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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye


The invasion angle could have been the biggest angle ever. Too bad it got shit on and became a McMahonathon

The invasion angle was a weird insight into how petty Vince McMahon could be

Eh, I'll play fantasy booking for a moment and show my version of the Invasion angle.

Firstly, no McMahons running everything. Keep Shane as the buyer of WCW, but have him put Bischoff in an authority/leader position. Secondly, Vince breaks the bank and throws money at Goldberg and the bigger talent to get them on TV as fast as possible. Third, fuck ECW and don't bring them into the angle. Fourth, no traitor bullshit with people jumping sides.

Have WCW stars slowly start invading WWF shows, kind of like how it actually played out, except this time its slightly bigger stars like Flair, Goldberg, Steiner, DDP, etc. Have things escalate until we get to the WCW vs WWF Invasion PPV. Book the elimination tag match with Austin/Rock/Angle/Taker/Jericho vs Goldberg/Steiner/DDP/Booker T/Flair.

Have the main event go for a while until it gets down to Austin and Rock vs Goldberg and Booker. Then when the climax of the match nears, have the lights go out, and then when the lights come back on everyone in the ring is laid out and the nWo is standing in the ring spray painting people.

Have the invasion angle turn into WWF/WCW vs the nWo. Have the nWo annex DX (since they're all bros anyway). The nWo showing up would prompt Sting to show up to try and stop the nWo from killing WWF like they pretty much did WCW.

Book WrestleMania with every match as a WWF/WCW vs nWo match, and have the big ending be that the nWo is eventually destroyed.

Boom. Better invasion angle (imo), WCW doesn't get buried, both groups look strong as fuck.


Nobody gave a shit if you beat up DX though. They were a wrestling sideshow at best. Even at their 'most pushed' they never felt important.

So no, no way in hell would I say they were a 'better faction.' NWO revitalized Hogan, and it built up Hall, Nash, and Steiner. They changed the way gimmicks worked, and they added a grit to wrestling that you only really saw in Memphis previously.

DX was a jobber stable that had main eventers in it. I don't mean jobbers because they lost, I mean jobbers because they felt like nothing. All their angles, storylines, and matches were piss breaks quality.



So I just watched the DX episode of Monday Night Wars... and it was pretty good. Focused mainly on the pre-Mania 14 DX with cocaine Shawn, then went into the HHH DX as well.

If we just completely ignore episode 3 (maybe leave in the part that covers the Pillman gun angle), I think this series is a lot better. While it's weird that they went into late 1997 and 1998 without mentioning Austin or McMahon, I like that there's at least some kind chronology with the series. They're taking it slowly, which makes sense, because there's a lot to cover. Again, ignoring episode 3, which jumps from 1997 to 2001 in like 5 minutes.

They didn't mention the screwjob at all, but I guess that's more relevant to the Mr. McMahon character rather than Shawn Michaels or DX. I'm assuming a Mr. McMahon episode is coming soon and they'll go into that.


Looking back at HHH and HBK DX can be a bit shocking, because they tended to us the H word and the Q word as insults. (So did Bret).
Jericho's podcast with Triple H was interesting. He mentions how he was one of the guys saying they needed to cut down on gimmicks and focus on the wrestling, but if you look at NXT, there are a lot more gimmicks there than on the main roster today. So he must have changed perspective on that. I do like that he seems to care a lot more about the in-ring than the out-of-ring though.
Updated EVOLVE cards;

EVOLVE 34, 09/13, Queens, NY
-EVOLVE Title Match: Drew Galloway defends vs. Rich Swann
-DGUSA Open The United Gate Championship Match: Harlem & Lancelot Bravado defend vs. The Colony of Fire Ant & Green Ant
-Uhaa Nation vs. Roderick Strong
-Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Timothy Thatcher
-Plus: DGUSA Open The Freedom Gate Champion Ricochet, Johnny Gargano, The Premier Athlete Brand of Anthony Nese & Caleb Konley w/Su Yung & Mr. A, and others!!!

EVOLVE 35, 09/14, Brooklyn, NY
-DGUSA Open The Freedom Gate Championship Match: Ricochet defends vs. Uhaa Nation
-Non-Title: EVOLVE Champion Drew Galloway vs. Roderick Strong
-Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Biff Busick
-Plus: DGUSA Open The United Gate Champions The Bravado Brothers, Johnny Gargano, The Premier Athlete Brand of Anthony Nese & Caleb Konley w/Su Yung & Mr. A, Rich Swann, Timothy Thatcher, Drew Gulak, and others!!!

All the announced matches look good so far, except for The Bravados vs The Colony - I like the Bravados as an undercard comedy act, but there's no good reason for having them as your tag champs.

Uhaa Nation vs. Ricochet might be enough to get me to go. Also, seeing Zack Sabre Jr. live.

The Premier Athlete Brand has the stink of the Embassy in its dying final days about it without the entertainment of Prince Nana or nailing Jimmy Rave in the head with a roll of toilet paper.

I got bored of buying Vita games because Plus has been depressing recently and when there has been a good game, I already own it.

I may breakdown and buy the original when it's on sale though as I do really want to play it.

I bought Danganronpa for the Vita when it was on sale recently. My Vita has a mix of games I bought (Danganronpa, Spelunky, MLB 14 The Show, Crimsonland) and games I got for free (Don't Starve, Gravity Rush).


Jericho's podcast with Triple H was interesting. He mentions how he was one of the guys saying they needed to cut down on gimmicks and focus on the wrestling, but if you look at NXT, there are a lot more gimmicks there than on the main roster today. So he must have changed perspective on that. I do like that he seems to care a lot more about the in-ring than the out-of-ring though.

That may be true, but his recent hirings show that he might be going back to focusing on wrestling instead of gimmicks. He probably had Vince in his ear early on, and then when they saw most of the NXT call ups fail on Raw, he went back to an in-ring focus.


So far episode 3 is the shits in the monday night wars series. It was like wwe couldn't wait to bust their load to remind us HEY WE BEAT WCW LOLLOLOLZ!

What they should have did for episode 3 was focus more on the origins of the attitude era like austin 3:16 speech, the ECW hostile takeover on raw, and etc. It's like wwe don't want to accept the fact that the true attitude era was during 96-97.
That may be true, but his recent hirings show that he might be going back to focusing on wrestling instead of gimmicks. He probably had Vince in his ear early on, and then when they saw most of the NXT call ups fail on Raw, he went back to an in-ring focus.

The good thing is that most of the guys with gimmicks can still go in the ring, with Breeze being the main example.

So far episode 3 is the shits in the monday night wars series. It was like wwe couldn't wait to bust their load to remind us HEY WE BEAT WCW LOLLOLOLZ!

What they should have did for episode 3 was focus more on the origins of the attitude era like austin 3:16 speech, the ECW hostile takeover on raw, and etc. It's like wwe don't want to accept the fact that the true attitude era was during 96-97.

You do know that the show will have 20 episodes and they'll inevitably get to all that, right?


So far episode 3 is the shits in the monday night wars series. It was like wwe couldn't wait to bust their load to remind us HEY WE BEAT WCW LOLLOLOLZ!

What they should have did for episode 3 was focus more on the origins of the attitude era like austin 3:16 speech, the ECW hostile takeover on raw, and etc. It's like wwe don't want to accept the fact that the true attitude era was during 96-97.

Probably because of ratings. The "true" Attitude Era was still getting beat pretty handily by Nitro, but it was a much more exciting and unpredictable product.


Jericho's podcast with Triple H was interesting. He mentions how he was one of the guys saying they needed to cut down on gimmicks and focus on the wrestling, but if you look at NXT, there are a lot more gimmicks there than on the main roster today. So he must have changed perspective on that. I do like that he seems to care a lot more about the in-ring than the out-of-ring though.

Triple h always had a wrestler mindset. Dude is the epitome of old school. If only Vince step down and let trips continue to push the company in the right direction...it would be great. It's like people that try to embody what makes wrestling great in the wwe, Vince tries so hard to sabotage the ideas hence why Shane left....


So far episode 3 is the shits in the monday night wars series. It was like wwe couldn't wait to bust their load to remind us HEY WE BEAT WCW LOLLOLOLZ!

What they should have did for episode 3 was focus more on the origins of the attitude era like austin 3:16 speech, the ECW hostile takeover on raw, and etc. It's like wwe don't want to accept the fact that the true attitude era was during 96-97.

skip episode 3. it's filler.
Too bad they blew most of Breeze's character work on Miz. Also, he lost his awesome theme song to a god damn USA Network series!

Fucking Miz.

I think Breeze is good enough at the character and that there is just enough variation (model vs. movie star) that they could make it work. As for his theme song, I said yesterday that I hated his new one when he first used it, but now I think it's perfect for him.


It's ironic that we have Attitude Era week during this 99-00 Attitude Era-esque Bellas storyline.

All the way down to having god damn Jerry Springer being dug up from his celebrity grave.


The good thing is that most of the guys with gimmicks can still go in the ring, with Breeze being the main example.

You do know that the show will have 20 episodes and they'll inevitably get to all that, right?

I'm still trying to figure out why 20 episodes 0_o. What more that needs to be said that could have been a 6 part mini series. Unless they really are going to go deep with this series like Black Saturday, Clash vs Wrestlemania, and rumors of Russo sabotaging nitro for Vince...it seems like a waste of network bandwidth.


Gimmicks are fine so long as one of the first things a gimmick addresses is: why is this person underpants fighting other men?

I miss when gimmicks didn't need a explanation from commentary. Just give me some segments ala The Wyatt Family I'm good. I hate when a gimmick gets debuted on raw and Cole tries to tell me the story like I actually want to use my damn imagination.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

How does this guy still have thread making privileges?

shuri still has them.

Wat what? They were sideshows that were really over. Nobody cared about what ultimately happened to them. Nobody took them seriously. Things can be popular while people still don't ever take them seriously.
Like, what's the amazing DX feud of the Attitude Era? Triple H vs The Rock? Because people bring it up as 'that one good Triple H match' every single time?


The real Attitude Era was 1997-1998. Even by 1999 things had changed. The roots were in 1996, but most of 1996 was still full of a lot of cartoony bullshit even at the end of the year. You have Real Ass Stone Cold and Loose Cannon Pillman, but you still had the Godwinns/New Rockers/Aldo/Jesse James/Sal Sincere and so on. By WM 13, I think Attitude Era was in full swing. Probably even before that. But 1996 wasn't the start. It was the genesis of the beginning of the start of the genesis of The Attitude Era.


My only gripe of the Monday Night Wars is episode 2 was literally the NWO dvd and episode 3 was literally the Attitude Era dvd. Is episode 4 the DX dvd?

I have a feeling the topics of all episodes are determined by which dvds have already been made.


Jericho's podcast with Triple H was interesting. He mentions how he was one of the guys saying they needed to cut down on gimmicks and focus on the wrestling, but if you look at NXT, there are a lot more gimmicks there than on the main roster today. So he must have changed perspective on that. I do like that he seems to care a lot more about the in-ring than the out-of-ring though.

I don't think he has a problem with gimmicks, per say, it's the overly wacky "non-wrestler" gimmicks like a fireman or a garbageman that are taking it over board. Like you wonder why this character is even wrestling at this show.

Like the Vaudevillains are an overtly wacky gimmick, but there isn't a question of why they are there in matches, since they're still wrestlers.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How has there been a Steinermania and a Vadermania but not a Juicy Juicy Juicemania

Surely there's enough material. That dude botched all the time even in his prime.


Wat what? They were sideshows that were really over. Nobody cared about what ultimately happened to them. Nobody took them seriously. Things can be popular while people still don't ever take them seriously.
Like, what's the amazing DX feud of the Attitude Era? Triple H vs The Rock? Because people bring it up as 'that one good Triple H match' every single time?

One of the funnier things was Shawn being the heel commish ripping on face Triple H in his feud with The Rock. Basically saying he's a nobody, not worth The Rock's time or deserving of a title shot, and he only hangs out with champions, he's never been one.


Wat what? They were sideshows that were really over. Nobody cared about what ultimately happened to them. Nobody took them seriously. Things can be popular while people still don't ever take them seriously.
Like, what's the amazing DX feud of the Attitude Era? Triple H vs The Rock? Because people bring it up as 'that one good Triple H match' every single time?

Yeah, DX was never taken seriously assuming you live in a universe where WrestleMania 14 didn't happen.
But wouldn't the Blade movies be way better if Blade had some witty Whedon comeback lines?

"Looks like your mascara's running."

"I promise you, you'll be dead by dawn."

"You give Frost a message from me. You tell him it's open season on all suckheads."

"Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill."
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