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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice | OT | Borne of Souls

NPCs keep on getting sick because I’m dying a lot. I still don’t know how to cure them apart from getting blood but don’t know where from
the sculptor dude is coughing blood and it's my fault. i feel like the game is taking me on a guilt trip. also met some other gude who was sick. wtf am i meant to do?

I got some blood from the blind granny NPC that hangs around her son in her house.

Make sure you use it at the sculptors idol, I used it in my inventory and it looks like it wasted it.
she gives you blood? she gave me a bell and i used it at the buddha statue and now i'm fighting through a memory. WTF is going on?
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^ the memory is pretty sweet. love that intro where you leave from tree to tree
i don't know what you're talking about lol. it just transported me to some place. there was a sick guy sitting. i then crossed the bridge to the estate.

EDIT: nvm i thought you meant a cutscene.
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are the generals those big dudes with long swords?

i can deal with the normal enemies no problem but those big guys fuck me up.
no, it's a guy on a horse wielding a spear or something. Feels like he has a bazillion attack patterns and his swings are super hard to dodge.


You're surprised the 3rd entry in a highly acclaimed series had a few thousand more players at it's peak than a new IP?

And what do you mean "right now"? You listed numbers for all-time peak players, not current players. Dark Souls 2 has 2,000 people playing it right now, Dark Souls 3 has 12,000 and Sekiro has 125,000.

In other words Destiny 1 should sell as much as Halo 1 no ? You don't make sense here.
Everyone and their dog knew this is next From software game. Especially if we talk about PC players who are anal about what they are buying.
DS1 sold 2+ mln coppies on PC so you don't make sense there either.
Monster Hunter was never released on PC and it sold apparently 5mln+ in few months more than any 3DS Monster Hunter game released ever.

The RPG-ness present in DS games and BB could be a reason why there are still more people playing DS on Steam. Games with leveling/loot tend to have longer legs.

I mean this is pretty much main complain i see from people who skipped it. It is either setting or lack of build diversity.
Even Bloodborne was heavily criticized in Souls community for lack of customization and build creativity.


played a bit more but still confused on some things:

1. am i right in thinking that i need prayer beads to level up my vitality and memories for attack while at the rest points?

Yeah you need 4 prayer beads to extend your life bar, memories to hit harder and gourd seeds to heal up more often. Beads aren't necessarily only on mini bosses, they can be hidden in chests aswell

2. what's the point in the level bar? i'm at lvl 1 but each time i die it loses progress?

You can buy skills. If you manage to fill up the xp bar without dying you won't lose the amount of skill points gained, just the progression toward the next one

3. what's this rot stuff? i kept dying and i got a lecture about dragonrot which affects my unseen aid. meaning that i get less of it. i feel like the game is punishing me for dying too much. is it just a story thing or a gameplay mechanic?

Thats up to you to discover !

4. how on earth do i tell the difference between an enemy ready to sweep attack or thrust? i know when the red kanji (?) comes up it's a warning but other than that i have no idea whether to jump or dodge.

By playing more
Yeah you need 4 prayer beads to extend your life bar, memories to hit harder and gourd seeds to heal up more often. Beads aren't necessarily only on mini bosses, they can be hidden in chests aswell

You can buy skills. If you manage to fill up the xp bar without dying you won't lose the amount of skill points gained, just the progression toward the next one

Thats up to you to discover !

By playing more




speaking of skills, take your time and explore levels since the level design is the best From ever did. Its opened on all fronts and you can find skill books / quests / npcs in places you wouldn't thought it was possible


In other words Destiny 1 should sell as much as Halo 1 no ? You don't make sense here.
Everyone and their dog knew this is next From software game. Especially if we talk about PC players who are anal about what they are buying.
DS1 sold 2+ mln coppies on PC so you don't make sense there either.
Monster Hunter was never released on PC and it sold apparently 5mln+ in few months more than any 3DS Monster Hunter game released ever.

I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say here or how to respond to it.
speaking of skills, take your time and explore levels since the level design is the best From ever did. Its opened on all fronts and you can find skill books / quests / npcs in places you wouldn't thought it was possible
yeah i've been backtracking a lot to make sure i've checked out the map.


What are the odds of an easy mode mod on PC? I really want to play this but don't think my skillz are up to the task.

I have beaten every souls and bloodborne and loved the hell out of them; but I did so with the lowest level of skill possible, by grinding/over leveling, getting help from NPCs and others on bosses, and smashing everything with Dragons tooth type weapons.

For someone with my 'unique' set of skills this just sounds frustrating more than fun.
What are the odds of an easy mode mod on PC? I really want to play this but don't think my skillz are up to the task.

I have beaten every souls and bloodborne and loved the hell out of them; but I did so with the lowest level of skill possible, by grinding/over leveling, getting help from NPCs and others on bosses, and smashing everything with Dragons tooth type weapons.

For someone with my 'unique' set of skills this just sounds frustrating more than fun.
i don't think there will be a mod and even if there is you won't really be getting the full experience.

if the game is too hard for you then wait for some guides to come out. there is no shame in it! this is my first From game going in blind. for souls/borne i had to use a guide to figure everything out but i want to challenge myself this time.


no, it's a guy on a horse wielding a spear or something. Feels like he has a bazillion attack patterns and his swings are super hard to dodge.

He’s tough but you can block or parry most of his attacks. Highly recommend you get the hook shot attack’s skill and the firecracker, which scares his horse long enough for you to do some damage


The first boss was definitely the worst so far. I mean, Holy SHIT what a crackhead of a boss battle. Definitely the hardest first boss in a Soulsborne game. 6 minutes straight of insanely fast paced deflecting and getting deflected and perfect timing on everything. Punished the hell out of any misstep. Legit barely had time to heal once the entire battle.

I'm about three bosses in so far and it's all much more manageable after her. I think that it was made to be a deflect skill check. She was really good practice for getting this system down.


Everyone and their dog knew this is next From software game

Yeah, everyone and their dog knew this was the next From Software without online pvp, no coop and no "build diversity", aka most of people actually liking / needing the online components of Souls would skip this from the get go. Word of mouth is that the game is much harder than Soulsbornes title, not the other way around


i don't think there will be a mod and even if there is you won't really be getting the full experience.

if the game is too hard for you then wait for some guides to come out. there is no shame in it! this is my first From game going in blind. for souls/borne i had to use a guide to figure everything out but i want to challenge myself this time.

I hate the idea of missing out on this game completely but just get the feeling that a guide won't really help me overcome my lack of reaction timing. I remember giving up on Nina Gaiden back in the day because I just couldn't 'get good' at it.


I got some blood from the blind granny NPC that hangs around her son in her house.

Make sure you use it at the sculptors idol, I used it in my inventory and it looks like it wasted it.
Thanks a lot for the tip
the sculptor dude is coughing blood and it's my fault. i feel like the game is taking me on a guilt trip. also met some other gude who was sick. wtf am i meant to do?
You need to look for some dragon blood or something like that and use it in checkpoints not from the inventory


Yeah, everyone and their dog knew this was the next From Software without online pvp, no coop and no "build diversity", aka most of people actually liking / needing the online components of Souls would skip this from the get go. Word of mouth is that the game is much harder than Soulsbornes title, not the other way around

Every new game that From releases get's the "much harder" label attached to it, the game has been out a few days, give it time.


Im 5 hours in and I don’t think I like dodging in this game... Even common enemies will just redirect their attacks towards your position hitting you anyways, this reminds me of Dark Souls 2’s enemies tracking your movement

So far, Bloodborne and DS3 are still better than this one


Reading through some of the comments in this thread and it seems to me that some really expected Ninja Souls /Borne and ended up with Tenchu with a small smattering of Souls mechanics .. Can't say if I like it or not yet as I still have that Souls muscle memory that compels me to dodge instead of deflect which can very likely end up in another death. Gotta work my way outta this habit but after 5 games and god knows how many hours it's going to be quite a task
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dodging is no longer OP. you need to jump or deflect or parry or block w your sword.

i like the changeup. Soulsborne games did get into a bit of a routine of just spamming dodges at every enemy. now you have to really observe, you have to consider the right move to make. it's not just dodge anymore, it's a far more complex combat system.


The nicest person on this forum
I personally really liking the game so far, is nice to see proper MC instead of character created avatar but god damn this game is either really tough or I'm still not got used to combat yet. Once thing about Souls/Bloodborne is that there is no learning curve for their combat, they are easy to anyone pick and play and it all comes down to "careful play" rather than mastering combat system. Sekiro in other hand there is definitely learning cure to its combat and able to read your enemies's movements and react to it.


Played some more and it keeps getting better. Despite having no proper dark souls style loot or leveling I do think it does a great job at giving you new items, skills and stat upgrades at a good pace.

Beat the second "big" boss
the butterfly lady
. Took 4 tries but it wasn't too hard. I'm actually finding the random generals you encounter around the world harder than the proper bosses. The bosses are longer and have more health but give you more room for mistakes. The generals on the other hand die faster but they are also hyper aggressive and take like 80% of your health with each attack. There's one that appears if you go back to the intro area which took me a good 10 tries.

Now I just reached an area with
a lot of monks
. Visually it's definitely one of my favourites so far

Is the world structure anything like that of Dark Souls?

For the most part, yeah. So far it's a big interconnected world (except for one area which you access in a different way) with well designed levels that encourage you to explore. There's also things like shortcuts though less than in the Souls games.

The level design does feel quite different though because both the ability to jump and the grappling hook give you a lot more mobility than in any of the souls games. So there's definitely more verticality and freedom to the levels

Im 5 hours in and I don’t think I like dodging in this game... Even common enemies will just redirect their attacks towards your position hitting you anyways, this reminds me of Dark Souls 2’s enemies tracking your movement

I'm torn on this.
The tracking on the attacks is annoying and feels a bit cheap. Specially with the big guys.
On the other hand I kinda see why they did it that way. They are trying to push people towards also using the blocking, counters and jumps.

I appreciate dodging no longer being such a standard move that works on 99% of enemies like in Souls. But I think that maybe they should have just made the movie itself worse (like max 2 in a row, or making it shorter or something) instead of giving enemies these annoying tracking attacks
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Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
So a tip to all these fairly early in the game — spar/practice with the undead guy ALOT.

If you end up doing the free combat practice against him, it opens up a bunch of new tutorials (like what to do with sweeping and unblockable attacks as well as enemies that attack a a bunch at once). Useful stuff
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Every new game that From releases get's the "much harder" label attached to it, the game has been out a few days, give it time.

The only game that gave me troubles was Nioh in new game + which has a much much harder dlc than BB / DS 3 combined

Never understood the difficulty argument as far as From Software games goes, Sekiro feels like a right step in that direction tho
Also, just wanted to say how smooth this game runs on PC. I have a 1080ti and it's a solid 60fps at 4k (AA is turned off, because it's too blurry for my tastes).
Also, just wanted to say how smooth this game runs on PC. I have a 1080ti and it's a solid 60fps at 4k (AA is turned off, because it's too blurry for my tastes).
i only have a 1440p monitor but gonna downsample from 4K. i have a 2080.

the game is running great for me. only once i felt a frame drop but it was when changing scene and lasted a split second. otherwise the game is solid 60fps about 99.999% the time.
what language are people playing in? (for those who english is their first language)

i know japanese is default and i get why they made it default but i just find myself skipping through the text as soon as i've read it because i don't understand japanese. but still the english voices just don't feel/sound right. i don't know whether to keep it in japanese or go back to english.


Also, just wanted to say how smooth this game runs on PC. I have a 1080ti and it's a solid 60fps at 4k (AA is turned off, because it's too blurry for my tastes).

It really is, solid 60fps here using the Max quality preset in Sekiro / 2K resolution. (RTX 2060 / i7 8700K).


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Been watching Maximilian Dood play this and I think I might get it. I hated Dark Souls games because they add all this extra burdensome meta design on top of the difficulty to just sap all enjoyment out of it and make it a slog, but this is very action-oriented and lets you retain a lot of progress. I really like how there isn't stamina bullshit anymore and the deflection-based gameplay reminds me of issen attacks in Onimusha but you have to wear them down a bit before the big takedown. I like the all-in fighting style with reliable mechanics, like God Hand and MGR.
what language are people playing in? (for those who english is their first language)

i know japanese is default and i get why they made it default but i just find myself skipping through the text as soon as i've read it because i don't understand japanese. but still the english voices just don't feel/sound right. i don't know whether to keep it in japanese or go back to english.

I'm playing English subs, Japanese voice. Even though I don't understand shit the characters say when they speak, I like the authenticity of the proper language.
I want to break something playing this game,so frustrated and annoying,so I went through all my anger to reach a boss fight,then after that you realize there is a door that takes you right to the starting point where that guy who modifies your arm is.fuuuuuuuuck

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
Does using the homeward idol lose you all your XP and money? And if so is there something akin to a bold hunters mark like in bloodborne where this doesn’t happen? Only played for a few hours and have not even reached first boss yet. Trying to go as blind as possible. My sculptor has dragonrot as I’m absolutely shit at the game and keep dying. Does resurrecting have any negative effects as well?
The first boss was definitely the worst so far. I mean, Holy SHIT what a crackhead of a boss battle. Definitely the hardest first boss in a Soulsborne game. 6 minutes straight of insanely fast paced deflecting and getting deflected and perfect timing on everything. Punished the hell out of any misstep. Legit barely had time to heal once the entire battle.

I'm about three bosses in so far and it's all much more manageable after her. I think that it was made to be a deflect skill check. She was really good practice for getting this system down.
Actually I think dodge countering works best against her, like the game says at the beginning of the fight with a tutorial message. The trick is alternating between sides constantly. As soon as I found that out I could do it.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Does using the homeward idol lose you all your XP and money? And if so is there something akin to a bold hunters mark like in bloodborne where this doesn’t happen? Only played for a few hours and have not even reached first boss yet. Trying to go as blind as possible. My sculptor has dragonrot as I’m absolutely shit at the game and keep dying. Does resurrecting have any negative effects as well?

Nope, homeward idol doesn't have a harmful effect. Resurrection is fine too, just bear in mind that if you use more than one rez token before resting you'll need to build it back up by deathblowing enemies afterwards.


How long can one wait before it is too late to cure people of Dragonrot ?

Saucy little Emma made up the cure, but I'm about to die a fuck load of times to a boss so I wanted to wait a until after before using it.


Ok I have no idea where to go...

I am pretty early in

One Option is going to the bis ass snake (Killed one Eye but hen i did not know where to go,...)
Option 2: There is some headless guy in a lot of mist in which I can not move)
Option 3 The Drunk guy in the 3 years before area. Youget Help from an NPC but he really dies quick)
Did I miss something?^^
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