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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye




Decent episode of Impact IMO.

The good:
-Knockouts match and Havok debut
-Roode vs. EY
-Joe vs. Lashley
-EC3 promo and Spud's hair

The meh:
-Rhino vs. Spud
-Bro Mans segments (1 was okay)
-Shaw and Gunner stuff
-X Division match

The "Hmm, this could work":
-James Storm, Sanada, Tajiri, and Manik stuff
An interesting bit of info from reddit: Vengeance 2005 is the oldest WWE PPV (non-UK only) that features all talent that are still alive today. Less than 10 years. Damn.


An interesting bit of info from reddit: Vengeance 2005 is the oldest WWE PPV (non-UK only) that features all talent that are still alive today. Less than 10 years. Damn.

That sounds really bad, but it's just Eddie and Benoit really. You'll go way farther back if one of them aren't on the card. Also, that's incorrect info. No Way Out 2002 has a card with everyone still alive today. There are a few cards in 2002 that has an all living roster.
That sounds really bad, but it's just Eddie and Benoit really. You'll go way farther back if one of them aren't on the card. Also, that's incorrect info. No Way Out 2002 has a card with everyone still alive today. There are a few cards in 2002 that has an all living roster.

NWO 02 has Test on it
That sounds really bad, but it's just Eddie and Benoit really. You'll go way farther back if one of them aren't on the card. Also, that's incorrect info. No Way Out 2002 has a card with everyone still alive today. There are a few cards in 2002 that has an all living roster.

No Way Out 2002 had Big Boss Man and Test who are both now dead.


I think Owen cursed all of his partners.

  • Yoko: Dead
  • Bulldog: Dead
  • Anvil: Drug addict
  • Bret: Multiple concussions, stroke
  • Jeff Jarrett: TNA
  • Koko B. Ware: Jobber, bird died, got fat as fuck


So not worth it
Oh, guessing game time?

Did you dare to say nice things about CM Punk Phil? Because the marks hate when you like a guy who dares to sue WWE for (what he thinks is) his, even though it doesn't affect you or anything either of them do or did.


So not worth it
Dear Vince, Stephanie and Hunter,

First let me apologize for my rant last night on Russo on Raw. I’m Italian, I’m emotional, I’m sorry I get that way sometimes. Come to think of it, you probably witnessed it first hand in a galaxy far, far away—many light years ago. The truth is—I hate to criticize RAW. I really do. Having been there and done that, I realize how difficult it is to come up with two hours of compelling content every week – let alone three. The job is not easy, I understand that, and nobody can be criticized for TRYING and giving their BEST EFFORT—nobody. But . . . the question I have to ask is: “Is what we see every Monday Night honestly and truly your best effort? I just know that having worked with all three of you in the past, I don’t think any of us would have been satisfied, or even ALLOWED last night’s show to air in its final form. Are we seriously not better than that? What happened to our mantra during the Attitude Era when this week’s show was going to be better than last weeks? Remember that, Vince?

I don’t know what it is. I don’t know the structure, because I am not there, but nobody—NOBODY—can tell me that with a bit more effort you couldn’t be doing better than what WE THE PEOPLE are being exposed to every Monday Night. Look—we all love wrestling, we are all HUGE fans of the WWE and in all truthfulness—WE WANT TO LIKE THE SHOW!!! But, you just make it so difficult. Asking anybody to sit through three hours of what you’re currently putting on the air is not only asking too much . . .but, it’s also unfair.

Look, I’m not going to tell you what to do, or how to do it, who am I? All I’m asking is that you all ask each other—is this the best that World Wrestling Entertainment has to offer its fans? If the answer is yes, that I guess I’ve just over-rated you, however, I think we all know that’s not the answer. I don’t think any of you can walk away from that building on Monday night honestly believing that you had just put your best foot forward. I don’t believe that for a second.

Right now, you have an UNBELIEVABLE talent roster, up and down from first match to main event, but the writing and producing of the show is just not serving them justice. You have to know that. What happened to the work ethic and the commitment that we all shared during the Attitude Era? What happened to that passion, when we literally used to leave our own BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARS on the script that we wrote. If something didn’t exceed our expectations we were sick over it for days—I know I was.

Vince, Stephanie, Triple H, YES we will always be here no matter what. We support you, and we support the WWE, but the truth is . . . we deserve better. And, deep down inside I know that you know that.

With 1,000% sincerity.


Your Former Head Writer

Vince Russo

As ridiculous as Vince Russo was/is, he did certainly seem like he was trying hard as hell to always make things compelling/insane. And he always seemed to try to have every goddamn person on the roster involved in something.


Remind me not to fuck with r/squaredcircle ever again.
You insulted chikara and the lucha genius that is quack didnt you?

Also, dies anyone else find it hilarious that he shortens his name to quack? Like, way to really drive the point home on your stupid chain wrestling and shitty knockoff lucha matches
Regarding r/squaredcircle, I'm putting my money on an issue with the moderation. As in, the moderation is awful there.

But I really also wanted my first post on this site to be about the fact that I love the Blue Thunder Driver and all of its users.

I love the Blue Thunder Driver and all of its users.
Regarding r/squaredcircle, I'm putting my money on an issue with the moderation. As in, the moderation is awful there.

But I really also wanted my first post on this site to be about the fact that I love the Blue Thunder Driver and all of its users.

I love the Blue Thunder Driver and all of its users.

Anyone who loves Sami Zayn is welcome here, so welcome! Gonna need a list of your Fav Five wrasslers, stat!


So not worth it
WrassleGAF remains the best wrestling discussion thread in the history of wrestling discussion threads.

For only $0,00 a month we'll be glad to discuss our shitty opinions with you.
WrassleGAF remains the best wrestling discussion thread in the history of wrestling discussion threads.

For only $0,00 a month we'll be glad to discuss our shitty opinions with you.
I think we need to start charging though. I mean if wwe can get away with charging 9.99 a month for delivering garbage, then surely we can too.

Jk, I love the network.

But we do suck.
I'd been admiring wrassleGAF from afar too afraid to make my move, but I couldn't deny my attraction any longer.

Anyone who loves Sami Zayn is welcome here, so welcome! Gonna need a list of your Fav Five wrasslers, stat!

I'm on the spot here, so this is subject to change. No particular order, just a 'top five' group here.

Daniel Bryan because I'm a sucker for that kind of babyface intensity, Sami Zayn because blue thunder all day every day (and all the other things he does), Dolph Ziggler because I admire the tenacity and he's a bump machine, Ryback because he's funny as hell and has improved tenfold in the ring, and the shocker: John Cena. I despise the way he's booked but I believe he's more talented than most people give credit for, which thankfully isn't as prevalent as it once was.

I don't want to seem like I'm WWE exclusive or anything, so as a basic show of integrity, I also like Bully Ray, AJ Styles when he's not talking, and pretty much anyone on the indies who doesn't have a stick up their ass about what wrestling is. I like it all. I was gonna say Devitt, but he's NXT now, same with Steen. The whole of Bullet Club.

Then I have myself on the list at somewhere around like 126th place. Full disclosure time: I'm an independent wrestler. I'm currently off the road though. Favorite story is that Freight Train (yes, $5 Wrestling Freight Train) was my first singles match outside of training. That show, as you can tell, was excellently booked.


I'd been admiring wrassleGAF from afar too afraid to make my move, but I couldn't deny my attraction any longer.

I'm on the spot here, so this is subject to change. No particular order, just a 'top five' group here.

Daniel Bryan because I'm a sucker for that kind of babyface intensity, Sami Zayn because blue thunder all day every day (and all the other things he does), Dolph Ziggler because I admire the tenacity and he's a bump machine, Ryback because he's funny as hell and has improved tenfold in the ring, and the shocker: John Cena. I despise the way he's booked but I believe he's more talented than most people give credit for, which thankfully isn't as prevalent as it once was.

I don't want to seem like I'm WWE exclusive or anything, so as a basic show of integrity, I also like Bully Ray, AJ Styles when he's not talking, and pretty much anyone on the indies who doesn't have a stick up their ass about what wrestling is. I like it all. I was gonna say Devitt, but he's NXT now, same with Steen. The whole of Bullet Club.

Then I have myself on the list at somewhere around like 126th place. Full disclosure time: I'm an independent wrestler. I'm currently off the road though. Favorite story is that Freight Train (yes, $5 Wrestling Freight Train) was my first singles match outside of training. That show, as you can tell, was excellently booked.

Welcome friend wrestleman, I extend my hand as a fellow Junior Member:



So not worth it
When Sting returns around Mania I want him to just randomly attack whoever he is facing at Mania in backstage segments for at least two months before he even comes near a ring. And maybe some rafter shots.


People always ask "When did Bobby Heenan fall apart in WCW...".
Watching Starcade 95 it looks like the answer was Dusty. Bobby comes off as so jealous of Dusty who's getting all the attention of Tony with his goofy antics.
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