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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

Data West

coaches in the WNBA



So for the first time since MiTB 2011 my casual crew is back watching with me every week. I feel this is the strongest WWE has been in ages. It feels like everyone has a purpose, the match quality has been great, and I am so excited to see where things end up.

Has there been any news on the supposed mania match between the McMahons? I'm assuming Triple H vs someone and last I heard was Austin which would be a waste of Austin I feel.
It probably just comes down to the amount of WCW you've been ingesting. That much awfulness can't do anything but ruin the "Opinion Center" of your brain.

Either that or you're racist like I think bean breath called you.

Those are literally the only 2 logical explanations.


It probably just comes down to the amount of WCW you've been ingesting. That much awfulness can't do anything but ruin the "Opinion Center" of your brain.

Either that or you're racist like I think bean breath called you.

Those are literally the only 2 logical explanations.

But some of my best friends are Japanese wrestling promotions!
But some of my best friends are Japanese wrestling promotions!

Uh huh, right, next you're gonna show me how "down" you are and start speaking with Puroresu terms because you "grew up close to Japan." Or maybe your first girlfriend was a Japanese wrestling promotion, huh?


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Shockingly considering how much I like good pro wrassle and like various Japanese things I don't really care for New Japan either.
Either that or you're racist like I think bean breath called you.

I can confirm this. I remember when he told me his top 5 pro wrestlers, copy and paste word-for-word

"1. Shawn Michaels
2. Chris ******
3. Ric Flair
4. John Cena
5. Chris Jericho"

All white...how do you explain that? Besides racism, I mean


Uh huh, right, next you're gonna show me how "down" you are and start speaking with Puroresu terms because you "grew up close to Japan." Or maybe your first girlfriend was a Japanese wrestling promotion, huh?


My ex girlfriend, Wrestle and Romance, was Ichiban. She used to call me her cute gaijin.
I can confirm this. I remember when he told me his top 5 pro wrestlers, copy and paste word-for-word

"1. Shawn Michaels
2. Chris ******
3. Ric Flair
4. John Cena
5. Chris Jericho"

All white...how do you explain that? Besides racism, I mean

Well HBK speaks jive, and John Cena is clearly a black preacher on the inside, so those picks get a pass.

The rest though? Unacceptable.

My ex girlfriend, Wrestle and Romance, was Ichiban. She used to call me her cute gaijin.

Wow. Look at this guy using the G word now.

You wouldn't say that in the mean streets of Kyoto though.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
At some point WWE just stopped making posters to promote PPVs and focused solely on creating collector items. I wish they would go back.

Oh and they've written Mark Henry off with an injury in case anyone wondered why he wasn't showing up any more.

you from the future?


I can't wait until Mark Henry comes back and you guys all pretend he's a good wrestler again. That's always a great rib. I fall for it every time!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I can't wait until Mark Henry comes back and you guys all pretend he's a good wrestler again. That's always a great rib. I fall for it every time!

Maybe.....................Randy ............................... ORTON ......................... Will ............................. Cut .......................... A promo ......................... about it

Hunter Hearst Helmsley achieved another milestone in his storied WWE career this week by uttering the words “this business” for the one-millionth time.

Unaware that he had already used the phrase 999,999 times previously, the superstar unwittingly hit the one-million mark this week on Raw when he said: “I sweat, I bleed, I breathe, I live for this business.”

The Chief Operating Officer of WWE was visibly surprised when balloons and streamers fell from the rafters of a Phoenix arena to commemorate the momentous utterance.

The celebration was the brainchild of WWE archivist Laura Quinn, who noted The Game’s penchant for the phrase “this business” while sorting through hours of footage for an upcoming Triple-H DVD.

“He just kept saying it,” recalled Quinn. “Like, constantly. Again and again.”

According to backstage officials, Triple-H was close to tears — his creased brow even more furrowed than usual — following the celebration.

“God willing, I’ll make it to two million before I retire,” he said. “That’s how much I love this business.”



WCW Thunder 8/26/98

I'd love to see if they put more effort into putting less effort than last week's show. Team WCW has been established for War Games: DDP, Warrior, and Roddy Piper. Stevie Ray joined nWo Hollywood.

Wrath vs Scott Putski

Wrath dominates. He hits a pretty amazing flying lariatooo. For whatever reason, he couldn't get Putski all the way over for the Meltdown, so he just did a pump handle Dominator.



TO THE SCHIAVONE. Tony needs to get some words with Stevie Ray. He says JoJo has been trying to drive a wedge between he and his brother for years. He says that 3 years ago, the only ones to stick up for him were Hogan and Bischoff. He says that Hogan called him on his cellular telephone and has put a bounty out on DDP. Stevie intends to cash in on that bounty tonight.

Mike Enos vs Bull Pain

I wonder if Bull got paid in tacos for this. You know you're a jobber when you get a jobber entrance against a jobber. I don't think Mike Enos has won a match not by DQ this year. He makes Bull look like a bitch. I'm not wasting a gif on these jerk offs unless they do some serious botching. Bull actually does get offense, but this is pretty much an acknowledgement of "We don't give a fuck about this show lol".

The Cat vs Disco Inferno

Disco gets mic time. He says the fans came to see him dance. Cat doesn't want that. Maybe he should dance. They can have a dance off. Cat takes a playbook from modern WWE faces by kicking Disco in the back of the head while he was taking his shirt off. What a dick. One more kick and Cat wins. Cat is mad that WCW keeps trying to make him a wrestler. He's not a wrestler. No shit.

Konnan vs Silver King

Konnan wins. The B-Team come out. Rude will allow Konnan to chose who will kick his ass. Rude has weird tips to his mustache. Konnan tells them to all get in the ring...just to dive out like a pussy.

TO THE SCHIAVONE. Team WCW captain, DDP comes to the ring. DDP says Bischoff was WRONG (Spacey Lex Luthor style) about being in total control of who is hired or fired. He says the 3rd member of the team will be revealed Monday. Warrior seemed to make it pretty clear he joined the team already. DDP accepts Stevie Ray's challenge.

Evan Kourageous vs Kaz Hayashi

These guys would be in a pretty intense feud over a recording contract 2 years later. It's weird seeing Evan without the braids and raver pants. Evan takes it to the ground very early. Kaz gets up and hits a cross body and spin kick. Sonny Ono comes out to watch. They end up spending significant chunks of the match looking at him instead of the action. Snap suplex from Evan. Kaz gets his knees up on a Superfly splash. He then hits a roll through spine buster and wins with a top rope senton. "Japanese speak a different language." Oh, Brain.


Saturn vs Lodi

Lodi blames Saturn for his broken fingers. Saturn won't accept the match. "Raven's my friend. He likes me. He just bought me a new rubber ducky!" Lodi says he'll leave the Flock if he loses, but Saturn will be his slave for 5 days before the PPV if he wins. Saturn accepts. This is Raven's Rules and Saturn isn't going to take it easy on Lodi. He hits a huge pumphandle suplex. The rest of the Flock jump in and get put down. DVD on Lodi. Raven runs in and gets hit with a t-bone. Kanyon comes in and hits the Flatliner on Saturn and then shakes hands with Raven. BANG SWERVE! Lodi wins the match and Saturn is now Lodi's personal slave. Kanyon seems to have joined the Flock.


Scott Norton vs Jim Neidhart

They're STILL spelling Anvil's name wrong. They had it right on one show a few weeks ago, but other than that, they've been spelling his name wrong for nearly 9 months. Norton won in a punch and a powerbomb in their last match. It was one of the shortest squashes I've seen. Norton hits a flying shoulder block. Anvil goes to the floor and is attacked by Virgil. He fights back and Norton cleans that shit up in a hurry. I think Anvil has had a punch. Anvil finally gets a boot up in the corner and then hits a second rope lariat that Norton completely no sells. He no sells a few punches and hits a fucking gnarly powerbomb. I can't believe how easily and powerfully he has powerbombed Anvil twice now.


Chris Jericho vs Alex Wright WCW TV Championship

Both guys are claiming the other pulled hair. A drink makes it to the corner of the ring. Jericho drinks it to a big pop. That seems risky. More hair pulling. Alex almost walks out. After some rolly polly flippy dos, Alex hits a lariat. It goes to the floor where Alex hits a bridging suplex, which didn't make a lot of sense for him to do on the floor. Jericho gets caught in a belly to belly, but comes back with a spin kick. It goes to the floor again. Banana split! I can see Alex Wright's taint. Lionsault. Alex locks on a sleeper. I'm feeling a time limit draw soon. Instead, Jericho wins with the Liontamer.

Curt Hennig vs Van Hammer

I was hoping Hammer would stay gone. Hammer actually out wrestles Hennig. Perfect goes to the floor and comes back in by punching Hammer in the face. Rude chokes Hammer on the ropes. Hammer went for a flying knee in the corner and hit the turnbuckle. This is terrible. Perfect Plex for the win.


DDP vs Stevie Ray

This was only about 3 minutes and DDP won via DQ when Virgil and Giant got involved. Konnan pulled DDP out of the ring to end the show.

Well, there was slightly more effort this week.


Total Divas just had a scene where you see Sheamus for a split second with his face blurred out motioning to stop the camera. Hilarious.


You're right, it does never get old.

Real Ass Stone Cold = Best Stone Cold

He wasn't a caricature. He wasn't a drunk. He didn't curse us all to hell yet by starting that fucking WHAT chant. He wasn't riding dumb ass ATVs to the ring. He still had a working neck.
I'd go so far as to say the WWE isn't capable of creating something as badass, and just straight mean as that Stone Cold video these days. Like, even if you tasked them to manufacture something like that, they wouldn't be able to do it. It's amazing. Concise, gets the character over, gets the feud over, gets the PPV over, dogs, pipes, fences, black and white.

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