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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye


Can't act. Can't wrestle. Can't run a company. Can't take a bump.

Dixie is literally the polar oppositie of everything Vince McMahon is.


Come on, man. A little sympathy for a 50-year-old woman who got her back fucked up by a botched spot by Bully.




So not worth it
Come on, man. A little sympathy for a 50-year-old woman who got her back fucked up by a botched spot by Bully.

I don't need to remind you how this 50-year-old woman handled the whole Jesse Sorensen business right? Or the other people that got injured under her employ?

If I believed in Karma, this would be a great example.


Seth-kun is taking over, pal.

Seth-kun has the Tumblr alt.chicks' hearts aflutter, but those nerds can stand down. The real ladies still get wet from the Reigns.

Keep crushin' the ladies and you can stay on top of the mountain. Orton has shown the true way.
More from Observer

If Charlotte loses on 9/11, it’s been hinted to me it would be a sign she’s main-roster bound. She seems ready, and has more potential as a complete performer than any woman on the roster. When it comes to people who started from scratch in developmental and really don’t have a lot of experience, I believe in patience because first impressions are so important. Charlotte has the athletic and verbal potential to be a superstar, and if she used the Flair name, it wouldn’t hurt. Having Ric with her at first would be good although long-term, there is the issue of Ric overshadowing anyone he manages (although in NXT, when he managed her in the Natalya match, he only added and didn’t distract). Dempsey feels to me like he’s headed for a title shot and Rawley’s major push has been dropped, so that would look to be the direction. The four-way could go to anyone, but the storyline has been Zayn continues to come up short on his quest. Really, the stealing his pin finish, while it’s so overdone, would work in keeping that storyline going, and Breeze would be fine as champion. Kidd would be better, but not sure what the plans are for him as far as continuing to work developmental.

One person close to the situation noted to us one of the big differences in NXT with Raw and Smackdown is that NXT is largely written by one person (I believe Ryan Ward with help from Chris Chambers, those names could be out of date right now, although HHH oversees every aspect of the TV).

It still looks like the two choices are Lesnar over Cena when somebody screws Cena and Cena goes with that person, while Lesnar takes on other faces until Reigns at Mania; or Cena beats Lesnar, Rollins loses to Reigns and then cashes in. If Cena wins, he ties the mythical 16 number of Ric Flair, even though you really can’t come up with a number less than 18 for Flair, and depending on what you consider a title change, it probably can reach 22. But 16 has been the number WWE has used from the start. They haven’t pushed Cena tying it at all. The problem there is Reigns shouldn’t be going for the title until winning the Rumble and then having the match at Mania so Rollins would have to work with Cena, Ambrose or others until that point. The upside of Reigns beating Rollins for the title at Mania is it puts over the Performance Center and HHH’s vision where his two guys headline the show. The downside is that Reigns beating a monster Lesnar is a far more impressive title kickoff, because the title will mean more if it’s not on TV every week and Lesnar has a special aura that nobody else on the roster has.

The show doesn’t have a lot of buzz to it, but Styles vs. Cole could be tremendous as Styles is right now working with the idea he’s the best wrestler in the business and has to prove it every night, almost like an early 80s Ric Flair, Lethal vs. ACH proved they could tear it up and expectations are really high for the tag title match, which right now is scheduled to go on in the main event spot instead of the singles title.

Whether this is true or not, the wrestlers were again told of late not to worry about television and that TV next year is all set in the sense there will be TV somewhere. As things stand right now, Bound for Glory is the only date on the schedule for the month of October and there are no future house shows scheduled. This has a lot of the talent which was working on a per-event deal kind of in a panic and worrying about their income being maybe half of what they expected it to be going forward unless they can get indie dates.

TNA sent out a press release for Bound for Glory. The names announced for the show are MVP, Samoa Joe, James Storm, Great Sanada, Great Muta, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Ethan Carter III, Abyss, Davey Richards, Eddie Edwards, Manik and Bram, plus Team 3-D being inducted into the Hall of Fame.

No matches have been announced but the one obvious match is Muta & Tajiri vs. Sanada & Storm, which is currently slotted as the main event in Japan.

There has been talk of Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki for the X title and Edwards & Richards vs. Team 3-D for the tag titles, but the former is not official and the latter is dependent upon Bully Ray signing a new deal, which the key people expect to happen but hadn’t happened as of press time. The idea in the tag title match is to do a Full Metal Mayhem (TLC match). The original plan was to also involve the Hardys in this match, but that would depend on whether Jeff could get into Japan with his felony drug conviction. There is right now no issue with Richards wrestling at Bound for Glory as he’s ahead of schedule in his rehab.

The most notable name not listed is Bobby Lashley. They didn’t want to commit to Lashley until after his MMA fight on 9/6, because how that fight goes will impact the creative direction regarding the TNA title. If things don’t go well, they’d probably take the title off him at the next tapings and thus he wouldn’t be champion for this show, thus can’t commit to a title match at this point. It is possible he could be added to that show after this week.

TNA is main eventing their biggest show of the year with a tag match involving Muta and Tajiri. How does this company still exist.
Meltzer's usually very positive on Reigns. But something changed during that Ambrose/Rollins match on Raw to where he doesn't think Reigns is the guy.


Meltzer's usually very positive on Reigns. But something changed during that Ambrose/Rollins match on Raw to where he doesn't think Reigns is the guy.

Honestly, Ambrose has the It factor over him. The atmosphere changes when Ambrose enters the ring. With Reigns, it just feels like any other dude coming down.


Is that recent? Dude was not even the muscle of The Shield, and he's jacked compared to Mr. I Need A Top To Cover My Lumpy Body.

From the Road to Summerslam doc that's on the WWE Network.

Ambrose is the whole package, all wrapped in John McClane's wardrobe.


More from Observer

TNA is main eventing their biggest show of the year with a tag match involving Muta and Tajiri. How does this company still exist.

Who cares about that? This weekend's ROH show in Toronto has the potential to be a show of the year contender, baby!

Elgin vs. Briscoe
AJ Styles vs. Adam Cole
ACH vs. Jay Lethal
ReDRagon vs. The Young Bucks
Kaz and Daniels vs. Jacobs and Strong
Hanson vs. Briscoe (Mark)
4-way tag match involving RD Evans and Moose

And another match or two to fill out the undercard.


So not worth it
Burning those bridges one thing Vince takes offense too is when lawyers get involved

I doubt Punk ever has an intention to go back. If his documentary taught me one thing is the guy has strong resolve and amazing ability to hold grudged for decades. So this is hardly an issue for him.
Who cares about that? This weekend's ROH show in Toronto has the potential to be a show of the year contender, baby!

Elgin vs. Briscoe
AJ Styles vs. Adam Cole
ACH vs. Jay Lethal
ReDRagon vs. The Young Bucks
Kaz and Daniels vs. Jacobs and Strong
Hanson vs. Briscoe (Mark)
4-way tag match involving RD Evans and Moose

And another match or two to fill out the undercard.

Yeah, it's going to be great. Glad they are giving the main event spot to reDRagon and the Bucks. They earned it with their performance a few months ago.


Yeah, it's going to be great. Glad they are giving the main event spot to reDRagon and the Bucks. They earned it with their performance a few months ago.

I'm mega-pumped for this show despite the total lack of TV build by ROH. Definitely ordering the iPPV if I'm home on Saturday night, or at the very least ordering the VOD.
I wonder if we'll ever get the opportunity to have a "picture in picture" mode on the Network so you can watch the same night's Raw and Nitro and switch back and forth.


Meltzer's usually very positive on Reigns. But something changed during that Ambrose/Rollins match on Raw to where he doesn't think Reigns is the guy.

It's probably because Ambrose seems so much more over with crowds than Reigns despite Reigns already getting the MEGAPUSH where everything is about him and he's invincible and always wins and poses and all the commentators and wrestlers constantly tell you how great he is.
That sort of push always makes the person over to a certain degree but I don't think it's a very stable source of popularity. The guy has to keep being invincible to keep said popularity (eg, the young casual fan that likes him because he always wins like a superhero) but invincible faces in WWE are turned on fast by much of the crowd who grow bored of them.

Do they really want another top face constantly booed where they're forced to use lame excuses that no one buys like "he's controversial!"?
I get that Reigns has the "movie poster" look but he really lacks for any kind of substance past that.
Honestly, Ambrose has the It factor over him. The atmosphere changes when Ambrose enters the ring. With Reigns, it just feels like any other dude coming down.

Plus, he's not a literal hobo, vegan midget like Bryan. So he'll have that in his favour. Isn't he taller than Reigns, too?
nightmare 2 is the black sheep but its a hell of a fun one, the school bus setpiece, freddy busting out of the kid.

The pool party is legit dumb however.

I advise anyone interested to watch the Never Sleep Again docu on netflix. Its super comprehensive (4 hours long) and the whole cast and crew of 2 have a good laugh at how homoerotic the film ended up being.

((Also all the dream warriors from 3 have blossomed into adorable middle aged versions of themselves))
I watched new nightmare a few weeks ago and it came off as a smart movie that was hamstrung by having to appeal to a dumb audience. Heather Langenkamp puts in a really great performance but the script has her doing dopey as hell things like pointing out obvious symbolism way too often.

They really didn't have much faith in the audience :$

Still a fine film, just short of the real genius it could've risen to.

...was Freddy ever in WCW? :3
NN is the best actual movie of the whole series.

Hell yeah

¡HarlequinPanic!;128340689 said:
I watched new nightmare a few weeks ago and it came off as a smart movie that was hamstrung by having to appeal to a dumb audience. Heather Langenkamp puts in a really great performance but the script has her doing dopey as hell things like pointing out obvious symbolism way too often.

They really didn't have much faith in the audience :$

Still a fine film, just short of the real genius it could've risen to.

...was Freddy ever in WCW? :3

Yeah it definitely wanted you to make sure you understood that this was taking place in the real world. But Langenkamp does a great job and it's definitely Englund's best Freddy performance, with the best Freddy design
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