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Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus |OT| Life Returns to Vita


Santa May Claus
Platinum Get!

Also, NSFW screenie of the pop-up. I still have Rin and Daidoji to finish, and I'm still loving the multiplayer.


Junior Member
with Estival for Winter?
i saw Yumi in a trailer for Estival do a Ice skating move, so i assume more moves are confirmed for the characters

I don't know, personally I find it a little hard to believe that Xseed actually would release both Senran Kagura 2 and Estival Versus in the same year.


Santa May Claus
plan on getting them next week(the 11th) how are they?

They're both really fun, with completely different movesets from the other girls. They both also come with their own sidearcs, which I haven't tried yet. Both Rin and Daidoji seem to be beasts in multiplayer.


Leveling Yin/Yang/Flash modes at Gessen is pain. They don't have a good level with unlimited foes like Hanzo does. But I will keep on trucking, since I'm a completionist.

Also, if anyone knows where I can find a transparent PNG of the Bon Appetit logo, please hook me up.


Augh I just noticed all the trash mobs are surprisingly tall and now I can't stop noticing it.

All side stories done! Is there a quick way to see everyone's level 5 attack? I have absolutely never used one and I'm all but done with story content and trophies other than grinding.

Platinum Get!

Also, NSFW screenie of the pop-up. I still have Rin and Daidoji to finish, and I'm still loving the multiplayer.

Perfect moment to get it (I'm aware there's a trophy for that)


Finished the game today, the final battle wasn't as brutal as I was lead to believe, but the constant combo breaking was pretty annoying. Still, nice conclusion. Won't be going for the plat even though I'm close, since I am 280 pieces of torn clothing off and that seems like a pretty big grind.

My rather negative post a couple days ago still stands, but the Crimson Squad story really helped me leaving the game on a positive note. Overall, while some new characters were certainly nice, I think the 4 school setup hurt the game more than it did good. The constantly repeating storylines with some slight alterations already ran thin with two schools. And while the Gessen Girls were ok, the New Hebijo was largely a dissapointment in the end. Heck, maybe kick the school setting completely, the casual look of Homura and the others is way better anyway. I'd prefer less characters with better and more complex movesets and some increased focus on really creating missions and not just throw a handful of different enemies at you with some rocks to destroy once in a while.

And the most important part -> ranking the girls:

Top 5:
1. Hikage
2. Murakumo
3. Ikaruga
4. Homura
5. Yozakura

Bottom 5:
16. Shiki
17. Imu
18. Minori
19. Hibari
20. Ryobi
Finished the game today, the final battle wasn't as brutal as I was lead to believe, but the constant combo breaking was pretty annoying. Still, nice conclusion. Won't be going for the plat even though I'm close, since I am 280 pieces of torn clothing off and that seems like a pretty big grind.

My rather negative post a couple days ago still stands, but the Crimson Squad story really helped me leaving the game on a positive note. Overall, while some new characters were certainly nice, I think the 4 school setup hurt the game more than it did good. The constantly repeating storylines with some slight alterations already ran thin with two schools. And while the Gessen Girls were ok, the New Hebijo was largely a dissapointment in the end. Heck, maybe kick the school setting completely, the casual look of Homura and the others is way better anyway. I'd prefer less characters with better and more complex movesets and some increased focus on really creating missions and not just throw a handful of different enemies at you with some rocks to destroy once in a while.

And the most important part -> ranking the girls:

Top 5:
1. Hikage
2. Murakumo
3. Ikaruga
4. Homura
5. Yozakura

Bottom 5:
16. Shiki
17. Imu
18. Minori
19. Hibari
20. Ryobi

dude how can you hate Ryobi?
shes basicly a Valkyria Chronicles character
also WTH is Haruka?


Gives all the fucks
Speaking of Murakumo and Yozakura, if you want to see how the Gessen girls will lokk like animated, new screenshots have been posted of the OVA on 4gamer some days ago...

Also, is it just me, or do some of the faces look a bit....off? Katsuragi has that stupid "chipmunk teeth" thing going on that I hate in anime. Maybe it's the fact it looks like it's not the same studio that did the anime series.
I keep buying the DLC for this game, yet i keep forgetting to play it. I finished all of the Hanzo story missions, girl missions, and Gessen girl missions. I left off on chapter 4 of the Gessen story missions. I guess i put the game on the back burner when Freedom wars and other games came out.

Welp, im coming back home to tits and hometown


dude how can you hate Ryobi?
shes basicly a Valkyria Chronicles character
also WTH is Haruka?

Never thought about Ryobi that way. Ryobi/Ryona spoiler:
Now I will always think of her dead big sis as Alicia. And I want her to transform into a Valkyria.

But nope, didn't like her crude way of wanting to shoot boobs and her character arc was pretty underwhelming. Ryona too, was pretty wasted and her fetisch got played to almost absurd proportions, I had higher hopes for both after playing Gessen.

And I don't really care for the sadistic onee-sama stuff, even though Haruka is one of the more tolerable ones in that regard.


Gives all the fucks
Speaking of Mirai, I've heard something about zooming in on her wristband while in her regular outfit in the dressing room. Can't check since I haven't unlocked Crimson yet.


Gives all the fucks
Huh.....okay, then. Funny thing is, I actually recall it was even in English in the JPN version. Xseed didn't even need to translate it.


Ugh, not really liking any of the Gessen girls except for Shiki. Minori would be the worst character in the game if it weren't for Mirai.


Gives all the fucks
Hahahaha, okay, Inu's ending for her story was rather funny. Now I'm tempted to switch her clothing to reflect the ending. Time for Ryobi & Ryona.

*starts Ryobi's story* "Most breasts have milk; mine have milk & ninja power. Breast. Power source. Ever."

Oh Xseed, I swear you had so much fun translating some of these lines.

Ugh, not really liking any of the Gessen girls except for Shiki. Minori would be the worst character in the game if it weren't for Mirai.
Ugh, Minori is easily one of my least enjoyable characters to use. As for Mirai, she was okay if you learned to use her more of a ranged character in Burst, but kind of hope she actually has close range attacks now.


I find Yozakura super fun to play and alright otherwise (none of the gessen girls get all that fleshed out really, oddly Shiki seems to get more exposition than anyone). Minori is like, designed to be awful I swear. Makes Hibari looks like the best character ever (she's probably my least fav in SK1).

I wish I could like Murakumo more. I love her "ogre" voice (I love deeper voices on japanese women in general) but the whole thing where she turns into a wuss at the drop of a hat (mask) ruins it. Especially when it happens EVERY BATTLE not like, once or twice for character development. It could be interesting if it were like, a deep but very secret flaw, she's just a joke as-is.


Ugh, Minori is easily one of my least enjoyable characters to use. As for Mirai, she was okay if you learned to use her more of a ranged character in Burst, but kind of hope she actually has close range attacks now.

Mirai is still ranged, but pretty good. Just sit back and shoot stuff, no need to fiddle with the camera or get into unsafe territory, which helps when going Frantic to up her damage. Her Ninpos are pretty silly looking without her shinobi uniform though, but I thought she was one of the better characters in the game, moveset-wise.


Mirai is still ranged, but pretty good. Just sit back and shoot stuff, no need to fiddle with the camera or get into unsafe territory, which helps when going Frantic to up her damage. Her Ninpos are pretty silly looking without her shinobi uniform though, but I thought she was one of the better characters in the game, moveset-wise.

One thing about Mirai is she really needs lock on, she's about the only character I actually use that on.


Junior Member
What I wouldn't do for an English physical Delamori release. Anything else I should add to this collection?

Other than things like some other artbooks and manga, you could get the first Senran Kagura for 3DS (the Japan-only 2011 game).


I'm not done yet. But I'm getting close, and wearing a bit thin honestly--definitely think I'll pass on other musou-ish games for a few months.

Also, they should really nerf Frantic for Estival. At any decent level Frantic + level 2 super = OHKO on most story opponents. I'm also yet to EVER use a level 5 super. I've met the conditions like twice, both before actually being able to use it for that character.

Other than things like some other artbooks and manga, you could get the first Senran Kagura for 3DS (the Japan-only 2011 game).

Burst is an enhanced version, so collector value is about the only reason to pick it up I think


Junior Member
Burst is an enhanced version, so collector value is about the only reason to pick it up I think

Oh, I know, and you're not mistaken. I'm kind of just reaching for other worthwhile Senran Kagura goods one could obtain if they already have what's pictured. It helps that the original Senran Kagura ought to be relatively inexpensive at this point.


Anyone know if most of the past Japanese SK limited editions not sold out? I want the figures in the JP sets of Estival, but I don't really want to spend >$200 on two copies of a game I'll enjoy less in all Japanese (and frankly I'll probably only play it on PS4). Wondering if I can at least expect to see them on sale at launch price if not lower post-launch. If I can pick 'em up for the ~$40 I paid for the SK2 set...that'd be glorious of course


What I wouldn't do for an English physical Delamori release. Anything else I should add to this collection?

If you can and find them for cheap, maybe the limited edition guide of Burst in Japan (the one with Mirai in a box on the cover) and the figurines of the limited edition of Versus.
Other than that, the 4-koma compilations are fun and cheap, and you can usually understand the plot without knowing anything in japanese.
Personnally waiting for the SK2 guide and a limited edition of EV.

Anyone know if most of the past Japanese SK limited editions not sold out? I want the figures in the JP sets of Estival, but I don't really want to spend >$200 on two copies of a game I'll enjoy less in all Japanese (and frankly I'll probably only play it on PS4). Wondering if I can at least expect to see them on sale at launch price if not lower post-launch. If I can pick 'em up for the ~$40 I paid for the SK2 set...that'd be glorious of course
It's probable the PS4 version might have a bit too much of stock. However, this one has the OVA, unlike the Vita version.
I will wait a bit, but wouldn't advise it if you find a good deal or preorder offer.


Hikage PEACE!

Oh god they need to speak English more often, it's always hilarious.

Closing in on the ending and...woah suddenly a lot of plot happens at the end of the last chapter of Crimson squad. Pacing, anyone?


Gives all the fucks
Chapter 4 of Hebijo's Story. I'm starting to wish for more pictures during the event cutscenes, especially for ones that're flashbacks which give us the backstory of said characters.

At the very least, I should be close to learning Ryobi & Ryona's background with that mention of
both of them having a sister that died, which was told by a more serious Ryona


Ryona is one of the most well done character in this game.

I should power through and unlock Chrimson Squad because I keep hearing of Homura's fane ass that I must see it. :E


Chapter 4 of Hebijo's Story. I'm starting to wish for more pictures during the event cutscenes, especially for ones that're flashbacks which give us the backstory of said characters.

At the very least, I should be close to learning Ryobi & Ryona's background with that mention of
both of them having a sister that died, which was told by a more serious Ryona

That deceased sister may appear at Estival Versus


Gives all the fucks
Well damn, Hebijo really is the school of sad backgrounds. Now I want to finish to find out what happens with what I stated earlier, now that I know that
their sister was killed when Miyabi went berserk & they only joined for revenge


The story before the final battle bored me to tears. Did I miss anything of substance or was it just 10 minutes of "we fight to understand each other" being repeatedly hammered into your skull?

Did enjoy the end of the crimson squad thing, though, they could really use some pictures for...things.

Now for the grinding trophies...another night.

Ryona is one of the most well done character in this game.

I should power through and unlock Chrimson Squad because I keep hearing of Homura's fane ass that I must see it. :E

I really like Ryona, she's funny at the very least. Pairing her with Haruka for Crimson Squad just feels too easy though. I generally don't enjoy the "paired" characters thing, drastically limits permutations of face-offs, and you always fight your "rival" at least twice per main story. I could go for never fighting Horuma/Asuka ever again.

No one has a fine ass in this game, the ass tech is low-end tbh


I'm still real confused how I have 16 hours in this game just from the side missions. I must have left it on at some point. Since I'm blazing through story missions now.


The story before the final battle bored me to tears. Did I miss anything of substance or was it just 10 minutes of "we fight to understand each other" being repeatedly hammered into your skull?

Did enjoy the end of the crimson squad thing, though, they could really use some pictures for...things.

Now for the grinding trophies...another night.

I really like Ryona, she's funny at the very least. Pairing her with Haruka for Crimson Squad just feels too easy though. I generally don't enjoy the "paired" characters thing, drastically limits permutations of face-offs, and you always fight your "rival" at least twice per main story. I could go for never fighting Horuma/Asuka ever again.

No one has a fine ass in this game, the ass tech is low-end tbh

I do agree the fighting rivals twice does grind on my gears a bit. Hopeflly in the sequel they refine it a tad bit more. Been bouncing between this and Muramas for my ninja samurai fix.
Hopefully their cross promotional work with team ninja grants them ass skills. :p


For some reason, my desire to finish this game has fallen off of a cliff. I'm gonna try to jump back in soon and finish it up and get ready for Bon Appetit!

TRI Mike

My copy arrived last night and I had a blast trying out the Gessen girls. Minori, Shiki and Murakumo.

Does anyone here play online¿ I wanted to test it out but couldn't find any matches.


Wheres your motivation?
it has a sick ass Final Battle that to me was as tough as Vergil 3
maybe even tougher

Did I play the same final battle as you guys? Homura had more health than usual but otherwise it was pretty easy. Played in Frantic though which no one else seems to be doing.

I personally like the exposition and story. I think the game struck a nice balance with it.

Some of the exposition is good, some of it is pretty lame, it's not all bad, but very uneven. My main problem is the "school battle royal! EXCITING" thing is actually...really boring with really poor motivation all around, and it takes up 3-4 chapters of everyone's story, with bits of actually good backstory and exposition crammed in the open slots left over. It was not an interesting enough plotline to string along into all 4 schools. The Yoma stuff was far more interesting, and only Hejibo treated it as more than a footnote
or a decent but obviously rushed ending, in the case of Crimson
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