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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye

Hypest/Fave Five Cars from TV shows or movies

5. Magnum PI Ferrari or Miami Vice Ferrari. I can never decide on those two.
4. Smokey and the Bandit car
3. Mad Max Interceptor
2. 1989 Batmobile

Green Hornet car is pretty good too. It's too bad Air Wolf isn't a car

Agree on number one. The 1989 Batmobile looked cool, couldn't make right turns but it looked cool.


Pretty sure Finn was one of the joke first names one of us came up with on here. But yeah, we'll get used to it. I always thought "Prince Devitt" sounded cheesy, too.

I can hear the Cena promos already when they have their feud...

*Cena doing Irish accept* "Finny, m'boy, ya better hope ya can use those Finns ta swim...'cause I'm comin' fer ya...and yer gonna drown out here in the deep water."
Pretty sure Finn was one of the joke first names one of us came up with on here. But yeah, we'll get used to it. I always thought "Prince Devitt" sounded cheesy, too.

I can hear the Cena promos already when they have their feud...

*Cena doing Irish accept* "Finny, m'boy, ya better hope ya can use those Finns ta swim...'cause I'm comin' fer ya...and yer gonna drown out here in the deep water."

So you are Cenas writer, huh? Now we know who to blame!


holy shit. i guess its from not caring but i never realized that nearly everyone uses the fake first and last name format. but it's been like that for awhile. there's only been a few "wrestling" names in the past decade or so.

Batista, Ryback, Edge, Christian, Umaga, Big Shoe, Triple H and The Rock (which only shortened his stupid ass name to begin with)

i can't really think of anyone else. 5 of those guys are from the attitude era or earlier.

edit - off topic, i live in NY. why the fuck did USPS send a package from NJ to Florida? i hate usps. more useless than WWE Creative


Tonight's NXT matches:

Bull Dempsey vs Mojo Rawley

Marcus Louis vs Enzo Amore

Tyler Breeze vs. Justin Gabriel

Bayley vs Alexa Bliss

NXT Tag Team Championships: The Ascension vs The Lucha Dragons
Kevin Steen names incoming:

Derek Chaisson
Michel Chabon
Pierre Poutine

That last name makes me hungry. You just can't get good poutine in the US. Everplace I've had it in Michigan always uses cheese sauce or screws up the gravy. Fucking savages.

I did have some fine poutine in TO earlier this summer though. It was glorious!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Taz actually has a decent promo voice in ECW. Better than when Joe started talking in TNA, and you could hear his southern drawl that he was gaining.

I still wish he talked less though. Ruins the mystique.


Shoot Interview With Ricardo

Former WWE star Ricardo Rodriguez did a shoot interview with RF Video this past weekend. RF noted on Facebook that the three-hour interview covered Ricardo's indie days through his time with WWE. He added that there were "tons of amazing WWE backstage stories" and "the best scoops and locker room stories on all the top names."
You may remember when Ricardo was released earlier this year, he tweeted some frustrations about his dealings with Triple H. Ricardo will address those issues in the shoot when it's released. RF wrote that Ricardo discusses his "firing, why he quit and his issues at times with HHH and the office."

Ricardo tweeted about the shoot:

"Had a blast shooting the interview with RF video tonight. So many stories.Now back in my room for some rest bc tomorrow is #LegendsOfTheRing"

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So CHAOS kind of has this issue too, but CHAOS has mega stars in it, so it doesn't really matter.

Suzuki-Gun. Minoru Suzuki comes out and looks like a legit badass like usual. Great. The rest of his crew could not look more out of place. Even if they're supposed to be his henchmen, they don't look like it other than maybe Taichi and TAKA. And I only give credit TAKA because he's always got his shitty troll face on. DH and Tramp Stamp need to go or they need a new look. DH with his permanent babyface especially is the worst of all. Shelton I guess is ok because he's got the amateur wrestling background which sort of matches up with MiSu's MMA background.

But get rid of DH and Lance. And either TAKA or Taichi and get


Much better stable. I'd be interested in seeing both those guys in a trial period for NJPW under Suzuki. And Kasai and Suzuki even have history.
I like K.E.S. I just think they need some new teams to feud with, no problem with their look though (other than Archer's tramp stamp). Also, you forgot El Desperado! I think Taichi's much better off taging with him than TAKA, as the act was getting stale.


Who ever came up with Devitt's new name is surely the same person who selected Ambrose's entrance theme.

Name, attire, or theme. Outside of Paige, I can't think of a new or newish superstar where they didnt completely whiff on atleast one(usually two) of these things. Vince is just pulling shit out of his ass at this point.

All that to say....the fuck is a Finn Balor?


Who ever came up with Devitt's new name is surely the same person who selected Ambrose's entrance theme.

Name, attire, or theme. Outside of Paige, I can't think of a new or newish superstar where they didnt completely whiff on atleast one(usually two) of these things. Vince is just pulling shit out of his ass at this point.

All that to say....the fuck is a Finn Balor?

Devitt is choosing Ambrose's theme, also Vince is deciding on Devitt's name and attire, you're all over the place here.


I refuse to believe Devitt decided to call himself Finn Balor. Dude sounds like a low level Lannister soldier.

As opposed to all those high level Lannister soldiers they have on the roster.

Also, the Sept of Baelor is a significant location in ASOIAF. Far from low level.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Ok, one of the guys in this match just broke a light tube over his knees and stabbed himself in the pectoral with it.

That's enough FREEDOMS for today.


Seriously guys, I thought the ending to Dean's Miz TV interview was hilarious. He propped Miz back up, put on his sunglasses, put the mic back in his hand, and then spoke into the mic "Thanks for having me on Miz TV!"

It's as if Dean thinks if he props him back up, no one will notice he's knocked out. LOL dead.


for some reason WWE has this fascination of giving people who they don't want to use or can't use good themes.

Jack Swagger because lol homeless man's Kurt Angle, Paige because lol divas and Rusev, who will inevitably team up with Khali, Hornswaggle and Goldust to form The New Oddities after he gets fed to Cena

I like Rollins, i like Ambrose. but i couldn't even hum their themes. I have no idea what they are.


Hypest/Fave Five Cars from TV shows or movies

5. Magnum PI Ferrari or Miami Vice Ferrari. I can never decide on those two.
4. Smokey and the Bandit car
3. Mad Max Interceptor
2. 1989 Batmobile

Green Hornet car is pretty good too. It's too bad Air Wolf isn't a car

How can a list of television cars not include the General Lee?


So not worth it
Am I the only one that occasionally spends a minute or so staring at Vince's lips? They are so fascinating to me. Why Sunny Mac, why?

wb Seph, btw.
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