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Senate healthcare repeal bill fails - Collins, Murkowski, and McCain voted no


Wait so there's nothing the GOP can do to repeal obamacare until 2018? How come? What stops them from keep trying every week or month until it passes? This is all so complicated.

Budget reconciliation can only be used once per year on spending (as bill this entails). I'm still not sure if it means vote on or pass.

They saved it. It has been reported multiple times. Even look at your article:

They can pass 2 budget resolutions because there was no budget resolution last year.
Ahh, it's not that they didn't use the reconciliation last year (although that's true), but since they didn't pass a budget resolution last year. Why wouldn't they use the revenues for taxation this year however (so they can use the second spending reconcilliation on ACA repeal)? And I'm still not seeing what it means to "consider". Oh well. I'll figure it out as it goes along this year.
Yup. Its dead until next year, which wiol be the year where midterms happen and hopefully dems can flip the house.

Unless something insane happens regarding gerry mandering reaches dozens of top state courts, and they all go well, and the pee tape is real and it is a tape of Trump literally pissing on a bible...no the Dem's still have little to no chance of flipping the house in 18. That is before you even consider that this would require competence from the DNC which....LOL


You should see the_dumpster right now, its amazing how stupid some people are. They must have a hotkey that just auto fills "cuck" when they can't think of a decent post to make. Incredible.
That's what happens when your moderation weeds out anyone with a working frontal lobe.

I've never seen such fragile snowflakes.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch y'all. This may have been for nothing anyway. With the rules Congress goes by, they might have a chance to open it again. That and the Dems have only a very, very, very small chance of flipping Congress in 2018.


While what you're saying is true...I think what he's getting at is before all that Obama actually tried to work with Republicans. Sat down with them. Discussed and tried to incorporate ideas. They made a conscious decision to not work with Obama on purpose. Thus necessitating all that you describe to get anything passed.

I know.

The point is that I don't see how this is relevant. McCain emphasized the "ramming through" part, as opposed to the "Republicans decided 'no' would be more beneficial than 'yes'" part. That he did so makes perfect sense, considering his vantage point, his audience, and the purpose of his statement. Not only does it make perfect sense, though, it's also fundamentally reasonable. Obamacare was a highly controversial thing at the time of passage, and this ended up being quite meaningful to how it ended up working in practice.

Basically, calling the paragraph "straight garbage" because it didn't cover the nuances of the partisan environment at the time, when there was zero imperative for it to do, seems like an odd reaction to me.
Wait so there's nothing the GOP can do to repeal obamacare until 2018? How come? What stops them from keep trying every week or month until it passes? This is all so complicated.
Basically, the Republicans are abusing a process known as reconciliation that is normally used to pass bills of important fiscal policy quickly before the end of the fiscal year. This process has a lower vote threshold but a tough set of requirements that need to be met. Additionally, they can't use this process for the year after the end of the fiscal year.
The problem that the Republicans are now having is that they are running out of time to work on their other priorities like tax reform and they also still need to make a budget to keep the government running.
In short, they simply don't have enough time to work on healthcare at the same time.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch y'all. This may have been for nothing anyway. With the rules Congress goes by, they might have a chance to open it again. That and the Dems have only a very, very, very small chance of flipping Congress in 2018.
You guys have the worst president in the last century and Dems still have a "very small chance"? What does it take for the Demanto have a big chance of flipping congress? Christ
Don't count your chickens before they hatch y'all. This may have been for nothing anyway. With the rules Congress goes by, they might have a chance to open it again. That and the Dems have only a very, very, very small chance of flipping Congress in 2018.

They don't need to flip. The bill failed with the current congress... all they need is to make at least small gains to kill it dead.


You guys have the worst president in the last century and Dems still have a "very small chance"? What does it take for the Demanto have a big chance of flipping congress? Christ
A country that didn't vote for the worst President in the last century.


They can still do reconciliation. They still were planning to do tax cuts with another reconciliation bill this Fall. They are able to do two reconciliation bills this year because they did not do one last year.

I still think they have 2 reconciliation bills available this year. It does not end on a no vote.

If they passed this with 50 votes, and the House amended it, they would still need to pass a new bill with 50 votes.

You guys have the worst president in the last century and Dems still have a "very small chance"? What does it take for the Demanto have a big chance of flipping congress? Christ

Gerrymandering in the House + the fact that dems tend to not turn out in midterms.

Plus the Senate that up for reelection in 2018 is the echo of 2012 and 2006, both big dem years, which means that most of the seats up for reelection are already held by democrats.


You guys have the worst president in the last century and Dems still have a "very small chance"? What does it take for the Demanto have a big chance of flipping congress? Christ

A smaller percentage of the population being bigoted fact-ignoring absolute fucking morons.

And a bunch of smarter-than-thou liberal white dudes to suck it up and compromise.

Been awhile since we had a good betrayalton.

Indeed a Top 10 Anime Betrayal.
I will believe they have given up once they start trying to get tax reform done and not before. Every set back on this however represents a set back on Trump and the GOP's shitty agenda so I am very happy about it.


They wrote skinny repeal on lunch napkins
They have plenty of time

I'm convinced now that the GOP will allow the entire world to come to an end in order to undo legislation created by a powerful black man.

Racism fucks you UP

I mean Jesus Christ, it's SKIN COLOR. They have the brains of fucking geckos.


You guys have the worst president in the last century and Dems still have a "very small chance"? What does it take for the Demanto have a big chance of flipping congress? Christ
Our house districts are so gerrymandered that most races aren't even competitive to start.

Also our electorate is dumb as hell.


I heard there was a special expression on Pences face when McCain voted no. Please tell me there's a screenshot somewhere.
Maybe one of McConnells too


I heard there was a special expression on Pences face when McCain voted no. Please tell me there's a screenshot somewhere.
Maybe one of McConnells too

I thought Pence slithered away before the vote?
You can see mcturtle reaction in the mccain vote clip

Get fucked, Donny.
Get fucked, Mitch.

I emailed thanks to my (D) senator. The (R) one can also get fucked.

Give out that postive reinforcement, if you can.

I'd rather the Yeses get mercilessly routed for the next year for voting Yes to denying millions coverage with nothing to show for it
You guys have the worst president in the last century and Dems still have a "very small chance"? What does it take for the Demanto have a big chance of flipping congress? Christ

I have quite a few friends that are life long republicans who hate Trump and what he's done to their party. That doesn't mean they suddenly want a Democratic congress.


between voting to proceed days ago and his "watch the show" comment tonight it's pretty obvious mccain just did this shit so he could be the Maverick Hero and doesn't actually care about how this all ends. it's theatre and he wants to be the tragic hero one last time before he goes

POLITICS IS THEATER. Regardless of his motivations, John McCain delivered the most emotional and humiliating possible defeat to Trump and McConnell and this bill. That matters, far more than a simple no vote on a motion to proceed. This shit is going down in history.

Heaven-fucking-forbid a man wants to be remembered for doing the right thing.
I've somewhat liked McCain all year. For his jabs at the Trump-Putin connection. Always thought he would come through in a big way and here it is.

Also, Comey has ALWAYS been a good guy. He's a patriot.

... GAF is wrong... ALOT.

GAF has been wrong pretty much all the time since early 2016 actually.

GAF spent so much energy wishing they could hate McCain to death only for him to turn around and save them all. He really is the hero GAF deserves, not the one they need right now.

P.S. John McCain spent more than 5 years being tortured by the North Vietnamese because he refused an early release as a VIP over other American POWs during the Vietnam War.


McCain's capture and subsequent imprisonment began on October 26, 1967. He was flying his 23rd bombing mission over Hanoi in North Vietnam when his A-4E Skyhawk was shot down by a missile.[34][35] McCain fractured both arms and a leg when he ejected from the aircraft,[36] and nearly drowned after he parachuted into Trúc Bạch Lake.[34] Some North Vietnamese pulled him ashore, then others crushed his shoulder with a rifle butt and bayoneted him.[34] McCain was then transported to Hanoi's main Hỏa Lò Prison, nicknamed the "Hanoi Hilton".[35]
Although McCain was seriously wounded and injured, his captors refused to treat him. They beat and interrogated him to get information, and he was given medical care only when the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a high-ranking admiral.[37] His status as a prisoner of war (POW) made the front pages of major newspapers.[38][39]
McCain spent six weeks in the hospital, where he received marginal care.[34] He had lost 50 pounds (23 kg), was in a chest cast, and his gray hair had turned as white as snow.[34] McCain was sent to a different camp on the outskirts of Hanoi.[40] In December 1967, McCain was placed in a cell with two other Americans who did not expect him to live more than a week.[41] In March 1968, McCain was placed into solitary confinement, where he would remain for two years.[42]
In mid-1968, John S. McCain Jr. was named commander of all U.S. forces in the Vietnam theater, and the North Vietnamese offered McCain early release[43] because they wanted to appear merciful for propaganda purposes,[44] and also to show other POWs that elite prisoners were willing to be treated preferentially.[43] McCain refused repatriation unless every man taken in before him was also released. Such early release was prohibited by the POWs' interpretation of the military Code of Conduct: to prevent the enemy from using prisoners for propaganda, officers were to agree to be released in the order in which they were captured.[34]
Beginning in August 1968, McCain was subjected to a program of severe torture.[45] He was bound and beaten every two hours; this punishment occurred at the same time that he was suffering from dysentery.[34][45] Further injuries led McCain to attempt suicide, which was stopped by guards.[34] Eventually, McCain made an anti-American propaganda "confession".[34] He has always felt that his statement was dishonorable, but as he later wrote, "I had learned what we all learned over there: every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine."[46][47] Many American POWs were tortured and maltreated in order to extract "confessions" and propaganda statements;[48] virtually all of them eventually yielded something to their captors.[49] McCain received two to three beatings weekly because of his continued refusal to sign additional statements.[50]
McCain refused to meet various anti-war groups seeking peace in Hanoi, wanting to give neither them nor the North Vietnamese a propaganda victory.[51] From late 1969, treatment of McCain and many of the other POWs became more tolerable,[52] while McCain continued actively to resist the camp authorities.[53] McCain and other prisoners cheered the U.S. "Christmas Bombing" campaign of December 1972, viewing it as a forceful measure to push North Vietnam to terms.[47][54]
McCain was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam for five and a half years. He was released on March 14, 1973.[55] His wartime injuries left him permanently incapable of raising his arms above his head.[56]

No one on GAF will ever understand what he sacrificed for his country, nor do they deserve an actual war hero like him as a politician.


Ok? It's up to the Democrats to win their votes, they don't own them by default. I'm just trying to explain why saying "But Trump" isn't good enough.

Trump should go beyond partisan lines. The man is a threat to the foundation of our society. We made "grab 'em by the pussy" our highest leader.

If they actually understood what he was and what he represented and what he revealed about their party, they'd abandon supporting most Republicans en masse.

So the fact that they're still onboard for the GOP after Trump says far more than whatever else they say.


Ok? It's up to the Democrats to win their votes, they don't own them by default. I'm just trying to explain why saying "But Trump" isn't good enough.
Okay, I'll try my best to sell people who are so attached to the Republican Party that Trump can't scare them off on things like reproductive rights and a more comprehensive social security net.


GAF has been wrong pretty much all the time since early 2016 actually.

GAF spent so much energy wishing they could hate McCain to death only for him to turn around and save them all. He really is the hero GAF deserves, not the one they need right now.

P.S. John McCain spent more than 5 years being tortured by the North Vietnamese because he refused an early release as a VIP over other American POWs during the Vietnam War.


No one on GAF will ever understand what he sacrificed for his country, nor do they deserve an actual war hero like him as a politician.
Wow, that's incredible. I've never heard that before. I can't believe people don't talk about this more.
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