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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


Well you do what is best for business and if that means being a comedy heel so be it, it's all about the money after all.




people calling sunny a joke character.

Definitely on the take.

There will be run ins later.

Botched ones, like Axel and Ryback


I like basically everyone in this thread but I gotta lay down the truth: Meltzer was a tool on gaming side. Not a joker like Sunny either but a problem poster. He got what he deserved too when his alt was brought to justice.

Nah, dude was my wingman!


I liked the other one of Stacy that I posted yesterday better. Those legs. They're like 80% of her body. Sting's Wolfpac face paint was so awful.
Best of Mid-South/UWF, Volume 1, Part 4;


First match of '83 on this set next and it's another non-title match for the Mid-South Tag Titles with champions of The Rat Pack (Ted DiBiase & Matt Bourne) vs Junkyard Dog & Mr. Wrestling II, February 16th, 1983. JYD sucker punches DiBiase before the bell and he and Wrestling II clear the ring. DiBiase gets cautiously back in the ring and eats a big backdrop from JYD, Wrestling II tags in and Ted sells big for a knee lift to the face. Wrestling II & JYD make quick tags, controlling DiBiase's arm well. Borne tries to come in to save Ted, but Wrestling II flips him over with his feet, all while holding the armbar on DiBiase. JYD gets in and slugs it out with Ted. He hits an atomic drop and Ted sells it all the way over the top rope. Wrestling II gets him back in, but he backs him into his corner and makes the tag to Borne, who goes to work with a series of punches to the face. He tries to slam Wrestling II's head into the turnbuckle, but he counters and whips Borne into the ropes, where JYD leans through and hits him with a shoulder block to the gut. Ted tries to make the save, but JYD & Wrestling II give him and Borne a noggin knocker. Wrestling II whips Ted into the ropes, but he takes out referee Ralph Neely, sending him flying to the floor! Immediately Hacksaw Duggan runs out and spears Wrestling II. He lines up for a spear on JYD, but Tiger Conway runs down with a steel chair and clatters it over Hacksaw's head! Conway goes after Borne, but now Kamala's in the ring throwing chops! JYD grabs the chair and hits Kamala. DiBiase tries to stop JYD, but punches the chair instead and gets hit over the back! Wrestling II scores with a knee lift to Duggan, sending him to the floor and the good guys are standing tall as DiBiase's Rat Pack flees to the back. That was pretty fun, the crowd loved the finish and it was cool seeing Kamala make an appearance. That's the last JYD match for a while on this set and I'm kinda glad, they were all starting to blur together.


Change of pace next with a singles match, The Iron Sheik vs Butch Reed, March 8th, 1983. Bill Watts cuts a short promo to introduce the match and gets over that Sheiky's the former bodyguard of the Ayatollah Khomeini before throwing us over to the action at the Sam Houston Coliseum. The crowd are all over the Sheik, who actually looks pretty cut here. Super loud boos as he locks up with Reed. Sheik backs him into the ropes and goes to punch Reed in the face, but Butch ducks and Sheiky's goes tumbling over the top rope! The lock up again and Sheik grabs a side-headlock takedown, but Reed traps Sheik's head between his legs. Sheik tries to bridge out, but can't escape that way. He tries to headstand out, but Reed holds on. Finally, he escapes with a headstand over into a pin, but Reed bridges out and gets a nearfall with a backslide. Sheik gets a side-headlock again, but Reed runs him into the ropes. He eats a shoulder block from Sheiky, but rolls through it, jumps over and scores with a hip-toss and dropkick to send Sheiky to the floor! Sheik's mad as hell and gets on the announcer's mic to say something derogatory to the crowd, who are really giving him some stick. Sheik gets back in and gets hit with a big shoulderblock, which Reed follows up with an atomic drop that Sheik oversells and flies over the top rope to the floor. Sheik tries to claim that Reed threw him over intentionally, which would be a DQ as per Mid-South rules, but after some discussion with Butch, the ref's having none of it. Sheik reluctantly gets back in and lays in with some boots to Reed's stomach. He tries for a hip-toss, but Reed holds on and wrenches on his arm! Sheik backs him into the corner and punches away to free himself. Big shots from Sheiky there, he whips Reed into the opposite corner and charges, but Reed moves out of the way and Sheiky goes into the turnbuckle, the middle ring rope breaking in the process! Reed works over the arm and then whips Sheik into the ropes, but he cuts him off with a kick to the gut, scores with some chops to the side of the throat before just choking Reed out. Sheik then tries for a suplex, but Reed counters and hits one of his own! Mongolian chop from Reed, big punch combo and the Sheik's begging off. Reed ignores him, hits a big backbody drop and a series of dropkicks before effortlessly press slamming Sheik and then hitting a flying shoulder block for the 3-count! AWESOME match, ridiculous levels of heat for Sheiky, who put on a great show with Butch Reed. Sheik was in great condition here and put in a lot of effort making Reed's offence look good, it's easy to forget what a talent he was. Butch was no slouch either, excellent physique and an equal to Sheiky on the mat.


Big championship match here for the AWA Heavyweight Title, with Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs Dusty Rhodes, May 20th, 1983. Ted DiBiase's in the ring with his right arm in a cast, but offers a challenge anyways to the winner of this match. We get things started, Nick offers the handshake, but Dusty slaps his hand away. Dusty starts things out fast and Bockwinkel doesn't quite know what to make of him, as he uses an unorthodox escape from a waist lock by jumping down to the mat, causing Nick to fall flat on his face. Dusty struts for the crowd who are mostly behind him here. Nick trips his leg, but gets kicked away for his troubles. He goes for a test of strength and easily takes Dusty down to the mat, or so he thinks and Dusty powers out. Nick kicks him in the gut, but Dusty grabs a handful of hair and punches Nick square in his jaw. Bockwinkel grabs the ref's hair to illustrate his issue with Dusty's tactics. Dusty grabs his hair and does it again, before hitting a series of bionic elbows and strutting for the crowd. Nick takes his time before locking up, putting Dusty into a side headlock. Dusty runs him into the ropes, but it's Nick who scores with the shoulder block. He hits the ropes, but Dusty catches him and slams him down to the mat! Dusty puts him in the corner and hits a big chop and elbow. Nick goes back to the side-headlock, but rolls round into a hammerlock. He spins Dusty round and goes for a punch, but Dusty ducks and hits a big atomic drop! Nick's getting pretty mad and he takes it to Dusty with a vengeance, hitting some vicious punches square to the face. Big knees to the stomach from Bockwinkel, followed by a snapmare for a 2-count. Bockwinkel throws Dusty out to the floor and then slams his head into the ring frame. Dusty gets up on the apron and Nick tees off with punches, but Dusty's riled up and throws a combo of jabs, followed by some big atomic elbows and a massive headbutt that leaves both men reeling. Nick staggers up top and goes for the knee drop, but Dusty rolls out of the way! Dusty drops the elbow to Nick's knee and then locks in the figure four! Nick's about ready to give up, but he grabs the ref's shirt and hauls him out to the floor. DiBiase gets in the ring and punches Dusty with his cast, Dusty's busted wide open! Nick rolls over to make the cover and the ref slowly counts 3. Huge boos from the crowd, who are throwing trash and advancing on the ring. Nick gets the hell out of there as a bloody Dusty Rhodes struggles to get to his feet. Excellent title match, in spite of the screwy ending, and a lot more compact that most Bockwinkel matches. He did well here, changing his style up to accommodate Dusty, who was ridiculously over with the raucous crowd.

Havent watched TNA in a while.

Does Sting still wrestle in a t shirt? If there was ever a sign that you need to hang up your wrasslin boots its wrestling in a t shirt.


Including that newer TNA one where he added a bit of red to his black and white makeup


It got even worse when he grew out a goatee to go with the red paint. Looked disgusting.

Everything I've ever seen of Mr. Wrestling II convinces me that he is one of the unsung greats of all time. Even as an older guy. Dusty/Bock sounds awesome. Late 70s/early 80s Dusty was so fun. I love Dusty vs Superstar Graham. I imagine that Dusty vs Bock would be way better.
Everything I've ever seen of Mr. Wrestling II convinces me that he is one of the unsung greats of all time. Even as an older guy. Dusty/Bock sounds awesome. Late 70s/early 80s Dusty was so fun. I love Dusty vs Superstar Graham. I imagine that Dusty vs Bock would be way better.

Wrestling II was a big deal in Georgia, but he's one of those guys that doesn't seem well remembered in the grand scheme of things, although everything I've read about him from his peers suggests he was regarded as one of the best at that time. Dusty vs Bock was pretty damn entertaining, could've done with being a bit longer, but it was great fun seeing Nick struggle to figure Dusty out.
Wade was IC Champion twice for half of the year, which is pretty meaningless, but still means something. Ryder, huh.

Otunga is in the game but hasn't been seen since RR. Pretty baffled at Aksana though


I forgot that Wade was IC Champion for the first few months of the year since he jobbed every time he was on TV except the night after WM when he won the title back. All while Cesaro was knocking the shit out of Miz for 3 months straight just for Miz to randomly win the IC Championship on a pre-show and lose it the next night while Cesaro was no where on the WM card.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Xavier Woods getting a push soon. First showing up for some dark matches on Raw shows, now in JBL & Cole (with Renee) show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZj4HVhiOfI

Not bad for a wrestler who pretends to be a nerd with his hot topic shirts, shout outs full of "insert reference here", and trying to fool the internet into thinking he is one of them. What a fake.
I did that correctly didn't I?



Someone needs to find this match for me. Norman Smiley wrestled on Smackdown?! I honestly don't even remember Cat doing any wrestling for WWE except getting thrown out of the Rumble.
Bo would be more entertaining than Ziggler at this point.

Kills me to say that, but if Bo was EVER going to do anything in his career, being HHH's hand-picked replacement for Randy Orton would be the thing. He'd have legendary heat within five minutes.


That was one of the try out matches in 2003. Smiley also fought Jindrak.

Weird. I don't remember it at all. They should have hired him as a wrestler. They could have brought him in to dance with Tons of Funk. I wish he would get angles on NXT like Regal does. If you're about to get brought up, you get a feud with Norman Smiley. Norman Smiley vs Tyler Breeze! Norman Smiley vs Enzo Amore!


Bo would be more entertaining than Ziggler at this point.

Kills me to say that, but if Bo was EVER going to do anything in his career, being HHH's hand-picked replacement for Randy Orton would be the thing. He'd have legendary heat within five minutes.

That grin would be legendary. But WWE isn't smart enough to do something like that.
strobogo said:
I wish he would get angles on NXT like Regal does. If you're about to get brought up, you get a feud with Norman Smiley. Norman Smiley vs Tyler Breeze! Norman Smiley vs Enzo Amore!

That would be awesome and I think it's something WWE lacks in general. It's one of my favourite things about Japanese wrestling, as there's always a ton of crafty, mean, tough old veterans hanging around the card to provide a proper test for the young lions they're trying to break in.

Also, that gives me an excuse to repost Yoshihiro Takayama murdering baby KENTA;

Yoshihiro Takayama vs KENTA - (NOAH 06/27/04)


If only they could have like a sub-in for Bo when it comes to wrestling. Then he could just do funny promos. Maybe he could use twin magic with his sister or something


That would be awesome and I think it's something WWE lacks in general. It's one of my favourite things about Japanese wrestling, as there's always a ton of crafty, mean, tough old veterans hanging around the card to provide a proper test for the young lions they're trying to break in.

Also, that gives me an excuse to repost Yoshihiro Takayama murdering baby KENTA;

Yoshihiro Takayama vs KENTA - (NOAH 06/27/04)

It makes sense to me to use Norman for guys who clearly are more comedy leaning characters who aren't going to be possible main eventers. Use Regal for Wyatt Family/Ohno/Ambrose. Use Norman for Tyler Breeze/Fandango/Enzo.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Got an idea for a stable ok

3 guys
they come out
and and they say random ominous stuff that we don't write far ahead enough to explain
and then we send them back to nxt where they belong
If only they could have like a sub-in for Bo when it comes to wrestling. Then he could just do funny promos. Maybe he could use twin magic with his sister or something

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