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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

New Paige







New Maryse
Stupid Miz



WCW Monday Nitro 2/15/99

We have an update on Kim. She has facial lacerations and a mild concussion, but no serious injuries. DDP has hid her somewhere so no one can get to her.

TO THE BACK. Arn chases and catches up with Disco. Security and police get to him and he's taken away. Assault!

TO THE FLAIR. Bischoff's new assignment is as Flair's limo driver. It starts with a Pulp Fiction shot from the trunk. This is so over produced. At least 4 cameras and cuts every few seconds. They were at the air port. I assume these will play all night.

Jerry Flynn vs Saturn

We're told that Roddy Piper vs Scott Hall will happen at Superbrawl. We're also told that there will be at least 5 more matches in the tag tournament, as only one team is left in the winner's bracket. Saturn has a slit dress, which makes sense for mobility in the ring. Saturn tries to break Flynn's leg, which is really shitty considering his nick name is "Lightingfoot". Flynn no sells all of the leg work and starts kicking the shit out of Saturn. He misses a pump kick in the corner and walks into a t-bone. Saturn sexually harasses him putting Jerry's face under his dress and thrusting into his face. Scott Dickinson jumps up on the apron. Jericho jumped off the ropes with some kind of weapon, but Saturn catches him with a suplex. Saturn turns around into a spin kick. Flynn wins.

TO THE FLAIR. We're in the limo with at least 3 cameras, plus one in the front. Flair has some lawyers or other execs with him. Ric gets a phone call. He's informed of Arn's arrest. These are really bad already. Just the way they're shot.

Whole host of recaps. Mad TV, Kim/Steiner, Hogan with the bleach.

Blitzkrieg/Psychosis/Juventud Guerrera vs Super Calo/Hector Garza/El Dandy

Bret Hart vs Will Sasso tonight! Here are the gifs. Blitz wins with a Phoenix splash.







TO THE HOTEL. Torrie is talking to the Deadite after a long weekend or something.

TO THE LIMO. We are following Flair's limo from a helicopter with a spot light. Three Hummers pull up. Bischoff runs out. This is the 10 minute beat down of Flair. Besides it going on FOREVER, the real problem I have is how over produced it is. So many camera cuts. I wonder what the point of wearing ski masks was if they all did nWo signs and Hogan had his weight belt with him. And they actually remove the masks when they're done. This is garbage. Nothing better than a 10 minute beat down in a field with the only light being a spotlight from a helicopter. Truly one of the worst segments on a wrestling show I've ever seen. No commentary and no mention of what happened when the show came back.


Tag team promo.

Dave Taylor/Fit Finlay vs Dean Malenko/Chris Benoit

The winner will face Mike Enos/Scotty Riggs later tonight. The winner of that match will face a team at Thunder, and the winner of THAT match will face Windham/Hennig at Superbrawl. What the fuck, Mike Enos and Scotty Riggs? A team that hasn't had a match in this tournament, but Enos was already eliminated with THREE loses in a double elimination tournament with Bobby Duncum Jr. I'd love to see the booking sheet for this tournament. I'll try to make one when it is over. TNA would call bullshit on this tournament. Fit and Benoit start out. Finlay wins the exchange and tags are made. Dean and Dave have a nifty exchange and then things focus on Benoit. Commercial break. Dave is throwing Dean around when they come back. The heels trade off submissions on him. Ref misses the tag. Benoit makes the hot tag, but Finlay ruins it right away. He goes for the tombstone. Dean prevented it. It gets really weird when Dean throws Taylor out of the ring, then throws him right back in, then tries to wrestle Fit, who is on the apron. Dean attempts the Cloverleaf on Taylor. Benoit hits the diving headbutt while he was struggling. Horsemen win. I expected this to be awesome, but it really wasn't. They weren't particularly stiff, there wasn't much wacky Euro stuff. It was just a normal tag match between four guys who could have way more than a normal tag match.

Recap of Kim getting the ejector seat treatment. The Nitro Girls give their opinions on what has been going down. HBK's wife even cried.

Recap of Hart/Piper and Will Sasso's involvement.

Bret Hart vs Will Sasso

Debra Wilson is with Will. What a fucking waste of Bret Hart. You know who would have made way more sense for this angle? Chris Jericho. Bret kicks his ass. He attempts to use a chair. Debra Wilson takes it from him, but then hits Will with it. SWERVE! Probably the dumbest SWERVE in WCW history. Bret Hart wins with the Sharpshooter.


TO THE BACK. The nWo Hummers arrive. They head right to the ring. The announcers have no idea what happened earlier in the field with Flair. Hogan sends them all to the back to party. He's going to give Ric Flair the title shot tonight. A ref comes out and gives the 10 count. Roddy Piper comes out instead. Piper saw the show, so he knows what happened to Flair. The announcers have no idea, but Piper does just because he watched the monitors that the announcers have access to. As commissioner, he books himself in a match right now for the title. What a shitty friend Piper is to just steal Flair's title shot.

Hollywood Hogan vs Roddy Piper WCW Championship

Fuuuuuuuuck. Piper AND Hogan. WCW is having Piper/Hogan on Nitro and Hogan/Flair at the PPV. WWF was doing Rock/Mankind and Austin vs Vince in a cage. The same Vince who was older than Hogan, Piper, and Flair, yet in better shape and more willing to kill himself in a match despite not even being a wrestler. This is awful. I'm watching this sped up and it is still in slow motion. Piper moves like he's afraid his bones will explode. This is horrible old man brawling. Hall comes in with the stun gun while Piper had the sleeper on, thankfully getting the match thrown out. The rest of the MEGA nWo came out. Hall put on Piper's kilt.


TO THE FIELD. A farmer or trucker finds Ric Flair in the middle of a secluded field with no lights anywhere around. He puts Flair in his truck. All Flair can say is "Fairgrounds". So, the camera man was still there, but the announcers have no idea what's going on?

TO THE LAWYER. Scott Steiner's lawyer is claiming damages against DDP for $1M on felony charges of assault. DDP will have a grand jury hearing and could possibly face up to 15 years in prison.

Mike Enos/Scotty Riggs vs Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko

Winner of this will have another match on Thunder, with the winner going to the finals of the tournament at Superbrawl. Mike Enos lost 3 matches with his other partner, and is now in the second elimination match with a new partner despite this being their first match. Fucking WCW. They didn't even clean up the water that Bret poured on Will Sasso earlier. The floor padding on the hard cam side is basically wet from ring post to ring post.

The trucker/farmer is working on his truck. Ric Flair fell out and had to be picked up off the ground.

Fuck the match. Horsemen win.

TO THE TRUCK. Flair is still dead.

TO THE HOTEL. Torrie talks to the Deadite some more.

Hollywood Hogan vs Ric Flair

Buffer's face when the Wolfpac music cut into his announcement was excellent. I have no idea what the real main event was supposed to be, but Hogan now gives Ric a 20 count. He arrives in the truck and falls out. He's got an ax handle and heads into the arena. The announcers have no idea why Ric is stumbling around and has his clothes torn up. "Is he smashed?" He finally stumbles to the ring only to get another beat down. Benoit and Malenko tried to help, but they got a beat down as well.



DQ Count: 1 out of 6 matches. I'm not counting the main event angle as a match.

Fuck, this show was an absolute mess. More cutting to back stage shit during matches, NONE of anything happening outside of the ring being acknowledged by the announcers, the god awful 10 minute beat down lit by a spotlight in a field, Bret Hart having a match with Will Sasso and Debra Wilson turning on Will, everything about this god damn tag tournament. Garbage all around, even on a show that had a 6 man lucha tag and Taylor/Finlay vs Benoit/Malenko. It's also amazing to me how hilariously bad Flair has been booked since taking over. He's the president, but still gets his ass kicked, has to wrestle on Thunder, and Bischoff outsmarts him every single week. After a 10 minute beat down and being left for dead, he crawls back to the arena just to get another ass kicking on the go home Nitro before the PPV.

On top of all that, Konnan/Rey and Nash/Luger have had no interaction for two weeks. Booker and Disco have had no interaction since their match was announced. Actually, even before. Scott Steiner, DDP, Bam Bam, and Goldberg were all no shows. That means over half of the announced matches for the PPV weren't even touched on the real go home show.


I remember reading in a cracked article how flair being left in the field was one of the most hilarious non sensical things in wrestling


The beat down itself wasn't necessarily the bizarre part. That it took place in a random field in Tampa with at least 3 cameras, was lit by a spotlight from a helicopter, and the announcers had no idea about any of it was the weird part. And then some farmer/trucker finding him in said field with no lights anywhere around, yet the camera men were still out there was also weird. Then cutting back to Flair in the truck, which meant that camera crews were following them and no one at TV was informed about it. Except for Roddy Piper, who was watching the show.

So that means that the announcers don't watch the show even with 3 monitors in front of them at all times. It would also mean that no one in the production truck informed the announcers of what was going on, despite having cameras and broadcasting it at all. The same production truck that talks to the announcers all show long. Somehow they forgot to mention to Tony that there was a 10 minute beat down going on. And returning to Flair in the truck 3 or 4 times. Or Torrie talking to a camera.


That's what the whole match looked like. Just awful. The whole show. One of the worst shows I've seen in all of 1998 and 2000. So bad all around.


So... the Timesplitters (cool name btw)... are they supposed to be time travellers? Great seeing TAKA again, but is he teaming with a goth vampire?


Rob Conway is the NWA Champion, right? How did that happen? There had to be a number of ex-WWE low card dudes who were way more popular and better in the ring. U-Gene would have been a better choice.
Bruce Tharpe-des is a wonderful heel.

How's the show been so far? I would be watching, but I'm leaving for PROGRESS in an hour.

Rob Conway is the NWA Champion, right? How did that happen? There had to be a number of ex-WWE low card dudes who were way more popular and better in the ring. U-Gene would have been a better choice.

Less than you think and, no, U-Gene wouldn't have been a great choice. They picked Conway because he's got the prototypical American heavyweight wrestler look, that's it. Kahagas had the title, but there was no way in hell they were ever letting him take it to Japan, because he's awful. Conway's at least capable, but he still sucks.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It's kind of weird watching wrestling pre-internet and seeing fans doing the Vader sign even though he was the heel in WCW.

....Probably because of how lame Surfer Sting is.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Part of why it's so stupid WWE doesn't have the full archives up to stream.

I want to go through WCW/Worldwide from 1992 to 1994.


Ziggler should have just stayed quiet Twitter killed him. Also his mic skills are horrible

Vickie I think he's losing his touch. Vickie I think he's losing his touch. Vickie I think he's losing his touch. Vickie I think he's losing his touch. Vickie I think he's losing his touch. Vickie I think he's losing his touch. Vickie I think he's losing his touch. Vickie I think he's losing his touch. Vickie...
He was ribbing on Cener and Miz on Twitter for about two years or so now.

As for his push, or lack thereof. I don't think he's getting depushed if he was never really sent anywhere in the first place. I still don't understand their booking from last December until Mania. He beats the top face in the company in a TLC match, but okay he does nothing after, still looks good in the Rumble (along w/ Jericho). But after that, for two months? Random tag feud with Team Hell No. And after that, cashes in on Del Rio. Concussion happens, returns, double face turn in a loss for his WHC. Okay, fine, he'll just get it back in a redemption type of story. Fast forward a month, he is nowhere to be found in the WHC hunt and is, instead, pushed into yet another tag team match at SS. Two of the biggest PPV's of the year, he's just dwindling in tag matches. No purpose, no reasoning. Just like another RAW match with Kofi.

I said before, maybe it was before SS. I could see him leaving sometime within a year, though I have no idea what his contract looks like. He seems like a guy who expects development or a direction but they haven't given him that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Boots did you get to see that world-renowned famous Mastiff Taint?


Neo Member
New Paige

throughout my life I have been able to watch pro wrestling without being one of those creepy losers - and you're already a loser in the eyes of society for being a wrestling fan - who obsesses over the women. I figured for a long time I was just too good, but looking at these pictures of Paige I've realised what was really going on. turns out I didn't care about the women because they've all looked so American - big boobs, tanned, horribly long and fake looking weaves, big, gross features like big dumb white teeth and fat lips and straight noses and big eyes and thick eyebrows, like they have too many features for their own face. Trish Stratus, Lita, Sable, Maryse, Kelly Kelly etc, they all look like big ugly cartoons with all those features crammed into a small space and their weird plastic bodies. but Paige... god damn, Paige looks BRITISH. that pasty skin, those weird nubby dinosaur teeth, I can RELATE to this bitch. and she's clearly into entry level alternative music with that awful lip piercing and black hair and 'goth' ring gear. that's the kind of girl I would have crawled over hot coals for as a teenage boy. perfect.


Also from meltzer, which yea

They fucked him while he had the briefcase and then Swagger hit the finisher with that kick to the head.

Ziggler can still be a star and draw money. They just need to use him better than they are now.

I REFUSE to believe that Del Rio is a bigger draw. Shit, even the Miz gets smaller pops than Ziggler.
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