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Senate healthcare repeal bill fails - Collins, Murkowski, and McCain voted no


Was listening to Pod Save America and they said something to the effect of, when choosing how to react to politics, one can be cynical and be surprised, or optimistic and be disappointed. I guess they're trying to say stay positive rather than negative and reserve the negativity for when bad things actually pass.

It's six-of-one, half-a-dozen of the other really, but if one keeps fighting for the results they want, doing it from an optimistic stance is probably better for ones own mental health.


As far as praising McCain here, fuck that. This was personal for him, more about his own issues with his party and how they operate. If he was happier with how they handled their business and maybe if Trump wasn't Trump, he wouldn't think of voting no. This wasn't a vote based on conscience or values, or for what's right or wrong.

Well I'm not so sure. I think his speech about getting back into the business of working together in congress was heartfelt.

Congress hasn't been working functionally for nearly a decade.
As far as praising McCain here, fuck that. This was personal for him, more about his own issues with his party and how they operate. If he was happier with how they handled their business and maybe if Trump wasn't Trump, he wouldn't think of voting no. This wasn't a vote based on conscience or values, or for what's right or wrong.

I don't care why someone does the right thing.


What are the chances this is like his come to Jesus moment? And he starts voting for the right thing as long as he can?


What a thing to wake up to, wow. What a surprise, and what a relief.

Also, McCain? I'm sorry I said this. I was wrong.

With regard to the Obamacare repeal, we're simply f***ed now.

Also, screw you McCain. What an awful thing to do during your last dying days.
Watching this unfold last night was one of the craziest things I've ever seen

Even in the thread I was fucking about how IT'S THE MAVERICK and lalalala but goddamn

Murkowski and Collins holding it down too, I bet it felt real good for Murkowski to bat away their desperate shit after they threatened her that same fucking day




He came through when 43 million people need him too, he deserves praise for this.

Yes. You can still dislike the man and his politics, but in this case, he did a PHENOMENAL amount of good in the face of overwhelming pressure from his party and the president to fall in line and vote partisan all while he battles a very aggressive form of cancer that is surely killing him.

Credit given where credit is due, and for millions of people, he actions potentially saved their lives. That's a lot of credit.


Trump called McCain to beg him to vote yes on the repeal. Now trump is trying to play this off like he wanted ACA to fail on its own all along.

Guy is so full of shit. The list of GOP congress people telling him to fuck off is growing.
You know who the real heroes are? Obama and the Democrats (especially Pelosi) who crafted legislation that so fundamentally altered (for the better) American healthcare that despite being able to use the bluster of "Repeal Obamacare" to get elected the GOP couldn't actually follow through because the idea was popular but the reality was not.

Also please remember McCain voted yes on the actual GOP healthcare plan that would have taken healthcare from 20-30+ million.
So now everyone likes Mccain? Sure. The stuff that happened in that Mccain has brain cancer thread....Sickening.

You keeping track of everyone that said something in that thread? Got a list? No? Because you and the rest tripping over themselves to call people hypocrites are speaking as if we're a monolith..shit is silly..


Congrats on McCain for not being a piece of shit for once? I expected him to pass it then tell all Americans to move.
Still don't like him. I'm glad he voted the way he did but the whole coming back from treatment to unlease a shit storm can't be undone. Plus he voted for the first repeal and replace after that which would have made it impossible for people with pre-existing conditions (say like brain cancer) to get insurance or at least insurance that would cover the condition. So no, he didn't redeem himself last night.


I mean, good on McCain for growing a spine and all, but this fucking shit has been exhausting. It shouldn't have ever been like this.
Agreed. This was a victory by the thinnest of margins. It almost passed, using the most transparently underhanded, exclusionary and reprehensible tactics possible. Everyone needs to stay angry and appalled.


The fact that nobody, including McConnell, believed he would actually vote no until it actually happened is all you need to say.

I thank McCain for doing the right thing, but it doesn't change how many times he's pulled this act in the past.


He came through when 43 million people need him too, he deserves praise for this.

I'm glad he came through but don't pretend that him doing something so obvious like NOT destroying the lives of millions is something extraordinary.


Back when I was a kid, turtles were teenage, mutant, and ninjas. In other words, heroes I could root for and feature on my undies and bed sheets.

Nowadays there's only one turtle, whose tears from his legislative failures due to my own Senator give me life. Happy Friday!
Well I'm not so sure. I think his speech about getting back into the business of working together in congress was heartfelt.

Congress hasn't been working functionally for nearly a decade.

That's what McCain does, that's his game.

I don't care why someone does the right thing.

I'm glad he was irritated enough at his party's leadership to make that kind of a statement, but that's as far as I go with it.

Cake Boss

Man does 1 good thing out of 1000 shitty things he does.

Man gets praised for the 1 good thing, man also gets shit on for the shitty things.



Yup. How convenient.

Which part is convenient? That the poster still thinks the McCain thread and it's shit posting was disgusting or that people still think there is nothing wrong with that? I'm gonna lean towards it being fucking gross. To each his own though, hope no one you care about gets cancer or maybe that would be funny too who knows?

Lol right, now the sanctimonious bunch wanna come back out the woodwork

You think it's sanctimonious to say slow down on the hope you die slowly talk? Yikes...


The fact that nobody, including McConnell, believed he would actually vote no until it actually happened is all you need to say.

I thank McCain for doing the right thing, but it doesn't change how many times he's pulled this act in the past.
The gasp from the crowd told you everything: Nobody saw it coming.
Here's what McCain opposed: Repealing (even slightly) ACA with no other plan.

Here's what McCain supported: Repealing ACA and replacing it with something that was a billion times worse and would have gutted Medicaid.
Murkowski and Collins deserve a lot of praise too, they've been extremely consistent in voting no on everything, even after direct pressure was getting applied to both of them

Democrats deserve praise for staying in lockstep the whole way through, but you guys have to remember that McCain basically put a direct target on himself for doing it this way. He's 100% on their shitlist now, something like that would be a career ender normally.

I don't think anybody else would've done it, and I don't think he would have if he didn't already know his fate
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