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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

The best part about the 80s is that until about 1993 it was still the 80s aestheically. I love me some 1991.

Yeah man, early 90's stuff makes me nostalgia hard - I love watching old shows and adverts from that era.

Also, that period (and the 80's themselves) were doubly amazing because of all the zany/awful shit that got made. Like this;


Yes, that's Jeff Goldblum. And someone actually invested money for that film to be made. Fuckin' 80's!


I think Kurtzweil is maybe half sensible about his idea for the future. Once he starts getting into fully digital consciousness that lives on with out you, but is actually you living on, shit gets squirrelly.


Who is this singing due on NXT.....

Aiden English, he's been used as a jobber on NXT since it was retooled, but he's a good talent and was probably always going to be properly repackaged at some point (like Mike Dalton into Tyler Breeze).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah man, early 90's stuff makes me nostalgia hard - I love watching old shows and adverts from that era.

Also, that period (and the 80's themselves) were doubly amazing because of all the zany/awful shit that got made. Like this;


Yes, that's Jeff Goldblum. And someone actually invested money for that film to be made. Fuckin' 80's!

So good, I love that. There was an aesthetic that the early 90s did pre-grunge that was 80s to the absolute max. Then grunge really changed everything, and I wish it hadn't. I loved the colors, the angles, the patterns, everything. A lot of people and things have tried to revive them but weren't too successful. I think part of that is why I love Miami Vice so much - it had a style that can't be redone today, not right. There'll always be something off about it. Almost a whole decade - 83-93 were pretty damn good.

One band that managed to get the sound pretty close is Miami Nights 1984. Check this album cover, it's pretty much perfect.



The one with the Countach (still the most beautiful car of ALL TIME) would be right at home on the cover of a school notebook of mine.
from the observer

In 2005, when Raw was moving from Spike TV to the USA Network, the decision was made as part of the transition to replace Ross and go with new blood. Mike Goldberg, the UFC announcer, was offered the job and the belief in WWE was that he had accepted it. WWE’s first night on USA went head-to-head with a UFC special on Spike, and the WWE was trying to redo Lex Luger, but in a bigger way, where Goldberg would be paid a bonus to disappear after already being in town for the UFC event, and then show up as the new announcer on Raw, unbeknownst to UFC, who would also have to scramble when their lead announcer would have disappeared just before a live show.

However, UFC was aware of Goldberg’s negotiations and gave him an improved deal. Goldberg has said that under any circumstances, he would have never walked out on the UFC show. A month later, as part of the new storyline of the McMahon family united as heels, Linda McMahon, who had never played a heel, to get over, kicked Ross in the balls and fired him. It was supposedly done because Linda needed to do something so dastardly or the heel turn wouldn’t get over. As it ended up, the idea of Linda as a heel was almost immediately dropped. Joey Styles and Jonathan Coachman each had runs as host of Raw.

The most challenging thing would be to work with talent. It could be a lot of fun, (would be ) interesting. You want personality traits, athleticism, dedication. I think that quite frankly this may sound egocentric, but I think the transition from calling a pro wrestling match and calling an MMA fight would be easy. I think it would just be getting more familiar with fighters, more familiar with techniques, nuances that I try to study, with ample preparation. I’d say the same thing about (announcing) football.”

dana plz
Yep. Vince was going to buy Mike Goldberg a $250,000 bonus to just bail on UFC and he changed his mind at the last second.

They ended up having to go drag Joey Styles out of the ECW mothballs to replace Ross because Ross had to go have colon surgery.
No, but Kurzweil has a very sensible outlook for the future. We're really, REALLY fucking lucky that we're going to be part of the first generation that makes death obsolete. My big fear is because death and dying is profitable, it'll end up in the hands of the super-rich and people can't get access to it. I hate that.

I want to live forever, because any day could be the one that changes EVERYTHING.

This so much. I want it to happen so bad. I really hope the "immortality only for the super rich" shit doesn't happen. My biggest fear is it not happening because they'd rather spend money on viagra or some shit. Or it happening a day after I'm hit by a bus or something. That would really suck.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This so much. I want it to happen so bad. I really hope the "immortality only for the super rich" shit doesn't happen. My biggest fear is it not happening because they'd rather spend money on viagra or some shit. Or it happening a day after I'm hit by a bus or something. That would really suck.

I don't want to sound like a tinfoil hat guy but death and disease is profitable and I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that a lot of our curing of disease has hurdles in front of it that shouldn't be there because it doesn't make business sense, and it upsets me a lot. I don't think big corporations are simply hoarding cures for diseases for instance, but I feel they are trying to get in the way of it more often than not.

Hopefully we get where we need to though, and soon. I only have so many years left, and it's a race.

Bless you Soulplaya, studying as we speak. Use your powers for good.


Big business is not hoarding cures, but treatment for just about anything is so fucking expensive.

edit: Heh my Doctor friend is actually going after an MBA. He makes tons of money now as a Radiologist, but the real money is in the tech, not the practice.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I really feel for Paul Heyman. He's responsible for two boring sloths now instead of just one.

They're still trying to make Curtis Axel happen. STILL.


I really feel for Paul Heyman. He's responsible for two boring sloths now instead of just one.

They're still trying to make Curtis Axel happen. STILL.

Meh. I don't mind giving him a chance. The steam will run out eventually though unless there is drastic improvement.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Meh. I don't mind giving him a chance. The steam will run out eventually though unless there is drastic improvement.

But he had his chance already. The steam ran out the second he redebutted looking the exact same as he did as 'that one jobber from Nexus.' Husky changed his look, Axel didn't even do that. And Curtis Axel is the kind of name I imagine a 13 year old gave their Create a wrestler ... in the 90s.
So good, I love that. There was an aesthetic that the early 90s did pre-grunge that was 80s to the absolute max. Then grunge really changed everything, and I wish it hadn't. I loved the colors, the angles, the patterns, everything. A lot of people and things have tried to revive them but weren't too successful. I think part of that is why I love Miami Vice so much - it had a style that can't be redone today, not right. There'll always be something off about it. Almost a whole decade - 83-93 were pretty damn good.

One band that managed to get the sound pretty close is Miami Nights 1984. Check this album cover, it's pretty much perfect.



The one with the Countach (still the most beautiful car of ALL TIME) would be right at home on the cover of a school notebook of mine.


lots of good stuff in that thread



WCW Monday Nitro 12/14/98

The show starts recapping the events of the Goldberg/Nash/Bam Bam saga.

Scott Putski vs Raven

I wonder if Raven will actually wrassle tonight. Raven says....some stuff. Something about latex and his mother's reality checks bouncing. Kanyon comes out. He tells "Pootski" to leave because obviously Raven isn't wrestling. Kanyon is sick that Raven gets more airtime than anyone without even wrestling. Everyone is sick of it. Kanyon debunks Raven's childhood. Raven went to an Ivy League school, has a pre-med degree, and a multimillion dollar trust fund. He says Raven's had it too easy. Raven walks off.

I like that the Nitro opening hasn't changed since 1995. No clips of nWo stuff, no Goldberg, just skinny Giant and Lex Luger.

Villano V vs Eddie Guerrero

They have some really half hearted lucha stuff to start out. Eddie does, at least. I'm not sure he was in the best state of mind at the time. He gets tired of lucha and decides to do a backdrop drivaaah. Slingshot hilo. This is awkward. Villano gets back into it with a powerslam and Flapjack Norton. Romero Special! Tuco trips Villano up on the ropes. Superplex and frog splash. It's like Eddie is both The Power AND The Glory. He requests for the ref to end the match so he can offer Villano a spot in the LWO. New member! The group continues to grow. LA RAZA!


Wrath vs Al Green

Wrath wins easily, but this shit went on forever. It was a 5 minute extended squash.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Eric Bischoff is the guest. Bischoff doesn't think he's taking too much on by having a match with Ric Flair. He looks to the future. Flair is stuck in the past. Bischoff is a trained killer. Flair runs out. Bischoff runs away. He made it to the back. Flair went back to the ring to talk with Gene. He stomps, elbow drops, and knee drops the mat. He screams about Bischoff and does the Flair Flip in the corner and drops another elbow. YOU HAVE NO HEART! Flair then grabs his arm and sits down in the corner while Gene no sells it. Arn comes out. Then the trainer. DAVID CROCKETT comes out as well. Dusty, EMTS, refs. Gene wants the camera off of Flair. I 100% believed this was real when it happened. I still do even today. He's carted out the the ambulance. Gene joins the announce booth to talk about what happened. During this commotion, Bam Bam sneaked in. He comes across Scott Hall and throws him into a soda machine. What's left of security pull him off of Hall. Nash casually strolls up. Security then holds he and Bam Bam apart. Goldberg shows up and we have a 3 way dance pull apart. An actual match is made between the three. That was an interesting way to eat 15 minutes up.



TO THE MEAN GENE. Kidman is the guest. I really thought they'd do a match after doing nearly 15 minutes of interview/back stage stuff. Kidman wants Rey to come out. I guess they're going to have a friendly match right now.

Kidman vs Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW Cruiserweight Championship

No one is sure if this is a title match or not. Lil' Naitch has to ask for the bell twice. Fuck the match, they're still talking about Flair. Kidman counters a super rana with the BK Bomb. Kidman is sent to the floor. Rey does a cross body from the apron over the railing, right in front of Wade Boggs. This is a title match. Kidman hits the rebound lariatoo, but misses a Stinger splash. Rey again tries for the super rana, but ends up hitting a super bulldog instead. Bronco Buster. Split legged moonsault connects, but a super senton doesn't Kidman comes back with a modified Emerald Flowsion and actually lands a Superfly Splash. Rey counters a slam with a small package. Victory roll is broken up by LWO members interfering. The match is thrown out. Rey and Kidman decide to fight back. Double dives. Kidman leaves and Rey gets attacked. What the fuck, he totally saw it and kept walking. He finally runs back in and gets stomped out.



Jericho and Ralphus come to the ring. Jericho is going to show the "Foreign Object Theory" which states how he was cheated out of his title. A fake Konnan is Exhibit A. He's drawing diagrams for us. Exhibit B. Brass knuckles. Exhibit C. A steel chain. Exhibit D. A snow shovel. Exhibit E. The TV Championship. He also grabbed the ropes. He was robbed! This is so ridiculous in a good way. He ends the segment by beating up Fake Konnan.

Emery Hale vs Barry Windham

Barry gets an easy win with the superplex.


Norman Smiley vs Saturn

Saturn with his purple bandanna, mesh chainmail vest, and sassy black woman walk is fantastic. They have really awkward, out of sync wrasslin. Saturn doesn't like dancing. Saturn hit a kind of Tiger Suplex 85 but it sucked. Smiley slam. Big Wiggle. Cat and Sonny came out. Saturn knocked them both down. There was a ref bump. Cat kicked Saturn while he had Norman in the DVD. Scott Dickinson ran in and counted the 3 while Cat was still in the ring, then ran away. He's been the ref for the last 3-4 Saturn losses.


TO THE MEAN GENE. Bret Hart. "I've got a pulled groin the likes of which you people have never seen before!" Bret says a lot of funny shit completely dead pan. I've really enjoyed his heel promos in WCW. Much better than the matches he's had. Outside of the match with Flair and the first match with Benoit, he's had nothing noteworthy in the ring. I guess the Savage match was okay. He offers DDP a title match right now. DDP comes out only to get hit with a chair by The Giant. Well, duh. Fucking dummy. Giant tears apart the stage and chokeslams DDP off of it.


Wolfpac music hits, but no one comes out, so the camera man runs to the back. Disco was arguing with Konnan about being in the Wolfpac.

Konnan vs Stevie Ray WCW TV Championship

Konnan came out with some baseball players or something. Booker T came out with Stevie, reluctantly. Book wouldn't let Stevie use the slapjack and Konnan won with the X-Factor.


Bischoff comes back to the ring, this time in a sweatshirt and glasses, with a serious look on his face. He talks about the realness of the business and says that it appears Ric Flair has had a (hopefully) mild heart attack. He asks for forgiveness from the fans, Flair, and Flair's family. He didn't intend for things to get to the point they did and hopes that Ric Flair will make a speedy recovery.

TO THE MEAN GENE. "One of the all time greats" Booker T. Lol. Book being called an all time great in 1998 is about as ridiculous as Book being voted the best World Heavyweight Champion at NOC. Stevie comes out and argues with Book about recent actions. Stevie is the one that took care of Book when they were kids and got him his job in wrestling. He hands Book an nWo shirt and walks off.

TO THE BACK. Raven's mom shows up and wants to see her son. Security won't let her in. Kanyon offers to take her to Raven...for $50.

Scott Hall vs Whoreass

This was a match. I didn't care for it. Obviously the nWo ran in and caused the match to be thrown out. Disco ran out to make the save and got powerbombed.

Scott Steiner vs Van Hammer

Steiner dominates. He talks after the match. All the attacks on WCW have been "cackulated". He tries to recruit Lex Luger into joining the black and white. Lex comes to the ring. Buff says that Lex helped him when he got injured and Lex is "always givin, never recievin". Did Konnan ask Lex to be in his video? Did Nash ask him to be in his t-shirt commercials? Did Sting take him to Hollywood? Scott will make sure he gets title shots and will be a mega star. Lex walks off, but he doesn't say yes or no.

Goldberg vs Kevin Nash vs Bam Bam Big Yellow

Bam Bam had random thunder claps for his entrance. Bam Bam attacks Goldberg first as Nash watches and laughs. Superkick sends Bammer down. Nash gets involved when Goldberg makes a pin. They double team Goldberg in the corner. Double lariatoo sends both guys to the floor. Spear to Bam Bam. Spear to Nash. Hall ran in and attacked Goldberg before he could jackhammer Nash. The ref calls the match off after about 10 punches. Bam Bam and Hall get into it. Goldberg and Nash brawl and WE'RE OUTTA TIME.


This was the best Nitro in MONTHS. It was angle heavy, but it felt like the first time anything was really happening probably since Flair's return, which was in September.
I give no shits about MMA, I'd even rather see JR in TNA than see him lost from wrestling to UFC.

Haven't you seen the soulless, dead look in Mike Tenay's eyes after calling TNA for the past 12 years?

I wouldn't wish that fate upon my worst enemy.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; New Japan should hire Jim Ross to do English commentary for their iPPVs. JR on play-by-play, Matt Striker on colour. That'd suit me fine.
Although I'd still probably watch in Japanese

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That Smiley/Saturn gif is amazing, I cannot wait to use this outside of this thread.


if I bought WWE 2k14 I'd start a whole new e-fed


Bo Wrestling Empire

All Bo all the time.

Bo Champion, Bo-op champions (Tag team) and Bo-dacious ladies title.


I think I'm gonna skip 2k14....at least till they give me a way to play it on the PS4. I'm not going to have my PS3 hooked up after the PS4 launches and that would only give me about 2 weeks with it.


You're going to head down a slippery slope if you start looking for fast counts, because it happens ALL THE TIME, especially in big matches.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I know Stro but that one was really easy to spot.

It happens a lot more when one or both of the competitors is easy gassed or the match is running long or the guy sucks at keeping the count.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Okay, Bully is much better of a game now that I'm playing it as Jimmy Ryback. I highly recommend it.
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