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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

If we're going to chat about Austin in 2001 I feel obligated to mention that Austin/Angle match on that one episode of Raw in October for the WWE title is the nuts, I rewatched their Summerslam match up a few weeks back and while it's still good there's something about the one on Raw that just nailed it.


So not worth it
So I don't watch TNA anymore, but I was listening to The Solomonster Sound's Off today and he was ranting about them cancelling their BFG tournament and having one final match this week where the winner gets 20 points and makes it into the top 4, no matter where there position is now (minus 2 guys who are in the match but can't make it there points wise anymore).

So, it's pretty clear the guy they want to get the title at BFG isn't in the top 4 right? Can I assume that whoever wins this match Thursday is gonna be the next world champion?

Is this pre-taped? It's AJ Styles, isn't it?


Stuff like this reminds me how good Brock can be on the mic when he's used under specific circumstances. Brilliant work all around.

Similar to Bret's comedy stuff in WCW (El Dandy, Booker T stuff, etc.). So when a person says he's a bad talker, I don't think so at all. Though it'd be nicer nowadays for them to use talent at their strengths, instead of exposing them and [with assistance by the commentary] to showcase their weaknesses. Propel the performer, not try to dwindle him/her.

At one point, you could argue Austin was the best wrestler in the world.
His game in '96-97 was really great. Then he's pit against another technician in Bret who practically trains to perfect every move he does, has a reason why he does it, and why certain things happened in his matches - it was a brilliant recipe. Austin-Hart in '97's WM is my favorite all-time because of that.


A fairly apt description, even if Elgin's not quite that short, although he does throw dudes around with ease like Scott Norton;


The biggest thing that bugs me about AR Fox is that he seems so lackadaisical with everything he does outside of his highspots. He's Jack Evans for modern indy wrestling and, truth be told, I'd kinda prefer to see Jack.

I saw him more as a more muscled Arn Anderon (complete with balding in his 20s) than Scott Norton.

Still amazed Steen never made it to WWE.

Too fat, doubt he could work a safe style.
I guess I can't explain how I feel about NJPW. Everything just feels very samey to me.

Say what? The entire reason why Wrestle Kingdom 7 is by far the best wrestling show I've ever seen is because of the way every match had its own pace and style, complimenting each other incredibly well. I was glued to the screen for five fucking hours watching great match after great match and it was fucking awesome.

In comparison, WWE style bores the shit out of me. To me, Punk/Brock and Bryan/Cena weren't good because they were WWE style, they were good because they weren't WWE style. And don't get me started on WWE tag matches.

"Heel Austin" doesn't sound wacky at all. He did his best work as a heel or a tweener.

Unfortunately, both Vince and Austin blame 2001 heel SCSA, partially, for the downfall of the attitude era, and it's why we've been stuck with John Cena: Vanilla Baptist Preacher Marine for 8 years. Stone Cold was too good at making people hate him.

That's the stupid lesson they took from it but it was still a stupid idea to turn Austin heel at the time. It was way too soon, he was still super over and it came across really forced, which turned a lot of people off.

The WWE were always going to take a nosedive in popularity no matter what though, as the booking had turned to complete shit by 2001.
'Stone Cold' Steve Austin advises Daniel Bryan on corporate warfare

“With all these corporate shenanigans going on, he has to stay true to himself,” said Austin. “Whether he gets the title back or overthrows the regime, that’ll come out in the wash. He must remember to stay focused about who Daniel Bryan is: A fiery competitor who loves the business and continues to make a name for himself; the guy who [supposedly] didn’t have the ‘It’ factor, wasn’t big enough, wasn’t good-looking enough. … He’s gotta stay the course and prove that — yes — he’s all that and more.”


Anyone know if Royal Rumble tickets have gone on sale yet for Pittsburgh? If they have does anyone have the early access code? Gonna check prices and try to make the show.
WWE tried to buy AAA in 2007.

Konnan:"I know exactly what happened because we had to live through it. We had a meeting. I've never talked about this. We had somebody from WWE actually come and having a meeting with me and Dorian, who is the son of the owner. We had a meeting with somebody from WWE and they came and offered to buy AAA. He was really cool. He was like, 'We want to buy AAA.' Dorian was like, 'We're not really for sale, but we'll listen.'"

"They wanted to buy 51% of the company. I was like, 'Dude, do not do that because these [guys], the minute they don't like something, they're going to get rid of us.' I said why doesn't Vince just buy 50% or 49%? They said Vince doesn't like to go into partnership with anybody and doesn't want to be asking for permission for anything. I asked what would happen to us. They said, 'As you can see, we're having trouble running WWE as it is and we're trying to expand into Europe. We don't really know what we're doing in Mexico, so you guys would stay in power.'"

"We excused ourselves to go to the bathroom and I said that's BS. The minute we do something they don't like, they're going to change it and there's nothing we can do about it. We can't give them this type of power, which he understood. He told them we wouldn't sell that much of the company."


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Doesn't really make sense in 2007. That was the big push of WWE's focus of selling their show to as many different countries and being able to sell merchandise, which meant television deals new offices.

They didn't need AAA any more than they needed Zero1 when they moved into Eastern Asia. The only thing in Mexico they wanted and went for was a television deal with Televisa and some other network as far as anyone ever noted.

They were also going through changes with their third brand ECW, starting up FCW, and ending a lot of partnership deals outside the U.S. in terms of talent scouting. Why would they suddenly buy into another company so heavily during a time they were so focused on solidifying the U.S. product?

If WWE wanted to buy any company from Mexico back then it would have been WWA or CMLL. WWA which had a long standing relationship of talent being stolen by WCW/WWE because their style adapted better than the others, and it was dirt cheap while having existing deals for merchandise (mainly DVD) that they wanted.
CMLL simply because it would be their biggest competition in Mexico, it had dozens of television deals they wanted, they had the full merchandise logistics they would love to have, major arenas WWE still can't get into, and that huge juicy video library WWE salivates over.

I don't know. To me someone saying "WWE wanted to buy AAA" is like them saying "WWE wanted to buy TNA" because they wanted that TNA audience that wasn't watching WWE. It's just too daft for me to believe.
Stunning Steve Austin was the superior in-ring product.

TV Title - Steve Austin vs Brian Pillman - WCW Worldwide July 4th, 1992


Love how Austin hides the belt from the camera and the camera never looks at it because it's one of their old Six-Man Tag Team Title belts instead of the TV Title belt.

I remember when Austin won the title back from Barry Windham, they were using one of the World Tag Team Title belts for that and Windham just had it turned to the leather side when the camera was looking at him. When Austin won it, he just fucking took off with the belt so no one could see it.
Chicos, I just found these gems on Hulu:

I don't know if these are any good because I haven't watched them yet but In honor of Latino Wrassler Heritage Month, I think they should be required viewing for everyone here.

I look forward to reading all of your unbiased opinions.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I'm really surprised AAA didn't try to get into the US business or do a US show- I'd rather watch an English-dubbed AAA over 2007-2008 era TNA, even if it meant 15-minute Cibernetico promos.

They actually did a couple of times. AAA When Worlds Collide PPV in 1994 out of a deal with WCW, which in the end screwed them for profit and eventually losing talent.

Then there was a deal with Lucha Libre USA as Legendary Battles of Triplemania which didn't end up selling any better than the standard AAA broadcasted on Spanish speaking networks in the U.S. and Canada.

Chicos, I just found these gems on Hulu:

I don't know if these are any good because I haven't watched them yet but In honor of Latino Wrassler Heritage Month, I think they should be required viewing for everyone here.

I look forward to reading all of your unbiased opinions.

They are all awful, cheesy, cheaply made, pieces of "that's hilarious they were watched by so many for so long". I do recommend seeing at least one El Santo or Blue Demon movie and if those are your only options, than Santo Contra las Mujeres Vampiro will be the best bet for killer-b (of Mexican standards).


Unfortunately, both Vince and Austin blame 2001 heel SCSA, partially, for the downfall of the attitude era, and it's why we've been stuck with John Cena: Vanilla Baptist Preacher Marine for 8 years. Stone Cold was too good at making people hate him.

Austin turning heel was a huge mistake, Austin himself now says so. A big part of the audience didn't want Austin as a bad guy so instead of wanting to see someone beat him they just stopped watching.


I'm catching up on NXT finally and...they turned Bo Dallas's heat into an angle, and it's working? LOL

If this was WWE, they would ignore the booing for 7 years, and then try to re-write history when they finally confront it.


Contains Sucralose
Austin turning heel was a huge mistake, Austin himself now says so. A big part of the audience didn't want Austin as a bad guy so instead of wanting to see someone beat him they just stopped watching.
Even so, it was bound to fall. Tastes changed and the attitude era just seemed too late 90s.
Austin turning heel was a huge mistake, Austin himself now says so. A big part of the audience didn't want Austin as a bad guy so instead of wanting to see someone beat him they just stopped watching.

On one of his DVDs Austin says something to the effect that he wish he'd called an audible at the end of Mania 17 and hit Vince with the chair after the match instead of celebrate with him. The crowd even seemed to expect it. Would Austin have been able to get away with changing the main angle in the company on the fly like that, without previously discussing it? Vince is such a control freak.
I'm catching up on NXT finally and...they turned Bo Dallas's heat into an angle, and it's working? LOL

If this was WWE, they would ignore the booing for 7 years, and then try to re-write history when they finally confront it.
I'm honestly starting to like the character it's John Cena without 10 years of winning. His in ring work is still BOring though. Glad other boring NXT people like Richie Steamboat disappeared off the planet.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Chicos, I just found these gems on Hulu:

I don't know if these are any good because I haven't watched them yet but In honor of Latino Wrassler Heritage Month, I think they should be required viewing for everyone here.

I look forward to reading all of your unbiased opinions.

I've seen one of these, as it was used on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

It's amazing.


Even so, it was bound to fall. Tastes changed and the attitude era just seemed too late 90s.

Yeh it was never going to last but turning the biggest babyface heel (even when they had such a solid replacement in The Rock) made the fall happen much, much quicker.


Yeh it was never going to last but turning the biggest babyface heel (even when they had such a solid replacement in The Rock) made the fall happen much, much quicker.

The Austin Heel did play a part but another big thing was the screw up of the whole Invasion Angle. People wanted this and if done right it could of helped keep the WCW fans who were not sure of WWE. There was interest if you looked at the Invasion pay per view buy rates.

The problem was Vince still saw it as competition, and also didn't want to disrupt the locker room by trying to pay to get the Big WCW stars. Imagine Goldberg versus Face Austin done right would of kept the good times going but Vince screwed it up and rest is history.

edit: You know they screwed up bad because there has never been an Invasion DVD release at all since it happened in 2001.
I would like to point out to Wrassle-GAF that Undisputed 3: Redemption is the best movie ever.




WWE doesn't even get their own countdowns right. I just watched an old top 10 of shocking returns, how Bork and Rock hosting WM27 is more shocking than Cena coming back at the royal rumble is beyond me.

Everyone knew Bork and Rock were coming back. there were people with signs in the arena.

and unless I'm remembering wrong, Cena coming back surprised nearly everyone since he was supposed to be out a lot longer

I would like to point out to Wrassle-GAF that Undisputed 3: Redemption is the best movie ever.



i like you.



WCW Monday Nitro 8/31/98

You know how HHH would open the shows even when he wasn't the champion during the few times during his death reign era when he wasn't the champ? This is where he got it. Hogan and Bischoff come to the ring. Eric say's he's packing a concealed weapon, which is a pen, and he says Eddie will wrestle, and Warrior won't. Hulk reveals the members of Team nWo: Hogan, Bret Hart, Stevie Ray. The Ultimate in Ultimate Warrior was muted. He calls Warrior out right now! The lights go out. Here comes DA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the time Warrior's entrance is over, the nWo is surrounding the ring. Hulk says he's going to crucify Warrior. The lights go out again, start flashing, and the ring fills up with smoke. When the lights come back up, Warrior has vanished. The lights go out again and the Batsignal is shown in the corner of the building.

Hogan/Hart vs Sting/Luger for the main event tonight. Goldberg met with Mark McGuire earlier in the day.

Wrath vs Jim Powers

Wrath backs Powers into the corner and goes to town with chops. Series of chokes on the ring ropes. Three elbows in a row. Powers apparently blows out a knee taking an atomic drop. Meltdown for the easy win.

They're at some giant high school. Jim Duggan, Gene, and half o the Nitro girls are there. No Duggan match tonight!

Norman Smiley vs Scott Norton

Norton storms to the ring and I'm afraid for Screamin' Norman. He walks in the ring and just starts headbutting Norman. Lariat. Powerslam. Shoulder breaker. Norton pulls Norman up. Powerbomb. Complete domination. The lights start flashing. It looks like Warrior is hanging out in the rafters. I guess Sting doesn't need them any more.


EARLIER TODAY. Tenay caught up with Saturn carrying Lodi's bags. Saturn will not break his word.

The Wolfpac come to the ring. Sting is again not with them, but he is in the main event, so he should be there. Nash is wearing sunglasses, which probably means he's drunk or hung over. Konnan is wearing socks and sandals. Lex looks forward to the tune up match tonight. Nash stresses he isn't the leader. Except he makes all the announcements for the group. They drew straws in a very Armageddon style and the 3 members of Team Wolfpac are Nash, Sting, and Luger. I don't think anyone didn't see that coming, but if Stevie Ray got put in the match, it wasn't too outlandish for Konnan to get added. I'm pretty sure there isn't anyone in War Games that isn't 40, or at least 38-39. He gives DDP until next week to make an official decision on his membership. They'll also fuck Piper up if they come across him. Nash tells a story about an old warrior falling asleep under a tree. When he woke up, he was surrounded by wolves. The warrior reached out to pet a wolf that look familiar and lost his hand. The rest of the wolves joined in shortly after.


TO THE SCHIAVONE. JoJo is the guest. JoJo says he's here on unofficial business and asks for Arn Anderson to come to the ring to have a personal discussion. Shouldn't a personal, non-business related discussion happen not in front of 12,000 people? Huge "We Want Flair" chants start up. JJ talks about how the Horsemen were the highlight of his professional career and that he sometimes goes home and watches tapes in his personal tape library. In doing so, he found a video of Arn Anderson's first promo from MACW. It was done on a beach, with Arn in swim trunks, a tank top, and a Yankees hat. They showed it on the big screen. JoJo says that 15 years ago, Arn came to him looking for guidance and advice, and now Mongo and Benoit are asking Arn for advice. Arn just doesn't GET IT. WCW NEEDS the Four Horsemen. JoJo brings Beoint and Mongo out. They talk to Arn without the microphone. He tries to leave, but JoJo stops him. "Arn, I think you're afraid of all this." With that, Arn gets sad and leaves the ring. Man, I'm getting pretty hyped for the Horsemen to come back. For real. I've really enjoyed this build up.

Brian Adams vs Eddie Guerrero

Eddie was being forced into this match. If he really wanted out of his contract, I'd say refusing this match would be a breech and he might get sued, but he'd probably get out of the contract. Warrior is again shown watching from up in the rafters. Eddie lies down in the middle of the ring. He does this a few times, offers his face for punches, and won't fight back. Crush eventually gives up trying to get the match started and pins Eddie. Eddie grabs the mic and says that he won't allow Bischoff to sue him like he's sued other people in the company. Then the mic is cut off and they go to commercial.

Riggs vs The Cat

If Cat is mad about a wrestling company wanting him to wrestle, maybe he should have gone to work for Karate Masters instead. Cat pokes Riggs in his one good eye and kicks him in the face. Cat totally misses the Feliner, makes the pin anyway, the fans boo, so they redo the spot. Why are they having Cat turn heel against other heels? Cat is the greatest! No one can stop him.


TO THE NITRO PARTY. Wapakoneta, Ohio. Sure seems like a college, but is apparently a massive high school.

Marty Jannetty vs Konnan

Marty has a new look and music. A short mullet with lime green, white, and pink tights with matching jacket. And music that sounds like something 2 Cold Scorpio would have had in 1992. Actually, the tights kind of look like Scorp would have worn them, also in 1992. Was he repackaged for Worldwide or something? He's obviously not going to win anything on Nitro or Thunder. This match is so long.

Raven, Saturn, Lodi, and Kanyon come out. Raven tells Lodi to tell Saturn to not touch Raven or Kanyon. Raven then tells Kanyon to break him. But right after that, he tossed the mic to Kanyon, who dropped it. Saturn clapped. Kanyon shit talks Saturn trying to get him to break his code.


Lodi/Saturn vs High Voltage

Lodi starts out. He's wearing goggles for this match. Saturn gets tagged in and press slammed, which gets him pissed off. He gets up and throws one of the Volts, tags out, and Lodi tags right back out when he sees the other tag being made. Bear hug belly to belly from Rage. I think. Saturn comes back with more suplexes to both men, but is cut off with a lariatoo. Lot of bad looking double team moves. Saturn hits a DVD and Lodi tags himself in. Lodi wins!


. He brings team captain DDP to the ring. DDP gives a shout out to the Little League World Series champions. "Them boys jacked it out!" Uh. What the fuck. DDP's usage of jacked and banged were not always thought through very well. DDP likes saying Hollywood SCUM Hogan so much, he says it again. He brings Roddy Piper to the ring. Piper implies that Bret has hemorrhoids. He tells a story abou Bret's first match in the WWF, how stupid he looked, and that Bret came up to Piper and said they were cousins. He says Hogan is using Bret and wants Bret to be a man. Giant runs to the ring. They try to fight him off. Didn't work. Giant stood on DDP's throat until security broke it up. They arrest him. They have cuffs that fit him now?

Scott Steiner and his doctor come to the ring. Scotty was feeling pussy heat from all of the women in Miami since stepped off the plane. Scott brings out more doctors to prove he's legit shook. Doctor Juju Ubangge from Jamaica. Which is Buff in tie dye, a sham man stick, and a cap with dreads. The mic is cutting out. Buff's fake accent keeps slipping. Dr. Juju is now throwing salt all around Scott and doing Muta hand movements. Scott Steiner is healed. This is a bit offensive. At least Buff isn't in black face. Rick shows up in the ring. The heels run off. He just wants to say he will kick Scott's ass at Fall Brawl. Warrior is in the rafters watching.


Evan Kouragious vs Juventud Guerrera WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Evan certainly isn't a title contender. A fight happens in the crowd and gets a much bigger reaction than any of the wrestlers. Evan hits a press slam snake eyes. Juvi hits a missile drop kick. He taunts a bit and gets caught up in a powerslam. Weak dropkick sends Juvi to the floor. The ref won't let Evan do any dives. Something again is going on in the crowd that they like more than the match. It's probably Warrior walking around or something. Juvi hits a crossbody to the floor. Guillotine leg drop from Juvi! I hope Hypnosis does a 450 soon. Evan hits a Flapjack Norton and does maybe the worst half crab ever performed. Evan is not ready for live TV. I'd argue that he wasn't ready even by the time of 3 Count. Super rana from Juvi. Evan does one of his own. Juvi driver thankfully ends this. Juvi looked pissed.


Chris Jericho vs Disco Inferno WCW TV Championship

Jericho already beat one one of the Dancing Fools. Disco is out for revenge! Jericho gets to the early advantage, but Disco comes back with a slam. He misses the five knuckle shuffle. Jericho then misses the Lionsault. Spinebuster from Disco. Chartbuster! Disco waited too long to pin and Jericho was too close to the ropes anyway. Disco gets caught in the Liontamer. He almost made it to the ropes, but Jericho pulled him back and cranked down for the win.


Goldberg vs Al Greene WCW Championship

Kevin Nash kicked Tenay out of his seat so he could do color for this match. What happened to WCW saying they wouldn't let wrestlers come to the announce position anymore? Chet Lemon, yo. Nash makes references to Al being his first tag partner. Fans are SO amped for Goldberg. A back body drop gets one of the biggest pops of the night. Greene bails before he can get speared. He goes to the floor. Goldberg follows him. Back in the ring, spear and jackhammer for the easy win.


Hollywood Hogan/Bret Hart vs Sting/Lex Luger

I thought Hogan/Savage vs Sting/Luger was the biggest WWF vs WCW match, but I think this outdoes it. Someone tries to throw something at Buffer, who dodges like GWB dodged the shoe. Lex is kind of growing a beard. Bret and Lex start out. Lex hits a shoulder block and poses. Lex sounds like he's a mook getting punched in a Sega Genesis beat em up. Bret tags out when Sting is tagged in. Hulk dominates Sting. Of course. Lex gets tagged in and Hulk immediately gets in control of him, too. Bret comes in and does all the cheap heel things he can think of. Russian leg sweep. Bret and Hogan are dominating. Back breaker. 2 moves of doom. Lex tries to make a come back, and eventually they hit a double clothesline. Hogan and Sting come in. Hogan begs off to Sting like it was Jay Leno. Stinger splash. Beefcake moves Hogan for the second, so Hogan is back in control already. He uses his weight belt on Sting. Bret took it away from him and threw it down. Bret walks off. Hogan follows him to ask what the deal was. And they're counted out. What a terrible finish. Sting gets a hot tag, Hogan dominates right away, and then a casual count out. Hogan and Bret get in the ring and start arguing. Smoke started to fill the ring, but then it stopped. No one mentioned it. The rest of the nWo come out to calm things down. The ring again fills with smoke and the lights start flashing. It's THE WARRIOR! His smoke lays all of the nWo out, except for Hogan. He high tails it and WE'RE OUTTA TIME.



Shows are seeming a little more focused now that Summer is over and the nWo feud is actually leading to something. Feels like people have more defined goals and programs right now.

Hogan has his thing with Warrior, which also ties into to nWo vs WCW and War Games.
DDP is the team captain of WCW and looking to get a title shot soon.
Nash is building up to some kind of confrontation to Goldberg, but also the nWo feud finally has a match with some kind of stakes to build to. He also has the secondary angle with Hall.
Bret has his angle with Sting where he's trying to prove he respects Sting, even if he is aligned with Hogan. This is on top of being the US Champion and injuring people.
Scott Norton is on a dominating win streak, building either to a match with Nash or Goldberg, or both.
Eddie has an angle of being fed up with management.
And finally, the build up to the return of the Four Horsemen is definitely my favorite thing right now. It's legit good. Even with Mongo. I'm pretty stoked for the return of Flair and that whole show, which I believe is coming up very soon.
The Steiners are finally about to have (hopefully) the first and last singles match of their program that started in FEBRUARY.
The Flock angle seems to have settled down now that Kanyon has officially joined and isn't just people turning on each other every week. Why Kanyon joined has yet to be revealed.

Summer months were just brutal for WCW in general. Coming up we have the lWo, Horsemen revival, Kidman's break from the throes of heroin addiction, Bam Bam Big Yellow, Hall's drinking being an angle, Chucky, Hogan's presidential run, and more.
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