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Senate healthcare repeal bill fails - Collins, Murkowski, and McCain voted no

No. I'm grateful for what he did but he could've saved everyone a lot of stress by not flying over to DC this week in the first place.

No kidding. Allowing the MTP prolonged the fear and uncertainty of millions of people in a wholly unnecessary way.

Acting smug as if last night's outcome was somehow predictable or even the most likely thing to happen is ridiculous.


i think the only reason this got so far is due to him trying every tactic as his disposal. If anything its more a reason for him to stay on ... he almost managed to pull off the impossible (I remember ppl were so sure no way senate passes this and it came super close)
Yeah I cant imagine any current democrat going the lengths this guy has. With the way this turtle pulls so many shady tricks out of his ass you can tell he knows has a great knowledge of and willingness to implement any procedure.
For people talking about "bipartisan work to fix the aca" realize the aca is the half assed bipartisan solution right? It came from a fucking conservative think tank and the DNC jumped because they've been a centrist party for 35 years.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
So couple days ago. GAF shitting on McCain like Trump thanking McCain for coming back.

Fast forward to now. GAF quickly 180 on the guy


McCain pulled through on this one(along with Collins and Murkowski, Americans have all three to thank), but it doesn't absolve him of the shitty things he did in the past.
If he voted No a couple days ago, we wouldn't have had to go through this shit in the first place.

Him voting Yes brought us within 1 vote of losing the ACA and some shit-tastic Skinny Healthcare repeal with no replacement. So, yes, at the time, he deserved all the criticism.

Today, he's a hero. He did the right thing today. He allowed debate and killed the Skinny Repeal himself.

There is nothing more to be said.

If he did this a few days ago there would be a chance they'd try and spend all day Wednesday and Thursday getting his support/someone elses

He held his fuck you to the last minute, which is admirable. Trump took his vote for granted.


I'm stunned. When I went to bed last night, I thought for sure this was passing on 50 + Pence. I'm absolutely shocked.

Good on McCain for doing the right thing.
Yup. So happy to wake up to this. McCain finally found his fucking soul and just in time.

Fakeedit: Oh yeah, and eat shit, Yertle. The video in the OP is fucking DELICIOUS.
To be fair killing that bill the way he did was a lot more a last straw moment than of he had voted against earlier bills.

The skinny bill felt like the last resort and losing it felt like it killed ACA repeal for at least a little while. McConnells speech said as much
For people talking about "bipartisan work to fix the aca" realize the aca is the half assed bipartisan solution right? It came from a fucking conservative think tank and the DNC jumped because they've been a centrist party for 35 years.

Fact checkers have rated the claim that ACA was a bipartisan plan "mostly false".

It's the plan Obama ran on in 2008, modified by the democrats in commitee. McCain had his own, different plan in 2008. The ACA isn't some sort of fusion of those.


Junior Member
Yeah I cant imagine any current democrat going the lengths this guy has. With the way this turtle pulls so many shady tricks out of his ass you can tell he knows has a great knowledge of and willingness to implement any procedure.

this whole thing has been one it's dead its dead after another just for it to keep re rearing its headback up again. Literally senators were saying we'll vote to discuss, then vote no to current but vote yes to move to conference with guarantees it'll be different. This bill really went into wackoland
No kidding. Allowing the MTP prolonged the fear and uncertainty of millions of people in a wholly unnecessary way.

Acting smug as if last night's outcome was somehow predictable or even the most likely thing to happen is ridiculous.

Up until the final 45 or so minutes people were already preparing for losing their coverage. I thought this was going to be another November 8th till McCain started hugging Democrats.


To be fair killing that bill the way he did was a lot more a last straw moment than of he had voted against earlier bills.

The skinny bill felt like the last resort and losing it felt like it killed ACA repeal for at least a little while. McConnells speech said as much

He did vote against one of the bills. But still, yup. This was his big fuck you.


Junior Member

Fact checkers have rated the claim that ACA was a bipartisan plan "mostly false".

It's the plan Obama ran on in 2008, modified by the democrats in commitee. McCain had his own, different plan in 2008. The ACA isn't some sort of fusion of those.

uhm the ariticle literally points out no public option not getting traction and being a republican priority and public option was left out eventually ...

Also when ppl say it was bipartisan they dont mean it was a plan both sides voted on in a bipartisan manner. They mean this would have been the republican plan for healthcare (not mccains but in general an alternative republicans would have tilted towards) ... it just so happened a democratic president pushed for it and had a democratic congress and senate pass it.



Fact checkers have rated the claim that ACA was a bipartisan plan "mostly false".

It's the plan Obama ran on in 2008, modified by the democrats in commitee. McCain had his own, different plan in 2008. The ACA isn't some sort of fusion of those.

It does include many republican amendments and is also based on Romneycare. It's not bipartisan because no republicans voted for it but that's not for democrats lack of trying.
Happy to discover that the Senate majority leader is no Harry Reid when it comes to political strategy.

Another thing we took for granted was the dem leaderships ability to whip people together.

Regardless of how you feel about Reid an Pelosi they get/got shit done. (Special fuck you to Lieberman)

These tea party twats don't have the first idea how to do anything


So couple days ago. GAF shitting on McCain like Trump thanking McCain for coming back.

Fast forward to now. GAF quickly 180 on the guy


You're right, "GAF" should continue shitting on McCain regardless of what happened.

It would just be hypocritical to change your opinion of someone after that person changed theirs.
So couple days ago. GAF shitting on McCain like Trump thanking McCain for coming back.

Fast forward to now. GAF quickly 180 on the guy

PoliGAF is 100% aware of this situation, I assure you. Much crow was eaten last night, but anyone who said this earlier (myself very much included) was pleased to take it. He was complicit in coming as far as we have in this insanity-- Which is bad, obviously-- But there's no denying he did the right thing this time.

As for the rest of GAF? I obviously cannot speak for them.
No kidding. Allowing the MTP prolonged the fear and uncertainty of millions of people in a wholly unnecessary way.

Acting smug as if last night's outcome was somehow predictable or even the most likely thing to happen is ridiculous.

The way this was done was very embarrassing for Senate leadership

This may help oust McConnell, or at least make him change his approach in the future. That wouldn't have happened if McCain stayed in the hospital


For people talking about "bipartisan work to fix the aca" realize the aca is the half assed bipartisan solution right? It came from a fucking conservative think tank and the DNC jumped because they've been a centrist party for 35 years.

Yes we realize the ACA was the best solution we have given the actual reality of America. People from both sides have been trying to pass any healthcare reform since the 70's (starting with single payer). The reality is, the average American voter has been against it cause most got their insurance thru work and "socialism is bad" cold war thinking.

Obamacare, while not ideal, is the first move in the right direction in 40 years of attempts. It also cost Democrats political capital and seats.

Democrats can't magical make a conservative nation vote progressive on a dime. It has nothing to do with Democratic strategy, America simple did not have enough progressive to vote in the last 40 years to pass any health care until Obama.
Another thing we took for granted was the dem leaderships ability to whip people together.

Regardless of how you feel about Reid an Pelosi they get/got shit done. (Special fuck you to Lieberman)

These tea party twats don't have the first idea how to do anything

Amen. I mean, who knew that health care could be so complicated!


So couple days ago. GAF shitting on McCain like Trump thanking McCain for coming back.

Fast forward to now. GAF quickly 180 on the guy

180? Absolutely not. A broken clock being right for once. That's what we are happy to see. Relax.
So couple days ago. GAF shitting on McCain like Trump thanking McCain for coming back.

Fast forward to now. GAF quickly 180 on the guy


In either event it's not irony. It would be irony if he voted yes and then couldn't pay his deductible for his cancer surgery.

But what McCain did may be his lasting legacy. If he voted no 2 days ago then the GOP could have delayed for several months tryung to get Collins or Murkowski votes and then put it to a vote. By letting it go to vote, rejecting it going to committee, and then surprisingly voting no, it's seemingly putting a nail in the coffin.


Fact checkers have rated the claim that ACA was a bipartisan plan "mostly false".

It's the plan Obama ran on in 2008, modified by the democrats in commitee. McCain had his own, different plan in 2008. The ACA isn't some sort of fusion of those.

That's a horse crap article based on amendments to the bill not the origins of the actual plan itself. The obama admin literally worked with the lobbyists who helped push Romneycare in 06 which was a direct plan from the think tank.

Just because it's called Obamacare, and that the GOP has been throwing a nonstop hissy fit doesn't change the plans origins. If it was a "liberal" plan it wouldn't be so structured on jerking off insurance corps at every opportunity.
Voting for this isn't exactly a "throwing Palpatine down the shaft" redemption, but I'm glad McCain did something good for once. He's still in the red, on balance, though.

PoliGAF is 100% aware of this situation, I assure you. Much crow was eaten last night, but anyone who said this earlier (myself very much included) was pleased to take it. He was complicit in coming as far as we have in this insanity-- Which is bad, obviously-- But there's no denying he did the right thing this time.

As for the rest of GAF? I obviously cannot speak for them.

I'm happy to admit I'm wrong if it meant something good happened.
McCain's vote was the culmination of his efforts to provide drama for the inevitable movie/tv series. There's nothing more to see here. Hollywood thanks him.


I think it's safe to say that more of these half-assed bills that nobody likes aren't going to work; the Senate isn't going to pass something just for the sake of passing something.

Seems like they're going to have to move on to something else pretty soon.
McCain's vote was the culmination of his efforts to provide drama for the inevitable movie/tv series. There's nothing more to see here. Hollywood thanks him.

A bunch of writers woke up this morning and started drafting their McCain biopic scripts.

Who would play McCain though?

Also, good on McCain for doing the right thing.


Unconfirmed Member
Voting for this isn't exactly a "throwing Palpatine down the shaft" redemption, but I'm glad McCain did something good for once. He's still in the red, on balance, though.

I'm happy to be wrong if it means something good happened.

I mean Vader isn't really fully redeemed at the end either. Dude still massacred billions and in the end people seem happy to see him go.
uhm the ariticle literally points out no public option not getting traction and being a republican priority and public option was left out eventually ...

Also when ppl say it was bipartisan they dont mean it was a plan both sides voted on in a bipartisan manner. They mean this would have been the republican plan for healthcare (not mccains but in general an alternative republicans would have tilted towards) ... it just so happened a democratic president pushed for it and had a democratic congress and senate pass it.
Yes, democrats themselves were not on board with the public option (Joe Lieberman). That doesn't somehow make the plan bipartisan.

I get your explanation for why you are calling it bipartisan, but it doesn't fit the usual definition of the word bipartisan. Republicans have proposed several national health care reform plans, such as McCain 2008. They weren't the ACA. They were never happy with the ACA and never voted for it. Usually a "bipartisan" bill is one that is supported by members of both parties. Not one that certain people imagine could have been proposed in an alternate timeline by members of both parties.

When McCain is calling for a bipartisan effort to fix the ACA he means one that members of both parties will actually vote for in the Congress. That hasn't happened yet.
As far as praising McCain here, fuck that. This was personal for him, more about his own issues with his party and how they operate. If he was happier with how they handled their business and maybe if Trump wasn't Trump, he wouldn't think of voting no. This wasn't a vote based on conscience or values, or for what's right or wrong.


So how long until GOP try again? Weeks? Months?

I think this is it until after 2018. These bills were on the table because they were basically budget bills and only required a small majority to pass. they got two shots at it this year. This one failed. Now they need to move onto tax reform for their second shot. Though this first bill was a major part of their tax reform plans.
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