lovely ladies
Was my experience with wrestling typical?
Has Pro Wrestling ruined your life?
John Cena is Goku and Seth Freeza is about to get berried by his appledough kamehameha.
Whoa! Arda Ocal to WWE?
Dem budget cuts.Whoa! Arda Ocal to WWE?
New name: Kyle Edwards
WWE picking up all the Toronto talent.
John Pollock next?
New name: Kyle Edwards
WWE picking up all the Toronto talent.
John Pollock next?
Whoa! Arda Ocal to WWE?
real talk, Pollock would be a great fit but he's miserable enough just watching WWE, he'd probably kill himself if he had to work there
And since we're talking about powerbombs. Here's C**** B***** doing one. Which you don't see that often.
And then here's Otani submitting his application to perform for EVOLE shows
Bootaaay, I got your back in regards to indie wrestling...and in regards to Jericho vs. Orton at NoC. Very good match. But I also enjoyed Jericho vs. Kane a fair bit, soooo...
Sometimes, indie matches can be a little ridiculous in terms of their pacing and car crash nature. The lack of selling is the worst part. However, that's only one part of indie wrestling, and a good car crash match can be a great way to start a show or to wake a crowd up. There are TONS of indie matches with good psychology and selling, and they all have a variety of styles.
Wow didn't know there was a rumor going around that Brock missed Raw due to health problems. This came from a writer from whatculture because on how Brock changes colors during a match. Then the Washington Post picked up this idea. So WWE had to respond to that to saying he doesn't have a health problem.
Its funny because he was not scheduled for Raw at all and might not even be on Hell in Cell.
John Cena is Goku and Seth Freeza is about to get berried by his appledough kamehameha.
I don't know if it's a good sign, or not, but Brock didn't sweat as much as he did in his other matches during his recent WWE run at NoC.
WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley has posted a new blog on his Facebook page, and the following are some highlights:
I think its about time you guys out there give me my props. Did I, or did I not predict that the first waves of #SandowMania would be crashing down upon your shores at any moment? I will grant you that those first waves took a little longer to crash down upon you then I had thought. But brother, here they are! There is no denying that Sandow has taken whatever was given to him and done his very best with it sometimes falling, but never failing to put his very best effort into everything that came his way. And, now, with Damien Mizdow, he has come up with a character that has become must see TV on WWE Monday Night Raw.
I think its only natural to overlook the contributions Dustin Runnels, as Goldust has made to #WWE since his return last year. At that time, after participating in one of the matches of the year with his brother Cody, I wrote a post, wondering if Dustin just might have one more run left in him. What a run it has been! While it is impossible to capture the emotion that fueled that first big comeback match on PPV, Dustin has been consistently excellent since his return, and his character had provided the needed spark for his brother Cody to become a genuine Superstar in WWE. Well done!
Whoa! Arda Ocal to WWE?
Few things will top sandow coming to a lumberjack match dressed in full lumberjack gear
Rumors are that if TNA gets a new home, it's WGN America.
A station that is on less homes, has a sub-SyFy budget, and that I don't have. Works for me.
A. Alan Moore is a wrestler?
B. 10 bucks for a god damn wrestling magazine?
Rumors are that if TNA gets a new home, it's WGN America.
A station that is on less homes, has a sub-SyFy budget, and that I don't have. Works for me.
Whoa! Arda Ocal to WWE?
I don't know if it's a good sign, or not, but Brock didn't sweat as much as he did in his other matches during his recent WWE run at NoC.
Exactly and now for some images:Ah so that explains why Seth Freeza attacked Brock Broly afterwards.
Exactly and now for some images:
Poor Cena. Still not comfortable with the idea of losing your spot.