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Senate healthcare repeal bill fails - Collins, Murkowski, and McCain voted no


Fuck Austin Walker and all the leftists trying to reconcile their embarrassing histrionics over the legacy of John McCain after the man just delivered the most significant congressional rebuke of the last 20 years. This idea that McCain was just too cool, too dramatic in how he did this is the dumbest of possible criticisms. That thumbs down gif is going to haunt this administration for the next 4 years - enjoy it!

Christ, Dems are terrible at winning.

You're right, Dems really need to give Republicans even MORE unwarranted respect and praise to win. It's so obvious.

Wait, that's fucking stupid. If that's how things worked why would Republicans ever win anything? Fact is McCain would have been perfectly fine with any number of other horrendous versions of this legislation and is still calling for the ACA to be repealed.


You're right, Dems really need to give Republicans even MORE unwarranted respect and praise to win. It's so obvious.

Wait, that's fucking stupid. If that's how things worked why would Republicans ever win anything? Fact is McCain would have been perfectly fine with any number of other horrendous versions of this legislation and is still calling for the ACA to be repealed.

... And here I was thinking people would be happy.


A grt healthcare.
Why are people referring to this as a heel turn? Surely this would be a face turn if anything. Unless of course your looking at it from the republicans perspective.


One can be happy with the outcome without using the situation to fluff a guy who doesn't deserve it.

Also I don't think we're out of the woods yet.


We're literally at the point where politicians get celebrated for not killing potentially millions of their own people. That is not reason for celebrating them.
Fuck Austin Walker and all the leftists trying to reconcile their embarrassing histrionics over the legacy of John McCain after the man just delivered the most significant congressional rebuke of the last 20 years. This idea that McCain was just too cool, too dramatic in how he did this is the dumbest of possible criticisms. That thumbs down gif is going to haunt this administration for the next 4 years - enjoy it!

Christ, Dems are terrible at winning.

Fuck Austin Walker and all the leftists trying to reconcile their embarrassing histrionics over the legacy of John McCain after the man just delivered the most significant congressional rebuke of the last 20 years. This idea that McCain was just too cool, too dramatic in how he did this is the dumbest of possible criticisms. That thumbs down gif is going to haunt this administration for the next 4 years - enjoy it!

Christ, Dems are terrible at winning.

This post is embarrassing histrionics


I wonder which of Collins or Murkowski would have voted the other way if they had known what McCain was going to do. It's only easy for them to stake out their "moderate" positions because it's been politically safe to do so when they could rely on all other 50 to stay in line.
McCain love in here is pathetic. He could have easily killed this by just not returning to the senate or by voting against letting the bill proceed, but he had to grandstand instead. What a piece of shit.

From McCain's perspective, his main problem with this repeal bill was the procedural fuckery his party was going through to get something passed. By showing up to vote, he got to make this point in his previous speech, and he voted against the version of the bill that had the most procedural fuckery behind it. He couldn't have made this point by staying in hospital
Really happy to see this shot down, still a little disappointed it's by such a small margin, partisan politics aside. Good on the three R's for sticking to their guns, I have McCain a lot of shit but he came through this time, though let's see if he can still stick it to the orange sleazeball.

Also let's not forget the Dems staying against this. Would've been pretty hard to make them flip but still good none of them did.


I wonder which of Collins or Murkowski would have voted the other way if they had known what McCain was going to do. It's only easy for them to stake out their "moderate" positions because it's been politically safe to do so when they could rely on all other 50 to stay in line.

Murkowski knew
They had her surrounded when they knew lost mccain


From McCain's perspective, his main problem with this repeal bill was the procedural fuckery his party was going through to get something passed. By showing up to vote, he got to make this point in his previous speech, and he voted against the version of the bill that had the most procedural fuckery behind it. He couldn't have made this point by staying in hospital

Not really out of line with the point I'm trying to make, which is that McCain's not really standing up for the people.

Murkowski knew
They had her surrounded when they knew they life Mccain

Okay, so if she did I guess my question then is more "Would Collins have flipped?" I do wonder. (Also in that case Murkowski actually would be the one out of the three who people should be giving any props to, even though I think as SilentRob was saying above that this is a pretty pathetically low threshold for praise.)

Joey Ravn

Non-American here. The audible "gasp!" after McCain casts his vote makes the video doubly amazing.

Congrats, Americans! A good thing was saved by the skin of its teeth, but saved nevertheless. I don't know how or when, or even if, the GOP can try to repeal the ACA again... but hopefully it's safe for the time being.


You're right, Dems really need to give Republicans even MORE unwarranted respect and praise to win. It's so obvious.

Wait, that's fucking stupid. If that's how things worked why would Republicans ever win anything? Fact is McCain would have been perfectly fine with any number of other horrendous versions of this legislation and is still calling for the ACA to be repealed.

You are missing the forest for the trees. A Republican senator breaking ranks to stand up for civic norms and bipartisanship on his platform's most sacred plank of the last 8 years is exactly what we need at a time when America is more polarized than ever. Yes I'm fully aware that the tribalism running rampant in America is far and away the fault of Republicans. No I don't think we should surrender to it.

I don't care that McCain voted for the BCRA amendment - that shit had no chance of passing. I care about what vote he cast when it mattered. Look at who our bloody damn President is and take stock of how thankful we should be that Senators like Collins, Murkoswky, and yes, McCain hold office. Republicans are not all the same and it's more than proper to celebrate as much when appropriate instead of tarring them all with the same brush or applying Democratic purity tests to their voting records.
I wonder which of Collins or Murkowski would have voted the other way if they had known what McCain was going to do. It's only easy for them to stake out their "moderate" positions because it's been politically safe to do so when they could rely on all other 50 to stay in line.

God. Why does the left insist on trying to tear down the people that helped them win.

We are so bad at winning that I am not sure we deserve to...


How can say with a straight face it's better Healthcare for the American people. It's crazy talk. Also, McCain saying ACA is bad because no Republicans voted for it and Democrats rammed it through, well you had no interest in doing good healthcare for the American people, what do you expect. You can't work with others if your misssion is to screw people.
It's all theater, they carefully craft every yes and no vote. I imagine far fewer than 49 actually wanted to pass this.

Plenty of them knew it was a shit bill.

But this is a humiliating defeat considering they had seven years to craft their own version of reform, and given a majority congress, still couldn't get enough votes.

This wasn't theater


You are missing the forest for the trees. A Republican senator breaking ranks to stand up for civic norms and bipartisanship on his platform's most sacred plank of the last 8 years is exactly what we need at a time when America is more polarized than ever. Yes I'm fully aware that the tribalism running rampant in America is far and away the fault of Republicans. No I don't think we should surrender to it.

Yes, well, THIS kind of thinking is actually losing thinking. Dems have tried and tried and still try to do this crossing the aisle, be-the-better-person bullshit and lose more and more and more as they do so. People want representatives that fight for them and that means standing up loudly to their opponents and making it very clear that they are the enemy in the process.

God. Why does the left insist on trying to tear down the people that helped them win.

We are so bad at winning that I am not sure we deserve to...

This isn't even a fucking win, that's what skewed perception this is. It's just barely, BARELY holding the line. None of these fuckers voted FOR the ACA or tried to help make it better in any way. None of them have presented any moderate alternative to this repeal bullshit. McCain is STILL CALLING FOR REPEAL. They're not helping at all.
One less knife in our backs dont just make it ok.

...and living in a land of delusion where everyone is out to get you and has an alternate agenda is insane.

Those two were fairly solidly against the bill from the beginning, but you bring up stupid theories with no evidence whatsoever to back them up because what... your aching bones told you it was a conspiracy?
Probably McCains last hoo-rah before he dies (literally). Now if Trump attacks him he's the guy that attacked the dying brain cancer victim (not that he would care, but still)
This isn't even a fucking win, that's what skewed perception this is. It's just barely, BARELY holding the line. None of these fuckers voted FOR the ACA or tried to help make it better in any way. None of them have presented any moderate alternative to this repeal bullshit. McCain is STILL CALLING FOR REPEAL. They're not helping at all.

Oh please. Let us not live in a fantasy land where moderate is what EITHER party would vote for. Them doing that would be a complete waste of time.

...but no. Continue attacking Murkowski and Collins because how dare they not be democrats and vote with democrats on everything!


...and living in a land of delusion where everyone is out to get you and has an alternate agenda is insane.

Those two were fairly solidly against the bill from the beginning, but you bring up stupid theories with no evidence whatsoever to back them up because what... your aching bones told you it was a conspiracy?

You mean the land where right-wing politicians and media are saying they're out to do just that to the left ALL THE TIME?

Oh please. Let us not live in a fantasy land where moderate is what EITHER party would vote for. Them doing that would be a complete waste of time.

...but no. Continue attacking Murkowski and Collins because how dare they not be democrats and vote with democrats on everything!

lol yeah how dare people expect elected representatives to do more than the bare minimum in their constituents' favor. They could set an example. They could say they at least tried. It's hilarious that people like you are willing to give Republicans the benefit of the doubt like that but also all too ready to punch left if people don't shower them in glowing praise for just NOT being complete and total monsters like the rest of their party.


Not what I was expecting to wake up to.

Anyway, I'm not about to "good guy McCain" because he didn't turn face - this was theater. A lot of Republicans voting for this shit didn't want it to pass either. They just didn't want to be the one responsible for tanking it. McCain is in his last term, and like some octagenerian Batman, "he can take it." This just happened to be such a rare moment (and such a bad bill) that putting party before country was the same thing.
You mean the land where right-wing politicians and media are saying they're out to do just that to the left ALL THE TIME?

You aren't attacking those people. You are attacking a couple moderates who just helped save healthcare for millions of Americans.

Can you really not see the delusion in that?


Non-American here. The audible "gasp!" after McCain casts his vote makes the video doubly amazing.

Congrats, Americans! A good thing was saved by the skin of its teeth, but saved nevertheless. I don't know how or when, or even if, the GOP can try to repeal the ACA again... but hopefully it's safe for the time being.

Have to be wary that they won't try again TODAY. They're determined.

The GOP is evil. Only 3 voted against it? They're almost all tea party lunatics.


Maybe old news, but it looks like Trump talked to McCain over the phone before the vote.

Paul Ryan couldn’t persuade him. Neither could Mike Pence. And in the end, President Donald Trump couldn’t reel in John McCain either.

The president made a last-ditch effort, calling the Arizona senator and key holdout on the GOP’s Obamacare repeal measure, as the bill’s fate hung in the balance, according to two sources familiar with the conversation. After Pence had spent about 20 minutes working McCain, the senator went off the floor to speak with Trump by phone, those sources said.

Whatever the men said, it didn’t work. Shortly before 1:30 a.m. Friday, McCain strode to the well of the Senate, and gestured his hand downward to vote “no.” Stunned gasps echoed throughout the chamber.

“I thought it was the right vote,” McCain told reporters as he left the Capitol. “I do my job as a senator.”
It was reported live when Pence was working McCain, but I didn't know about the phone call.


Probably McCains last hoo-rah before he dies (literally). Now if Trump attacks him he's the guy that attacked the dying brain cancer victim (not that he would care, but still)

Well, I like war heroes who always vote the party line and never get cancer.


You aren't attacking those people. You are attacking a couple moderates who just helped save healthcare for millions of Americans.

Can you really not see the delusion in that?

I mean show me what good things these people are actually doing for this country other than just not killing millions of people. Then they can get some praise. I'm not applying a "Democrat purity test," I'm looking for basic human decency and not seeing it.


Trumps favorite show is on (Fox & Friends). They start off with a buch of digs at Hiliary and then bring on the RNC chair to talk health care. She says Republicans are disappointed but at least they tried hard. The hosts don't press her on any of this. No questions about problems with the party's ability to govern or Trump's shitty role in all this. Nope. They move on to Debbie Shultz's aids who got arrested because that's where the read obstruction of justice is. Also emails.

Ignore the bad news. Talk about it for a minute and keep your viewer (including Trump) uniformed. Of course that's why he watchs this la la land.
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