Bronson telling it how it is.
Although where was Sting when the NWO took over, eh? Hiding in the rafters like a scaredy cat.
Sting all the way.
I'll say this about Jun Kasai.
That's the most punk rock dude in all of wrestling.
I didn't know Josh Matthews was joining TNA
Outdoor wrestling should definitely be more of a thing in WWE.
By the way, how and why was JR "pushed out"?
oh shit I hadn't even thought of that. If they're not building to a Seth/Dean TLC for the contract, they're nuts.I'm going to TLC in December! As long as I get to see Seth Rollins fall off a tall thing live I'll probably be happy.
I'm going to TLC in December!
What's new???
6 days ago
Now this is a badass cuff link... With @stephaniemcmahon at the Kennedy Center tonight for #KomenHTP. #FundingCures
I'm kind of surprised there was never a wrestling event where the ring was set on top of a skyscraper.
Well there was that RAW intro that was filmed on top of WWE headquarters that used the RAW ring set.
Did anybody ever imagine 10 years ago that Tyler Black would become the top heel of the WWE?
Anyone else find it funny that Dolph's Night of Champions commemorative plaque is not actually a Night of Champions plaque, but a commemorative collage, and a Raw one at that?
Who the fuck wants a commemorative plaque, let alone a random Raw title win plaque?
I don't see big John Cena, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose go crazy over Lesnar to the point that they want to literally kill him every week.
So many hear having trouble accepting the reality that dubbya see dubbya was a steaming pile of crap, and any success it ever had was only because it hired already established guys. When WCW needed to develop new stars or create compelling stories, it's response was shit like LWO or Buff Bagwell. Deal with it, WCW sucked.
Which of you bid over 4 grand for this, fess up
Steph looked alittle turned
I think we know where his neck problems came from.
From Seth Rollins the real God King.I think we know where his neck problems came from.
That's because they can't.
God King Brock is unstoppable.
Looks fitting for a "Someone Bought This" article. Speaking of...
He's not the type of heel to cheat. An aging, manipulative Hulk Hogan? Absolutely. Same for Flair. Not for monster heels like Lesnar. In fact him needing assistance to beat a 200 lb. man last year was asinine.You think Brock is a heel?
Isn't cheating in his matches AT ALL. Gets a great pop from the crowd whenever he comes out.
He's a beast... but he isn't a heel.
You must have never seen many Vader matches when he was in WCW. Race would have to bail his ass out every once in awhile when he'd face tougher competition.He's not the type of heel to cheat. An aging, manipulative Hulk Hogan? Absolutely. Same for Flair. Not for monster heels like Lesnar. In fact him needing assistance to beat a 200 lb. man last year was asinine.
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