Do you miss Veronica bro?Yeah I want the EVOLVE reboot the most.....
One more week til your thread sees getting Dean Ambrose facty on us
I think we should implement a limit of 5 ROH posts per day from Alucard. If he goes over, we call in The Frankman to take care of business.
I sure do. I wonder what here new venture is.......Do you miss Veronica bro?
One more week til your thread sees daylight.
I think we should implement a limit of 5 ROH posts per day from Alucard. If he goes over, we call in The Frankman to take care of business.
I think we should implement a limit of 5 ROH posts per day from Alucard. If he goes over, we call in The Frankman to take care of business.
Fish and O'Reilly have come such a long way since their EVOLVE 1 days.
I wonder what Ambrose would look like with a Solid Snake bandana or a Marcus Fenix do rag
I'm sure you'd like it if he grew a Marcus Fenix soul path too.
Better, really.
I've only ever known them to be good...but this year, they've become great.
Hey, it's the guy who legitimately shook Lou Thesz'sses's hand at Slamboree '93 or maybe '94. Maybe they shook hands both times, I don't know.
I was pretty surprised to learn that Kaz only debuted in ROH this year. I figured he would've had a run in the mid 2000s after WWE or something
Hey, it's the guy who legitimately shook Lou Thesz'sses's hand at Slamboree '93 or maybe '94. Maybe they shook hands both times, I don't know.
Hey, it's the guy who legitimately shook Lou Thesz'sses's hand at Slamboree '93 or maybe '94. Maybe they shook hands both times, I don't know.
Oh, snap.
The Bunny will be someone different every time.
I smell an Ambrose spot
wb frand, how are you?
I'm tired and still not too well, but doing better than I have been of late.
How are YOU?
Some NXT gifs:
Crazy stuff. I saw this move in person back in 2010.
**The El Rey Network sent out a press release on Monday announcing that the debut of Lucha Underground was being moved from October 8th to October 29th with a two-hour premiere and then continuing with a one-hour weekly each Wednesday. The names announced in the release include Johnny Mundo (John Hennigan), Mil Muertas (Ricky Banderas / Judas Mesias), Big Ryck (Ezekiel Jackson), Prince Puma (Ricochet), Chavo Guerrero Jr., B-Boy, Cortez Castro (Ricky Reyes), Catrina (Maxine), Angela Fong, Ivelisse Velez, Martin Casaus, Mr. Cisco, Holly Michelle, Sexy Star, Blue Demon Jr., Matt Cross, Fenix, Pentagon Jr., Dragon and Dario Cuesto with Vampiro and Matt Striker handling the commentary on the shows.
Lucha underground news
Mil muretas and Big Ryck are amazing names
Lucha underground news
Mil muretas and Big Ryck are amazing names
Sounds fun. ALSO MAXINE
Not sure how Raw could possibly have gone up from last week. Man.
Raw Viewership for 9/22:
8pm: 4.00
9pm: 3.790
10pm: 3.847
Avg: 3.879
Up from last week but nothing big really happened to attract a larger audience. They left after the Ambrose vs Kane match but came back later.
According to, Paul Heyman was not used on Raw last night as WWE has yet to figure out how/if they want to use Brock Lesnar at Hell in a Cell.
As of this morning, Brock Lesnar vs John Cena at Hell in a Cell is not being planned, which is likely why Heyman did not appear on Raw last night and discuss Brock Lesnar moving forward.
Coming out of Raw last night, there are reportedly no matches planned at this time for Hell in a Cell, so its likely we wont hear anything announced for the PPV until Raw next week at the earliest.