does that mean Devitt will keep the bodypaint thing, just not with actual characters this time?
Yeah, in the video of his debut on youtube his entrance has the black dove in it. So he is going to bring it out on the NXT pay per view in December.
does that mean Devitt will keep the bodypaint thing, just not with actual characters this time?
Yeah, in the video of his debut on youtube his entrance has the black dove in it. So he is going to bring it out on the NXT pay per view in December.
So, I could see Raw on the 15 of December. Doubt I could talk anyone to go with me though.
Best entrance theme ever?
Best entrance theme ever.
any chance you could link this video?
Whatcha gonna do, cancer, when Hulk Hogan and the WWE Universe goes wild on yooooooooou!
How long until Mizdow vs Miz feud?
I had to goggle if men could suffer from breast cancer.
Welp, Hulk Hogan finally went over breast cancer. I've seen it all.
Happened a long long time ago, bruh. Hogan's Knows Best, then TNA.Hulk Hogan has turned into a joke. It's pathethic. He's worse than Cena.
You guys hate cancer right? You're not a bad person right? Buy our shit to fight cancer brothers.
Did Hogan have shit written in his hand??.