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Senate healthcare repeal bill fails - Collins, Murkowski, and McCain voted no


Serious question: Does Trump have the insanity to launch a nasty Tweet storm at McCain?


I am seriously going to have one of the best sleeps in my life. One of my biggest cause of stress to my health was this stupid healthcare repeal crap, and for now I can finally rest for a moment.

Serious question: Does Trump have the insanity to launch a nasty Tweet storm at McCain?

It's Trump.


Serious question: Does Trump have the insanity to launch a nasty Tweet storm at McCain?

I imagine the only reason he hasn't done so already is that he's currently chasing his advisors for his Twitter phone around the White House with the Benny Hill Yakkety Sax music playing as the advisors scream "No sir, Dont do it pleaseeee"
Okay, I'll try my best to sell people who are so attached to the Republican Party that Trump can't scare them off on things like reproductive rights and a more comprehensive social security net.

Didn't work the last dozen times, surely it'll work the 13th time


If you look at the McCain tweet from earlier Trump's already fired off a few replies. So yeah, he was that pathetic. As if we didn't already know this.


I imagine the only reason he hasn't done so already is that he's currently chasing his advisors for his Twitter phone around the White House with the Benny Hill Yakkety Sax music playing as the advisors scream "No sir, Dont do it pleaseeee"

It's not like he'll stop being President
GAF has been wrong pretty much all the time since early 2016 actually.

GAF spent so much energy wishing they could hate McCain to death only for him to turn around and save them all. He really is the hero GAF deserves, not the one they need right now.

P.S. John McCain spent more than 5 years being tortured by the North Vietnamese because he refused an early release as a VIP over other American POWs during the Vietnam War.


No one on GAF will ever understand what he sacrificed for his country, nor do they deserve an actual war hero like him as a politician.
Okay is this a serious comment or what? Does this erase McCain's entire history and voting record? It's still possible that Obamacare can still be repealed through Congress. Deserve? Alrighty then.

Blah blah GAF is a hivemind, blah blah I still post on here blah blah.

Also 'GAF' was right about the DNC Primary as well as predicting the winner of several Congress seats correctly despite hopeful naive people like me.

Wow, that's incredible. I've never heard that before. I can't believe people don't talk about this more.
Did you drop this '/s'? My sarcasm detector is broken.

"He's not a war hero..He was a war hero, because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured. He's been losing so long he doesn't know how to win anymore."

It's kind of neat that McCain patiently waited, biding his time, knowing that he would eventually have his revenge for that.


The arc of history is long, but it bends towards revenge.
Just over two years after candidate Donald Trump mocked John McCain's Vietnam War record, noting that he prefers heroes "who weren't captured", the Arizona senator stuck a dagger in President Trump's healthcare reform plans.
There were gasps when Mr McCain, after being furiously lobbied by Vice-President Mike Pence, joined two other Republican senators in voting against the so-called "skinny" repeal plan, considered the bare minimum Senate Republicans could agree on.
Instead of a big step toward becoming law - either in its skinny form or after further negotiations with the House of Representatives - the future of Obamacare repeal has been thrown into doubt.
The reality is, for now, there is no minimum level of change on which Senate Republicans can agree. They either have to work with Democrats or resign themselves to stalemate and move on to other topics, like taxes or infrastructure spending.
It will take some time for the enormity of this late-night Senate drama to sink in. No one really expected Mr McCain to be the decisive vote, but the man who once had a reputation as a Republican "maverick", now facing a dire brain cancer diagnosis, had at least one more surprise in his pocket.


Okay is this a serious comment or what? Does this erase McCain's entire history and voting record? It's still possible that Obamacare can still be repealed through Congress. Deserve? Alrighty then.

Blah blah GAF is a hivemind, blah blah I still post on here blah blah.

Also 'GAF' was right about the DNC Primary as well as predicting the winner of several Congress seats correctly despite hopeful naive people like me.

Did you drop this '/s'? My sarcasm detector is broken.

Yes, I was being sarcastic. I still don't quite understand why people are lining up to kiss McCain's feet for not voting to kill his constituents, but hey.

Anyway, nice to have something not go wrong for once, but that's about all this is. McCain's voting record is still shameful, even though he did the right thing tonight. The GOP is still going to try and destroy healthcare for the poor if they get another opportunity. They're still going to try and cut taxes for their uber-rich donors. They're still going to try to kill the Russia investigation. They're still going to try to strip legal protection for the LGBTQ community. They're still going to try to revoke women's reproductive rights.

All that's happened tonight is delaying their agenda a bit. But I'll take it.



Thanks McCain.

Sure McConnell, the American people sure will come to regret keeping the health insurance many of us rely on to stay alive. Constipated doofus.


Oh please. This is a big win for the moment and he was a part of it. It's more like some of you are upset that it came down to him after you wished death upon him. Just take the W for now, Christ!

You know nothing of me. Go look over my past posts and you'll see I was criticisig others here for that bullshit, especially the outrage by some over Dems clapping McCain's return to the Senate chamber. Christ!


McCain love in here is pathetic. He could have easily killed this by just not returning to the senate or by voting against letting the bill proceed, but he had to grandstand instead. What a piece of shit.

If I start my neighbor's house on fire should I be called a hero if I quickly put it out?


McCain love in here is pathetic. He could have easily killed this by just not returning to the senate or by voting against letting the bill proceed, but he had to grandstand instead. What a piece of shit.

If I start my neighbor's house on fire should I be called a hero if I quickly put it out?

That depends, are you are a war hero in this hypothetical? ;)


McCain love in here is pathetic. He could have easily killed this by just not returning to the senate or by voting against letting the bill proceed, but he had to grandstand instead. What a piece of shit.

If I start my neighbor's house on fire should I be called a hero if I quickly put it out?
So he did the right thing but you have to knock him for the way he did it? I guess that's fine if that's how you view it. I'm just glad he did it... regardless of what his true motives were.


So he did the right thing but you have to knock him for the way he did it? I guess that's fine if that's how you view it. I'm just glad he did it... regardless of what his true motives were.

I'm glad it happened, but I don't think he deserves any praise for bravely deciding not to make millions of his fellow Americans suffer only after dragging his feet along until he could do it in the most self-aggrandizing way possible.


McCain may have been the wild card needed and after that speech and his first vote, he really gave us a nice twist, David Mamet's style.

But let's not forget the other two republicans who have always voted against these ridiculous attempts: Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.


You are not a hero for voting no on killing people. I mean, McCain did the right thing for once in his miserable life, but the bar for doing it is simply not being a complete piece of evil shit. So I really appreciate it and it is incredibly important but my opinion of McCain won't change until he shows a sustained and consistent break from the entirety of his political career till now.


You are not a hero for voting no on killing people. I mean, McCain did the right thing for once in his miserable life, but the bar for doing it is simply not being a complete piece of evil shit. So I really appreciate it and it is incredibly important but my opinion of McCain won't change until he shows a sustained and consistent break from the entirety of his political career till now.
He seems to say a lot that he'll do the right thing and then does a complete 180 and changes his mind. Maybe this is the start of a new McCain. We can hope...
McCain love in here is pathetic. He could have easily killed this by just not returning to the senate or by voting against letting the bill proceed, but he had to grandstand instead. What a piece of shit.

If I start my neighbor's house on fire should I be called a hero if I quickly put it out?

No, you're a hero if you burn your neighbour alive and his friends imprison you for a few years


You are not a hero for voting no on killing people. I mean, McCain did the right thing for once in his miserable life, but the bar for doing it is simply not being a complete piece of evil shit. So I really appreciate it and it is incredibly important but my opinion of McCain won't change until he shows a sustained and consistent break from the entirety of his political career till now.

And like, even after this vote, he's still saying the ACA should be repealed.

No, you're a hero if you burn him alive but his friends imprison you for a few years

That's good.


You can blame McCain for being two-faced if you want. Me? Ill be sending him a nice message for not making the life of a friend of mine (type 1 diabetic) a living hell.


Words by Austin Walker worth remembering:

This is a fiction. McCain laid out his intentions in his opening statement. He needed changes to vote yes. He voted to open debate. Changes were not made. Instead, this joke of a skinny repeal was put forth. He followed through on his statement.

To think this was some elaborate heel turn is bizarre.
Not sure why people need to judge McCain as good or evil. He's a republican, he wants a lot of what the party wants, and he knows that politics is a teamsport. If you don't like politicians like that, you're not going to like McCain.

But he's sure a much more reasonable and mature politicians then many of his cartoon-like colleagues in the senate. And you can say that without having to agree with all of his opinions and policies.


This is a fiction. McCain laid out his intentions in his opening statement. He needed changes to vote yes. He voted to open debate. Changes were not made. Instead, this joke of a skinny repeal was put forth. He followed through on his statement.

To think this was some elaborate heel turn is bizarre.

It is, huh?

He hadn't disclosed his decision to anyone prior to the day, and had kept reporters on their toes, telling them to "watch the show" as he entered the chamber.

McCain has spent the last 6 months falling in line with everything his party told him to fall in line with. He had the chance to stop this insanity weeks ago. Acting like this thing had any chance, changes or not, to lead to better healthcare for the american populace and was anything but Trump and company trying to save face is dishonest.


This is a fiction. McCain laid out his intentions in his opening statement. He needed changes to vote yes. He voted to open debate. Changes were not made. Instead, this joke of a skinny repeal was put forth. He followed through on his statement.

Fiction is pretending McCain didn't vote for the BCRA bill in the first place.


Fuck Austin Walker and all the leftists trying to reconcile their embarrassing histrionics over the legacy of John McCain after the man just delivered the most significant congressional rebuke of the last 20 years. This idea that McCain was just too cool, too dramatic in how he did this is the dumbest of possible criticisms. That thumbs down gif is going to haunt this administration for the next 4 years - enjoy it!

Christ, Dems are terrible at winning.


Junior Member
Not sure why people need to judge McCain as good or evil. He's a republican, he wants a lot of what the party wants, and he knows that politics is a teamsport. If you don't like politicians like that, you're not going to like McCain.

But he's sure a much more reasonable and mature politicians then many of his cartoon-like colleagues in the senate. And you can say that without having to agree with all of his opinions and policies.

i always found it surprising how ppl found it super surprising mccain toed the party line. He had the mav reputation I guess. But in military a team player is valued and its a big value of the brotherhood or military etc. So I'm sure that also plays into mccains mind and decisions.


McCain has spent the last 6 months falling in line with everything his party told him to fall in line with. He had the chance to stop this insanity weeks ago. Acting like this thing had any chance, changes or not, to lead to better healthcare for the american populace and was anything but Trump and company trying to save face is dishonest.

If you want to criticize him for not doing more before, that's one thing. The tweets you quoted were addressing his "NWO shirt reveal." They were clearly in line with the idea that McCain was playing games with his return, which is a fiction.

Perhaps it just makes better head canon for some.

And to address your edit if you want to double down on this as a heel turn:

So? Saying "Watch the show," is merely stating the obvious at that point. It's not evidence of a grand plan. In reality, this isn't 3D chess.


...lacks reading comprehension.
This is a fiction. McCain laid out his intentions in his opening statement. He needed changes to vote yes. He voted to open debate. Changes were not made. Instead, this joke of a skinny repeal was put forth. He followed through on his statement.

To think this was some elaborate heel turn is bizarre.


Woah I almost didn't realize how close the vote was. Like it was down to the last vote.

Millions potentially almost died.

Well I learned some days ago that Americans don't go to the doctor in the first place because sick days are unemployment requests. Also it's worth remembering that seven years ago the people that would've lost their health care now didn't die either in the millions. So that was always a phantom debate.


Not sure why people need to judge McCain as good or evil[ . He's a republican, he wants a lot of what the party wants, and he knows that politics is a teamsport. If you don't like politicians like that, you're not going to like McCain.

But he's sure a much more reasonable and mature politicians then many of his cartoon-like colleagues in the senate. And you can say that without having to agree with all of his opinions and policies.
I not sure if you serious or not this is not an excuse.
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