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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye

I didn't quote the whole thing, but yeah I agree with you, Boots.

The way it was described to me best is this:

CHIKARA is a brand now. Not a promotion. As such, the cards are all the same, everything stays the same, etc.

Also, evidently some people are enjoying it, lots of people going in HARD at Voices of Wrestling on my twitter timeline currently because they dared insinuate that CHIKARA's business is down after the 'shut down' and the product's pretty hard to stomach outside of a live setting. Apparently they (and many CHIKARA dissenters) have 'an agenda' against CHIKARA, lol.

My agenda is being a dick to children. And yeah, after the intial spike, business is the exact goddamn same, if not worse. So it was all for nothing.

And people are ASTOUNDINGLY pissed about the KOT roster so far
What a crummy Raw that was. Nothing seemed hot. No one seemed over except very few. Cena was over, no one else was even close. Waste of Heyman. Waste of everything with that horrific Bellas/Divas/Steph segment. Reigns saying he wanted the championship went over like a wet fart.

And it's only going to get worse when they get killed with MNF ratings this year.
We might give Hogan shit about a lot of things but it's impossible to exaggerate just what an icon he really is.

Hell the WWE went to Japan recently on that signing tour and the only one they truly popped for was the Hulkster. In limited roles he is still useful.

Hell the whole TNA/Spike feud that eventually lead to this whole situation was Spike being pissed that TNA got rid of Hogan and to a lesser extent Sting.



Angle and Cena started with comedy before they were over. Still got over. It's a complete fabrication to say that a true star can't rise above being in a comedy position.
Team Hell No started off as a comedy angle. Did wonders for D.Brine getting mega-over after he "hugged it out" for a year.





The go home show for Halloween Havoc. More Wrestle Crap than you can shake a stick at. The debut of THE YETAY, Hulk calling himself the Bad Guy and saying he was going to drag Giant around behind his bike until he disintegrates, more Wrestle Crap, Bischoff continuing to be terrible at calling moves, Eddie Guerrero getting really over with the crowd, what might be the official start of the Loose Cannon.

  • Randy Savage vs Kurasawa
  • Dean Malenko/Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero/Mr. JL
  • Harlem Heat vs Sting/Lex Luger




When watching the Dungeon of Doom stuff, just watch Kevin Sullivan. Whenever he's not talking he always has the most defeated "Fuck my life, this shit is garbage" look on his face. I'll probably do Halloween Havoc later tonight. I really can't decide if Darkside Hogan vs Dungeon of Doom is fun and playful or just really bad. It hangs precariously on that ledge.
We might give Hogan shit about a lot of things but it's impossible to exaggerate just what an icon he really is.

Hell the WWE went to Japan recently on that signing tour and the only one they truly popped for was the Hulkster. In limited roles he is still useful.

Hell the whole TNA/Spike feud that eventually lead to this whole situation was Spike being pissed that TNA got rid of Hogan and to a lesser extent Sting.

While hes obviously still relevant as a personality, I think Hogan/Bischoff was the worst thing to happen to TNA. Hogan seemingly went out of his way to either not mention the company or bury TNA guys like Roode. They also produced the worst TV they ever had with the pair which is saying something.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So wait, are they really doing a Cena-Lesnar rematch at NOC? Why would anyone want to see that?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Angle and Cena started with comedy before they were over. Still got over. It's a complete fabrication to say that a true star can't rise above being in a comedy position.
So you're telling me Sandow has a chance? I don't buy it friend.


Clay says Hornswaggle is a bully.

YouShoot recently released a trailer for their shoot interview with Brodus Clay, which you can watch above. During the interview, Brodus admitted that he attacked Hornswoggle once.
"He's a bully, he is a bully," Brodus said of Hornswoggle. "He is a verbal assassin. He picks, he judges... he's just a little evil guy."

Read more: http://www.WrestlingInc.com/wi/news...alks-hornswoggle-being-a-bully/#ixzz3CBekvlqv
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They did comedy when they were already over tho.

I remember Jericho doing comedy stuff pretty early in his WWE run (granted he was over pretty much the moment JERICHO appeared on the Titan Tron). Angle was pretty much comedy early on. Cena got over as a comedy character. Edge was doing comedy stuff with Christian before he became a main event guy.

Does Rocky Maivia count as a comedy character?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
HBK's first singles rush was basically as a comedy Heel.

DDP went from low card manager to mid card comedy to one of the biggest stars in Wrestling for a few years.

EDIT: Rock was basically a comedy character until a bit after WM 14!


I'd say The Rock in general was pretty much a comedy character. He wasn't a comedy character in the traditional sense because he was always acting serious and legit, but the stuff that came out of his mouth was usually pretty funny.


Oho. Ohohohohohoho.

It's just SO dumb and silly. Hulk going into mourning over his mustache being shaved, wearing all black because he has evil in his heart. Not growing it back for some reason. A YETAY in a 13 ton ice berg in the arena that is clearly made of plastic sheets that explodes somehow. The DoD being a physical place that can be teleported to via portals at arenas. Hulkamanioids.


When watching the Dungeon of Doom stuff, just watch Kevin Sullivan. Whenever he's not talking he always has the most defeated "Fuck my life, this shit is garbage" look on his face. I'll probably do Halloween Havoc later tonight. I really can't decide if Darkside Hogan vs Dungeon of Doom is fun and playful or just really bad. It hangs precariously on that ledge.
I never noticed that about Sullivan. But the DoD is definitely fun and playful - to take it seriously is just inconceivable. It's late night drunk humour that you can't help but smirk at.

I love these recaps! MAGGLE!!! It's like regressing back to being 15 and staying up super late on a Saturday night to watch RTL (UK didn't get Nitro).

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's just SO dumb and silly. Hulk going into mourning over his mustache being shaved, wearing all black because he has evil in his heart. Not growing it back for some reason. A YETAY in a 13 ton ice berg in the arena that is clearly made of plastic sheets that explodes somehow. The DoD being a physical place that can be teleported to via portals at arenas. Hulkamanioids.

Culminating in Monster Truck Sumo and then the angle goes Over the Edge.


I forgot that they pushed The Giant as Andre's son when he first debuted.

Hard and frequently. I remembered it as the first few weeks they made references to Andre and then his family said HELL NAH BRAH and they dropped it. Definitely not the case at all. Hulk brings up Andre in just about every promo.


Hard and frequently. I remembered it as the first few weeks they made references to Andre and then his family said HELL NAH BRAH and they dropped it. Definitely not the case at all. Hulk brings up Andre in just about every promo.

I wonder if the family would have OK'd it if WCW asked before hand about pushing The Giant as Andre's son.


I preferred Giant in WCW as opposed to Big Show in WWE/F. Big Show is just a terrible name.

If I remember right he was originally Paul "The Big Show" Wright. It got shortened to Big Show because Vince thinks people aren't smart enough to remember full names.


Man do I miss WCW and Ntiro and everything that came along with it. Or heck, I miss wreslting from that era period. Things have changed so much in terms of the in ring content, I much preferred it back then. I'm sitting here watching the first Nitro and there are just so many little things that the guys did back then that you pretty much NEVER see anymore. The things that helped the matches flow, the little exchanges, the details.

You could see it up and down the card too, not just from the true "work horses" of the day. It's as if almost every guy on the card had some sort of understanding about what to do in the ring that many guys just don't get today. It's amazing to see the difference between back then and today.


Man do I miss WCW and Ntiro and everything that came along with it. Or heck, I miss wreslting from that era period. Things have changed so much in terms of the in ring content, I much preferred it back then. I'm sitting here watching the first Nitro and there are just so many little things that the guys did back then that you pretty much NEVER see anymore. The things that helped the matches flow, the little exchanges, the details.

You could see it up and down the card too, not just from the true "work horses" of the day. It's as if almost every guy on the card had some sort of understanding about what to do in the ring that many guys just don't get today. It's amazing to see the difference between back then and today.

I know it's been said over and over again, but the worst thing to happen to American professional wrestling was WWF buying out WCW. Vince no longer having to maintain a competitive standard became apparent within a few years of WCW going under.


I know it's been said over and over again, but the worst thing to happen to American professional wrestling was WWF buying out WCW. Vince no longer having to maintain a competitive standard became apparent within a few years of WCW going under.

It became apparent before 2001 was even over.

It was for sure once Vince used up all of the WCW guys that were sitting at home taking the WCW money - Hogan, Outsiders, Bischoff, Flair, Goldberg, etc...


The in ring product certainly took a tumble back after WCW was gone. Which was to be expected, since the roster that came in, and the existing WWF roster pretty much killed themselves over a 5 year period.

But the product in my eyes really took a downturn around '04. Right when Cena became "the guy". Coincidence?


It became apparent before 2001 was even over.

It was for sure once Vince used up all of the WCW guys that were sitting at home taking the WCW money - Hogan, Outsiders, Bischoff, Flair, Goldberg, etc...

The in ring product certainly took a tumble back after WCW was gone. Which was to be expected, since the roster that came in, and the existing WWF roster pretty much killed themselves over a 5 year period.

But the product in my eyes really took a downturn around '04. Right when Cena became "the guy". Coincidence?

I'd say roughly 2002-2003 was when it really went downhill, especially when Evolution began running the show.


I'd say roughly 2002-2003 was when it really went downhill, especially when Evolution began running the show.

Yep, that's right around the time I was talking about. By that point WWE was forced to live entirely on their on, for the most part. John Cena never would have ended up what he is today had WCW been able to continue. I completely look at the start of his main career as the start of the huge slide down hill for the business, at least in terms of various aspects of the quality and for sure in terms of my enjoyment of it.

I also doubt Brock would have ever jumped to UFC had WCW continued on. He would have had WCW as an option and both sides would have been just throwing money at the guy to keep him on their side.

But blah, none of that happened, WCW died, and nothing has been the same since. I hate it for the guys and gals who only started watching wrestling after WCW ceased to exist.

I think it just set in for me how fucked the Wyatt Family is.

It wont be long before Bray is in some sort of program with Bo Dallas at this rate. I really worry about the Wyatt Family. They had such a great thing going with both them and The Shield just months ago, and now the Wyatt's are pretty much dead for the time being. Things go to hell in WWE way too quickly these days. They make it very hard to get truly excited about anything.
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