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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye

I'm not really surprised. They don't see BNB as a star, and the Bad News gimmick wasn't getting over until he was actually wrestling. Most of the time, the podium stuff would result in silence. If you have at least *some* plans for him, might not be a good idea to have people see him as all bark again.


I'm not really surprised. They don't see BNB as a star, and the Bad News gimmick wasn't getting over until he was actually wrestling. Most of the time, the podium stuff would result in silence. If you have at least *some* plans for him, might not be a good idea to have people see him as all bark again.

But he was over when he got injured, so to let all that momentum just vanish while hurt when he has a gimmick perfect for staying on screen while injured is really dumb and wasteful. He's going to have to start from scratch again.


Well, get used to it. It'll probably be Mizark after that.

Was thinking about Daniel Bryan. If he can get back early December, I think he should have the Rumble title match. Make it the most even match so far with Bryan getting close, but Lesnar just decimating him in the end. Maybe even a post match beat down. Then have him come out at the Rumble at number 12 or something, bandaged up like he was at Mania and get down to the last 2, but the guy he eliminated before that causes him to get eliminated and makes it their feud going into Mania 31. Cesaro? That would be fun.

Plus, if Brock and Bryan were to cross again, they could say he had ring rust or something to build up for the new match.

If he isn't winning the Rumble I wouldn't risk it book him on the PPV.

On the other hand I really like that idea if he gets to face Lesnar later, maybe SummerSlam.

But I have no idea who would face Bryan at Mania. Cesaro currently is not at his level.


Wrestling is just speculation, opinion and conjecture, there are no facts. Not a single one.

Backlash is the best b-tier PPV WWE puts on, consistently great for countless years. This is a fact.


Mike 'Hack' Johnson's take on the Michael Elgin situation:

The worker's visa situation sounds plausible, and if it's true, it's totally on Elgin to get that shit sorted. If it's true.

I'm really surprised they haven't had BNB doing weekly BAD NEWS segments again while he's been out hurt.

Yeah, this just seems like a no-brainer to me, too. On the other hand, he'll likely get a bigger pop once he's healthy and comes back to deliver his first "I've got some bad news" promo. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


I don't know why they would be mad. Pwg is just building up their next world champ because ROH sure as hell isn't building the next guy

Do you mean they're not building up Elgin, or the guy after Elgin? Because if we're talking after Elgin, it could be Ciampa. Or Alexander. Or ACH.


Do you mean they're not building up Elgin, or the guy after Elgin? Because if we're talking after Elgin, it could be Ciampa. Or Alexander. Or ACH.
After. Ever since Richards won the belt, its felt like PWG beats ROH to the punch on the next big guy. But I'm just a hardcore PWG shill so grain of salt with me
I think they're moving on from Elgin. Elgin is understandably frustrated after WWE has not shown interest and NJPW has no interest either. The ROH Title is normally a stepping stone to something more, and there just doesn't seem to be anything more for him. Hard to blame him for wanting to try something else, but at the same time I don't blame ROH for then deciding that he shouldn't be their champion for the same reason.


After. Ever since Richards won the belt, its felt like PWG beats ROH to the punch on the next big guy. But I'm just a hardcore PWG shill so grain of salt with me
Well when PWG stops running the local Ping Pong hall, maybe then we can start to debate whether they are a legit threat to ROH.
I think they're moving on from Elgin. Elgin is understandably frustrated after WWE has not shown interest and NJPW has no interest either. The ROH Title is normally a stepping stone to something more, and there just doesn't seem to be anything more for him. Hard to blame him for wanting to try something else, but at the same time I don't blame ROH for then deciding that he shouldn't be their champion for the same reason.
Sometimes we just have ro no are place in laugh. He is not as gifted of a wrestler, charismatic or photogenic. He could pass off as Bull Dempsey's brother but that's about it. He's overachieved and he just needs to come to terms with it.


After. Ever since Richards won the belt, its felt like PWG beats ROH to the punch on the next big guy. But I'm just a hardcore PWG shill so grain of salt with me

Cole is still hot. So is AJ if they want to run with him.

I wonder if Elgin will get a rematch, or if they'll just move on to the next guy for Jay.

I think they're moving on from Elgin. Elgin is understandably frustrated after WWE has not shown interest and NJPW has no interest either. The ROH Title is normally a stepping stone to something more, and there just doesn't seem to be anything more for him. Hard to blame him for wanting to try something else, but at the same time I don't blame ROH for then deciding that he shouldn't be their champion for the same reason.

Yeah, it's hard to blame either party in this case. Elgin has likely reached his ceiling, and ROH needs a guy who...is legally able to work in the States for Final Battle, if that story is true.

If New Japan wants the ROH title defended at Wrestle Kingdom, I'd imagine they want Cole or AJ defending it somehow.


Everyone shits on Freddy's Dead, but it is actually pretty well written. Everything is set up with in the first 10 minutes, all characters and their biggest issues (which wind up killing them) are introduced clearly. Everything that gets set up is paid off at the end. It gets too wacky at times, but I think the real problem is it is way too bright. It looks like it was shot on a TV set. It actually had a higher budget than Dream Child, but looks so much cheaper. All the effects, the lighting, the make up. I feel like it wouldn't be quite so hated if it matched the darker visual style of the previous movies. It's stupid, but fun and playful and had a competently written script.


Dolph Ziggler vs Brock would be great. Have him drop the title to Miz via interference. Then on Monday after NOC he can challenge a battered Cena or the winner of Jericho/Orton and win, getting a shot at Brock. Then the next monday you have him come out and talk about how at Kent State he was good, but not good enough win nationals and how he's been good enough to main event in the WWE, but not good enough to win it all, but now is his time to shine. Have talk about being not just the show off, but be the whole show.

If not Dolph then hot shot someone like Zayn from NXT. Just don't do Big Old.

If I can think of something like this in 10 minutes, guys who get paid hundreds of thousands to sit around for hours doing it should be able to come up with something better.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Dolph or Zayn going up against Brock would be like Krillin and Yamcha challenging Perfect Cell after he just ripped John Goku off the plane of existence.


I just remembered we get Brock tomorrow night! ;_;

I have to wear my best PJ bottoms while watching Raw tomorrow. Gotta look nice for Brock.


LOL at the idea of Dolph/Brock headlining a PPV.

Dolph or Zayn going up against Brock would be like Krillin and Yamcha challenging Perfect Cell after he just ripped John Goku off the plane of existence.

You book it right and it can work. You know they aren't going to win, but you put guys who can deliver an entertaining program and can play the baby face role well and the feud can make them. You have both guys have a competitive looking match with Lesnar that doesn't involve them throwing him around. At least Dolph's case he has some shooter history that fans can look up and see is true so in a match with Lesnar you could have him use his speed, quickness, balance, and coordination in combination with his amateur wrestling skills to have a competitive looking match that doesn't involve him throwing around Lesnar. With Zayn you can have him use his cruiser skills to avoid and attack Lesnar.

One thing that Japan does better than they do in the WWE is play up a guys strengths. Just watch how Davey Boy Jr., who is a heavy weight and a shooter, works with the smaller guys in Japan. Davey looks big and strong against them like he should, but the matches do look competitive.




  • DDP vs Johnny B. Badd WCW Television Championship
  • Big Bubba Rogers vs Jim DOOGUN Taped Fist Match
  • Cutie Suzuki/Mayumi Ozaki vs Akira Hokuto/Bull Nakano
  • Chris Benoit vs Kensuki Sasaki WCW US Championship
  • Randy Savage vs Lex Luger
  • Sting vs Ric Flair
  • World War 3

The most important and memorable thing about this show was Hogan/Sting/Savage starting out the show to call out the Observer and tell the world that the Savage arm injury has been a work the whole time (because the Observer said it was a real injury) and to say that Giant won't win tonight (because the Observer said he would win). They really took time out of the PPV just to shit on Melzerz, like anyone gave a shit. It's one of the most ridiculous and petty things I've ever seen on a major wrestling program. OBSERVE THIS, BROTHER. Just the idea of Bischoff and Hogan not only changing the planned finish to the PPV and cutting the Darkside stuff short just to spite the Observer, but going out on the PPV to SAY that is amazing.





OH and the YETAAAY returned. And now he's a bootleg Scorpion. And he was the first man eliminated from WW3.
The most important and memorable thing about this show was Hogan/Sting/Savage starting out the show to call out the Observer and tell the world that the Savage arm injury has been a work the whole time (because the Observer said it was a real injury) and to say that Giant won't win tonight (because the Observer said he would win). They really took time out of the PPV just to shit on Melzerz, like anyone gave a shit. It's one of the most ridiculous and petty things I've ever seen on a major wrestling program. OBSERVE THIS, BROTHER. Just the idea of Bischoff and Hogan not only changing the planned finish to the PPV and cutting the Darkside stuff short just to spite the Observer, but going out on the PPV to SAY that is amazing.

Meltzer's response from the Observer report of that PPV is always a great read:

The show opened with one of the weirdest interviews probably in wrestling history. Hulk Hogan, Sting and Savage came out. First Hogan dumped his black wrestling attire in a burning garbage can. He then went off on a tangent about "rag sheets" which is a term those in the business unfamiliar with how the real world operates refer to newsletters such as this (as if this newsletter should be put in a grouping with anything else). Hogan threw a tantrum about a report that said The Giant was going to win the Battle Royal (which couldn't have even come from here because the last thing we wrote on the subject was that Sting or Savage were the best bets to win) and how they were wrong, which pretty well tipped everyone off that the Giant wasn't going to win. He also said it was reported Savage wouldn't be in the show because of an arm injury (it had been known for weeks here that Savage was going to eschew surgery and work the Battle Royal). He then said that the Savage arm injury was a total swerve on everyone including the wrestlers in the dressing room and that Savage's arm was fine (Savage had legitimately torn his tricep and his left arm was barely half the size of the right). Even weirder was even if the injury wasn't real, the major storyline of the show is that Savage had an arm injury and the announcers never acknowledged Hogan's saying Savage's arm was fine. He then threw the "rag sheet" in the same burning garbage can saying "Observe this," and said that it was a dinosaur and that the internet is the real story. I suspect as his popularity and drawing power continues to drop he'll get even more bitter. Since it appeared to be directed at me, I took it as a tremendous compliment.


Meltzer's response from the Observer report of that PPV is always a great read:

Holy shit, it makes it even better that both things Hulk was being a shit head about weren't even actually reported things. In fact, the things he were saying were actually the OPPOSITE of what was said. Lol.
According to Meltzer, Elgin was gonna drop the belt at Final Battle originally, so it's not like he had a huge run laid out in front of him. Also, the visa thing had nothing to do with the decision. It didn't come up as a problem until after they had already decided to take the belt off of him.

I was assured by a well placed source that the border situation had nothing to do with the decision to take the belt off Elgin.

Also, the "Matt" that Maria referenced was not Matt Hardy.
According to Meltzer, Elgin was gonna drop the belt at Final Battle originally, so it's not like he had a huge run laid out in front of him. Also, the visa thing had nothing to do with the decision. It didn't come up as a problem until after they had already decided to take the belt off of him.

Also, the "Matt" that Maria referenced was not Matt Hardy.

Matt Taven? Sydal?


Brie quitting was a shoot on Total Divas. Somehow Brie is broke as a result. What. In. The. Hell.

That was hilarious. If we don't work we don't get paid. I guess Bryan has the TNA get paid per appearance contract. Also, is the Natalya and Tyson storyline line for NXT? lol
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