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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
i never noticed how gangster roman is


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
the smarks yelling out when Orton was spray painting was lol



You know strobogo's classic WCW reviews are great but I think they could do well in there own thread in the OT.

I bet people who where fans of wrestling back then but dont visit wrasslegaf might get a kick out of reading them. They are really good and they get buried in here a little.

Maybe someone should have suggested this a few months ago...
I like this idea.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
are those supposed photos of punk's house actually his place? because damn it's nice. and that was before the new contract.



WCW Monday Nitro 8/24/98

TOO THE BACK. A black limo arrives. It's Hogan, Bischoff, Liz, and Beefcake. BUT WHO IS LIMO?!? I find it strange that Beefcake and Hogan would ride to the show in wrestling boots, chaps, and weight belts.

They head straight into the ring. Oh man, Warrior right off the bat? Fuck yeah. I think I'll transcribe all of his promos. Bischoff pulls a pen out and says it is the most powerful thing in the universe (besides Hogan), and says with that pen, he ran Vader and Johnny B. Badd out of WCW. This was a warning shot to both Warrior and Eddie. But LOL at Bischoff name dropping Johnny B. Badd like it was going to get any kind of reaction. Hogan shits on DDP and then claims Warrior won't make it to War Games. His destiny is to make Goldberg drop to his knees and blow Hulk. What a weird destiny. Hulk is almost losing his voice. That was it. No Warrior.

Mike Enos vs Wrath

Wrath made one appearance at the beginning of the year. He's now basically back to being Adam Bomb. Were the Beverly Brothers still around by the time Adam Bomb turned face? Wrath does a pretty sweet slingshot elbow into the ring. He follows it with a senton. Enos comes back with some slams. I think Wrath accidentally missed a flying shoulder block. Can't tell if it was planned or not, but he quickly recovered and hit the Meltdown for the win.


Kaz Hayashi vs Dean Malenko

Dean grounds Kaz. Larry talks about his grandpa being named Kaz and then has to explain that his grandpa was Polish, not Japanese. Kaz comes back with some slams, but Dean takes it right back down to the mat. Kaz just wipes Dean out with a huge dive. But as soon as they go back in the ring, Dean was back on offense with multiple short arm clotheslines. Kaz reveres the last one into an almost deadlift German. Kaz goes for a moonsault, but Dean gets his knees up. Dean hits the leg lariattoo. Tiger bomb into the Cloverleaf for the win.


The Wolfpac come to the ring. Minus Sting. There already fans wearing oWn shirts. Chicago crowd is SUPER hot tonight. Warrior's stuff should be amazing. It's weird that Konnan wasn't speeding through his rap yet, so some of it was comprehensible. Nash says that Hogan can have a war if he wants a war. I thought they were already at war. "Because when it's said and done, I'm gonna run this company, nobody else. If I've got to be world champion to do it, then so be it, too." Those are some prophetic words. He's got some words for Goldberg. He wants to bury the hatchet and team with Nash against Giant and Hogan. Goldberg's music hits. He power walks to the ring. He gets in the ring, says yes, and leaves. He didn't even say it on a mic. They did his whole from the back entrance just for him to poke his head in the ring and leave. Lol. Fans booed until Nash told them what he said. To make everyone feel old, this kid is probably in college now.


Jim Neidhart vs Konnan

My god, my nightmare match has finally happened. I don't know why Konnan didn't just stay in the ring. WCW has a terrible habit of having guys come out for a promo, go to the back, and then come right back out for their match. So the Wolfpac theme has already played 3 times tonight.

TO THE SCHIAVONE. Tony's got some questions for Stevie Ray. He's wearing an outfit only a big black guy can pull off. Stevie says he'll handle the nWo on his terms. He goes on to say he's coming for his TV Championship. Booker T walks out. He said he took some time off to heal and wants to know what the hell Stevie was doing with his belt. Stevie says the title was coming between them and JoJo has been pimping Booker out to these people. Tony says that Book has been made the number one contender to the US Championship. This sends Stevie into a conniption. I like Booker going full ghetto while in a tie and slacks. Not as great as when he'd go from King Booker to Bodie in a heart beat.

. Team captain of WCW, DDP. DDP don't give a fuck about Bischoff's pen. He gets SCUM into this promo. Hulk can't steal his heart. He's not good at asking for help, but says anyone can step up to the plate. This brings Roddy Piper out. Piper says he was off making a movie and while he was around some Time Warner execs, he was made aware that he is the only guy that Bischoff can't fire. Piper makes references to Sammy Sosa, Bill and Hilary Clinton, and Monica Lewinski. He then says he'll join Team WCW. He tries to start a War-Warrior chant, which the crowd didn't pick up at all. But he is going to try to get Warrior in the match by the end of the show.


Steve McMichael vs Riggs

Larry uses Riggs to go on a rant about people getting facial pierces and tattoos all because OTHER people are doing it, making them unoriginal cowards. Such an asshole old man. Mongo hits a bulldog. Riggs pulls him to the floor and hits a clothesline off the apron. Big dropkick. Riggs goes on some extended offense. Mogo comes back with chop blocks and wins with the tombstone. Horace hits Mongo with the stop sign after the match. Larry claims stop signs weigh 30 pounds. Sick Boy was also in on the beat down. Dean made the save. Saturn came out to get Dean to ease up. Then dives after Horace, who put the stop sign up, but Saturn pretty much missed both the sign and Horace. Mongo tries to get Dean to raise the four fingers, but Dean offers a handshake instead.



Scott Norton vs Rick Fuller

Fuller has more offense than anyone has had on Norton since he came back from Japan, but it was still a short match. Norton hits the powerbomb, which sadly didn't look very good since Fuller was so tall.

Scott Steiner and his doctor come to the ring. "Before you boo me, I want you to remember that before Michael Jordan came to Chicago, Chicago SUCKED!" He suggests that Chicago needs a new personality to fill the void of MJ, and Scott Steiner can be that man. Scott wants to have the match with Rick tonight. His doctor can't clear him for that. Scott is going to go against doctor's orders. Buff comes out as Rick, again. Well, obviously that was going to happen. I can't believe the announcers didn't see it coming. It's kind of weird that Scott and Buff have had zero interaction with other nWo members for weeks now. It's like they're on their own little storyline island. Scotty gives Rick Bagwell a doggy treat to roll over and play dead so Scott can pin him. It's really kind of crazy that Scott turned on Rick in February and they still haven't had a singles match.

Brian Adams vs Lex Luger

Yuck. This match was over 10 minutes. Of these two. Lex wins with the torture rack.



Speak, to me warriors! Talk to me, warriors! Last week, after years of absence and a sporadic career, I stood face to face with the man I at one time looked upon as my mentor. It's common knowledge that if you want to excel in any field, you study the masters, emulate the champion, model the virtues of the preeminent individuals in that particular field. You, Hogan, were the model of champion. The master of everything that I tried to emulate. Yet, last week, when I looked through your eyes into your soul, I saw little or none of the virtues that I remember. Or anybody here remembers. And if there are any, they lay shrouded beneath layers of deceit and infamy. Frankly, Hogan, how your present condition manifested itself isn't the material that needs to be analyzed and brought to closure on the world's number one wrestling program. Bottom line is, you sold out to mediocrity. And when that became difficult, you sold out to mindless self pity. You traded being one in a million for becoming one of the millions. I hear you. Patience, warriors. Patience is a great virtue. You, Hogan, miscalculated. Where you never assumed that someone would come forward that knew the difference between a rebellion and a revolution. And that, Hogan, will become your gravest mistake. For tonight, Hogan, everything that you revere is now from this moment forth, threatened. Tonight, Hogan, your entire world is going to turn completely upside down. For tonight, for tonight, Hogan, I launch, unleash the power of the warriors. I let loose the oWn revolution. The One Warrior Nation revolution. A hero, a one time hero, with an unlimited yet undisciplined mind, is a dangerous thing. I intend, the warriors intend, to eradicate that danger. You, Hogan, will be destroyed. I intend, I intend to show the world that a revolution is built on better ideas, not belligerent idiocy. I intend to show the world a revolution is based on magnificence, not malfeasance. I intend to show that a revolution is based on courage, not cowardice. And that, Hogan, is all that you need to know. Next week, Hogan, the revolution continues. Same Warrior time, same Warrior place, same Warrior channel.


Sadly, this time he only ranted for about 10 minutes, but it didn't make much more sense than last week.

Curt Hennig vs Chris Jericho WCW TV Championship

Interesting. Will Giant come out and chokeslam Hennig? Will Hennig pass the torch? Will Mongo or Dean interfere? Curt is out by himself. Curt backs Jericho into the ropes, pulls his hair, but lets him go. He then does an ankle pick and Jericho is pissed. He back Curt into the corner and slaps him. Perfect HEADBUTTS Jericho and things break down. They beat each other up for a while. Jericho does some kicks in the corner, one of which Perfect catches and does a dragon screw. Jericho hits a triangle drop kick. This is kind of strange. It's really strike heavy and two heels beating each other up. Missile dropkick and a suplex. COME ON BABAY! Jericho shrugs off a dropkick. Liontamer. Perfect got to the ropes. Perfect Plex is countered into a small package. They go into another strike battle and the bell rings. Time limit draw. They throw the ref out of the ring. Curt continues to beat on Jericho when The Giant comes out. He shoves Hennig down. They argue on the way to the back.



TO THE BACK. Booker and Stevie are still arguing.

Bret Hart vs Booker T WCW US Championship

Probably shouldn't be a title match, but Book definitely should get a rematch with Bret. Before the match, Bret insists that he hasn't changed, but the people have changed. Booker's music plays, but he doesn't come out, so they go to break. When they come back, we see that Booker is down on the ground holding his knee and Stevie says he'll take the match. Stevie comes out. Bret says he had nothing to do with whatever happened to Booker and has no problems with Stevie. The rest of the nWo come out and offer Stevie an nWo shirt. Stevie Ray has joined the nWo! So was Giant attacking him for the last 3 weeks just testing him?


Goldberg/Kevin Nash vs The Giant/Hollywood Hogan

Nash and Giant start out. I don't understand why WCW guys have no problem teaming up with the Wolfpac. It's still the nWo. In fact, the only person who seems to have a problem with them is Larry, who still brings up that hey, these assholes are still the nWo and shouldn't be cheered. Giant hits some headbutts and boots Nash down. He misses an elbow drop. Nash gets him in the corner and does some work. Running tea bag. Double lariat sees neither man budge. They then both go for a big boot and both go down. Nash tags out. Giant tags out. Hogan vs Goldberg! Goldberg over powers Hogan. Hulk uses some short cuts to gain control. Lol, Tony and Brain are talking about how quick Hogan is. Goldberg hits two shoulder blocks. Beefcake got the title to his back while running for the third. Hennig comes out and is hitting Nash on the floor right in front of the ref. Hogan hits a back suplex. Hennig and Beefcake get in the ring and join the beat down. The ref lets it go for quite a while before calling for the bell. Lex runs out. Now everyone is brawling. Here's Konnan. It comes down to Hennig and Goldberg. Spear. Jackkhammer. The ref counts the fall. What? I thought the match had been thrown out, but I guess it is cool to pin someone who isn't even in the match. Hogan is stuck between Nash and Goldberg. He ducks a big boot and Nash hits Goldberg. They toss Nash out, and then Giant easily throws Goldberg out of the ring. THEN Warrior, DDP, and Piper hobbile to the ring. Goldberg and Nash have a stare down on the floor. WE'RE OUTTA TIME.


Show needed more Warrior. And yet another WCW show that ends with a big brawl. 80% of WCW shows from the Summer of 1996 to this point had ended in a beat down or big brawl. It feels like they're building towards Nash vs Goldberg a lot more than Hogan vs Goldberg. Especially now that Warrior is around. This leaves DDP kind of lost. He's the captain of Team WCW, but isn't really involved in a real feud with Hogan any more and isn't in the title scene. He's kind of got a thing with Bret going, but Bret has more of a thing with Sting (and now Booker, since he's back). Basically, everyone is a feud with everyone, but no one in particular at the same time. And the Flock stuff is ridiculous all around. So is Team WCW being all guys in their mid 40s.
William Regal is at tonight's Pro Wrestling Guerrilla Battle of Los Angeles Night Two in Reseda, CA tonight. The word in the locker room is that he's there scouting potential talent that WWE can look into signing down the line. He picked a hell of a show to visit, since there are a slew of top-tier independent talents working PWG this weekend.


"And a great night watching PWG.All incredibly hard working to a man(and one lady).Thanks for having me.Great stuff."

I like that WWE have a dude like Regal scouting for them, it's almost a guarantee that anyone he recommends is probably going to be awesome.

*edit, photos from the 'Great Nita' Atsushi Onita vs 'Killer Anywhere' Akebono 'No Ropes, Barbedwire, Double Explosion, Exploding Jacket Baseball Bat Death Match';

I guess Onita likes Shiraishi now, after he spears him with the exploding jacket, lol.

**edit, AR Fox is great and all, but everything he does now is ridiculously convoluted;



Some News:

Triple H is expected to wrestle twice between now and WrestleMania XXX. A match against Big Show has been rumored.

So does that mean between now and counting WrestleMania he will wrestle 3 times? If that is correct then one with the Big Show, one with most likely Daniel Bryan and the final one with who ever Vince chooses.


Some News:

So does that mean between now and counting WrestleMania he will wrestle 3 times? If that is correct then one with the Big Show, one with most likely Daniel Bryan and the final one with who ever Vince chooses.

I wonder when he would fight the Big Show?

Battlegrounds? Hell in a Cell?

Speaking of Big Show... for Strobo... when or how did he rejoin the nWo this time?


He rejoined a week or two before the Great American Bash. No actual reason was given, but I think the idea was since the nWo had split and Nash was in the Wolfpac, the easiest way for him to get to Nash would be to join Hogan again. It didn't really make sense, but it was hard for anyone above the cruisers to turn heel without joining the nWo. Or Flock, I guess, but the Flock was even a bigger mess than the nWo stuff by this point.


He rejoined a week or two before the Great American Bash. No actual reason was given, but I think the idea was since the nWo had split and Nash was in the Wolfpac, the easiest way for him to get to Nash would be to join Hogan again. It didn't really make sense, but it was hard for anyone above the cruisers to turn heel without joining the nWo. Or Flock, I guess, but the Flock was even a bigger mess than the nWo stuff by this point.

Okay interesting

So neither of his nWo turns made sense

I'm curious, and shall read in the future, how he is written out of WCW because I believe he vanishes until he appears in the WWE months later
Some News:

So does that mean between now and counting WrestleMania he will wrestle 3 times? If that is correct then one with the Big Show, one with most likely Daniel Bryan and the final one with who ever Vince chooses.

I'm enjoying everything about this storyline, including the Big Show. I really can't wait for him to knock out HHH. This is the best WWE storyline in years. YEARS.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Okay interesting

So neither of his nWo turns made sense

I'm curious, and shall read in the future, how he is written out of WCW because I believe he vanishes until he appears in the WWE months later

Actually there was only about a month between the end of his WCW run and the start of his WWF/E run. His last WCW match was in January 1999 and his first appearance in WWF was in February.


Okay interesting

So neither of his nWo turns made sense

I'm curious, and shall read in the future, how he is written out of WCW because I believe he vanishes until he appears in the WWE months later

nWo reformed in full and they kicked Giant out because there was only room for one giant. Then he hid under the ring for month before showing up in the Austin/Vince cage match in February.
I remember The Giant's second nWo turn was particularly weird because he was REALLY buddy buddy with Sting at the moment. They win the tag titles and then all of a sudden, he's back with the nWo. I guess I can go with the theory that he did it to go after Nash, but it doesn't really explain the heel/babyface dynamics of it.


I remember The Giant's second nWo turn was particularly weird because he was REALLY buddy buddy with Sting at the moment. They win the tag titles and then all of a sudden, he's back with the nWo. I guess I can go with the theory that he did it to go after Nash, but it doesn't really explain the heel/babyface dynamics of it.

I found it kind of strange in general since during the whole power struggle before the split, Hogan was insistent that nWo was 4LIFE even in the case of Savage, yet Giant was a guy they had kicked out once and now are cool to have him back.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
At some point WWE just stopped making posters to promote PPVs and focused solely on creating collector items. I wish they would go back.

Oh and they've written Mark Henry off with an injury in case anyone wondered why he wasn't showing up any more.
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