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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice | OT | Borne of Souls


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I've cleared 3 proper bosses and ~16 named enemies and the game is clicking nicely at this point.

Stick with it. Some of the enemies might feel cheap and frustrating, but you're rarely far away from an idol if you die, which is a little different than a typical Souls experience. Don't sweat dying.

Study enemy patterns and focus on your fundamentals: deflect, dodge, jump/jumpkick, mikiri counter. The mechanics are very defense-oriented and you have a lot of frames to deflect.

Incoming damage is typically so high that you may be conditioned to make safety blocks or wide jumps away to keep your health bar from evaporating in one hit, but that's not how to crush your enemies. Deflect all day. Note that dodging heavy regular attacks is often better than deflecting in terms of counter-attack window, and a mix of posture damage and health damage will get you where you're going nicely.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
I've cleared 3 proper bosses and ~16 named enemies and the game is clicking nicely at this point.

Stick with it. Some of the enemies might feel cheap and frustrating, but you're rarely far away from an idol if you die, which is a little different than a typical Souls experience. Don't sweat dying.

Study enemy patterns and focus on your fundamentals: deflect, dodge, jump/jumpkick, mikiri counter. The mechanics are very defense-oriented and you have a lot of frames to deflect.

Incoming damage is typically so high that you may be conditioned to make safety blocks or wide jumps away to keep your health bar from evaporating in one hit, but that's not how to crush your enemies. Deflect all day. Note that dodging heavy regular attacks is often better than deflecting in terms of counter-attack window, and a mix of posture damage and health damage will get you where you're going nicely.
Where do you put this, quality-wise, compared to the Souls games?

I personally don’t think it’s quite as good as Bloodborne or Dark Souls, but it’s still really good, and I appreciate that they tried something a bit different.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Where do you put this, quality-wise, compared to the Souls games?

I personally don’t think it’s quite as good as Bloodborne or Dark Souls, but it’s still really good, and I appreciate that they tried something a bit different.

Yeah, I concur with that. So far the worldbuilding isn't quite as compelling as the dark fantasy or Lovecraftian horror of the other ones, but the mechanics are tight and the bosses are satisfyingly challenging. I'm starting to get into more inventive and crazier areas, so it'll probably keep getting stronger as it progresses. The prosthetic upgrades and ninjutsu add a lot of flavor, too.


Gold Member
I'm very annoyed due to a certain sub boss.

O'rin of the Water has been destroying me for the better part of 2 hours now. I know I can just run past her. Shut up.

Am I a bit underlevelled for this boss? I'm at attack power 5 and vitality 14. I think I'm where I'm supposed to be if not even a bit over tbh. Is there a prosthetic that is useful for this one?
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Couple questions here folks:

I am experiencing lots of frame drops/screen freezing. Technically speaking I am runnuing an older card, which although a beast in its day (GTX680 MSI lightning aftermarket) apparently doesnt meet the minimum standards. Is there anything I can do to play this game now, i.e. lower the setttings etc, so its playable? Just not playable at present imo for an action game of this precision to be freezing every 10 seconds or so. If they didnt put all that snow in there in the tutorial it might be ok....but its there and I get freezing. Is there anythig I can reduce specifically or just try to go low on all settings? Medium still does it at the same rate as high?

still interested if anyone has comments but foudn this article to be helpful...off to try some their recomendations:

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Gold Member
Couple questions here folks:

I am experiencing lots of frame drops/screen freezing. Technically speaking I am runnuing an older card, which although a beast in its day (GTX680 MSI lightning aftermarket) apparently doesnt meet the minimum standards.

Your card is 7 years old. Get a new one.

If I'm being honest, you probably should think about building a new PC because I'm guessing your CPU is way out of date and so is your ram. And your motherboard. And, hell, your tower too.

Speaking as someone who is posting this from an i5-2500k with 8GB of ram and who has ordered parts for a new PC :)
I'm playing with a PS4 controller. Every time a message in the game pops up, the mouse pointer shows up, it's a little annoying. Anyone else having this problem?


I'm very annoyed due to a certain sub boss.

O'rin of the Water has been destroying me for the better part of 2 hours now. I know I can just run past her. Shut up.

Am I a bit underlevelled for this boss? I'm at attack power 5 and vitality 14. I think I'm where I'm supposed to be if not even a bit over tbh. Is there a prosthetic that is useful for this one?
I thought she was one of the harder bosses because there were like fuck all openings for her. I used the raven one for her. Try running passed her :p


Your card is 7 years old. Get a new one.

If I'm being honest, you probably should think about building a new PC because I'm guessing your CPU is way out of date and so is your ram. And your motherboard. And, hell, your tower too.

Speaking as someone who is posting this from an i5-2500k with 8GB of ram and who has ordered parts for a new PC :)
Thanks....Although the CPU and tower etc are fine....Does RAM go out of date? My guess is no, but totally not sure, lol. Its just the card that is cuasing issue me thinks. However lowering the settings to low and turning off a lot fo the effects fixed the issue to the point where its totally playable. The brightness is better also, I found it too dark for my out of date eyesight (Im almost 50).
Yall having trouble with Lady Butterfly? I practically 3 shot her, not too bad in the grand scheme of Sekiro fights. First time I raged in a FromSoft game was against the ninja in a confined space. And I also hated that damn bull everyone is talking about (right after Gyoubu).
Have you tried silently taking out a few of his henchmen before the fight? Also stealth attacking him and getting rid of one of his health bars is very helpful as well.
He actually comes at me before the weaker enemies notice. I just can't react in time. If a stealth attack is possible, I'll change up my entrance. Thanks for the tip!
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i'm still doing this freaking estate memory place.

i opened the shortcut but the enemies are pushing my shit back in. fuck those guys with spears. i've got a couple skills and new prosthetic tools but i'm struggling.

also i still can't make sense of this dragonrot stuff.
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Thanks....Although the CPU and tower etc are fine....Does RAM go out of date? My guess is no, but totally not sure, lol. Its just the card that is cuasing issue me thinks. However lowering the settings to low and turning off a lot fo the effects fixed the issue to the point where its totally playable. The brightness is better also, I found it too dark for my out of date eyesight (Im almost 50).
ram does go out of date and mostly because of speed and compatibility.

you could have 32GB of DDR3 RAM at 1666 but you'll be running a 3+ year old CPU anyway. if you want a more recent CPU you need DDR4 RAM. on my old PC i have 16GB DDR3 1666 which was perfectly fine but i had to buy completely new sticks because i got a new CPU.

the standard today is 16GB DDR4 2666-3200. intel isn't so bad when it comes to memory speeds. if you go with Ryzen then 3000 is the minimum and you can go up to 4600.


fuck those gears with spears.
They're a bitch to deal. Try to Mikiri counter when they charge.
also i still can't make sense of this dragonrot stuff.
Talk to the girl that upgrades your gourd. She'll tell you about it and give you a cure if you bring some blood, but I'm not sure what the trigger is for the dialogue.
They're a bitch to deal. Try to Mikiri counter when they charge.

Talk to the girl that upgrades your gourd. She'll tell you about it and give you a cure if you bring some blood, but I'm not sure what the trigger is for the dialogue.
yeah i should've got that skill. i'll get it next.


i'm still doing this freaking estate memory place.

i opened the shortcut but the enemies are pushing my shit back in. fuck those guys with spears. i've got a couple skills and new prosthetic tools but i'm struggling.

also i still can't make sense of this dragonrot stuff.

Do you have the miriki counters unlocked? The spear guys become surprisingly easy if you use it, you just dash into them when they use their trust attacks.
Drunkard is fucking slaying my bitch ass 😑

as someone said before take out his homies. one on one hes not that bad just got to recognize his patterns like any boss

Do you have the miriki counters unlocked? The spear guys become surprisingly easy if you use it, you just dash into them when they use their trust attacks.

dash and attack or parry dont forget that
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How the fuck are you supposed to reflect his lightning attacks? I press RB, he does an animation and than when I land I just take the full damage of the attack. It doesn't even seem worth it since the boss is just as easy as his first phases, just with some bullshit one-shot ability added onto it.
EDIT: As I expected, not worth it to try and reflect his lightning. Just bash on him until his Posture is broken
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FromSoftware never makes graphic intense games compare to something like God of War but let me ask you this why do you think a game like Bloodborne can have crazy amount enemy and boss diversity compare to God of War? I enjoyed GOW, I really did but man the enemy diversity and number bosses in that game is not very good (it crazy how much they used same Troll fight). Some of you guys screaming about want high end graphics in every game but there is cost to it and it not about tech itself but also budget and lots of manpower.

FromSoftware can have crazy amount of enemy and boss types because they don't waste their resource to make shiny graphics and instead they spend their budget in things that actually matter in games and let their excellent art direction do talking and in my opinion Sekiro and fantastic art direction.
I was wondering this as wel when comming from bloodborne to god of war..
Do you have the miriki counters unlocked? The spear guys become surprisingly easy if you use it, you just dash into them when they use their trust attacks.
FromSoftware never makes graphic intense games compare to something like God of War but let me ask you this why do you think a game like Bloodborne can have crazy amount enemy and boss diversity compare to God of War? I enjoyed GOW, I really did but man the enemy diversity and number bosses in that game is not very good (it crazy how much they used same Troll fight). Some of you guys screaming about want high end graphics in every game but there is cost to it and it not about tech itself but also budget and lots of manpower.

FromSoftware can have crazy amount of enemy and boss types because they don't waste their resource to make shiny graphics and instead they spend their budget in things that actually matter in games and let their excellent art direction do talking and in my opinion Sekiro and fantastic art direction.

i think this is a bad comparison almost to the "hey they there are only human enemies" bullshit people put out. a good boss is a good boss it doesnt matter what the creature is. if you goal is to have no kind of like climb and just fight every single beast dragon every other fight then that would get boring. you got to climb up to that shit,

honestly i dont get fucking people. they are morons. "hey i want the most like mind boggling thing brought to me but that was too hard. no wait it wasnt hard enough." " no wait mother fucker i need more confetti" " i want you to get on your knees and celebrate when i beat an easy boss"


also i still can't make sense of this dragonrot stuff.
Sekiro – how to cure Dragonrot
The first time you cure Dragonrot, it plays out like a sidequest. First you need to talk to Emma at the Dilapidated Temple and she will ask you to collect samples from the afflicted. The easiest way to do this is to head to the old woman who gave you the bell charm, located on the path to Ashina Castle. Speak to her and collect the bloody sample, then return to Emma and talk to her.

Travel away from the area and return again to talk to Emma once more. This will get you a Dragon’s Blood Droplet, which you need to take to the nearby Sculptor’s Idol where you have to choose the Dragonrot Restoration option. From here on out, you just need to get a Dragon’s Blood Droplet, which you can find at some of the vendors in the world.


drunkard is pretty easy to sort of cheese if anyone is still having trouble

keep killing his allies, and then running away back to the water to drop aggro. when theyre all gone and hes alone you can sneak behind him and get a free deathblow on him.

at that point rush to the npc and mash through his text to get him into the fight. he'll basically work like a souls npc and take most of his attention, it lets you wail on the big boy a little bit more and if you have all your gourds you can kind of brute force it


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Hit my first real roadblock. Fuck this guy. I think he's the "halfway through the game kick in the teeth" a la Orn & Smough.


I've got his regular form down, beaten it quite a few times, but now I need to do it without using many gourd doses so I can defeat his Final Form© with its bullshit lightning attacks. Jesus.


I've got his regular form down, beaten it quite a few times, but now I need to do it without using many gourd doses so I can defeat his Final Form© with its bullshit lightning attacks. Jesus.
Said earlier in the page, just dodge them. The game tries to tell you to counter them, but I found that it's not worth it. The rest of the fight is the same.
Also to whoever was complaining about the tracking and the fact that dodging is harder now. Just wait for the elite at the Gun Fort. Fuck that asshole.
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They should patch in the option to disable dragonrot in the beginning of the game.
Its more of an annoyance than anything else.


Lady Butterfly down. Holy crap I was nervous at the end of that fight. Barely beat her, but she's down.
ok fuck this game. i seriously can't get past this freaking memory place! i've been on it for hours.

i got the miriki? counter skill to deal with those fuckers with spears but it's not doing anything. i'm getting annoyed now lol.

They should patch in the option to disable dragonrot in the beginning of the game.
Its more of an annoyance than anything else.
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Took out Drunkard yesterday, not so bad when you get rid of all surrounding enemies then do a stealth deathblow before talking to the friendly NPC who keeps him distracted.

Now on the Lady Butterfly. I was able to take down her first form but the second is gonna take some time...


ok fuck this game. i seriously can't get past this freaking memory place! i've been on it for hours.

i got the miriki? counter skill to deal with those fuckers with spears but it's not doing anything. i'm getting annoyed now lol.


Dragonrot is kinda asinine the first playthrough.
Giving gamers the option to turn it off during their first playthrough while they learn the combat and enemies through endless deaths, makes more sense.

Then on a second playthrough, if you want that additional challenge, you have the option of enabling dragonrot.

As is, its really deterring me from wanting to play the game as I feel like not only do is lose money and exp for dying, but I also incur dragonrot. Its a bit too excessive for a first playthrough with a game this challenging for near all who just picked it up.
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Kinda random but is there a skill or item which lowers your "visibility" when reviving?
I remember from some of the early gameplay videos that they showed a few scenarios where enemies would move away after killing you (since they don't know you can revive), giving you the chance to revive and catch them by surprise.

But for the most part it seems like when I revive enemies are instantly alerted of my presence. Even when they are fairly far away and with their backs towards me, as soon as I revive they'll be aware of my presence (red "alert" symbol)
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I've cleared 3 proper bosses and ~16 named enemies and the game is clicking nicely at this point.

Stick with it. Some of the enemies might feel cheap and frustrating, but you're rarely far away from an idol if you die, which is a little different than a typical Souls experience. Don't sweat dying.

Study enemy patterns and focus on your fundamentals: deflect, dodge, jump/jumpkick, mikiri counter. The mechanics are very defense-oriented and you have a lot of frames to deflect.

Incoming damage is typically so high that you may be conditioned to make safety blocks or wide jumps away to keep your health bar from evaporating in one hit, but that's not how to crush your enemies. Deflect all day. Note that dodging heavy regular attacks is often better than deflecting in terms of counter-attack window, and a mix of posture damage and health damage will get you where you're going nicely.

Yeah exactly, also bosses / mini bosses have maybe three at most different attacks when they deflect you which allows a lot of aggression , you can lock them in set patterns. If you play defensively it enables them to use ranged attacks / weapons and you absolutely don't want that to begin with ... whereas if you just do that deflect dance at close range their posture will melt and they'll use a limited moveset.

The only variables are the danger attacks and some of their predictable moves changing into sweeps / grabs

The whole combat clicked for me at Genichiro, subjectively speaking its the best game From ever did
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Dragonrot is kinda asinine the first playthrough.
Giving gamers the option to turn it off during their first playthrough while they learn the combat and enemies through endless deaths, makes more sense.

Then on a second playthrough, if you want that additional challenge, you have the option of enabling dragonrot.

As is, its really deterring me from wanting to play the game as I feel like not only do is lose money and exp for dying, but I also incur dragonrot. Its a bit too excessive for a first playthrough with a game this challenging for near all who just picked it up.

I don't get the fuss, really... you can cure everyone with Dragonroot in a single button press.. it's pretty much like the humanity/ember in other Souls games, just this time you're not curing yourself from hollow state, but others.

The single and only downside of the disease, gameplay wise, is a lower chance of not loosing half the money on death.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Dragonrot is kinda asinine the first playthrough.
Giving gamers the option to turn it off during their first playthrough while they learn the combat and enemies through endless deaths, makes more sense.

Then on a second playthrough, if you want that additional challenge, you have the option of enabling dragonrot.

As is, its really deterring me from wanting to play the game as I feel like not only do is lose money and exp for dying, but I also incur dragonrot. Its a bit too excessive for a first playthrough with a game this challenging for near all who just picked it up.

It's really not a big deal, just buy one of those tears and cure it when needed. I think the system's misunderstood, all it affects is the chance to come back with full XP/gold which is only 1/3 to begin with. So basically it's meaningless when you're doing boss attempts. No way it should deter anyone from playing.


yeah no idea why people are worried about dragonrot. just seems like a huge slice of in-world lore. it sucks these people are getting sick but that's part of the story. i never cared about being hollow or staying human.

besides, i kinda like the idea of locking story stuff behind high level play. there's your replayability factor.


Butterfly lady...

Can i buy these seeds somewhere? I used all my 4 i had and this fight is already a bitch^^


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Butterfly lady...

Can i buy these seeds somewhere? I used all my 4 i had and this fight is already a bitch^^

You can also wait the illusions out, hide behind some pillars and she'll eventually despawn them.

Dr. Claus

Butterfly lady...

Can i buy these seeds somewhere? I used all my 4 i had and this fight is already a bitch^^

Dodge Attack repeatedly. It is an easy way to kill her. Dodge to the left/right, then attack. Repeat until dead. During Phase 2, just run around the room until the illusions despawn then repeat.
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What language is everyone playing this? I’m trying the Default Japanese now, not sure if it’s worth switching to English to keep my eyes open


Any Souls fans who were on the fence about this one taken the plunge? If so, mistake or no?
I wasn't to interested but it has really grown on me.
"oh so this is next gen Tenchu!".
It's a solid game but I don't think it's anything like a Souls game. It's hard for me to recommend if that's what your looking for.
That said, it's really surprised me. It's a solid game but if your on the fence then watch a few streamers who are near the beginning of the game.

I watched a few play-throughs of Fightincowboy which tipped me into giving it a go.
Defiantly a thumbs up so far.
I wasn't to interested but it has really grown on me.
"oh so this is next gen Tenchu!".
It's a solid game but I don't think it's anything like a Souls game. It's hard for me to recommend if that's what your looking for.
That said, it's really surprised me. It's a solid game but if your on the fence then watch a few streamers who are near the beginning of the game.

I watched a few play-throughs of Fightincowboy which tipped me into giving it a go.
Defiantly a thumbs up so far.
Cool, thanks for the impressions.


What language is everyone playing this? I’m trying the Default Japanese now, not sure if it’s worth switching to English to keep my eyes open

English audio first... Second playthrough will be in Japanese

They usually make a much better translation to English than to my native language, so to get the most out of the Japanese audio I'd have to use English subtitles, which would take me longer to read than Portuguese... so it's easier to listen to English (I comprehend at least 95% of everything) :)
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