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Senate votes to override Obama's veto of 9/11 Saudi Arabia lawsuits

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Right... So both the legislative and executive branches have to agree. If you can override a veto, the executive branch is weaker.
Do you think the president should have the power to veto something that has essentially unanimous support in Congress? I guess the president is "weaker" when it comes to stopping legislation from being passed but 2/3 majority of Congress is usually quite a feat, it's not like the president vetoing something is meaningless.
So this will allow people to sue the government of SA? ... do they even have to answer back? This is a bit confusing to me on how this would actually work.


Yes except the US government doesn't store their assets in the countries that would do this against us. Their would be nothing for them to recover.

It's more that voting against it is political death for most candidates. Having a commercial and record that says you are against 9/11 families is the end of your run. That is why it has bipartisan support.
But voting not to pay for health care for 1st responder is okay?
already this (#قانون_جاستا) is trending on twitter

and if you type in Jasta even more people from around the world are discussing about suing the US

from Vietnam to Latin America to Eastern Europe to the ME... a bunch of suing possibilities will arise


already this (#قانون_جاستا) is trending on twitter

and if you type in Jasta even more people from around the world are discussing about suing the US

This is what I'm wondering about tho. Can someone sue the us in us court and get a compensation as well? if not then that's surely won't encourage more hate against the us in the world.
I cant imagine how allowing foreign nationals to sue a country for the deaths of innocent civilians could possibly blow up in America's face.

I'd really like to see this. Would probably bring the many US caused casualties to the public eye. Come to think of it, that was probably the main reason Obama vetoed it. Gotta preserve that legacy.
Can I sue the House and Senate for taking my tax dollars as a salary and then sitting out multiple sessions while supposed to be on the job?

I mean it's infinitely less stupid than this.
I'd really like to see this. Would probably bring the many US caused casualties to the public eye. Come to think of it, that was probably the main reason Obama vetoed it. Gotta preserve that legacy.

This goes way beyond just Obama.
The fact that this was about 9/11 means any statute of limitations is kind of out of the window too. As I said before, there are so many variables introduced with this legislation, and decades of American misadventures...


I've been asking around, but does this give us legal precedence to sue the US for chattel slavery? It was also state sponsored terrorism.
who would vote against the 9/11 families? it will be a political suicide at the polls

I think it might be more than this. If congress actually held 9/11 related victims in such high regard they wouldn't have tried to fuck over first responders who needed money for their medical bills.


97-1 override, goddamn. Anyway hard not to be cynical about election season votes, but voters and politicians alike think SA has a lot to answer for 9/11. If they are a sponsor of such terrorism then they should be held accountable just like Americans are already suing Syria, Iran, and Sudan for other acts of terror.

Sure there's the whataboutism card, but let it play out in the courts. Personally I want us to get the hell out of dodge and this is a step towards that.


I don't have a bit of respect for Obama,but this veto was a new low even for him.

Imagine how broken the political system is when Americans want four more years for the guy who protects the Saudi scum, is trying to impose TPP and never prosecuted a single banker after what they did to the country.

As others have explained, this opens the door for America to be brought to justice for doing things like killing innocents in drone strikes.



you can't put a price on sparks
What are the chances of the supreme court nipping this in the bud in the immediate to near future?

i suppose if obama does an executive order to stop it from happening, the families sue the obama admin to let them, then it goes to the supreme court


The oddest thing about this to me: Since when did the republicans even acknowledge Saudi involvement in 911? I'm way behind but I thought that fact that the majority of attackers on the planes were Saudi was totally ignored during the Bush era.

Since Trump started going on about during the primary.


I've been asking around, but does this give us legal precedence to sue the US for chattel slavery? It was also state sponsored terrorism.

Not to downplay the atrocity that was slavery, but I don't think it falls under the definition of terrorism.


Haha, of course. Shitty feel good bill few want passed, get passed anyhow cause no one wants this shit on their record.

In case anyone is wondering, shit like this is why the war Afghanistan passed so easily, the war in Iraq passed at all, and the patriot acted keeps getting renewed.


Imagine how broken the political system is when Americans want four more years for the guy who protects the Saudi scum, is trying to impose TPP and never prosecuted a single banker after what they did to the country.

Never mind that the entire Washington foreign policy establishment is built around catering to "the Saudi scum," the big picture reason for being opposed to this is that it opens the floodgates for thousands of foreign nationals to sue the U.S. government for their civilian casualties incurred.

Which, morally, isn't a bad thing, but financially could be some fuckery. Although logistically, who knows if or how that kind of litigation would even play out.

All of which is to say is, Obama's veto does not mean he hates 9/11 victims.


i suppose if obama does an executive order to stop it from happening, the families sue the obama admin to let them, then it goes to the supreme court

As far as I understand there are no lawsuits pending as stated in OP, I see in the article that some of the families have put pressure on this, but are they really willing to go through all the effort to put a case against a country?

My only hope is that if this does backfire, it backfires in all the right ways in regards to US actions like drone strikes and spying. But this might just be wishful thinking.
So I can sue the Federal Government for the deposition of King Kamehameha and Queen Liliʻuokalani right?

I mean if I can get me some money for historical injustice and all.


Wouldn't we all end up getting something like 3.50. That's like a sandwich right?

If the US government can give banks $700 billion for the banks' own fuckups, they can at least match that.

The article you linked is talking about lynching, which to my understanding were extrajudicial, therefore not state sponsored.

So I don't know if suing for reparations would hold up in court.

Oh the government gonna cough up money for the lynchings too but the panel does mention slavery as well. You could easily argue slavery was a form of terrorism due to the public hangings, whippings, or any number of factors.


While we're on the topic of victims and preparations, when are Dick Chaney, George Bush and Colin Powell going to be arrested and tried for war crimes?

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I'm ok with this. SA can get fucked.

Not sure what's so bad about the US getting sued for shitty things they do overseas. Also, wasn't Iran successfully sued by Americans in the past? Why would this open a can of worms when that didn't?
As others have explained, this opens the door for America to be brought to justice for doing things like killing innocents in drone strikes.

Although I don't understand what the consequences are, how does suing a foreign government work?

Would it work as simply as a counter sue?

Of course it wouldn't be litigated in American courtrooms because conflict of interest. Right?

Would Americans be able to handle the fact that another international jurisdiction would hold the outcome of any litigation? I doubt it tbh.

I had another question. Stupid short term memory.


The article you linked is talking about lynching, which to my understanding were extrajudicial, therefore not state sponsored.

So I don't know if suing for reparations would hold up in court.

Well racial injustice in the United States amounted to more than just lynching. And the United States definitely approved of slavery.


Well racial injustice in the United States amounted to more than just lynching. And the United States definitely approved of slavery.


The case would probably end up as a class action and at best everyone descended from slaves would get 10 bucks.

But who knows in this crazy new world where we can sue other countries.
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