This world is one of sadness. Battle brings death. Death brings sorrow. The living may not hear them. Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake - the dead... are not silent.
Bray should really be Bionic's fave of all time. His promos are about the quality of MGS scripts.
This world is one of sadness. Battle brings death. Death brings sorrow. The living may not hear them. Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake - the dead... are not silent.
the wyatt family is over guys
the wyatt family is over guys
MGS and Max Payne 3 love is literally the only thing Bionic and I have in common so if you hatin on MGS scripts, we gotta go outside bruh, you and me.
i just wish they called out moves
when i was a kid i knew the name of every move and its variations thanks to good ol' jr
I thought you liked Bionic Commando 2009 as well you scoundrel!
Stop.Wait, so Ziggler won the title back? What was the point of Miz winning it in the first place? They've done this with Miz twice now. Are they trying to make the midcard belt title changes unpredictable because everyone knows Brock isn't dropping it until next year?
Look me in the face.
The WWE doesn't care about anything relating to the midcard titles. At all.
It's like worrying what the long-term goals of Sable and Marc Mero's feud was.
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Verendus. I am the one, behind the one, in All-In-One. And I am posting here today as an advocate for my client, the one in the Age of One, X-Baaaaaaaaawx One.
Now, you may have heard that the WWE Network is available for only $9.99, and I'm here to remind you that it can be viewed on the one in All-In-One, Xbox One. All you have to do is download the free WWE app from the Apps Marketplace.
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Verendus. I am the one, behind the one, in All-In-One. And I am posting here today as an advocate for my client, the one in the Age of One, X-Baaaaaaaaawx One.
Now, you may have heard that the WWE Network is available for only $9.99, and I'm here to remind you that it can be viewed on the one in All-In-One, Xbox One. All you have to do is download the free WWE app from the Apps Marketplace.
I hope Rusev kills the Usos next.
That'd be cool. and feed Sheamus to him too.
Mizdow da gawd
2K15 on PC
imagine the VGCW![]()
Watch this heel Muhammad Hassan promo
Listen to all the heelish things he says!
He doesn't say anything heelish
'Arabs in ski masks? How does he know they were Arabs?' 2complex4me. Best just stick to Lana saying STEWPID AMERIKKKANS
I said this earlier:The crowd is one of the most boring crowds to have a Raw this year. Sure, the card wasn't the best, but man, I miss the Attitude era crowds who were hot for the mid-card and not just the main event. Even the lower card and jobbers received awesome crowd reactions back then. From Al Snow to Val Venis to Godfather to even the Oddities, the crowds were fun and contributed to the atmosphere. Nowadays they are as sterile as many of the gimmicks WWE gives to their wrestlers.
Just to tell everyone the next two weeks they are in Chicago and Brooklyn so expect great crowds.
Why you gotta do that? Once the crowd is terrible from the lack of interesting storylines, the cities get a bad rep
HUGE if true. We might finally get another great wrestling game after people mod the shit out of it.
I said this earlier: