Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
So after hearing the hype for this game I finally got a chance to try this game. I am playing on a 4k QD-Oled and the game is a complete eye orgasm. The game opens up with this impressive CGI (or what I thought) opening with a recap of the first game. That is good for me because I never played the first. So then it cuts to this impressive CGI Movie (or what I thought) on this ship scene with Senua being a slave on a ship during a terrible storm. The Ship gets destoryed and Senua ends up stranded on the beach. The gameplay starts and to my shock and Awe the Graphics did not downgrade. I thought that whole opening scene was a CGI film but turns out it is the game engine. Character models are just absolutely insane and far and away the best I have seen in any game. The Texture work is just insanely detailed and the whole presentation is really the bee's knees. In my nearly 40 years of gaming experience this is far and away the best looking game I have ever seen. This game looks like I hope God of War 2 was going to look. I am playing at 4k/60fps with DLSS set to Quality and it is simply so slick. Simply a stunner:!