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Senate healthcare repeal bill fails - Collins, Murkowski, and McCain voted no


Looking for meaning in GAF
Is Trump legit so fucking brain dead he doesn't register that he's lying about things he himself said or
I think so, yeah. He seemingly has no sense of consistency between what he said before and what he's pulling out of his ass right now. It's almost like to him, the facts are whatever he's thinking right that that moment, and it doesn't matter whether or not that has any connection to anything he's said or done in the past, or any connection to anything in reality.

It's almost fascinating in a psychological case study sort of way, except this guy is the fucking president.
It was a good outcome but hell if I know why he did it; it was a 180 from his earlier stances. I don't think we're seeing a new, kinder & gentler McCain here.

My suspicion, as long as we're speculating, is that Trump/Ryan/McConnell finally managed to go too far. Not in an immoral sense -- as if McCain gives a shit about his constituents -- but in a douchebag sense. McCain's old, he's dying, it's very likely his last term, he was pulled out of treatment for the sake of someone else's legacy. At some point the mistreatment gets personal, and he's at a point in his life where you really can't hurt him with anything. What are they gonna do, threaten a dying man with a primary? But the whole time they're putting him through this miserable process they've been Grade-A assholes, treating him like shit, and smirking smugly like they're going to eventually get everything they want.

So what better revenge than to give the vote they asked for and then hand the most backstabbing, self-serving bunch to disgrace the halls of Congress a well-timed Lannister-style knife in the back. He'd been the GOP's obedient dog but at some point even a beaten, emasculated mongrel like McCain just runs out of fucks to give and bites back. When that happens, the bully is never prepared for it. Why would they? Beating the cowering mutt worked for so long, after all. They probably figured he was completely dead inside by this point.

Whatever it was, I'm glad he had a spark left. Turns out bullshit is flammable.


How would that have helped in this situation?
The argument is that the requirements that the bill had to meet in order for it to qualify for a 50-vote threshold made it impossible for it to be good policy that Republicans could agree on.

I expect that this is the standard excuse being offered to Trump by people arguing that he shouldn't be too mad at the Senate.


Lauding McCain for this vote is like praising Tea Party members who voted against replacement bills because they didn't go far enough in stripping healthcare rights. McCain voted in favour of far more harsh repeal bills. That puts to rest any argument based on morals or principles.


McCain has so much respect from people like myself mainly because he was a war hero and POW, and as the ranking officer, demanded that everyone else be released before he was, if he ever was going to. In the response to torture of body, mind, and soul, he did the right thing, far outpacing what could ever be expected of someone in even better conditions.

That is not entirely what happened

What McCain glosses over is that accepting early release would have required him to make disloyal statements that would have violated the military's Code of Conduct. If he had done so, he could have risked court-martial and an ignominious end to his military career. "Many of us were given this offer," according to Butler, McCain's classmate who was also taken prisoner. "It meant speaking out against your country and lying about your treatment to the press. You had to 'admit' that the U.S. was criminal and that our treatment was 'lenient and humane.' So I, like numerous others, refused the offer."

"He makes it sound like it was a great thing to have accomplished," says Dramesi. "A great act of discipline or strength. That simply was not the case." In fairness, it is difficult to judge McCain's experience as a POW; throughout most of his incarceration he was the only witness to his mistreatment. Parts of his memoir recounting his days in Hanoi read like a bad Ian Fleming novel, with his Vietnamese captors cast as nefarious Bond villains. On the Fourth of July 1968, when he rejected the offer of early release, an officer nicknamed "Cat" got so mad, according to McCain, that he snapped a pen he was holding, splattering ink across the room.

"They taught you too well, Mac Kane," Cat snarled, kicking over a chair. "They taught you too well."



It was a good outcome but hell if I know why he did it; it was a 180 from his earlier stances. I don't think we're seeing a new, kinder & gentler McCain here.

My suspicion, as long as we're speculating, is that Trump/Ryan/McConnell finally managed to go too far. Not in an immoral sense -- as if McCain gives a shit about his constituents -- but in a douchebag sense. McCain's old, he's dying, it's very likely his last term, he was pulled out of treatment for the sake of someone else's legacy. At some point the mistreatment gets personal, and he's at a point in his life where you really can't hurt him with anything. What are they gonna do, threaten a dying man with a primary? But the whole time they're putting him through this miserable process, they've been Grade-A assholes to him, treating him like shit, and smirking smugly like they're going to eventually get everything they want.

So what better revenge than to give the vote they asked for and then hand the most backstabbing, self-serving bunch to disgrace the halls of Congress a well-timed Lannister-style knife in the back. He'd been the GOP's obedient dog but at some point even a beaten, emasculated mongrel like McCain just runs out of fucks to give and bites back. When that happens, the bully is never prepared for it. Why would they? Beating the cowering mutt worked for so long, after all. They probably figured he was completely dead inside by this point.

Whatever it was, I'm glad he had a spark left. Turns out bullshit is flammable.

I like the way you write. Thanks for this.
There is something profoundly awful about this.

There is someone who worked to expose segregation in their 20s, worked to better healthcare and education in a state in their 30s, got millions of poor children healthcare in their 40s, did quite a good deal of charity work in their 50s, and served the country as a senator and as secretary of state in their 50s going into 60s. This person, however, will be forever hated by you, while you laud the actual enemy as a war hero.

And because of a single ban message on an online forum, you did not vote against the current state of affairs or for a better future, and you have the gall to come in now and talk about how this forum doesn't deserve this 'war hero' who is neither a progressive nor an ally?

Quite flabbergasting.

Agreed. Unknown Soldier, you have no skin in this at all with your pettiness, so take it somewhere where someone will actually give a damn about your said pettiness.




Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member


he'll shift everything to blaming dem. and leave out the 3 republicans that voted against it.
and finish with obama's fault.

Watch him say something about McCain betraying GOP and going weak / soft because of his cancer. He has already attacked McCain's military service so why not go little further?


McCain is a republican and a conservative. He caucuses with Republicans, has allies, owes favors, etc.

there are times in the past when I have been beyond incensed with him, but you know what? Looking back, its better to have someone on that side saying this shit, even if they didn't back it up with their votes, then no one saying it at all.

And now, FINALLY, he put his money where his mouth was, and saved millions of lives (at least for now)

And for that I give him all the credit in the world. He certainly didn't have to do the right thing, but he did.

So even though the whole "maverick" thing infuriated us for years, having him be a maverick and not just another bootlicker saved us.

I can deal with the opinion that he still has done too much bad, and this means nothing, I disagree but it is a fair position to take.

Those of you accusing him of voting yes the other day to setup a "hero moment" for himself last night are fucking way way way off track, and frankly it scares me a little.
I'm a massive critic of McCain, but he did the right thing. It doesn't absolve him of his post-2008 voting record and partisan behavior, but it's appreciated none the less.
Damn...some of you guys are trying really hard to still hate on McCain. Just take the L and embrace him for making the right decision and breaking away from what he's known for (being a puppet). Reward him so maybe other senators on the republican side will follow

Seriously it's almost embarrassing and not really better than what the hard right do


This is exactly like when the A+ Honor Roll student gets no recognition because "of course they do well" but the kid that smells like piss and eats boogers gets a standing ovation for doing one thing right and being "most improved".

You mean like the 2016 Presidential Debates?

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Damn...some of you guys are trying really hard to still hate on McCain. Just take the L and embrace him for making the right decision and breaking away from what he's known for (being a puppet). Reward him so maybe other senators on the republican side will follow

Seriously it's almost embarrassing and not really better than what the hard right do


I don't know that people are taking the L here.
Credit where credit is due, he did the right thing here.

It doesn't absolve him of his past voting record, but who knows. Maybe the surgery gave him a change of heart.

Maybe not, maybe he did it for a much more selfish reason.

There's no real way of knowing right now. Either way I'm very happy to see this get blocked.


Really. Why in the hell are we still arguing about McCain. Who fucking cares. What matters is the bill failed and Trump is getting another fat L.

Van Bur3n

I always knew brain-dead McCain was soft for Obama and his lousy health care. Incredibly unAmerican of him! Did you know that he was captured by

*next tweet*

the enemy once! Terrible soldier. Terrible!

But in seriousness. Wow. I'm surprised. What a guy.


It was a good outcome but hell if I know why he did it; it was a 180 from his earlier stances. I don't think we're seeing a new, kinder & gentler McCain here.

My suspicion, as long as we're speculating, is that Trump/Ryan/McConnell finally managed to go too far. Not in an immoral sense -- as if McCain gives a shit about his constituents -- but in a douchebag sense. McCain's old, he's dying, it's very likely his last term, he was pulled out of treatment for the sake of someone else's legacy. At some point the mistreatment gets personal, and he's at a point in his life where you really can't hurt him with anything. What are they gonna do, threaten a dying man with a primary? But the whole time they're putting him through this miserable process they've been Grade-A assholes, treating him like shit, and smirking smugly like they're going to eventually get everything they want.

So what better revenge than to give the vote they asked for and then hand the most backstabbing, self-serving bunch to disgrace the halls of Congress a well-timed Lannister-style knife in the back. He'd been the GOP's obedient dog but at some point even a beaten, emasculated mongrel like McCain just runs out of fucks to give and bites back. When that happens, the bully is never prepared for it. Why would they? Beating the cowering mutt worked for so long, after all. They probably figured he was completely dead inside by this point.

Whatever it was, I'm glad he had a spark left. Turns out bullshit is flammable.

Nice post.

By the way, I got a gold star for the GOP:


McCain is a republican and a conservative. He caucuses with Republicans, has allies, owes favors, etc.

there are times in the past when I have been beyond incensed with him, but you know what? Looking back, its better to have someone on that side saying this shit, even if they didn't back it up with their votes, then no one saying it at all.

And now, FINALLY, he put his money where his mouth was, and saved millions of lives (at least for now)

And for that I give him all the credit in the world. He certainly didn't have to do the right thing, but he did.

So even though the whole "maverick" thing infuriated us for years, having him be a maverick and not just another bootlicker saved us.

I can deal with the opinion that he still has done too much bad, and this means nothing, I disagree but it is a fair position to take.

Those of you accusing him of voting yes the other day to setup a "hero moment" for himself last night are fucking way way way off track, and frankly it scares me a little.

You're very easy to please.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Damn...some of you guys are trying really hard to still hate on McCain. Just take the L and embrace him for making the right decision and breaking away from what he's known for (being a puppet). Reward him so maybe other senators on the republican side will follow

Seriously it's almost embarrassing and not really better than what the hard right do

Perspective please. This entire thread is filled with relief and gratefulness(deservedly) for McCain doing his job and sticking to principles. Decisions that should be the norm, not grandstanding. Focus your L's on the party that held American lives and fears hostage, not the victims whom had justifiable doubts and real fear and anger for being captive to this mess.
McCain is a republican and a conservative. He caucuses with Republicans, has allies, owes favors, etc.

there are times in the past when I have been beyond incensed with him, but you know what? Looking back, its better to have someone on that side saying this shit, even if they didn't back it up with their votes, then no one saying it at all.

And now, FINALLY, he put his money where his mouth was, and saved millions of lives (at least for now)

And for that I give him all the credit in the world. He certainly didn't have to do the right thing, but he did.

So even though the whole "maverick" thing infuriated us for years, having him be a maverick and not just another bootlicker saved us.

I can deal with the opinion that he still has done too much bad, and this means nothing, I disagree but it is a fair position to take.

Those of you accusing him of voting yes the other day to setup a "hero moment" for himself last night are fucking way way way off track, and frankly it scares me a little.

I mean, it's kind of McCain's trademark at this point.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm the hero in this scenario for bravely shaming McCain into doing the right thing for once.
Here. Here.

McCain deserves respect for this but he's still a jackass whow could have ended this earlier but chose to make people "watch the show". Ignoring the fact millions of people were terrified about this vote. This is the man who thought he should be president. Then again, such behavior is normal for a republican
The outcome would've been the same had he stayed at home and not voted so he gets no props from me.

People SHOULD do the right thing based on their moral. Unfortunately we're human and need encouragement. People like making a difference and getting recognized for it.

I'm willing to not be stingy with my appreciation, otherwise humans start to feel like "why did I bother..." It's an ugly trait but it's what we got.

(in my opinion. I just want to encourage more right leaners to do the right thing...)


Homeland Security Fail
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

...Even though parts of healthcare could pass at 51, some really good things need 60. So many great future bills & budgets need 60 votes....


There is something profoundly awful about this.

There is someone who worked to expose segregation in their 20s, worked to better healthcare and education in a state in their 30s, got millions of poor children healthcare in their 40s, did quite a good deal of charity work in their 50s, and served the country as a senator and as secretary of state in their 50s going into 60s. This person, however, will be forever hated by you, while you laud the actual enemy as a war hero.

And because of a single ban message on an online forum, you did not vote against the current state of affairs or for a better future, and you have the gall to come in now and talk about how this forum doesn't deserve this 'war hero' who is neither a progressive nor an ally?

Quite flabbergasting.

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

...Even though parts of healthcare could pass at 51, some really good things need 60. So many great future bills & budgets need 60 votes....

What a whiny baby. And clearly none of the parts of his "healthcare" could pass with 51 votes because they literally just failed yesterday..

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

...Even though parts of healthcare could pass at 51, some really good things need 60. So many great future bills & budgets need 60 votes....

Did he just learn this? That reads like someone told him after hit submit on the previous tweet.

Andrew J.

Thanks for the replies.

How difficult would it be to offer you guys a universal healthcare system? Or is the obstruction to it mainly because some people do not want to care for others health? Each to their own and all that?

Both. For sure the Republicans (the more conservative party) are ideologically opposed to single payer on small government/fiscal responsibility/fuck the poor grounds, but there are also major structural obstacles that would prevent immediate implementation of such a plan even every elected official in the federal government was super liberal.

The biggest, in my opinion, is the number of people employed in the health insurance industry. To the best of my recollection, insurance companies employ about 3.5 million Americans, and a new single-payer infrastructure is projected to employ significantly less than half that number.
Perspective please. This entire thread is filled with relief and gratefulness(deservedly) for McCain doing his job and sticking to principles. Decisions that should be the norm, not grandstanding. Focus your L's on the party that held American lives and fears hostage, not the victims whom had justifiable doubts and real fear and anger for being captive to this mess.

I just think it's tasteless that some people in this thread are still expressing some hostility towards McCain. IMO the attitude should be more on the lines of embracing McCain regardless of his votes in the past. Why would other republicans switch over when they still get hate from "our" side? McCain should be rewarded with respect so even more republicans are encouraged to switch over. Let's face it, McCain likely upset people in his own base/lost a lot of support. WE should be the new support
The argument is that the requirements that the bill had to meet in order for it to qualify for a 50-vote threshold made it impossible for it to be good policy that Republicans could agree on.

I expect that this is the standard excuse being offered to Trump by people arguing that he shouldn't be too mad at the Senate.
While I expect that the Republicans will eventually agree on something there was never any way to get them all to agree on a good health care bill, regardless if the parameters. They aren't built in their current form to draft legislation that actually helps people so any HC bill they attempted to pass would basically be a shit sandwich.
Well that's terrifying. Why would we want to end any bipartisanship in our country? We're already divided enough.
Bipartisanship was dead and buried the moment McConnell declared that the Republican goal was to make Obama a one term president. The government was never intended to function under threat of sabotage.
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