun games. It's coming from Japan, CIB. Normally I don't care if it's CIB but why not, it was only $68 total.

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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
This looks like a pretty decent little snowboarding game for Saturn to have next to Steep Slope Sliders. Apparently there was an earlier 97 version as well but that was much more basic and crappy. This is Japan only for Saturn, it relased in the west on PlayStation under different names.

Also PlayStation got a Steep Slope Sliders sequel of sorts in Trick'N Snowboarder.
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This looks like a pretty decent little snowboarding game for Saturn to have next to Steep Slope Sliders. Apparently there was an earlier 97 version as well but that was much more basic and crappy. This is Japan only for Saturn, it relased in the west on PlayStation under different names.

Also PlayStation got a Steep Slope Sliders sequel of sorts in Trick'N Snowboarder.

Wow, the way the textures are "absorbed" by the edge of the screen is actually quite important in this game. It is distracting. Otherwise it looks very solid, thanks for sharing.
This looks like a pretty decent little snowboarding game for Saturn to have next to Steep Slope Sliders. Apparently there was an earlier 97 version as well but that was much more basic and crappy. This is Japan only for Saturn, it relased in the west on PlayStation under different names.

Also PlayStation got a Steep Slope Sliders sequel of sorts in Trick'N Snowboarder.

I was playing these last winter. I couldn't figure out the controls for tricks but it might just be super limited in that way. Been meaning to boot them up and have another go at it.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Patreon clout success with all these big name tech demos that will never be games I guess. This one's not as cool as his other stuff with all that waiting/loading time required for just this tiny bit shown (but kudos for not editing all that out to fake it more I guess) but it's still neat to see overall.

I do love seeing such stuff as neat what ifs but imo he's leading people on as many ask if they'll be made fully/available for download etc. and he blurts vague maybes & pimps his patreon (careful not to outright say support me and it'll be done). No single dev can just remake/demake not 1 but 3 once-AAA games in a different engine/architecture, nor will it be allowed if it ever looks like it's actually gonna happen for any of them (and it's not like he could claim he's not redistributing others' content as assets have to be heavily edited/converted so he can't make it a patcher for the originals).
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Marvel Super Heroes is pretty good without the ram cart, it's true Capcom had some difficulty utilizing ram expansions properly early on causing issues in some games (but they eventually got it right). Other ports like Darkstalkers and Street Fighter Alpha were great (earlier games without a cart or later with). MSH is a pretty advanced 2D game though, characters on the arcade version have more animation than any other, in later games Capcom cut crouching and other animation frames from the arcade versions as well, not just the home ports, it was just too much with the tag on top. Saturn got plenty great 2D gems with or without the ram cart too, both by SNK and Capcom (and others), so even if they weren't quite arcade perfect they were the closest you could get from both major companies rather than having a Neo Geo and being restricted to expensive and SNK only games.

Saturn had less games than PS, that's a given, but still, attach rates back then were what, 10:1 at best or something along those lines, okay with the bonus of rentals in some territories, but either way Saturn had more great games than any kid could own at the time in all sorts of genres even without the Japanese library in mind so not having a ton more on top didn't really make that much difference in practice until the competition killed it off and it got few and eventually no more games whatsoever of course. We're showing it held its own while it lasted and deserved better/had more to offer.

It's completely pointless and agenda driven to compare arcade game ports like STCC to GT. You can just say Saturn (and every non PS system for generations while at it) lacked anything like GT and leave it at that, making a direct comparison to any specific arcade game, which still came before GT anyway, is just silly. STCC had decent replayability too, even if not to the level of Sega Rally 2 on Dreamcast and its 10 year Championship, after finishing the Arcade and Saturn modes I enjoyed things like the Endurance races which made damage and pit stops matter and unlocking extras and stuff. It was also hard which made it last a bit longer. But sure, it wasn't the best port either and quite rightfully bashed, though I think it's a good game underneath (things like extreme polygon warping, usually not so prominent on Saturn, stuck out like a sore thumb, but that's the norm on PlayStation where people didn't care about it as much, or about low framerates and glitchy 3D of games like Syphon Filter, heh, those technical issues were only a huge problem when discussing Saturn games for the era's publications and now for you when talking about Burning Rangers or whatever else).

Great games are great games, real gamers recognize them whether they sell or flop or are trendy or not, if we always fall back on what is most popular then of course PlayStation was that and we can just not discuss the merits of anything else ever. Nobody said it topped PlayStation, just celebrated Saturn for what it is. Great exclusives and fine multiplatform games while it still got those if the publisher/developer actually made an effort, no different to later generations' multiplatform games & far from shit vs gold or anything. Plenty great PS games weren't as popular as GT either but for gamers they still count as part of its great library, as do earlier arcade ports. Well, quite a few enjoyed totally unrealistic arcade racers like Wipeout even after GT came along anyway and still do. I enjoyed 2097 on Saturn and 3 on PlayStation after I got it after Saturn died too (and never enjoyed GT).

As seen above (loads more examples where these came from), Saturn held its own while it lasted, some ports were lesser, a few better, all around it was on par like any future gen's rivals, again, hardly shit vs gold. Even if ports often were inferior (but not so bad like botched examples people go to as if that's the best Saturn could ever do and often games you don't care to play even in their best version, lol) it had the 2D game advantage (which yes, wasn't all the rage back then as Sony pushed 3D hard and publications followed suit) and its own brilliantly shining exclusive gems. Its bad rep due to a couple games like Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA shouldn't have followed it through all its life when SEGA was quick to prove it can do a lot more (and much like VF3tb on Dreamcast VF wasn't even such a bad port, the original game itself was an outdated by then crude pioneer).​

Are these comparisons on emulators? If so, it's not an accurate comparison.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Are these comparisons on emulators? If so, it's not an accurate comparison.
I would hope not as that's a pretty big comparison channel. What do you think is off to ask that? I don't see anything that seems strikingly unlike the original systems, maybe there's gonna be a glitch or difference here or there that I don't notice without watching every second of every video there.

If it's emulated then it's without enhancements rigging results for the most part, but I'm not gonna 100% vouch for them as they could be taking shortcuts. My point stands in the text whether their videos are 100% or not, a real comparison will yield similar results on the event some of those aren't.

If you think something is misrepresented you're free to check other youtube videos that are confirmed to use original hardware, separately for the PlayStation, then the Saturn version, on roughly equal quality captures and come back with it. Most of those games are well documented at this point.
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Question is where was this love between 1996-1998? The gaming world abandoned it, and for real reasons, and it wasn't as if Sega came out all guns-a-blazing and said "No, no, you got it all wrong! You want developer support? We'll give it to you asap, so you can tap into the potential of our gaming beast!".... barely two years into the systems life, you got the late-great-Bernie Stolar with his infamous words, "Saturn isn't our future"...as if the console wasn't up against it already.....
Question is where was this love between 1996-1998? The gaming world abandoned it, and for real reasons, and it wasn't as if Sega came out all guns-a-blazing and said "No, no, you got it all wrong! You want developer support? We'll give it to you asap, so you can tap into the potential of our gaming beast!".... barely two years into the systems life, you got the late-great-Bernie Stolar with his infamous words, "Saturn isn't our future"...as if the console wasn't up against it already.....
I agree. The thing with my experience is that I honestly don't recall people trashing the Saturn, I know it happened in some gaming magazines but all I had was Game Informer and they seemed fair on all fronts back then. Even Funcoland, they're the ones who recommended a Saturn to my brother and I and they even warned us that the PSX had a better library. I was pretty clueless about the Bernie Stolar comment until years after the fact, as well as all the drama surrounding the Saturn. I just wasn't aware of any of it.

For me, it's just a console that didn't take off but my friends were always excited to play it whenever they stayed the night. My brother and I loved it too. The North American library is kinda shit when you think of all the games that remained in Japan but it was still an awesome console to have in addition to the N64. My brother and I went N64, Saturn, then PSX. I thought the PSX was absolute shit when it first released, by the time we got one RE2 was already out and RE1 was the main game I wanted to play, and was the reason we got a PSX (FF7 too cause we were huge JRPG nerds).

In 2023 though, having a Satiator and access to the full library, all the translations for fantastic games, notably the RPGs, fully understanding that the Saturn really does deliver an arcade experience at home. It's like this amazing time capsule of 90s gaming and many of these titles are simply locked to the console unfortunately. I got the arcade stick and racing wheel en route, so stoked to play Outrun with the wheel and fighters/shmups with the arcade stick. It's just a dope ass console to have in the collection, it seriously brings me so much joy, just damn fun to play. The PSX will always be my favorite software library but the Saturn is just more fun to me for quick gameplay sessions.
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Question is where was this love between 1996-1998? The gaming world abandoned it, and for real reasons, and it wasn't as if Sega came out all guns-a-blazing and said "No, no, you got it all wrong! You want developer support? We'll give it to you asap, so you can tap into the potential of our gaming beast!".... barely two years into the systems life, you got the late-great-Bernie Stolar with his infamous words, "Saturn isn't our future"...as if the console wasn't up against it already.....

Bad handling? Not enough people knowing about it? Admitted inability to bring price down?

And of course Bernie was a massive idiot, cockblocking some of the best games, keeping even more of its appeal esoteric to westerners. Would have at least appreciated far more quickly if more of those games came out here.

Daniel Thomas MacInnes

GAF's Resident Saturn Omnibus
Question is where was this love between 1996-1998? The gaming world abandoned it, and for real reasons, and it wasn't as if Sega came out all guns-a-blazing and said "No, no, you got it all wrong! You want developer support? We'll give it to you asap, so you can tap into the potential of our gaming beast!".... barely two years into the systems life, you got the late-great-Bernie Stolar with his infamous words, "Saturn isn't our future"...as if the console wasn't up against it already.....

The simple answer is that there just weren't enough gamers to go around between three major consoles (much less five if we include Jaguar and 3DO). Sega also became somewhat unpopular by 1995, as Sony quickly took their place as the "hip, cool, older brother" alternative to Nintendo. Kids back then were extremely fickle and jumped from one hype bandwagon to the next.

Honestly, I don't think most gamers ever paid attention to Saturn once the PlayStation arrived. Even then, the console was remembered vaguely as being The System That Botched Daytona, and despite a nice recovery in Christmas '95, once the Nintendo 64 hype started kicking in, and once kids got to see Super Mario 64, the game was over for Sega. They were effectively doomed and were just waiting for Sony to bleed them out on the price war. As a Saturn fan, yes, it sucked back then and it still sucks today. But them's the brakes.

Remember Hootie and the Blowfish? They had an album in 1994 that exploded and sold like crazy, we're talking 22 million copies in the USA, according to Wikipedia. Two years later, they released their following album, just as good, songs sound just the same, and the response from all those fans? Crickets. Yawns. Boo-ring!

Sometimes, that's just how the business works. One day you're on top, the next day radio DJs are hurling bad jokes at your expense. "Hey, whatever happened to the 'I Didn't Do It' boy?"

PS: I should note that Sega weren't the only ones being kicked around by the fickle kids in the '90s. I remember trying to get my coworkers, all diehard Goldeneye 64 fans, to try out Perfect Dark. They gave it less than ten seconds before scoffing their disgust, throwing the cartridge aside and immediately slamming Goldeneye back into its rightful place. "Ugh, this sucks. Go back to Bond!"

Buy the ticket, take the ride.


"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
And of course Bernie was a massive idiot, cockblocking some of the best games, keeping even more of its appeal esoteric to westerners. Would have at least appreciated far more quickly if more of those games came out here.
Bernie Stolar was the only executive who worked at Sega who really understood the video game market, father of the Playstation's western strategy (the same one that crushed the Saturn) father of the Dreamcast, Sega's beloved console in NA.

Sega Saturn was doomed in the West because its entire strategy was for Japanese market. Sega Genesis sold well but Mega-Drive sold only 3.5M, placing it in a distant third place. Sega Saturn achieved second position in the Japanese market, surpassing Nintendo and imposing a base of 5.8M, N64 5,5M.

I like the Saturn because it has Sega's DNA, something that was lost in the Dreamcast, again the person who made the Dreamcast was Bernie Stolar, one of the fathers of the Playstation.

Daniel Thomas MacInnes

GAF's Resident Saturn Omnibus
World Series Baseball 98 was easily the best baseball game that gen. My roommate at the time was a PSX guy and I was a Saturn guy, but we would play WSB 98 all the time on my Saturn.

Best baseball videogame ever. Its batter/pitcher system has never been surpassed. Such a shame that Sega's studios responsible for the World Series Baseball and Worldwide Soccer franchises were scuttled at the dawn of the Dreamcast era, as their studios reformed as semi-autonomous companies.
How I spent my Christmas Break by fart town usa


Got the race wheel and arcade stick in the mail today. Wheel is pretty great with Daytona, Outrun, Sega Rally. Arcade stick is fantastic, got the NA version and it works great, definitely noticed a big improvement in my skills while playing Vampire Savior.
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Bernie Stolar was the only executive who worked at Sega who really understood the video game market, father of the Playstation's western strategy (the same one that crushed the Saturn) father of the Dreamcast, Sega's beloved console in NA.

Sega Saturn was doomed in the West because its entire strategy was for Japanese market. Sega Genesis sold well but Mega-Drive sold only 3.5M, placing it in a distant third place. Sega Saturn achieved second position in the Japanese market, surpassing Nintendo and imposing a base of 5.8M, N64 5,5M.

I like the Saturn because it has Sega's DNA, something that was lost in the Dreamcast, again the person who made the Dreamcast was Bernie Stolar, one of the fathers of the Playstation.

The guy was the "2d/RPG" Nazi (in the Soup Nazi sense) though, both at Sony and Sega. And both times he drove Vic Ireland towards the competitor.

He Osborne'd the Saturn with the Dreamcast, releasing it a year too early in Japan where the Saturn was still popular, and forcing the US, where Sega was absent due to the removal of the Saturn, to wait. Worse, his idea to launch at $199 instead of $249 deprived Sega of needed revenue.
Policenauts is pretty cool, not as much shooting as I expected but it's a fun experience all the same.

I've also been putting in some time with Virus. I only just learned about this game. It's a 3 disc FMV/Adventure/RPG hybrid. It's so bizarre. Developed by Hudson Soft, IP was later turned into a 12 episode anime. The production values are really great, using a gamefaqs guide because it'd be a nightmare without. Does a good job with summarizing the plot.

Saturn exclusive too. It has this weird real time rpg type battle system, it's such a trip, lol.

Check out this boss fight.



I would hope not as that's a pretty big comparison channel. What do you think is off to ask that? I don't see anything that seems strikingly unlike the original systems, maybe there's gonna be a glitch or difference here or there that I don't notice without watching every second of every video there.

If it's emulated then it's without enhancements rigging results for the most part, but I'm not gonna 100% vouch for them as they could be taking shortcuts. My point stands in the text whether their videos are 100% or not, a real comparison will yield similar results on the event some of those aren't.

If you think something is misrepresented you're free to check other youtube videos that are confirmed to use original hardware, separately for the PlayStation, then the Saturn version, on roughly equal quality captures and come back with it. Most of those games are well documented at this point.
Looked anti aliased and filtered to me

New patch for the English translation of Saturn Bomberman Fight!! I think all but 3 selectable characters have been translated, there's like 10+ to campaign with.

It's an all 3D isometric Bomberman game. You can jump and whatnot. Quite different from traditional Bomberman. It's pretty fun.

Non-translated footage to give you an idea of what the game is like.

Also an update on the Mobile Suit Gundam translation, first three levels are complete. This game is really good too, kind of like a 2D Panzer Dragoon: Zwei. All 8 buttons are utilized, once you get it down and know the flow of battle, the game really takes off. Graphics looks kind of goofy at first but the perspective shifts and style really come together. Really cool game.

This also isn't footage of the current patch but cued up to give an idea of what the gameplay is like. These patches work just fine on emulators too BTW.

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Very nice and detailed info of Sega Touring Car Championship! SaturnDave nailed various aspects on how to really drive in STCC -- most of which can be applied to simulation circuit racing games in general! Kudos to him!

I loved the arcade version of STCC, but also owned and played STCC a lot on Saturn system as well. Drastically dipping frame rate and lack of features and options are certainly issues for the Saturn version. But like SaturnDave points out in his feature article, I also believe these factors doesn't totally ruin the enjoyment one can have doing a hot lap session pursuing quick lap times in STCC.


I have a skeleton Sega Saturn that can play backups and also can switch regions between US/JAP. Sometimes I play Batsugun and Radiant Silvergun on it.

Lately as I don’t have a CD/DVD burner anymore, I am playing the translated version of Grandia on the Steam Deck using Mednafen. I can’t tell the difference from real hardware so far.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Silhouette Mirage updated translation with all new faithful to the original script (the previous versions were based on the PlayStation port's Working Designs official localization with some changes for the differences in gameplay).
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Don’t care what the nostalgic rose-tinted fanboys say, but that console was garbage.

PS1 and N64 were better consoles in every aspect.

Agreed! I stupidly bought that damn thing for $400 on day 1 when it came out, I got sucked in with Virtua Fighter! Outside of that I can't really think of any games on that system that super impressed me, it is one purchase I regret doing!


Gold Member
Still remember hating my dad for gifting me this thing with just a demo disc and not even a game intead of the promised 3 snes games i chose for christmas...good times.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Silhouette Mirage updated translation with all new faithful to the original script (the previous versions were based on the PlayStation port's Working Designs official localization with some changes for the differences in gameplay).
SSShiro article with screenshots showing examples in the differences of the translations.
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Dr. Wilkinson

Gold Member
Still remember hating my dad for gifting me this thing with just a demo disc and not even a game intead of the promised 3 snes games i chose for christmas...good times.
Hahaha. Similarly, my Dad got us a Saturn Christmas of 1996 because “the guy at Best Buy swore up & down this was the next big thing and not the PlayStation”. I was too young to know at the time the guy was just desperately trying to sell thru Saturns to get rid of them because Sega was getting ready to pull the plug.

But until I got my beloved n64 Christmas of 1998, we had a few great years with the Saturn, honestly. Rayman, Panzer Dragoon, Virtua Fighter, Cyber Speedway, Daytona USA, Rampage World Tour…. Virtua Fighter 1 was actually bundled with our Saturn so we had a great game right off the bat.
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Gold Member
Hahaha. Similarly, my Dad got us a Saturn Christmas of 1996 because “the guy at Best Buy swore up & down this was the next big thing and not the PlayStation”. I was too young to know at the time the guy was just desperately trying to sell thru Saturns to get rid of them because Sega was getting ready to pull the plug.

But until I got my beloved n64 Christmas of 1998, we had a few great years with the Saturn, honestly. Rayman, Virtua Fighter, Cyber Speedway, Rampage World Tour…. Virtua Fighter 1 was actually bundled with our Saturn so we had a great game right off the bat.
Yeah rayman was definitely the highlight of my experience with the saturn.

I laways wanted to try three dirty dwarves but i never finded a copy back in the day.

The snes remained my main machine until i got a ps1.
I vividly remember finishing secondary school and getting money from my parents. Added a bit of my own, raced to Toys R Us and grabbed 2 of those yellow pieces of paper.

1 for the Saturn
1 for Daytona USA

Raced back home and played the shit out of it.

Later Need for Speed, Sega Rally, MK Trilogy, D, Panzer Dragoon, Daytona Championship Edition and the list goes on and on.
It was only when someone wanted to trade his PS1 with my Saturn, that I switched.

Daniel Thomas MacInnes

GAF's Resident Saturn Omnibus
I have to use multiple Saturn emulators to play all the games I want to play. My main issue is just sound problems

We just need to get you an actual physical Saturn, along with the appropriate cartridge (I still use the Pro Action Replay myself) and a stack of burned discs. At the end of the day, that's still the best option. Hopefully, Saturn emulation will be finally perfected and make it easier for everyone to play.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Saw this new Sega Saturn book but it seems crap. The style is shit and the sample has dubiously written dubious information like some Model 2 systems not using a battery for saves which I don't think is true. The first/one Amazon review is by its own company, lol. Sega Saturn deserves better.


I have a SEGA Saturn with a MODE, but nowadays I would say 95% of the library is fully playable with emulators - if you have a PC/laptop/handheld beefy enough to run Mednafen's Saturn core, you should be golden.


I didn’t get a Saturn until the price dropped to $199, and I went hog wild buying every Sega arcade port they put out. I knew that the original Daytona port was complete trash (by comparison), but still loved it. Others like Sega Rally, the Virtua Cop games, and Virtua Fighter (Remix and 2) were awesome though.
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