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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye


Great news about Austin being back in the picture. Hope he does one final match.

Speaking of those damn carnies, WWE just posted this on their Dutch Facebook:

Cheese isn't even remotely that expensive here really.

lol wat

what taco place are they going to????????????????????????


lol wat

what taco place are they going to????????????????????????

Ric Flair wrote that ad. "My tacos cost more than your whole Network!"

Speaking of money, took the one month Network offer (only 12.99!) for Takeover, checked the account today. Subscription's set by default to silently auto-renew to the 9.99/6 month plan. #FuckingCarnies

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Ric Flair wrote that ad. "My tacos cost more than your whole Network!"

Speaking of money, took the one month Network offer (only 12.99!) for Takeover, checked the account today. Subscription's set by default to silently auto-renew to the 9.99/6 month plan. #FuckingCarnies

I wish there was a Ric Flair type now. Just for the, "9.99? You better be paying that up to Stephanie because you're gonna have to pay way more than that to see me. WOO! Struts off screen"
Ric Flair wrote that ad. "My tacos cost more than your whole Network!"

Speaking of money, took the one month Network offer (only 12.99!) for Takeover, checked the account today. Subscription's set by default to silently auto-renew to the 9.99/6 month plan. #FuckingCarnies
that's hilarious... also NXT's free on hulu, even the PPVs


that's hilarious... also NXT's free on hulu, even the PPVs

Didn't know that. Don't feel bad either. Takeover was worth the price.

Funnily enough, could not care less for NoC right now. Unless I'm supremely bored, don't see myself watching it. How depressing that the product's become so bad I can't be bothered to watch the show that's already paid for.


Sarge was Braun The Leprechaun. So Power Plant > Training Center.

Also there hasn't been a prospect that has come out of the Training Center that is as successful as Goldberg yet.

Training center has been around for a year. The Power Plant officially started in 1995, but had been around in other forms since 1991 or so. When you look at the lists of graduates over the 9 years it was running, it only produced 3 top guys: Giant, DDP, and Goldberg. 9 years from now, I'm pretty confident more than 3 top guys will have come out of the Performance Center.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
They probably didn't teach Giant anything because he's always been a lazy slob who doesn't want to learn anything and gets a pass because he's big.

Like, that's literally his whole career. It's what Undertaker gave him shit for in WWE too.


Giant also admits openly that the Power Plant didn't teach him shit.

In other news here's a long piece on Grantland about Total Nonstop Action Wrestling.


On top of that, the majority of people trained were already pro wrestlers when they started there. There are probably like 4 graduates who started their training there.


WCW Monday Nitro 2/26/96

  • Sting vs Big Bubba Rogers
  • The Renegade vs Lex Luger
  • Road Warriors vs Harlem Heat
  • Arn Anderson/Ric Flair/The Taskmaster vs Hulk Hogan/Randy Savage/The Booty Man

Another in a string of uninteresting shows. You want to know all about The Booty Man? You see, Hulk planted him in the DoD as a mole. He was the inside man this entire time. Which means Hulk had Beefcake turn on him and join the DoD as a mole before the DoD was actually even formed. However, none of this was explained with a promo or anything. Mongo and Bischoff mentioned in it passing a few times. If there was a promo, it happened on Saturday Night.

They keep talking about the Cruiserweight Championship, yet haven't had any cruisers on in weeks. Sting/Lex are completely out of the main event angle, and now Sting is finally getting pissed at Lex for being a cheater and get them into shit with LOD. But with them out of the main event stuff, the main event angle has become Hulk and Friends vs All The Heels. The DoD and Horsemen are 100% on the same side. Macho and Hogan are 100% on the same side. All the intrigue that was making the top angle so interesting from September to January is completely gone. There is no Pillman type to stir the shit between the heel groups, and since Flair has the title, Hulk and Macho have nothing to fight over. What's really dumb is that the main angle should be about how personal Flair is making it with Macho, but the announcers talk it up like Hogan is the important one here. On top of that, Liz is TERRIBLE at everything besides looking hot. She can't cut a promo to save her life. She can't get physically involved. It took her about a minute and a half to handcuff Hulk with Hulk HELPING her. The angle would work just as well with Ric just saying he was banging her at home.




Stunt Granny was the highlight of the night.
Great news about Austin being back in the picture. Hope he does one final match.

Speaking of those damn carnies, WWE just posted this on their Dutch Facebook:

Cheese isn't even remotely that expensive here really.

Most expensive tacos I know are Kobe beef level shit. I can buy 2 of them and still afford a 1 liter coke with 9.99 :/


Did you get to the part with the drop kicks yet?

Not yet. Last thing I saw was about 5 minutes of a slightly bigger girl struggling to keep her shit together while being pushed by her trainer, and the camera cutting to girls who are in better athletic shape doing the same moves with greater ease. Poor girl. Damn.


Also, I'm gonna come out and say it...I'd totally watch a Seleziya porn or sex tape, but I'd have no interest in one with Paige.


Nope, don't have Direct TV.

Maybe I should just get it on DVD already, but it feels like I'll cheapen it by not catching it randomly on TV like I did Shawshank.


This Monday night war with Bret Hart is very good so far. Already a New Generation mention, sunny day mention and a story of how Shawn and Bret busted through a wall fighting with Pat Patterson trying to break it up.

edit: Wow they just showed the whole Shawn Michaels imitating doing a blowjob scene
"Come on, Come on!!"

Brock should be saying that to Sina on Sunday

E: Then looks at Seth and trips and follows with a "You are Next!!!"
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